A JobStore of Quartz Scheduler using Redis that supports data storage and distributed lock. 中文
Used by
👉 Attemper: A distributed,multi-tenancy,job-flow scheduling application 👈
- Support redis's distributed lock
- Support redis's cluster and sentinel mode
- Add dependency to
- Config
To use quartz-redis,you can config like the following properties inquartz.properties
. If you want to use it in spring-boot apps, it's the same configurations in.yml
# job store class
org.quartz.jobStore.class = com.github.quartz.impl.redisjobstore.RedisJobStore
# redis host (optional)
org.quartz.jobStore.host = <default is localhost>
# redis password (optional)
org.quartz.jobStore.password = <default is null>
# redis port (optional)
org.quartz.jobStore.port = <default is 6379>
# redis database (optional)
org.quartz.jobStore.database = <default is 0>
# see https://lettuce.io/core/release/reference/index.html#redisuri.uri-syntax
org.quartz.jobStore.uri = <you can use it replace host/password/port/database,like redis://localhost>
# redis cluster mode
org.quartz.jobStore.clusterNodes = <using comma-delimited list uri>
# redis sentinel mode
org.quartz.jobStore.sentinelNodes = <using comma-delimited list uri>
# redis sentinel matser name
org.quartz.jobStore.sentinelMaster = <master node name>
# enable ssl or not (optional)
org.quartz.jobStore.ssl = <default is false>
- you should config one of
- host,password,port and database
- uri
- clusterNodes
- sentinelNodes and sentinelMaster
depends on the flowing project
[email protected]
In the quartz,I add some functions to satisfy my requirements
However, you can also use Quartz Scheduler[email protected]
A redis client which used by spring-boot2.x[email protected]
Serialize and deserialize job/trigger/calendar via it