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Atharva Patil edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 21 revisions

First Time Setup & Dependencies

Install docker
Install rbenv
Install the right version of ruby with rbenv (2.5.6)

rbenv global 2.5.6
rbenv rehash
git clone
git clone
cp beehive-secrets/.env Beehive/
cp beehive-secrets/database.yml Beehive/config/
cp beehive-secrets/ Beehive/
gem install bundler
brew install libpqxx
cd Beehive
bundle // re-run whenever you add or remove gems from the Gemfile

Running the Server

Locally this can take 1 of 2 forms.
Method 1: Spinning up the Docker container

cd Beehive
docker-compose up --build
sudo vim /etc/hosts
add “” to the end of /etc/hosts

Method 2: Running Puma, the local app server.

cd Beehive
rails serve

The second method is sufficient most of the time, but the first one is very helpful if you would like to emulate the production environment.

Some quick git commands:

git pull
git push origin [branch-name]
git remote -v // view all remote locations/repos
git branch // view branches and which one you’re on
git checkout [branch-name] // go to branch-name
Clone this wiki locally