diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5e2536b4..c18fd382 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,3 +37,31 @@ The relayer consists of the following components:
+## Testing
+### Unit tests
+Unit tests can be ran locally by running the command in root of the project:
+go test ./...
+### E2E tests
+E2E tests are ran as part of CI, but can also be ran locally. To run the E2E tests locally, you need to have the `avalanchego` build path and vm binary set up. For example with [subnet-evm](https://github.com/ava-labs/subnet-evm):
+BASEDIR=/tmp/e2e-test AVALANCHEGO_BUILD_PATH=/tmp/e2e-test/avalanchego ./scripts/install_avalanchego_release.sh
+./scripts/build.sh /tmp/e2e-test/avalanchego/plugins/srEXiWaHuhNyGwPUi444Tu47ZEDwxTWrbQiuD7FmgSAQ6X7Dy
+Then, in the root of the `awm-relayer` project, run:
+AVALANCHEGO_BUILD_PATH=/tmp/e2e-test/avalanchego DATA_DIR=/tmp/e2e-test/data ./scripts/e2e_test.sh
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