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This supports the Request a Copy feature.
Provide access to requests. It returns the list of existing requests.
Example: to be provided
Provide detailed information about a specific request. The JSON response document will resemble this:
"id": "12ef",
"token": "56cd",
"allfiles": true,
"request_email": "[email protected]",
"request_name": "John Q. Public",
"request_date": "20180718T205000",
"accept_request": false,
"decision_date": "20180718T295100",
"expires": "20181231T235959",
"request_message": "Please send this to me.",
"item_id": "36ab",
"bitstream_id": "44cd"
Exposed links:
- item: the item requested
- bitstream: the bitstream requested
**/api/tools/itemrequests/<:id>/item **
**/api/tools/itemrequests/<:id>/bitstream **