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9999. [ARCHIVED] OCF Slack

maxmwang edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 1 revision

Open Computing Facility

We work with OCF to host the majority of Berkeleytime, with the rest at GCP

The point of contacts at OCF will be the current semester's site managers

Berkeleytime's OCF email address is [email protected]

The CLI way

For macOS users (first-time only):

brew install google-cloud-sdk
gcloud auth login

This prints Slack login information to STDOUT (minus sign for bash usually means output to stdout)

gsutil cp gs://berkeleytime-218606/secrets/ocf-slack -

The non-CLI way

Note that the email you put in must be authorized to access Berkeleytime's project named "berkeleytime-218606" in Google Cloud Storage

The credentials file is secrets/ocf-slack

It's fine to save credentials files temporarily, but please delete it afterwards, use the CLI way to get credentials, or have your own secure password manager to save it (not txt files on your Desktop or sticky notes)

For the sake of not weirding people out, if you contact OCF on their Slack, set a temporary profile status with your info

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