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Yoann Vernageau edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 7 revisions

This page references the package and class naming conventions used in NeoEMF. Please make sure to follow these rules if you want to contribute to the framework, this will ease future discussions and speed-up the integration of your code.

Package Names

NeoEMF packages group classes per feature and not by layers. For example the package fr.inria.atlanmod.neoemf.resource contains both classes and interfaces related to EMF Resource management. We don't use sub-packages such as impl, beans, exceptions, etc.

Package names are defined by singular words. Since each package describes a feature, the name of the feature should be used as the name of package.

Backend-specific classes extending abstract classes of the core component are defined in a package with the same name as the core one. For example, the MapDbUri class is defined in the package, because it extends the class UriBuilder defined in the package fr.inria.atlanmod.neoemf.util.

New Features

You can replace the package prefix fr.inria.atlanmod with the one of your institution/organization if you submit a pull request containing a new feature. If your pull request contains a backend implementation make sure the corresponding code is stored in its own folder following this pattern:


Class Names

Class names must be simple and self-describing.

Use the Default prefix for classes that are the only implementation of their interface. For example the class DefaultPersistentResource is the only implementation of the PersistentResource interface.

Configuration/URI subclasses

Classes implementing Config should be suffixed with Config.

Classes implementing UriFactory should be suffixed with UriFactory.

Data subclasses

Classes implementing Backend and BackendFactory should be suffixed with Backend and BackendFactory, respectively.

Classes implementing Store should be suffixed with Store.