diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/__init__.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc5c8db9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+This subpackage provides classes to communicate with other applications via the
+`Simple Application Messaging Protocol (SAMP)
+Before integration into Astropy it was known as
+`SAMPy `_, and was developed by Luigi Paioro
+(INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica).
+from astropy import config as _config
+from .client import *
+from .constants import *
+from .errors import *
+from .hub import *
+from .hub_proxy import *
+from .integrated_client import *
+from .utils import *
+class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace):
+ """
+ Configuration parameters for `astropy.samp`.
+ """
+ use_internet = _config.ConfigItem(
+ True,
+ "Whether to allow `astropy.samp` to use the internet, if available.",
+ aliases=["astropy.samp.utils.use_internet"],
+ )
+ n_retries = _config.ConfigItem(
+ 10, "How many times to retry communications when they fail"
+ )
+conf = Conf()
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/client.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/client.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7c291cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import copy
+import os
+import select
+import socket
+import threading
+import warnings
+from urllib.parse import urlunparse
+from .constants import SAMP_STATUS_OK, SAMP_STATUS_WARNING
+from .errors import SAMPClientError, SAMPWarning
+from .hub import SAMPHubServer
+from .standard_profile import ThreadingXMLRPCServer
+from .utils import get_num_args, internet_on
+__all__ = ["SAMPClient"]
+class SAMPClient:
+ """
+ Utility class which provides facilities to create and manage a SAMP
+ compliant XML-RPC server that acts as SAMP callable client application.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ hub : :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPHubProxy`
+ An instance of :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPHubProxy` to be
+ used for messaging with the SAMP Hub.
+ name : str, optional
+ Client name (corresponding to ``samp.name`` metadata keyword).
+ description : str, optional
+ Client description (corresponding to ``samp.description.text`` metadata
+ keyword).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Client application metadata in the standard SAMP format.
+ addr : str, optional
+ Listening address (or IP). This defaults to if the internet
+ is not reachable, otherwise it defaults to the host name.
+ port : int, optional
+ Listening XML-RPC server socket port. If left set to 0 (the default),
+ the operating system will select a free port.
+ callable : bool, optional
+ Whether the client can receive calls and notifications. If set to
+ `False`, then the client can send notifications and calls, but can not
+ receive any.
+ """
+ # TODO: define what is meant by callable
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ hub,
+ name=None,
+ description=None,
+ metadata=None,
+ addr=None,
+ port=0,
+ callable=True,
+ ):
+ self._is_running = False
+ self._is_registered = False
+ if metadata is None:
+ metadata = {}
+ if name is not None:
+ metadata["samp.name"] = name
+ if description is not None:
+ metadata["samp.description.text"] = description
+ self._metadata = metadata
+ self._addr = addr
+ self._port = port
+ self._xmlrpcAddr = None
+ self._callable = callable
+ self.client = None
+ self._public_id = None
+ self._private_key = None
+ self._hub_id = None
+ self._notification_bindings = {}
+ self._call_bindings = {
+ "samp.app.ping": [self._ping, {}],
+ "client.env.get": [self._client_env_get, {}],
+ }
+ self._response_bindings = {}
+ self._host_name = ""
+ if internet_on():
+ try:
+ self._host_name = socket.getfqdn()
+ socket.getaddrinfo(self._addr or self._host_name, self._port or 0)
+ except OSError:
+ self._host_name = ""
+ self.hub = hub
+ if self._callable:
+ self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._serve_forever)
+ self._thread.daemon = True
+ self.client = ThreadingXMLRPCServer(
+ (self._addr or self._host_name, self._port),
+ logRequests=False,
+ allow_none=True,
+ )
+ self.client.register_introspection_functions()
+ self.client.register_function(
+ self.receive_notification, "samp.client.receiveNotification"
+ )
+ self.client.register_function(self.receive_call, "samp.client.receiveCall")
+ self.client.register_function(
+ self.receive_response, "samp.client.receiveResponse"
+ )
+ # If the port was set to zero, then the operating system has
+ # selected a free port. We now check what this port number is.
+ if self._port == 0:
+ self._port = self.client.socket.getsockname()[1]
+ protocol = "http"
+ self._xmlrpcAddr = urlunparse(
+ (
+ protocol,
+ f"{self._addr or self._host_name}:{self._port}",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ )
+ )
+ def start(self):
+ """
+ Start the client in a separate thread (non-blocking).
+ This only has an effect if ``callable`` was set to `True` when
+ initializing the client.
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ self._is_running = True
+ self._run_client()
+ def stop(self, timeout=10.0):
+ """
+ Stop the client.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ timeout : float
+ Timeout after which to give up if the client cannot be cleanly
+ shut down.
+ """
+ # Setting _is_running to False causes the loop in _serve_forever to
+ # exit. The thread should then stop running. We wait for the thread to
+ # terminate until the timeout, then we continue anyway.
+ self._is_running = False
+ if self._callable and self._thread.is_alive():
+ self._thread.join(timeout)
+ if self._thread.is_alive():
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ f"Client was not shut down successfully (timeout={timeout}s)"
+ )
+ @property
+ def is_running(self):
+ """
+ Whether the client is currently running.
+ """
+ return self._is_running
+ @property
+ def is_registered(self):
+ """
+ Whether the client is currently registered.
+ """
+ return self._is_registered
+ def _run_client(self):
+ if self._callable:
+ self._thread.start()
+ def _serve_forever(self):
+ while self._is_running:
+ try:
+ read_ready = select.select([self.client.socket], [], [], 0.1)[0]
+ except OSError as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Call to select in SAMPClient failed: {exc}", SAMPWarning
+ )
+ else:
+ if read_ready:
+ self.client.handle_request()
+ self.client.server_close()
+ def _ping(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, msg_mtype, msg_params, message):
+ reply = {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, "samp.result": {}}
+ self.hub.reply(private_key, msg_id, reply)
+ def _client_env_get(
+ self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, msg_mtype, msg_params, message
+ ):
+ if msg_params["name"] in os.environ:
+ reply = {
+ "samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK,
+ "samp.result": {"value": os.environ[msg_params["name"]]},
+ }
+ else:
+ reply = {
+ "samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_WARNING,
+ "samp.result": {"value": ""},
+ "samp.error": {"samp.errortxt": "Environment variable not defined."},
+ }
+ self.hub.reply(private_key, msg_id, reply)
+ def _handle_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, message):
+ if private_key == self.get_private_key() and "samp.mtype" in message:
+ msg_mtype = message["samp.mtype"]
+ del message["samp.mtype"]
+ msg_params = message["samp.params"]
+ del message["samp.params"]
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(msg_mtype)
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._notification_bindings:
+ bound_func = self._notification_bindings[mtype][0]
+ if get_num_args(bound_func) == 5:
+ bound_func(
+ private_key, sender_id, msg_mtype, msg_params, message
+ )
+ else:
+ bound_func(
+ private_key, sender_id, None, msg_mtype, msg_params, message
+ )
+ return ""
+ def receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, message):
+ """
+ Standard callable client ``receive_notification`` method.
+ This method is automatically handled when the
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.bind_receive_notification`
+ method is used to bind distinct operations to MTypes. In case of a
+ customized callable client implementation that inherits from the
+ :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPClient` class this method should be
+ overwritten.
+ .. note:: When overwritten, this method must always return
+ a string result (even empty).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ private_key : str
+ Client private key.
+ sender_id : str
+ Sender public ID.
+ message : dict
+ Received message.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ confirmation : str
+ Any confirmation string.
+ """
+ return self._handle_notification(private_key, sender_id, message)
+ def _handle_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message):
+ if private_key == self.get_private_key() and "samp.mtype" in message:
+ msg_mtype = message["samp.mtype"]
+ del message["samp.mtype"]
+ msg_params = message["samp.params"]
+ del message["samp.params"]
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(msg_mtype)
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._call_bindings:
+ self._call_bindings[mtype][0](
+ private_key, sender_id, msg_id, msg_mtype, msg_params, message
+ )
+ return ""
+ def receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message):
+ """
+ Standard callable client ``receive_call`` method.
+ This method is automatically handled when the
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.bind_receive_call` method is
+ used to bind distinct operations to MTypes. In case of a customized
+ callable client implementation that inherits from the
+ :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPClient` class this method should be
+ overwritten.
+ .. note:: When overwritten, this method must always return
+ a string result (even empty).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ private_key : str
+ Client private key.
+ sender_id : str
+ Sender public ID.
+ msg_id : str
+ Message ID received.
+ message : dict
+ Received message.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ confirmation : str
+ Any confirmation string.
+ """
+ return self._handle_call(private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message)
+ def _handle_response(self, private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response):
+ if private_key == self.get_private_key() and msg_tag in self._response_bindings:
+ self._response_bindings[msg_tag](
+ private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response
+ )
+ return ""
+ def receive_response(self, private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response):
+ """
+ Standard callable client ``receive_response`` method.
+ This method is automatically handled when the
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.bind_receive_response` method
+ is used to bind distinct operations to MTypes. In case of a customized
+ callable client implementation that inherits from the
+ :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPClient` class this method should be
+ overwritten.
+ .. note:: When overwritten, this method must always return
+ a string result (even empty).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ private_key : str
+ Client private key.
+ responder_id : str
+ Responder public ID.
+ msg_tag : str
+ Response message tag.
+ response : dict
+ Received response.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ confirmation : str
+ Any confirmation string.
+ """
+ return self._handle_response(private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response)
+ def bind_receive_message(self, mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None):
+ """
+ Bind a specific MType to a function or class method, being intended for
+ a call or a notification.
+ The function must be of the form::
+ def my_function_or_method( private_key, sender_id, msg_id,
+ mtype, params, extra)
+ where ``private_key`` is the client private-key, ``sender_id`` is the
+ notification sender ID, ``msg_id`` is the Hub message-id (calls only,
+ otherwise is `None`), ``mtype`` is the message MType, ``params`` is the
+ message parameter set (content of ``"samp.params"``) and ``extra`` is a
+ dictionary containing any extra message map entry. The client is
+ automatically declared subscribed to the MType by default.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be caught.
+ function : callable
+ Application function to be used when ``mtype`` is received.
+ declare : bool, optional
+ Specify whether the client must be automatically declared as
+ subscribed to the MType (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing additional metadata to declare associated
+ with the MType subscribed to (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ """
+ self.bind_receive_call(mtype, function, declare=declare, metadata=metadata)
+ self.bind_receive_notification(
+ mtype, function, declare=declare, metadata=metadata
+ )
+ def bind_receive_notification(self, mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None):
+ """
+ Bind a specific MType notification to a function or class method.
+ The function must be of the form::
+ def my_function_or_method( private_key, sender_id, mtype,
+ params, extra)
+ where ``private_key`` is the client private-key, ``sender_id`` is the
+ notification sender ID, ``mtype`` is the message MType, ``params`` is
+ the notified message parameter set (content of ``"samp.params"``) and
+ ``extra`` is a dictionary containing any extra message map entry. The
+ client is automatically declared subscribed to the MType by default.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be caught.
+ function : callable
+ Application function to be used when ``mtype`` is received.
+ declare : bool, optional
+ Specify whether the client must be automatically declared as
+ subscribed to the MType (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing additional metadata to declare associated
+ with the MType subscribed to (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ if not metadata:
+ metadata = {}
+ self._notification_bindings[mtype] = [function, metadata]
+ if declare:
+ self._declare_subscriptions()
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def bind_receive_call(self, mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None):
+ """
+ Bind a specific MType call to a function or class method.
+ The function must be of the form::
+ def my_function_or_method( private_key, sender_id, msg_id,
+ mtype, params, extra)
+ where ``private_key`` is the client private-key, ``sender_id`` is the
+ notification sender ID, ``msg_id`` is the Hub message-id, ``mtype`` is
+ the message MType, ``params`` is the message parameter set (content of
+ ``"samp.params"``) and ``extra`` is a dictionary containing any extra
+ message map entry. The client is automatically declared subscribed to
+ the MType by default.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be caught.
+ function : callable
+ Application function to be used when ``mtype`` is received.
+ declare : bool, optional
+ Specify whether the client must be automatically declared as
+ subscribed to the MType (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing additional metadata to declare associated
+ with the MType subscribed to (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ if not metadata:
+ metadata = {}
+ self._call_bindings[mtype] = [function, metadata]
+ if declare:
+ self._declare_subscriptions()
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def bind_receive_response(self, msg_tag, function):
+ """
+ Bind a specific msg-tag response to a function or class method.
+ The function must be of the form::
+ def my_function_or_method( private_key, responder_id,
+ msg_tag, response)
+ where ``private_key`` is the client private-key, ``responder_id`` is
+ the message responder ID, ``msg_tag`` is the message-tag provided at
+ call time and ``response`` is the response received.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ msg_tag : str
+ Message-tag to be caught.
+ function : callable
+ Application function to be used when ``msg_tag`` is received.
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ self._response_bindings[msg_tag] = function
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def unbind_receive_notification(self, mtype, declare=True):
+ """
+ Remove from the notifications binding table the specified MType and
+ unsubscribe the client from it (if required).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be removed.
+ declare : bool
+ Specify whether the client must be automatically declared as
+ unsubscribed from the MType (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ del self._notification_bindings[mtype]
+ if declare:
+ self._declare_subscriptions()
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def unbind_receive_call(self, mtype, declare=True):
+ """
+ Remove from the calls binding table the specified MType and unsubscribe
+ the client from it (if required).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be removed.
+ declare : bool
+ Specify whether the client must be automatically declared as
+ unsubscribed from the MType (see also
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions`).
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ del self._call_bindings[mtype]
+ if declare:
+ self._declare_subscriptions()
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def unbind_receive_response(self, msg_tag):
+ """
+ Remove from the responses binding table the specified message-tag.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ msg_tag : str
+ Message-tag to be removed.
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ del self._response_bindings[msg_tag]
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def declare_subscriptions(self, subscriptions=None):
+ """
+ Declares the MTypes the client wishes to subscribe to, implicitly
+ defined with the MType binding methods
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.bind_receive_notification`
+ and :meth:`~astropy.samp.client.SAMPClient.bind_receive_call`.
+ An optional ``subscriptions`` map can be added to the final map passed
+ to the :meth:`~astropy.samp.hub_proxy.SAMPHubProxy.declare_subscriptions`
+ method.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ subscriptions : dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing the list of MTypes to subscribe to, with the
+ same format of the ``subscriptions`` map passed to the
+ :meth:`~astropy.samp.hub_proxy.SAMPHubProxy.declare_subscriptions`
+ method.
+ """
+ if self._callable:
+ self._declare_subscriptions(subscriptions)
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client not callable.")
+ def register(self):
+ """
+ Register the client to the SAMP Hub.
+ """
+ if self.hub.is_connected:
+ if self._private_key is not None:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client already registered")
+ result = self.hub.register(self.hub.lockfile["samp.secret"])
+ if result["samp.self-id"] == "":
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Registration failed - samp.self-id was not set by the hub."
+ )
+ if result["samp.private-key"] == "":
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Registration failed - samp.private-key was not set by the hub."
+ )
+ self._public_id = result["samp.self-id"]
+ self._private_key = result["samp.private-key"]
+ self._hub_id = result["samp.hub-id"]
+ if self._callable:
+ self._set_xmlrpc_callback()
+ self._declare_subscriptions()
+ if self._metadata != {}:
+ self.declare_metadata()
+ self._is_registered = True
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Unable to register to the SAMP Hub. Hub proxy not connected."
+ )
+ def unregister(self):
+ """
+ Unregister the client from the SAMP Hub.
+ """
+ if self.hub.is_connected:
+ self._is_registered = False
+ self.hub.unregister(self._private_key)
+ self._hub_id = None
+ self._public_id = None
+ self._private_key = None
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Unable to unregister from the SAMP Hub. Hub proxy not connected."
+ )
+ def _set_xmlrpc_callback(self):
+ if self.hub.is_connected and self._private_key is not None:
+ self.hub.set_xmlrpc_callback(self._private_key, self._xmlrpcAddr)
+ def _declare_subscriptions(self, subscriptions=None):
+ if self.hub.is_connected and self._private_key is not None:
+ mtypes_dict = {}
+ # Collect notification mtypes and metadata
+ for mtype in self._notification_bindings.keys():
+ mtypes_dict[mtype] = copy.deepcopy(
+ self._notification_bindings[mtype][1]
+ )
+ # Collect notification mtypes and metadata
+ for mtype in self._call_bindings.keys():
+ mtypes_dict[mtype] = copy.deepcopy(self._call_bindings[mtype][1])
+ # Add optional subscription map
+ if subscriptions:
+ mtypes_dict.update(copy.deepcopy(subscriptions))
+ self.hub.declare_subscriptions(self._private_key, mtypes_dict)
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Unable to declare subscriptions. Hub "
+ "unreachable or not connected or client "
+ "not registered."
+ )
+ def declare_metadata(self, metadata=None):
+ """
+ Declare the client application metadata supported.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing the client application metadata as defined in
+ the SAMP definition document. If omitted, then no metadata are
+ declared.
+ """
+ if self.hub.is_connected and self._private_key is not None:
+ if metadata is not None:
+ self._metadata.update(metadata)
+ self.hub.declare_metadata(self._private_key, self._metadata)
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Unable to declare metadata. Hub "
+ "unreachable or not connected or client "
+ "not registered."
+ )
+ def get_private_key(self):
+ """
+ Return the client private key used for the Standard Profile
+ communications obtained at registration time (``samp.private-key``).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ key : str
+ Client private key.
+ """
+ return self._private_key
+ def get_public_id(self):
+ """
+ Return public client ID obtained at registration time
+ (``samp.self-id``).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ id : str
+ Client public ID.
+ """
+ return self._public_id
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/constants.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bd049485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+Defines constants used in `astropy.samp`.
+from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename
+__all__ = [
+__profile_version__ = "1.3"
+#: General constant for samp.ok status string
+SAMP_STATUS_OK = "samp.ok"
+#: General constant for samp.warning status string
+SAMP_STATUS_WARNING = "samp.warning"
+#: General constant for samp.error status string
+SAMP_STATUS_ERROR = "samp.error"
+ "samp.app.*",
+ "samp.msg.progress",
+ "table.*",
+ "image.*",
+ "coord.*",
+ "spectrum.*",
+ "bibcode.*",
+ "voresource.*",
+with open(get_pkg_data_filename("data/astropy_icon.png"), "rb") as f:
+ SAMP_ICON = f.read()
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/astropy_icon.png b/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/astropy_icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81f06b37a
Binary files /dev/null and b/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/astropy_icon.png differ
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/clientaccesspolicy.xml b/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/clientaccesspolicy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5eb86433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/clientaccesspolicy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/crossdomain.xml b/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/crossdomain.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63767deb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/data/crossdomain.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/errors.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f7a6858a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+Defines custom errors and exceptions used in `astropy.samp`.
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
+__all__ = ["SAMPWarning", "SAMPHubError", "SAMPClientError", "SAMPProxyError"]
+class SAMPWarning(AstropyUserWarning):
+ """
+ SAMP-specific Astropy warning class.
+ """
+class SAMPHubError(Exception):
+ """
+ SAMP Hub exception.
+ """
+class SAMPClientError(Exception):
+ """
+ SAMP Client exceptions.
+ """
+class SAMPProxyError(xmlrpc.Fault):
+ """
+ SAMP Proxy Hub exception.
+ """
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba42bf68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1518 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import copy
+import os
+import queue
+import select
+import socket
+import threading
+import time
+import uuid
+import warnings
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from urllib.parse import urlunparse
+from astropy import log
+from .constants import SAMP_STATUS_OK, __profile_version__
+from .errors import SAMPHubError, SAMPProxyError, SAMPWarning
+from .lockfile_helpers import create_lock_file, read_lockfile
+from .standard_profile import ThreadingXMLRPCServer
+from .utils import ServerProxyPool, _HubAsClient, internet_on
+from .web_profile import WebProfileXMLRPCServer, web_profile_text_dialog
+__all__ = ["SAMPHubServer", "WebProfileDialog"]
+__doctest_skip__ = [".", "SAMPHubServer.*"]
+class SAMPHubServer:
+ """
+ SAMP Hub Server.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ secret : str, optional
+ The secret code to use for the SAMP lockfile. If none is is specified,
+ the :func:`uuid.uuid1` function is used to generate one.
+ addr : str, optional
+ Listening address (or IP). This defaults to if the internet
+ is not reachable, otherwise it defaults to the host name.
+ port : int, optional
+ Listening XML-RPC server socket port. If left set to 0 (the default),
+ the operating system will select a free port.
+ lockfile : str, optional
+ Custom lockfile name.
+ timeout : int, optional
+ Hub inactivity timeout. If ``timeout > 0`` then the Hub automatically
+ stops after an inactivity period longer than ``timeout`` seconds. By
+ default ``timeout`` is set to 0 (Hub never expires).
+ client_timeout : int, optional
+ Client inactivity timeout. If ``client_timeout > 0`` then the Hub
+ automatically unregisters the clients which result inactive for a
+ period longer than ``client_timeout`` seconds. By default
+ ``client_timeout`` is set to 0 (clients never expire).
+ mode : str, optional
+ Defines the Hub running mode. If ``mode`` is ``'single'`` then the Hub
+ runs using the standard ``.samp`` lock-file, having a single instance
+ for user desktop session. Otherwise, if ``mode`` is ``'multiple'``,
+ then the Hub runs using a non-standard lock-file, placed in
+ ``.samp-1`` directory, of the form ``samp-hub-``, where
+ ```` is a unique UUID assigned to the hub.
+ label : str, optional
+ A string used to label the Hub with a human readable name. This string
+ is written in the lock-file assigned to the ``hub.label`` token.
+ web_profile : bool, optional
+ Enables or disables the Web Profile support.
+ web_profile_dialog : class, optional
+ Allows a class instance to be specified using ``web_profile_dialog``
+ to replace the terminal-based message with e.g. a GUI pop-up. Two
+ `queue.Queue` instances will be added to the instance as attributes
+ ``queue_request`` and ``queue_result``. When a request is received via
+ the ``queue_request`` queue, the pop-up should be displayed, and a
+ value of `True` or `False` should be added to ``queue_result``
+ depending on whether the user accepted or refused the connection.
+ web_port : int, optional
+ The port to use for web SAMP. This should not be changed except for
+ testing purposes, since web SAMP should always use port 21012.
+ pool_size : int, optional
+ The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the
+ clients.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ secret=None,
+ addr=None,
+ port=0,
+ lockfile=None,
+ timeout=0,
+ client_timeout=0,
+ mode="single",
+ label="",
+ web_profile=True,
+ web_profile_dialog=None,
+ web_port=21012,
+ pool_size=20,
+ ):
+ # Generate random ID for the hub
+ self._id = str(uuid.uuid1())
+ # General settings
+ self._is_running = False
+ self._customlockfilename = lockfile
+ self._lockfile = None
+ self._addr = addr
+ self._port = port
+ self._mode = mode
+ self._label = label
+ self._timeout = timeout
+ self._client_timeout = client_timeout
+ self._pool_size = pool_size
+ # Web profile specific attributes
+ self._web_profile = web_profile
+ self._web_profile_dialog = web_profile_dialog
+ self._web_port = web_port
+ self._web_profile_server = None
+ self._web_profile_callbacks = {}
+ self._web_profile_requests_queue = None
+ self._web_profile_requests_result = None
+ self._web_profile_requests_semaphore = None
+ self._host_name = ""
+ if internet_on():
+ try:
+ self._host_name = socket.getfqdn()
+ socket.getaddrinfo(self._addr or self._host_name, self._port or 0)
+ except OSError:
+ self._host_name = ""
+ # Threading stuff
+ self._thread_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._thread_run = None
+ self._thread_hub_timeout = None
+ self._thread_client_timeout = None
+ self._launched_threads = []
+ # Variables for timeout testing:
+ self._last_activity_time = None
+ self._client_activity_time = {}
+ # Hub message id counter, used to create hub msg ids
+ self._hub_msg_id_counter = 0
+ # Hub secret code
+ self._hub_secret_code_customized = secret
+ self._hub_secret = self._create_secret_code()
+ # Hub public id (as SAMP client)
+ self._hub_public_id = ""
+ # Client ids
+ # {private_key: (public_id, timestamp)}
+ self._private_keys = {}
+ # Metadata per client
+ # {private_key: metadata}
+ self._metadata = {}
+ # List of subscribed clients per MType
+ # {mtype: private_key list}
+ self._mtype2ids = {}
+ # List of subscribed MTypes per client
+ # {private_key: mtype list}
+ self._id2mtypes = {}
+ # List of XML-RPC addresses per client
+ # {public_id: (XML-RPC address, ServerProxyPool instance)}
+ self._xmlrpc_endpoints = {}
+ # Synchronous message id heap
+ self._sync_msg_ids_heap = {}
+ # Public ids counter
+ self._client_id_counter = -1
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """
+ The unique hub ID.
+ """
+ return self._id
+ def _register_standard_api(self, server):
+ # Standard Profile only operations
+ server.register_function(self._ping, "samp.hub.ping")
+ server.register_function(
+ self._set_xmlrpc_callback, "samp.hub.setXmlrpcCallback"
+ )
+ # Standard API operations
+ server.register_function(self._register, "samp.hub.register")
+ server.register_function(self._unregister, "samp.hub.unregister")
+ server.register_function(self._declare_metadata, "samp.hub.declareMetadata")
+ server.register_function(self._get_metadata, "samp.hub.getMetadata")
+ server.register_function(
+ self._declare_subscriptions, "samp.hub.declareSubscriptions"
+ )
+ server.register_function(self._get_subscriptions, "samp.hub.getSubscriptions")
+ server.register_function(
+ self._get_registered_clients, "samp.hub.getRegisteredClients"
+ )
+ server.register_function(
+ self._get_subscribed_clients, "samp.hub.getSubscribedClients"
+ )
+ server.register_function(self._notify, "samp.hub.notify")
+ server.register_function(self._notify_all, "samp.hub.notifyAll")
+ server.register_function(self._call, "samp.hub.call")
+ server.register_function(self._call_all, "samp.hub.callAll")
+ server.register_function(self._call_and_wait, "samp.hub.callAndWait")
+ server.register_function(self._reply, "samp.hub.reply")
+ def _register_web_profile_api(self, server):
+ # Web Profile methods like Standard Profile
+ server.register_function(self._ping, "samp.webhub.ping")
+ server.register_function(self._unregister, "samp.webhub.unregister")
+ server.register_function(self._declare_metadata, "samp.webhub.declareMetadata")
+ server.register_function(self._get_metadata, "samp.webhub.getMetadata")
+ server.register_function(
+ self._declare_subscriptions, "samp.webhub.declareSubscriptions"
+ )
+ server.register_function(
+ self._get_subscriptions, "samp.webhub.getSubscriptions"
+ )
+ server.register_function(
+ self._get_registered_clients, "samp.webhub.getRegisteredClients"
+ )
+ server.register_function(
+ self._get_subscribed_clients, "samp.webhub.getSubscribedClients"
+ )
+ server.register_function(self._notify, "samp.webhub.notify")
+ server.register_function(self._notify_all, "samp.webhub.notifyAll")
+ server.register_function(self._call, "samp.webhub.call")
+ server.register_function(self._call_all, "samp.webhub.callAll")
+ server.register_function(self._call_and_wait, "samp.webhub.callAndWait")
+ server.register_function(self._reply, "samp.webhub.reply")
+ # Methods particularly for Web Profile
+ server.register_function(self._web_profile_register, "samp.webhub.register")
+ server.register_function(
+ self._web_profile_allowReverseCallbacks, "samp.webhub.allowReverseCallbacks"
+ )
+ server.register_function(
+ self._web_profile_pullCallbacks, "samp.webhub.pullCallbacks"
+ )
+ def _start_standard_server(self):
+ self._server = ThreadingXMLRPCServer(
+ (self._addr or self._host_name, self._port or 0),
+ log,
+ logRequests=False,
+ allow_none=True,
+ )
+ prot = "http"
+ self._port = self._server.socket.getsockname()[1]
+ addr = f"{self._addr or self._host_name}:{self._port}"
+ self._url = urlunparse((prot, addr, "", "", "", ""))
+ self._server.register_introspection_functions()
+ self._register_standard_api(self._server)
+ def _start_web_profile_server(self):
+ self._web_profile_requests_queue = queue.Queue(1)
+ self._web_profile_requests_result = queue.Queue(1)
+ self._web_profile_requests_semaphore = queue.Queue(1)
+ if self._web_profile_dialog is not None:
+ # TODO: Some sort of duck-typing on the web_profile_dialog object
+ self._web_profile_dialog.queue_request = self._web_profile_requests_queue
+ self._web_profile_dialog.queue_result = self._web_profile_requests_result
+ try:
+ self._web_profile_server = WebProfileXMLRPCServer(
+ ("localhost", self._web_port), log, logRequests=False, allow_none=True
+ )
+ self._web_port = self._web_profile_server.socket.getsockname()[1]
+ self._web_profile_server.register_introspection_functions()
+ self._register_web_profile_api(self._web_profile_server)
+ log.info("Hub set to run with Web Profile support enabled.")
+ except OSError:
+ log.warning(
+ f"Port {self._web_port} already in use. Impossible to run the "
+ "Hub with Web Profile support.",
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ self._web_profile = False
+ # Cleanup
+ self._web_profile_requests_queue = None
+ self._web_profile_requests_result = None
+ self._web_profile_requests_semaphore = None
+ def _launch_thread(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=None):
+ # Remove inactive threads
+ remove = []
+ for t in self._launched_threads:
+ if not t.is_alive():
+ remove.append(t)
+ for t in remove:
+ self._launched_threads.remove(t)
+ # Start new thread
+ t = threading.Thread(group=group, target=target, name=name, args=args)
+ t.start()
+ # Add to list of launched threads
+ self._launched_threads.append(t)
+ def _join_launched_threads(self, timeout=None):
+ for t in self._launched_threads:
+ t.join(timeout=timeout)
+ def _timeout_test_hub(self):
+ if self._timeout == 0:
+ return
+ last = time.time()
+ while self._is_running:
+ time.sleep(0.05) # keep this small to check _is_running often
+ now = time.time()
+ if now - last > 1.0:
+ with self._thread_lock:
+ if self._last_activity_time is not None:
+ if now - self._last_activity_time >= self._timeout:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Timeout expired, Hub is shutting down!", SAMPWarning
+ )
+ self.stop()
+ return
+ last = now
+ def _timeout_test_client(self):
+ if self._client_timeout == 0:
+ return
+ last = time.time()
+ while self._is_running:
+ time.sleep(0.05) # keep this small to check _is_running often
+ now = time.time()
+ if now - last > 1.0:
+ for private_key in self._client_activity_time.keys():
+ if (
+ now - self._client_activity_time[private_key]
+ > self._client_timeout
+ and private_key != self._hub_private_key
+ ):
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Client {private_key} timeout expired!", SAMPWarning
+ )
+ self._notify_disconnection(private_key)
+ self._unregister(private_key)
+ last = now
+ def _hub_as_client_request_handler(self, method, args):
+ if method == "samp.client.receiveCall":
+ return self._receive_call(*args)
+ elif method == "samp.client.receiveNotification":
+ return self._receive_notification(*args)
+ elif method == "samp.client.receiveResponse":
+ return self._receive_response(*args)
+ elif method == "samp.app.ping":
+ return self._ping(*args)
+ def _setup_hub_as_client(self):
+ hub_metadata = {
+ "samp.name": "Astropy SAMP Hub",
+ "samp.description.text": self._label,
+ "author.name": "The Astropy Collaboration",
+ "samp.documentation.url": "https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/samp",
+ "samp.icon.url": self._url + "/samp/icon",
+ }
+ result = self._register(self._hub_secret)
+ self._hub_public_id = result["samp.self-id"]
+ self._hub_private_key = result["samp.private-key"]
+ self._set_xmlrpc_callback(self._hub_private_key, self._url)
+ self._declare_metadata(self._hub_private_key, hub_metadata)
+ self._declare_subscriptions(
+ self._hub_private_key, {"samp.app.ping": {}, "x-samp.query.by-meta": {}}
+ )
+ def start(self, wait=False):
+ """
+ Start the current SAMP Hub instance and create the lock file. Hub
+ start-up can be blocking or non blocking depending on the ``wait``
+ parameter.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ wait : bool
+ If `True` then the Hub process is joined with the caller, blocking
+ the code flow. Usually `True` option is used to run a stand-alone
+ Hub in an executable script. If `False` (default), then the Hub
+ process runs in a separated thread. `False` is usually used in a
+ Python shell.
+ """
+ if self._is_running:
+ raise SAMPHubError("Hub is already running")
+ if self._lockfile is not None:
+ raise SAMPHubError("Hub is not running but lockfile is set")
+ if self._web_profile:
+ self._start_web_profile_server()
+ self._start_standard_server()
+ self._lockfile = create_lock_file(
+ lockfilename=self._customlockfilename,
+ mode=self._mode,
+ hub_id=self.id,
+ hub_params=self.params,
+ )
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ self._setup_hub_as_client()
+ self._start_threads()
+ log.info("Hub started")
+ if wait and self._is_running:
+ self._thread_run.join()
+ self._thread_run = None
+ @property
+ def params(self):
+ """
+ The hub parameters (which are written to the logfile).
+ """
+ params = {}
+ # Keys required by standard profile
+ params["samp.secret"] = self._hub_secret
+ params["samp.hub.xmlrpc.url"] = self._url
+ params["samp.profile.version"] = __profile_version__
+ # Custom keys
+ params["hub.id"] = self.id
+ params["hub.label"] = self._label or f"Hub {self.id}"
+ return params
+ def _start_threads(self):
+ self._thread_run = threading.Thread(target=self._serve_forever)
+ self._thread_run.daemon = True
+ if self._timeout > 0:
+ self._thread_hub_timeout = threading.Thread(
+ target=self._timeout_test_hub, name="Hub timeout test"
+ )
+ self._thread_hub_timeout.daemon = True
+ else:
+ self._thread_hub_timeout = None
+ if self._client_timeout > 0:
+ self._thread_client_timeout = threading.Thread(
+ target=self._timeout_test_client, name="Client timeout test"
+ )
+ self._thread_client_timeout.daemon = True
+ else:
+ self._thread_client_timeout = None
+ self._is_running = True
+ self._thread_run.start()
+ if self._thread_hub_timeout is not None:
+ self._thread_hub_timeout.start()
+ if self._thread_client_timeout is not None:
+ self._thread_client_timeout.start()
+ def _create_secret_code(self):
+ if self._hub_secret_code_customized is not None:
+ return self._hub_secret_code_customized
+ else:
+ return str(uuid.uuid1())
+ def stop(self):
+ """
+ Stop the current SAMP Hub instance and delete the lock file.
+ """
+ if not self._is_running:
+ return
+ log.info("Hub is stopping...")
+ self._notify_shutdown()
+ self._is_running = False
+ if self._lockfile and os.path.isfile(self._lockfile):
+ lockfiledict = read_lockfile(self._lockfile)
+ if lockfiledict["samp.secret"] == self._hub_secret:
+ os.remove(self._lockfile)
+ self._lockfile = None
+ # Reset variables
+ # TODO: What happens if not all threads are stopped after timeout?
+ self._join_all_threads(timeout=10.0)
+ self._hub_msg_id_counter = 0
+ self._hub_secret = self._create_secret_code()
+ self._hub_public_id = ""
+ self._metadata = {}
+ self._private_keys = {}
+ self._mtype2ids = {}
+ self._id2mtypes = {}
+ self._xmlrpc_endpoints = {}
+ self._last_activity_time = None
+ log.info("Hub stopped.")
+ def _join_all_threads(self, timeout=None):
+ # In some cases, ``stop`` may be called from some of the sub-threads,
+ # so we just need to make sure that we don't try and shut down the
+ # calling thread.
+ current_thread = threading.current_thread()
+ if self._thread_run is not current_thread:
+ self._thread_run.join(timeout=timeout)
+ if not self._thread_run.is_alive():
+ self._thread_run = None
+ if (
+ self._thread_hub_timeout is not None
+ and self._thread_hub_timeout is not current_thread
+ ):
+ self._thread_hub_timeout.join(timeout=timeout)
+ if not self._thread_hub_timeout.is_alive():
+ self._thread_hub_timeout = None
+ if (
+ self._thread_client_timeout is not None
+ and self._thread_client_timeout is not current_thread
+ ):
+ self._thread_client_timeout.join(timeout=timeout)
+ if not self._thread_client_timeout.is_alive():
+ self._thread_client_timeout = None
+ self._join_launched_threads(timeout=timeout)
+ @property
+ def is_running(self):
+ """Return an information concerning the Hub running status.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ running : bool
+ Is the hub running?
+ """
+ return self._is_running
+ def _serve_forever(self):
+ while self._is_running:
+ try:
+ read_ready = select.select([self._server.socket], [], [], 0.01)[0]
+ except OSError as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Call to select() in SAMPHubServer failed: {exc}", SAMPWarning
+ )
+ else:
+ if read_ready:
+ self._server.handle_request()
+ if self._web_profile:
+ # We now check if there are any connection requests from the
+ # web profile, and if so, we initialize the pop-up.
+ if self._web_profile_dialog is None:
+ try:
+ request = self._web_profile_requests_queue.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ pass
+ else:
+ web_profile_text_dialog(
+ request, self._web_profile_requests_result
+ )
+ # We now check for requests over the web profile socket, and we
+ # also update the pop-up in case there are any changes.
+ try:
+ read_ready = select.select(
+ [self._web_profile_server.socket], [], [], 0.01
+ )[0]
+ except OSError as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Call to select() in SAMPHubServer failed: {exc}", SAMPWarning
+ )
+ else:
+ if read_ready:
+ self._web_profile_server.handle_request()
+ self._server.server_close()
+ if self._web_profile_server is not None:
+ self._web_profile_server.server_close()
+ def _notify_shutdown(self):
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.shutdown")
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ self._notify_(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ self._private_keys[key][0],
+ {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.shutdown", "samp.params": {}},
+ )
+ def _notify_register(self, private_key):
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.register")
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ # if key != private_key:
+ self._notify(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ self._private_keys[key][0],
+ {
+ "samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.register",
+ "samp.params": {"id": public_id},
+ },
+ )
+ def _notify_unregister(self, private_key):
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.unregister")
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ if key != private_key:
+ self._notify(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ self._private_keys[key][0],
+ {
+ "samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.unregister",
+ "samp.params": {"id": public_id},
+ },
+ )
+ def _notify_metadata(self, private_key):
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.metadata")
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ # if key != private_key:
+ self._notify(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ self._private_keys[key][0],
+ {
+ "samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.metadata",
+ "samp.params": {
+ "id": public_id,
+ "metadata": self._metadata[private_key],
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ def _notify_subscriptions(self, private_key):
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.subscriptions")
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ self._notify(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ self._private_keys[key][0],
+ {
+ "samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.subscriptions",
+ "samp.params": {
+ "id": public_id,
+ "subscriptions": self._id2mtypes[private_key],
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ def _notify_disconnection(self, private_key):
+ def _xmlrpc_call_disconnect(endpoint, private_key, hub_public_id, message):
+ endpoint.samp.client.receiveNotification(
+ private_key, hub_public_id, message
+ )
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.disconnect")
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ endpoint = self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_id][1]
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids and private_key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ log.debug(f"notify disconnection to {public_id}")
+ self._launch_thread(
+ target=_xmlrpc_call_disconnect,
+ args=(
+ endpoint,
+ private_key,
+ self._hub_public_id,
+ {
+ "samp.mtype": "samp.hub.disconnect",
+ "samp.params": {"reason": "Timeout expired!"},
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ def _ping(self):
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ log.debug("ping")
+ return "1"
+ def _query_by_metadata(self, key, value):
+ public_id_list = []
+ for private_id in self._metadata:
+ if key in self._metadata[private_id]:
+ if self._metadata[private_id][key] == value:
+ public_id_list.append(self._private_keys[private_id][0])
+ return public_id_list
+ def _set_xmlrpc_callback(self, private_key, xmlrpc_addr):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ if private_key == self._hub_private_key:
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_id] = (
+ xmlrpc_addr,
+ _HubAsClient(self._hub_as_client_request_handler),
+ )
+ return ""
+ # Dictionary stored with the public id
+ log.debug(f"set_xmlrpc_callback: {private_key} {xmlrpc_addr}")
+ server_proxy_pool = None
+ server_proxy_pool = ServerProxyPool(
+ self._pool_size, xmlrpc.ServerProxy, xmlrpc_addr, allow_none=1
+ )
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_id] = (xmlrpc_addr, server_proxy_pool)
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ return ""
+ def _perform_standard_register(self):
+ with self._thread_lock:
+ private_key, public_id = self._get_new_ids()
+ self._private_keys[private_key] = (public_id, time.time())
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ self._notify_register(private_key)
+ log.debug(f"register: private-key = {private_key} and self-id = {public_id}")
+ return {
+ "samp.self-id": public_id,
+ "samp.private-key": private_key,
+ "samp.hub-id": self._hub_public_id,
+ }
+ def _register(self, secret):
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ if secret == self._hub_secret:
+ return self._perform_standard_register()
+ else:
+ # return {"samp.self-id": "", "samp.private-key": "", "samp.hub-id": ""}
+ raise SAMPProxyError(7, "Bad secret code")
+ def _get_new_ids(self):
+ private_key = str(uuid.uuid1())
+ self._client_id_counter += 1
+ public_id = "cli#hub"
+ if self._client_id_counter > 0:
+ public_id = f"cli#{self._client_id_counter}"
+ return private_key, public_id
+ def _unregister(self, private_key):
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ public_key = ""
+ self._notify_unregister(private_key)
+ with self._thread_lock:
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ public_key = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ del self._private_keys[private_key]
+ else:
+ return ""
+ if private_key in self._metadata:
+ del self._metadata[private_key]
+ if private_key in self._id2mtypes:
+ del self._id2mtypes[private_key]
+ for mtype in self._mtype2ids.keys():
+ if private_key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ self._mtype2ids[mtype].remove(private_key)
+ if public_key in self._xmlrpc_endpoints:
+ del self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_key]
+ if private_key in self._client_activity_time:
+ del self._client_activity_time[private_key]
+ if self._web_profile:
+ if private_key in self._web_profile_callbacks:
+ del self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key]
+ self._web_profile_server.remove_client(private_key)
+ log.debug(f"unregister {public_key} ({private_key})")
+ return ""
+ def _declare_metadata(self, private_key, metadata):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ log.debug(
+ "declare_metadata: private-key = {} metadata = {}".format(
+ private_key, str(metadata)
+ )
+ )
+ self._metadata[private_key] = metadata
+ self._notify_metadata(private_key)
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ return ""
+ def _get_metadata(self, private_key, client_id):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ client_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(client_id)
+ log.debug(
+ f"get_metadata: private-key = {private_key} client-id = {client_id}"
+ )
+ if client_private_key is not None:
+ if client_private_key in self._metadata:
+ log.debug(f"--> metadata = {self._metadata[client_private_key]}")
+ return self._metadata[client_private_key]
+ else:
+ return {}
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(6, "Invalid client ID")
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _declare_subscriptions(self, private_key, mtypes):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ log.debug(
+ "declare_subscriptions: private-key = {} mtypes = {}".format(
+ private_key, str(mtypes)
+ )
+ )
+ # remove subscription to previous mtypes
+ if private_key in self._id2mtypes:
+ prev_mtypes = self._id2mtypes[private_key]
+ for mtype in prev_mtypes:
+ try:
+ self._mtype2ids[mtype].remove(private_key)
+ except ValueError: # private_key is not in list
+ pass
+ self._id2mtypes[private_key] = copy.deepcopy(mtypes)
+ # remove duplicated MType for wildcard overwriting
+ original_mtypes = copy.deepcopy(mtypes)
+ for mtype in original_mtypes:
+ if mtype.endswith("*"):
+ for mtype2 in original_mtypes:
+ if mtype2.startswith(mtype[:-1]) and mtype2 != mtype:
+ if mtype2 in mtypes:
+ del mtypes[mtype2]
+ log.debug(
+ "declare_subscriptions: subscriptions accepted from {} => {}".format(
+ private_key, str(mtypes)
+ )
+ )
+ for mtype in mtypes:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ if private_key not in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ self._mtype2ids[mtype].append(private_key)
+ else:
+ self._mtype2ids[mtype] = [private_key]
+ self._notify_subscriptions(private_key)
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ return ""
+ def _get_subscriptions(self, private_key, client_id):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ client_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(client_id)
+ if client_private_key is not None:
+ if client_private_key in self._id2mtypes:
+ log.debug(
+ "get_subscriptions: client-id = {} mtypes = {}".format(
+ client_id, str(self._id2mtypes[client_private_key])
+ )
+ )
+ return self._id2mtypes[client_private_key]
+ else:
+ log.debug(
+ f"get_subscriptions: client-id = {client_id} mtypes = missing"
+ )
+ return {}
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(6, "Invalid client ID")
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _get_registered_clients(self, private_key):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ reg_clients = []
+ for pkey in self._private_keys.keys():
+ if pkey != private_key:
+ reg_clients.append(self._private_keys[pkey][0])
+ log.debug(
+ "get_registered_clients: private_key = {} clients = {}".format(
+ private_key, reg_clients
+ )
+ )
+ return reg_clients
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _get_subscribed_clients(self, private_key, mtype):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ sub_clients = {}
+ for pkey in self._private_keys.keys():
+ if pkey != private_key and self._is_subscribed(pkey, mtype):
+ sub_clients[self._private_keys[pkey][0]] = {}
+ log.debug(
+ f"get_subscribed_clients: private_key = {private_key} mtype = {mtype} "
+ f"clients = {sub_clients}"
+ )
+ return sub_clients
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_mtype_subtypes(mtype):
+ """
+ Return a list containing all the possible wildcarded subtypes of MType.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be parsed.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ types : list
+ List of subtypes
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPHubServer
+ >>> SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.app.ping")
+ ['samp.app.ping', 'samp.app.*', 'samp.*', '*']
+ """
+ subtypes = []
+ msubs = mtype.split(".")
+ indexes = list(range(len(msubs)))
+ indexes.reverse()
+ indexes.append(-1)
+ for i in indexes:
+ tmp_mtype = ".".join(msubs[: i + 1])
+ if tmp_mtype != mtype:
+ if tmp_mtype != "":
+ tmp_mtype = tmp_mtype + ".*"
+ else:
+ tmp_mtype = "*"
+ subtypes.append(tmp_mtype)
+ return subtypes
+ def _is_subscribed(self, private_key, mtype):
+ subscribed = False
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(mtype)
+ for msub in msubs:
+ if msub in self._mtype2ids:
+ if private_key in self._mtype2ids[msub]:
+ subscribed = True
+ return subscribed
+ def _notify(self, private_key, recipient_id, message):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ if not (
+ self._is_subscribed(
+ self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_id), message["samp.mtype"]
+ )
+ ):
+ raise SAMPProxyError(
+ 2,
+ "Client {} not subscribed to MType {}".format(
+ recipient_id, message["samp.mtype"]
+ ),
+ )
+ self._launch_thread(
+ target=self._notify_, args=(private_key, recipient_id, message)
+ )
+ return {}
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _notify_(self, sender_private_key, recipient_public_id, message):
+ if sender_private_key not in self._private_keys:
+ return
+ sender_public_id = self._private_keys[sender_private_key][0]
+ try:
+ log.debug(
+ "notify {} from {} to {}".format(
+ message["samp.mtype"], sender_public_id, recipient_public_id
+ )
+ )
+ recipient_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_public_id)
+ arg_params = (sender_public_id, message)
+ samp_method_name = "receiveNotification"
+ self._retry_method(
+ recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_method_name, arg_params
+ )
+ except Exception as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "{} notification from client {} to client {} failed [{}]".format(
+ message["samp.mtype"], sender_public_id, recipient_public_id, exc
+ ),
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ def _notify_all(self, private_key, message):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ if "samp.mtype" not in message:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(3, "samp.mtype keyword is missing")
+ recipient_ids = self._notify_all_(private_key, message)
+ return recipient_ids
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _notify_all_(self, sender_private_key, message):
+ recipient_ids = []
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(message["samp.mtype"])
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ if key != sender_private_key:
+ _recipient_id = self._private_keys[key][0]
+ recipient_ids.append(_recipient_id)
+ self._launch_thread(
+ target=self._notify,
+ args=(sender_private_key, _recipient_id, message),
+ )
+ if not recipient_ids:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "No client was able to receive this message",
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ return recipient_ids
+ def _call(self, private_key, recipient_id, msg_tag, message):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ if not (
+ self._is_subscribed(
+ self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_id), message["samp.mtype"]
+ )
+ ):
+ raise SAMPProxyError(
+ 2,
+ "Client {} not subscribed to MType {}".format(
+ recipient_id, message["samp.mtype"]
+ ),
+ )
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ msg_id = self._get_new_hub_msg_id(public_id, msg_tag)
+ self._launch_thread(
+ target=self._call_,
+ args=(private_key, public_id, recipient_id, msg_id, message),
+ )
+ return msg_id
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _call_(
+ self, sender_private_key, sender_public_id, recipient_public_id, msg_id, message
+ ):
+ if sender_private_key not in self._private_keys:
+ return
+ try:
+ log.debug(
+ "call {} from {} to {} ({})".format(
+ msg_id.split(";;")[0],
+ sender_public_id,
+ recipient_public_id,
+ message["samp.mtype"],
+ )
+ )
+ recipient_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_public_id)
+ arg_params = (sender_public_id, msg_id, message)
+ samp_methodName = "receiveCall"
+ self._retry_method(
+ recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_methodName, arg_params
+ )
+ except Exception as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "{} call {} from client {} to client {} failed [{},{}]".format(
+ message["samp.mtype"],
+ msg_id.split(";;")[0],
+ sender_public_id,
+ recipient_public_id,
+ type(exc),
+ exc,
+ ),
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ def _call_all(self, private_key, msg_tag, message):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ if "samp.mtype" not in message:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(
+ 3,
+ f"samp.mtype keyword is missing in message tagged as {msg_tag}",
+ )
+ public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0]
+ msg_id = self._call_all_(private_key, public_id, msg_tag, message)
+ return msg_id
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _call_all_(self, sender_private_key, sender_public_id, msg_tag, message):
+ msg_id = {}
+ msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(message["samp.mtype"])
+ for mtype in msubs:
+ if mtype in self._mtype2ids:
+ for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]:
+ if key != sender_private_key:
+ _msg_id = self._get_new_hub_msg_id(sender_public_id, msg_tag)
+ receiver_public_id = self._private_keys[key][0]
+ msg_id[receiver_public_id] = _msg_id
+ self._launch_thread(
+ target=self._call_,
+ args=(
+ sender_private_key,
+ sender_public_id,
+ receiver_public_id,
+ _msg_id,
+ message,
+ ),
+ )
+ return msg_id
+ def _call_and_wait(self, private_key, recipient_id, message, timeout):
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ timeout = int(timeout)
+ now = time.time()
+ response = {}
+ msg_id = self._call(private_key, recipient_id, "samp::sync::call", message)
+ self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id] = None
+ while self._is_running:
+ if 0 < timeout <= time.time() - now:
+ del self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id]
+ raise SAMPProxyError(1, "Timeout expired!")
+ if self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id] is not None:
+ response = copy.deepcopy(self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id])
+ del self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id]
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ return response
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ def _reply(self, private_key, msg_id, response):
+ """
+ The main method that gets called for replying. This starts up an
+ asynchronous reply thread and returns.
+ """
+ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key)
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ self._launch_thread(
+ target=self._reply_, args=(private_key, msg_id, response)
+ )
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ return {}
+ def _reply_(self, responder_private_key, msg_id, response):
+ if responder_private_key not in self._private_keys or not msg_id:
+ return
+ responder_public_id = self._private_keys[responder_private_key][0]
+ counter, hub_public_id, recipient_public_id, recipient_msg_tag = msg_id.split(
+ ";;", 3
+ )
+ try:
+ log.debug(
+ f"reply {counter} from {responder_public_id} to {recipient_public_id}"
+ )
+ if recipient_msg_tag == "samp::sync::call":
+ if msg_id in self._sync_msg_ids_heap.keys():
+ self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id] = response
+ else:
+ recipient_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(
+ recipient_public_id
+ )
+ arg_params = (responder_public_id, recipient_msg_tag, response)
+ samp_method_name = "receiveResponse"
+ self._retry_method(
+ recipient_private_key,
+ recipient_public_id,
+ samp_method_name,
+ arg_params,
+ )
+ except Exception as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "{} reply from client {} to client {} failed [{}]".format(
+ recipient_msg_tag, responder_public_id, recipient_public_id, exc
+ ),
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ def _retry_method(
+ self, recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_method_name, arg_params
+ ):
+ """
+ This method is used to retry a SAMP call several times.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ recipient_private_key
+ The private key of the receiver of the call
+ recipient_public_key
+ The public key of the receiver of the call
+ samp_method_name : str
+ The name of the SAMP method to call
+ arg_params : tuple
+ Any additional arguments to be passed to the SAMP method
+ """
+ if recipient_private_key is None:
+ raise SAMPHubError("Invalid client ID")
+ from . import conf
+ for attempt in range(conf.n_retries):
+ if not self._is_running:
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ continue
+ try:
+ if (
+ self._web_profile
+ and recipient_private_key in self._web_profile_callbacks
+ ):
+ # Web Profile
+ callback = {
+ "samp.methodName": samp_method_name,
+ "samp.params": arg_params,
+ }
+ self._web_profile_callbacks[recipient_private_key].put(callback)
+ else:
+ # Standard Profile
+ hub = self._xmlrpc_endpoints[recipient_public_id][1]
+ getattr(hub.samp.client, samp_method_name)(
+ recipient_private_key, *arg_params
+ )
+ except xmlrpc.Fault as exc:
+ log.debug(
+ "{} XML-RPC endpoint error (attempt {}): {}".format(
+ recipient_public_id, attempt + 1, exc.faultString
+ )
+ )
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ else:
+ return
+ # If we are here, then the above attempts failed
+ error_message = (
+ samp_method_name + " failed after " + str(conf.n_retries) + " attempts"
+ )
+ raise SAMPHubError(error_message)
+ def _public_id_to_private_key(self, public_id):
+ for private_key in self._private_keys.keys():
+ if self._private_keys[private_key][0] == public_id:
+ return private_key
+ return None
+ def _get_new_hub_msg_id(self, sender_public_id, sender_msg_id):
+ with self._thread_lock:
+ self._hub_msg_id_counter += 1
+ return "msg#{};;{};;{};;{}".format(
+ self._hub_msg_id_counter,
+ self._hub_public_id,
+ sender_public_id,
+ sender_msg_id,
+ )
+ def _update_last_activity_time(self, private_key=None):
+ with self._thread_lock:
+ self._last_activity_time = time.time()
+ if private_key is not None:
+ self._client_activity_time[private_key] = time.time()
+ def _receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, message):
+ return ""
+ def _receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message):
+ if private_key == self._hub_private_key:
+ if "samp.mtype" in message and message["samp.mtype"] == "samp.app.ping":
+ self._reply(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ msg_id,
+ {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, "samp.result": {}},
+ )
+ elif "samp.mtype" in message and (
+ message["samp.mtype"] == "x-samp.query.by-meta"
+ or message["samp.mtype"] == "samp.query.by-meta"
+ ):
+ ids_list = self._query_by_metadata(
+ message["samp.params"]["key"], message["samp.params"]["value"]
+ )
+ self._reply(
+ self._hub_private_key,
+ msg_id,
+ {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, "samp.result": {"ids": ids_list}},
+ )
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def _receive_response(self, private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response):
+ return ""
+ def _web_profile_register(
+ self, identity_info, client_address=("unknown", 0), origin="unknown"
+ ):
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ if client_address[0] not in ["localhost", ""]:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(403, "Request of registration rejected by the Hub.")
+ if not origin:
+ origin = "unknown"
+ if isinstance(identity_info, dict):
+ # an old version of the protocol provided just a string with the app name
+ if "samp.name" not in identity_info:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(
+ 403,
+ "Request of registration rejected "
+ "by the Hub (application name not "
+ "provided).",
+ )
+ # Red semaphore for the other threads
+ self._web_profile_requests_semaphore.put("wait")
+ # Set the request to be displayed for the current thread
+ self._web_profile_requests_queue.put((identity_info, client_address, origin))
+ # Get the popup dialogue response
+ response = self._web_profile_requests_result.get()
+ # OK, semaphore green
+ self._web_profile_requests_semaphore.get()
+ if response:
+ register_map = self._perform_standard_register()
+ translator_url = "http://localhost:{}/translator/{}?ref=".format(
+ self._web_port, register_map["samp.private-key"]
+ )
+ register_map["samp.url-translator"] = translator_url
+ self._web_profile_server.add_client(register_map["samp.private-key"])
+ return register_map
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(403, "Request of registration rejected by the user.")
+ def _web_profile_allowReverseCallbacks(self, private_key, allow):
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ if allow == "0":
+ if private_key in self._web_profile_callbacks:
+ del self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key]
+ else:
+ self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key] = queue.Queue()
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+ return ""
+ def _web_profile_pullCallbacks(self, private_key, timeout_secs):
+ self._update_last_activity_time()
+ if private_key in self._private_keys:
+ callback = []
+ callback_queue = self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key]
+ try:
+ while self._is_running:
+ item_queued = callback_queue.get_nowait()
+ callback.append(item_queued)
+ except queue.Empty:
+ pass
+ return callback
+ else:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(5, f"Private-key {private_key} expired or invalid.")
+class WebProfileDialog:
+ """
+ A base class to make writing Web Profile GUI consent dialogs
+ easier.
+ The concrete class must:
+ 1) Poll ``handle_queue`` periodically, using the timer services
+ of the GUI's event loop. This function will call
+ ``self.show_dialog`` when a request requires authorization.
+ ``self.show_dialog`` will be given the arguments:
+ - ``samp_name``: The name of the application making the request.
+ - ``details``: A dictionary of details about the client
+ making the request.
+ - ``client``: A hostname, port pair containing the client
+ address.
+ - ``origin``: A string containing the origin of the
+ request.
+ 2) Call ``consent`` or ``reject`` based on the user's response to
+ the dialog.
+ """
+ def handle_queue(self):
+ try:
+ request = self.queue_request.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty: # queue is set but empty
+ pass
+ except AttributeError: # queue has not been set yet
+ pass
+ else:
+ if isinstance(request[0], str): # To support the old protocol version
+ samp_name = request[0]
+ else:
+ samp_name = request[0]["samp.name"]
+ self.show_dialog(samp_name, request[0], request[1], request[2])
+ def consent(self):
+ self.queue_result.put(True)
+ def reject(self):
+ self.queue_result.put(False)
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub_proxy.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f56621b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import copy
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from .errors import SAMPHubError
+from .lockfile_helpers import get_main_running_hub
+from .utils import ServerProxyPool
+__all__ = ["SAMPHubProxy"]
+class SAMPHubProxy:
+ """
+ Proxy class to simplify the client interaction with a SAMP hub (via the
+ standard profile).
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.proxy = None
+ self._connected = False
+ @property
+ def is_connected(self):
+ """
+ Whether the hub proxy is currently connected to a hub.
+ """
+ return self._connected
+ def connect(self, hub=None, hub_params=None, pool_size=20):
+ """
+ Connect to the current SAMP Hub.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ hub : `~astropy.samp.SAMPHubServer`, optional
+ The hub to connect to.
+ hub_params : dict, optional
+ Optional dictionary containing the lock-file content of the Hub
+ with which to connect. This dictionary has the form
+ ``{: , ...}``.
+ pool_size : int, optional
+ The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the
+ Hub.
+ """
+ self._connected = False
+ self.lockfile = {}
+ if hub is not None and hub_params is not None:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot specify both hub and hub_params")
+ if hub_params is None:
+ if hub is not None:
+ if not hub.is_running:
+ raise SAMPHubError("Hub is not running")
+ else:
+ hub_params = hub.params
+ else:
+ hub_params = get_main_running_hub()
+ try:
+ url = hub_params["samp.hub.xmlrpc.url"].replace("\\", "")
+ self.proxy = ServerProxyPool(
+ pool_size, xmlrpc.ServerProxy, url, allow_none=1
+ )
+ self.ping()
+ self.lockfile = copy.deepcopy(hub_params)
+ self._connected = True
+ except xmlrpc.ProtocolError as p:
+ # 401 Unauthorized
+ if p.errcode == 401:
+ raise SAMPHubError(
+ "Unauthorized access. Basic Authentication required or failed."
+ )
+ else:
+ raise SAMPHubError(f"Protocol Error {p.errcode}: {p.errmsg}")
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """
+ Disconnect from the current SAMP Hub.
+ """
+ if self.proxy is not None:
+ self.proxy.shutdown()
+ self.proxy = None
+ self._connected = False
+ self.lockfile = {}
+ @property
+ def _samp_hub(self):
+ """
+ Property to abstract away the path to the hub, which allows this class
+ to be used for other profiles.
+ """
+ return self.proxy.samp.hub
+ def ping(self):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``ping`` SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only).
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.ping()
+ def set_xmlrpc_callback(self, private_key, xmlrpc_addr):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``setXmlrpcCallback`` SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only).
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.setXmlrpcCallback(private_key, xmlrpc_addr)
+ def register(self, secret):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``register`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.register(secret)
+ def unregister(self, private_key):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``unregister`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.unregister(private_key)
+ def declare_metadata(self, private_key, metadata):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``declareMetadata`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.declareMetadata(private_key, metadata)
+ def get_metadata(self, private_key, client_id):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getMetadata`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.getMetadata(private_key, client_id)
+ def declare_subscriptions(self, private_key, subscriptions):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``declareSubscriptions`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.declareSubscriptions(private_key, subscriptions)
+ def get_subscriptions(self, private_key, client_id):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getSubscriptions`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.getSubscriptions(private_key, client_id)
+ def get_registered_clients(self, private_key):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getRegisteredClients`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.getRegisteredClients(private_key)
+ def get_subscribed_clients(self, private_key, mtype):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getSubscribedClients`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.getSubscribedClients(private_key, mtype)
+ def notify(self, private_key, recipient_id, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``notify`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.notify(private_key, recipient_id, message)
+ def notify_all(self, private_key, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``notifyAll`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.notifyAll(private_key, message)
+ def call(self, private_key, recipient_id, msg_tag, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``call`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.call(private_key, recipient_id, msg_tag, message)
+ def call_all(self, private_key, msg_tag, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``callAll`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.callAll(private_key, msg_tag, message)
+ def call_and_wait(self, private_key, recipient_id, message, timeout):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``callAndWait`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.callAndWait(private_key, recipient_id, message, timeout)
+ def reply(self, private_key, msg_id, response):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``reply`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.reply(private_key, msg_id, response)
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub_script.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub_script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0180890c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/hub_script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import argparse
+import copy
+import sys
+import time
+from astropy import __version__, log
+from .hub import SAMPHubServer
+__all__ = ["hub_script"]
+def hub_script(timeout=0):
+ """
+ This main function is executed by the ``samp_hub`` command line tool.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="samp_hub " + __version__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-k", "--secret", dest="secret", metavar="CODE", help="custom secret code."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d", "--addr", dest="addr", metavar="ADDR", help="listening address (or IP)."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p",
+ "--port",
+ dest="port",
+ metavar="PORT",
+ type=int,
+ help="listening port number.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-f", "--lockfile", dest="lockfile", metavar="FILE", help="custom lockfile."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-w",
+ "--no-web-profile",
+ dest="web_profile",
+ action="store_false",
+ help="run the Hub disabling the Web Profile.",
+ default=True,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-P",
+ "--pool-size",
+ dest="pool_size",
+ metavar="SIZE",
+ type=int,
+ help="the socket connections pool size.",
+ default=20,
+ )
+ timeout_group = parser.add_argument_group(
+ "Timeout group",
+ "Special options to setup hub and client timeouts."
+ "It contains a set of special options that allows to set up the Hub and "
+ "clients inactivity timeouts, that is the Hub or client inactivity time "
+ "interval after which the Hub shuts down or unregisters the client. "
+ "Notification of samp.hub.disconnect MType is sent to the clients "
+ "forcibly unregistered for timeout expiration.",
+ )
+ timeout_group.add_argument(
+ "-t",
+ "--timeout",
+ dest="timeout",
+ metavar="SECONDS",
+ help=(
+ "set the Hub inactivity timeout in SECONDS. By default it "
+ "is set to 0, that is the Hub never expires."
+ ),
+ type=int,
+ default=0,
+ )
+ timeout_group.add_argument(
+ "-c",
+ "--client-timeout",
+ dest="client_timeout",
+ metavar="SECONDS",
+ help=(
+ "set the client inactivity timeout in SECONDS. By default it "
+ "is set to 0, that is the client never expires."
+ ),
+ type=int,
+ default=0,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument_group(timeout_group)
+ log_group = parser.add_argument_group(
+ "Logging options",
+ "Additional options which allow to customize the logging output. By "
+ "default the SAMP Hub uses the standard output and standard error "
+ "devices to print out INFO level logging messages. Using the options "
+ "here below it is possible to modify the logging level and also "
+ "specify the output files where redirect the logging messages.",
+ )
+ log_group.add_argument(
+ "-L",
+ "--log-level",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ metavar="LEVEL",
+ help="set the Hub instance log level (OFF, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG).",
+ type=str,
+ choices=["OFF", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"],
+ default="INFO",
+ )
+ log_group.add_argument(
+ "-O",
+ "--log-output",
+ dest="logout",
+ metavar="FILE",
+ help="set the output file for the log messages.",
+ default="",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument_group(log_group)
+ adv_group = parser.add_argument_group(
+ "Advanced group",
+ "Advanced options addressed to facilitate administrative tasks and "
+ "allow new non-standard Hub behaviors. In particular the --label "
+ "options is used to assign a value to hub.label token and is used to "
+ "assign a name to the Hub instance. "
+ "The very special --multi option allows to start a Hub in multi-instance mode. "
+ "Multi-instance mode is a non-standard Hub behavior that enables "
+ "multiple contemporaneous running Hubs. Multi-instance hubs place "
+ "their non-standard lock-files within the /.samp-1 "
+ "directory naming them making use of the format: "
+ "samp-hub--, where PID is the Hub process ID while ID is an "
+ "internal ID (integer).",
+ )
+ adv_group.add_argument(
+ "-l",
+ "--label",
+ dest="label",
+ metavar="LABEL",
+ help="assign a LABEL to the Hub.",
+ default="",
+ )
+ adv_group.add_argument(
+ "-m",
+ "--multi",
+ dest="mode",
+ help=(
+ "run the Hub in multi-instance mode generating a custom "
+ "lockfile with a random name."
+ ),
+ action="store_const",
+ const="multiple",
+ default="single",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument_group(adv_group)
+ options = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ if options.loglevel in ("OFF", "ERROR", "WARNING", "DEBUG", "INFO"):
+ log.setLevel(options.loglevel)
+ if options.logout != "":
+ context = log.log_to_file(options.logout)
+ else:
+ class dummy_context:
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ pass
+ context = dummy_context()
+ with context:
+ args = copy.deepcopy(options.__dict__)
+ del args["loglevel"]
+ del args["logout"]
+ hub = SAMPHubServer(**args)
+ hub.start(False)
+ if not timeout:
+ while hub.is_running:
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(timeout)
+ hub.stop()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ hub.stop()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ except OSError as e:
+ print(f"[SAMP] Error: I/O error({e.errno}): {e.strerror}")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except SystemExit:
+ pass
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/integrated_client.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/integrated_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f53a947d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/integrated_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+from .client import SAMPClient
+from .hub_proxy import SAMPHubProxy
+__all__ = ["SAMPIntegratedClient"]
+__doctest_skip__ = ["SAMPIntegratedClient.*"]
+class SAMPIntegratedClient:
+ """
+ A Simple SAMP client.
+ This class is meant to simplify the client usage providing a proxy class
+ that merges the :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPClient` and
+ :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPHubProxy` functionalities in a
+ simplified API.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str, optional
+ Client name (corresponding to ``samp.name`` metadata keyword).
+ description : str, optional
+ Client description (corresponding to ``samp.description.text`` metadata
+ keyword).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Client application metadata in the standard SAMP format.
+ addr : str, optional
+ Listening address (or IP). This defaults to if the internet
+ is not reachable, otherwise it defaults to the host name.
+ port : int, optional
+ Listening XML-RPC server socket port. If left set to 0 (the default),
+ the operating system will select a free port.
+ callable : bool, optional
+ Whether the client can receive calls and notifications. If set to
+ `False`, then the client can send notifications and calls, but can not
+ receive any.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name=None,
+ description=None,
+ metadata=None,
+ addr=None,
+ port=0,
+ callable=True,
+ ):
+ self.hub = SAMPHubProxy()
+ self.client_arguments = {
+ "name": name,
+ "description": description,
+ "metadata": metadata,
+ "addr": addr,
+ "port": port,
+ "callable": callable,
+ }
+ """
+ Collected arguments that should be passed on to the SAMPClient below.
+ The SAMPClient used to be instantiated in __init__; however, this
+ caused problems with disconnecting and reconnecting to the HUB.
+ The client_arguments is used to maintain backwards compatibility.
+ """
+ self.client = None
+ "The client will be instantiated upon connect()."
+ @property
+ def is_connected(self):
+ """
+ Testing method to verify the client connection with a running Hub.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ is_connected : bool
+ True if the client is connected to a Hub, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return self.hub.is_connected and self.client.is_running
+ def connect(self, hub=None, hub_params=None, pool_size=20):
+ """
+ Connect with the current or specified SAMP Hub, start and register the
+ client.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ hub : `~astropy.samp.SAMPHubServer`, optional
+ The hub to connect to.
+ hub_params : dict, optional
+ Optional dictionary containing the lock-file content of the Hub
+ with which to connect. This dictionary has the form
+ ``{: , ...}``.
+ pool_size : int, optional
+ The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the
+ Hub.
+ """
+ self.hub.connect(hub, hub_params, pool_size)
+ # The client has to be instantiated here and not in __init__() because
+ # this allows disconnecting and reconnecting to the HUB. Nonetheless,
+ # the client_arguments are set in __init__() because the
+ # instantiation of the client used to happen there and this retains
+ # backwards compatibility.
+ self.client = SAMPClient(self.hub, **self.client_arguments)
+ self.client.start()
+ self.client.register()
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """
+ Unregister the client from the current SAMP Hub, stop the client and
+ disconnect from the Hub.
+ """
+ if self.is_connected:
+ try:
+ self.client.unregister()
+ finally:
+ if self.client.is_running:
+ self.client.stop()
+ self.hub.disconnect()
+ # HUB
+ def ping(self):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``ping`` SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only).
+ """
+ return self.hub.ping()
+ def declare_metadata(self, metadata):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``declareMetadata`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.client.declare_metadata(metadata)
+ def get_metadata(self, client_id):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getMetadata`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.get_metadata(self.get_private_key(), client_id)
+ def get_subscriptions(self, client_id):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getSubscriptions`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.get_subscriptions(self.get_private_key(), client_id)
+ def get_registered_clients(self):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getRegisteredClients`` SAMP Hub method.
+ This returns all the registered clients, excluding the current client.
+ """
+ return self.hub.get_registered_clients(self.get_private_key())
+ def get_subscribed_clients(self, mtype):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``getSubscribedClients`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.get_subscribed_clients(self.get_private_key(), mtype)
+ def _format_easy_msg(self, mtype, params):
+ msg = {}
+ if "extra_kws" in params:
+ extra = params["extra_kws"]
+ del params["extra_kws"]
+ msg = {"samp.mtype": mtype, "samp.params": params}
+ msg.update(extra)
+ else:
+ msg = {"samp.mtype": mtype, "samp.params": params}
+ return msg
+ def notify(self, recipient_id, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``notify`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.notify(self.get_private_key(), recipient_id, message)
+ def enotify(self, recipient_id, mtype, **params):
+ """
+ Easy to use version of :meth:`~astropy.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.notify`.
+ This is a proxy to ``notify`` method that allows to send the
+ notification message in a simplified way.
+ Note that reserved ``extra_kws`` keyword is a dictionary with the
+ special meaning of being used to add extra keywords, in addition to
+ the standard ``samp.mtype`` and ``samp.params``, to the message sent.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ recipient_id : str
+ Recipient ID
+ mtype : str
+ the MType to be notified
+ params : dict or set of str
+ Variable keyword set which contains the list of parameters for the
+ specified MType.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
+ >>> cli = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ >>> ...
+ >>> cli.enotify("samp.msg.progress", msgid = "xyz", txt = "initialization",
+ ... percent = "10", extra_kws = {"my.extra.info": "just an example"})
+ """
+ return self.notify(recipient_id, self._format_easy_msg(mtype, params))
+ def notify_all(self, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``notifyAll`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.notify_all(self.get_private_key(), message)
+ def enotify_all(self, mtype, **params):
+ """
+ Easy to use version of :meth:`~astropy.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.notify_all`.
+ This is a proxy to ``notifyAll`` method that allows to send the
+ notification message in a simplified way.
+ Note that reserved ``extra_kws`` keyword is a dictionary with the
+ special meaning of being used to add extra keywords, in addition to
+ the standard ``samp.mtype`` and ``samp.params``, to the message sent.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be notified.
+ params : dict or set of str
+ Variable keyword set which contains the list of parameters for
+ the specified MType.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
+ >>> cli = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ >>> ...
+ >>> cli.enotify_all("samp.msg.progress", txt = "initialization",
+ ... percent = "10",
+ ... extra_kws = {"my.extra.info": "just an example"})
+ """
+ return self.notify_all(self._format_easy_msg(mtype, params))
+ def call(self, recipient_id, msg_tag, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``call`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.call(self.get_private_key(), recipient_id, msg_tag, message)
+ def ecall(self, recipient_id, msg_tag, mtype, **params):
+ """
+ Easy to use version of :meth:`~astropy.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.call`.
+ This is a proxy to ``call`` method that allows to send a call message
+ in a simplified way.
+ Note that reserved ``extra_kws`` keyword is a dictionary with the
+ special meaning of being used to add extra keywords, in addition to
+ the standard ``samp.mtype`` and ``samp.params``, to the message sent.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ recipient_id : str
+ Recipient ID
+ msg_tag : str
+ Message tag to use
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be sent
+ params : dict of set of str
+ Variable keyword set which contains the list of parameters for
+ the specified MType.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
+ >>> cli = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ >>> ...
+ >>> msgid = cli.ecall("abc", "xyz", "samp.msg.progress",
+ ... txt = "initialization", percent = "10",
+ ... extra_kws = {"my.extra.info": "just an example"})
+ """
+ return self.call(recipient_id, msg_tag, self._format_easy_msg(mtype, params))
+ def call_all(self, msg_tag, message):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``callAll`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.call_all(self.get_private_key(), msg_tag, message)
+ def ecall_all(self, msg_tag, mtype, **params):
+ """
+ Easy to use version of :meth:`~astropy.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.call_all`.
+ This is a proxy to ``callAll`` method that allows to send the call
+ message in a simplified way.
+ Note that reserved ``extra_kws`` keyword is a dictionary with the
+ special meaning of being used to add extra keywords, in addition to
+ the standard ``samp.mtype`` and ``samp.params``, to the message sent.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ msg_tag : str
+ Message tag to use
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be sent
+ params : dict of set of str
+ Variable keyword set which contains the list of parameters for
+ the specified MType.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
+ >>> cli = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ >>> ...
+ >>> msgid = cli.ecall_all("xyz", "samp.msg.progress",
+ ... txt = "initialization", percent = "10",
+ ... extra_kws = {"my.extra.info": "just an example"})
+ """
+ self.call_all(msg_tag, self._format_easy_msg(mtype, params))
+ def call_and_wait(self, recipient_id, message, timeout):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``callAndWait`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.call_and_wait(
+ self.get_private_key(), recipient_id, message, timeout
+ )
+ def ecall_and_wait(self, recipient_id, mtype, timeout, **params):
+ """
+ Easy to use version of :meth:`~astropy.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.call_and_wait`.
+ This is a proxy to ``callAndWait`` method that allows to send the call
+ message in a simplified way.
+ Note that reserved ``extra_kws`` keyword is a dictionary with the
+ special meaning of being used to add extra keywords, in addition to
+ the standard ``samp.mtype`` and ``samp.params``, to the message sent.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ recipient_id : str
+ Recipient ID
+ mtype : str
+ MType to be sent
+ timeout : str
+ Call timeout in seconds
+ params : dict of set of str
+ Variable keyword set which contains the list of parameters for
+ the specified MType.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
+ >>> cli = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ >>> ...
+ >>> cli.ecall_and_wait("xyz", "samp.msg.progress", "5",
+ ... txt = "initialization", percent = "10",
+ ... extra_kws = {"my.extra.info": "just an example"})
+ """
+ return self.call_and_wait(
+ recipient_id, self._format_easy_msg(mtype, params), timeout
+ )
+ def reply(self, msg_id, response):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``reply`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self.hub.reply(self.get_private_key(), msg_id, response)
+ def _format_easy_response(self, status, result, error):
+ msg = {"samp.status": status}
+ if result is not None:
+ msg.update({"samp.result": result})
+ if error is not None:
+ msg.update({"samp.error": error})
+ return msg
+ def ereply(self, msg_id, status, result=None, error=None):
+ """
+ Easy to use version of :meth:`~astropy.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.reply`.
+ This is a proxy to ``reply`` method that allows to send a reply
+ message in a simplified way.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ msg_id : str
+ Message ID to which reply.
+ status : str
+ Content of the ``samp.status`` response keyword.
+ result : dict
+ Content of the ``samp.result`` response keyword.
+ error : dict
+ Content of the ``samp.error`` response keyword.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient, SAMP_STATUS_ERROR
+ >>> cli = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ >>> ...
+ >>> cli.ereply("abd", SAMP_STATUS_ERROR, result={},
+ ... error={"samp.errortxt": "Test error message"})
+ """
+ return self.reply(msg_id, self._format_easy_response(status, result, error))
+ def receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, message):
+ return self.client.receive_notification(private_key, sender_id, message)
+ receive_notification.__doc__ = SAMPClient.receive_notification.__doc__
+ def receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message):
+ return self.client.receive_call(private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message)
+ receive_call.__doc__ = SAMPClient.receive_call.__doc__
+ def receive_response(self, private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response):
+ return self.client.receive_response(
+ private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response
+ )
+ receive_response.__doc__ = SAMPClient.receive_response.__doc__
+ def bind_receive_message(self, mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None):
+ self.client.bind_receive_message(mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None)
+ bind_receive_message.__doc__ = SAMPClient.bind_receive_message.__doc__
+ def bind_receive_notification(self, mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None):
+ self.client.bind_receive_notification(mtype, function, declare, metadata)
+ bind_receive_notification.__doc__ = SAMPClient.bind_receive_notification.__doc__
+ def bind_receive_call(self, mtype, function, declare=True, metadata=None):
+ self.client.bind_receive_call(mtype, function, declare, metadata)
+ bind_receive_call.__doc__ = SAMPClient.bind_receive_call.__doc__
+ def bind_receive_response(self, msg_tag, function):
+ self.client.bind_receive_response(msg_tag, function)
+ bind_receive_response.__doc__ = SAMPClient.bind_receive_response.__doc__
+ def unbind_receive_notification(self, mtype, declare=True):
+ self.client.unbind_receive_notification(mtype, declare)
+ unbind_receive_notification.__doc__ = SAMPClient.unbind_receive_notification.__doc__
+ def unbind_receive_call(self, mtype, declare=True):
+ self.client.unbind_receive_call(mtype, declare)
+ unbind_receive_call.__doc__ = SAMPClient.unbind_receive_call.__doc__
+ def unbind_receive_response(self, msg_tag):
+ self.client.unbind_receive_response(msg_tag)
+ unbind_receive_response.__doc__ = SAMPClient.unbind_receive_response.__doc__
+ def declare_subscriptions(self, subscriptions=None):
+ self.client.declare_subscriptions(subscriptions)
+ declare_subscriptions.__doc__ = SAMPClient.declare_subscriptions.__doc__
+ def get_private_key(self):
+ return self.client.get_private_key()
+ get_private_key.__doc__ = SAMPClient.get_private_key.__doc__
+ def get_public_id(self):
+ return self.client.get_public_id()
+ get_public_id.__doc__ = SAMPClient.get_public_id.__doc__
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/lockfile_helpers.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/lockfile_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9ac2d141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/lockfile_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+# TODO: this file should be refactored to use a more thread-safe and
+# race-condition-safe lockfile mechanism.
+import datetime
+import os
+import stat
+import warnings
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from contextlib import suppress
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from astropy import log
+from astropy.config.paths import _find_home
+from astropy.utils.data import get_readable_fileobj
+from .errors import SAMPHubError, SAMPWarning
+def read_lockfile(lockfilename):
+ """
+ Read in the lockfile given by ``lockfilename`` into a dictionary.
+ """
+ # lockfilename may be a local file or a remote URL, but
+ # get_readable_fileobj takes care of this.
+ lockfiledict = {}
+ with get_readable_fileobj(lockfilename) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if not line.startswith("#"):
+ kw, val = line.split("=")
+ lockfiledict[kw.strip()] = val.strip()
+ return lockfiledict
+def write_lockfile(lockfilename, lockfiledict):
+ lockfile = open(lockfilename, "w")
+ lockfile.close()
+ os.chmod(lockfilename, stat.S_IREAD + stat.S_IWRITE)
+ lockfile = open(lockfilename, "w")
+ now_iso = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
+ lockfile.write(f"# SAMP lockfile written on {now_iso}\n")
+ lockfile.write("# Standard Profile required keys\n")
+ for key, value in lockfiledict.items():
+ lockfile.write(f"{key}={value}\n")
+ lockfile.close()
+def create_lock_file(lockfilename=None, mode=None, hub_id=None, hub_params=None):
+ # Remove lock-files of dead hubs
+ remove_garbage_lock_files()
+ lockfiledir = ""
+ if "SAMP_HUB" in os.environ:
+ # For the time being I assume just the std profile supported.
+ if os.environ["SAMP_HUB"].startswith("std-lockurl:"):
+ lockfilename = os.environ["SAMP_HUB"][len("std-lockurl:") :]
+ lockfile_parsed = urlparse(lockfilename)
+ if lockfile_parsed[0] != "file":
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Unable to start a Hub with lockfile {lockfilename}. "
+ "Start-up process aborted.",
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ return False
+ else:
+ lockfilename = lockfile_parsed[2]
+ else:
+ # If it is a fresh Hub instance
+ if lockfilename is None:
+ log.debug("Running mode: " + mode)
+ if mode == "single":
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp")
+ else:
+ lockfiledir = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp-1")
+ # If missing create .samp-1 directory
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(lockfiledir)
+ except OSError:
+ pass # directory already exists
+ finally:
+ os.chmod(lockfiledir, stat.S_IREAD + stat.S_IWRITE + stat.S_IEXEC)
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(lockfiledir, f"samp-hub-{hub_id}")
+ else:
+ log.debug("Running mode: multiple")
+ hub_is_running, lockfiledict = check_running_hub(lockfilename)
+ if hub_is_running:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Another SAMP Hub is already running. Start-up process aborted.",
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
+ return False
+ log.debug("Lock-file: " + lockfilename)
+ write_lockfile(lockfilename, hub_params)
+ return lockfilename
+def get_main_running_hub():
+ """
+ Get either the hub given by the environment variable SAMP_HUB, or the one
+ given by the lockfile .samp in the user home directory.
+ """
+ hubs = get_running_hubs()
+ if not hubs:
+ raise SAMPHubError("Unable to find a running SAMP Hub.")
+ if "SAMP_HUB" in os.environ:
+ # For the time being I assume just the std profile supported.
+ if os.environ["SAMP_HUB"].startswith("std-lockurl:"):
+ lockfilename = os.environ["SAMP_HUB"][len("std-lockurl:") :]
+ else:
+ raise SAMPHubError("SAMP Hub profile not supported.")
+ else:
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp")
+ return hubs[lockfilename]
+def get_running_hubs():
+ """
+ Return a dictionary containing the lock-file contents of all the currently
+ running hubs (single and/or multiple mode).
+ The dictionary format is:
+ ``{: {: , ...}, ...}``
+ where ``{}`` is the lock-file name, ``{}`` and
+ ``{}`` are the lock-file tokens (name and content).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ running_hubs : dict
+ Lock-file contents of all the currently running hubs.
+ """
+ hubs = {}
+ lockfilename = ""
+ if "SAMP_HUB" in os.environ:
+ # For the time being I assume just the std profile supported.
+ if os.environ["SAMP_HUB"].startswith("std-lockurl:"):
+ lockfilename = os.environ["SAMP_HUB"][len("std-lockurl:") :]
+ else:
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp")
+ hub_is_running, lockfiledict = check_running_hub(lockfilename)
+ if hub_is_running:
+ hubs[lockfilename] = lockfiledict
+ lockfiledir = ""
+ lockfiledir = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp-1")
+ if os.path.isdir(lockfiledir):
+ for filename in os.listdir(lockfiledir):
+ if filename.startswith("samp-hub"):
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(lockfiledir, filename)
+ hub_is_running, lockfiledict = check_running_hub(lockfilename)
+ if hub_is_running:
+ hubs[lockfilename] = lockfiledict
+ return hubs
+def check_running_hub(lockfilename):
+ """
+ Test whether a hub identified by ``lockfilename`` is running or not.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lockfilename : str
+ Lock-file name (path + file name) of the Hub to be tested.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ is_running : bool
+ Whether the hub is running
+ hub_params : dict
+ If the hub is running this contains the parameters from the lockfile
+ """
+ is_running = False
+ lockfiledict = {}
+ # Check whether a lockfile already exists
+ try:
+ lockfiledict = read_lockfile(lockfilename)
+ except OSError:
+ return is_running, lockfiledict
+ if "samp.hub.xmlrpc.url" in lockfiledict:
+ try:
+ proxy = xmlrpc.ServerProxy(
+ lockfiledict["samp.hub.xmlrpc.url"].replace("\\", ""), allow_none=1
+ )
+ proxy.samp.hub.ping()
+ is_running = True
+ except xmlrpc.ProtocolError:
+ # There is a protocol error (e.g. for authentication required),
+ # but the server is alive
+ is_running = True
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return is_running, lockfiledict
+def remove_garbage_lock_files():
+ lockfilename = ""
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp")
+ hub_is_running, lockfiledict = check_running_hub(lockfilename)
+ if not hub_is_running:
+ # If lockfilename belongs to a dead hub, then it is deleted
+ if os.path.isfile(lockfilename):
+ with suppress(OSError):
+ os.remove(lockfilename)
+ lockfiledir = os.path.join(_find_home(), ".samp-1")
+ if os.path.isdir(lockfiledir):
+ for filename in os.listdir(lockfiledir):
+ if filename.startswith("samp-hub"):
+ lockfilename = os.path.join(lockfiledir, filename)
+ hub_is_running, lockfiledict = check_running_hub(lockfilename)
+ if not hub_is_running:
+ # If lockfilename belongs to a dead hub, then it is deleted
+ if os.path.isfile(lockfilename):
+ with suppress(OSError):
+ os.remove(lockfilename)
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/setup_package.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/setup_package.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/standard_profile.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/standard_profile.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bbf4b754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/standard_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import socketserver
+import sys
+import traceback
+import warnings
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, SimpleXMLRPCServer
+from .constants import SAMP_ICON
+from .errors import SAMPWarning
+__all__ = []
+class SAMPSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
+ """
+ XMLRPC handler of Standard Profile requests.
+ """
+ def do_GET(self):
+ if self.path == "/samp/icon":
+ self.send_response(200, "OK")
+ self.send_header("Content-Type", "image/png")
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(SAMP_ICON)
+ def do_POST(self):
+ """
+ Handles the HTTP POST request.
+ Attempts to interpret all HTTP POST requests as XML-RPC calls,
+ which are forwarded to the server's ``_dispatch`` method for
+ handling.
+ """
+ # Check that the path is legal
+ if not self.is_rpc_path_valid():
+ self.report_404()
+ return
+ try:
+ # Get arguments by reading body of request.
+ # We read this in chunks to avoid straining
+ # socket.read(); around the 10 or 15Mb mark, some platforms
+ # begin to have problems (bug #792570).
+ max_chunk_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024
+ size_remaining = int(self.headers["content-length"])
+ L = []
+ while size_remaining:
+ chunk_size = min(size_remaining, max_chunk_size)
+ L.append(self.rfile.read(chunk_size))
+ size_remaining -= len(L[-1])
+ data = b"".join(L)
+ params, method = xmlrpc.loads(data)
+ if method == "samp.webhub.register":
+ params = list(params)
+ params.append(self.client_address)
+ if "Origin" in self.headers:
+ params.append(self.headers.get("Origin"))
+ else:
+ params.append("unknown")
+ params = tuple(params)
+ data = xmlrpc.dumps(params, methodname=method)
+ elif method in (
+ "samp.hub.notify",
+ "samp.hub.notifyAll",
+ "samp.hub.call",
+ "samp.hub.callAll",
+ "samp.hub.callAndWait",
+ ):
+ user = "unknown"
+ if method == "samp.hub.callAndWait":
+ params[2]["host"] = self.address_string()
+ params[2]["user"] = user
+ else:
+ params[-1]["host"] = self.address_string()
+ params[-1]["user"] = user
+ data = xmlrpc.dumps(params, methodname=method)
+ data = self.decode_request_content(data)
+ if data is None:
+ return # response has been sent
+ # In previous versions of SimpleXMLRPCServer, _dispatch
+ # could be overridden in this class, instead of in
+ # SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher. To maintain backwards compatibility,
+ # check to see if a subclass implements _dispatch and dispatch
+ # using that method if present.
+ response = self.server._marshaled_dispatch(
+ data, getattr(self, "_dispatch", None), self.path
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ # This should only happen if the module is buggy
+ # internal error, report as HTTP server error
+ self.send_response(500)
+ # Send information about the exception if requested
+ if (
+ hasattr(self.server, "_send_traceback_header")
+ and self.server._send_traceback_header
+ ):
+ self.send_header("X-exception", str(e))
+ trace = traceback.format_exc()
+ trace = str(trace.encode("ASCII", "backslashreplace"), "ASCII")
+ self.send_header("X-traceback", trace)
+ self.send_header("Content-length", "0")
+ self.end_headers()
+ else:
+ # got a valid XML RPC response
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.send_header("Content-type", "text/xml")
+ if self.encode_threshold is not None:
+ if len(response) > self.encode_threshold:
+ q = self.accept_encodings().get("gzip", 0)
+ if q:
+ try:
+ response = xmlrpc.gzip_encode(response)
+ self.send_header("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ pass
+ self.send_header("Content-length", str(len(response)))
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(response)
+class ThreadingXMLRPCServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, SimpleXMLRPCServer):
+ """
+ Asynchronous multithreaded XMLRPC server.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ addr,
+ log=None,
+ requestHandler=SAMPSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler,
+ logRequests=True,
+ allow_none=True,
+ encoding=None,
+ ):
+ self.log = log
+ SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(
+ self, addr, requestHandler, logRequests, allow_none, encoding
+ )
+ def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
+ if self.log is None:
+ socketserver.BaseServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address)
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Exception happened during processing of request from {}: {}".format(
+ client_address, sys.exc_info()[1]
+ ),
+ SAMPWarning,
+ )
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/__init__.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_client.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14fdaefd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import pytest
+# By default, tests should not use the internet.
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import SAMPWarning, conf
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.client import SAMPClient
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub import SAMPHubServer
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_proxy import SAMPHubProxy
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.integrated_client import SAMPIntegratedClient
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+def test_SAMPHubProxy():
+ """Test that SAMPHubProxy can be instantiated"""
+ SAMPHubProxy()
+def test_SAMPClient():
+ """Test that SAMPClient can be instantiated"""
+ proxy = SAMPHubProxy()
+ SAMPClient(proxy)
+def test_SAMPIntegratedClient():
+ """Test that SAMPIntegratedClient can be instantiated"""
+ SAMPIntegratedClient()
+def samp_hub():
+ """A fixture that can be used by client tests that require a HUB."""
+ my_hub = SAMPHubServer()
+ my_hub.start()
+ yield
+ my_hub.stop()
+def test_SAMPIntegratedClient_notify_all(samp_hub):
+ """Test that SAMP returns a warning if no receiver got the message."""
+ client = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ client.connect()
+ message = {"samp.mtype": "coverage.load.moc.fits"}
+ with pytest.warns(SAMPWarning):
+ client.notify_all(message)
+ client.disconnect()
+def test_reconnect(samp_hub):
+ """Test that SAMPIntegratedClient can reconnect.
+ This is a regression test for bug [#2673]
+ https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/2673
+ """
+ my_client = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ my_client.connect()
+ my_client.disconnect()
+ my_client.connect()
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_errors.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6a24f678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+# By default, tests should not use the internet.
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import conf
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.errors import SAMPClientError, SAMPHubError, SAMPProxyError
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+def test_SAMPHubError():
+ """Test that SAMPHubError can be instantiated"""
+ SAMPHubError("test")
+def test_SAMPClientError():
+ """Test that SAMPClientError can be instantiated"""
+ SAMPClientError("test")
+def test_SAMPProxyError():
+ """Test that SAMPProxyError can be instantiated"""
+ SAMPProxyError("test", "any")
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_helpers.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45da8d047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import os
+import pickle
+import random
+import string
+import time
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import SAMP_STATUS_OK
+TEST_REPLY = {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, "samp.result": {"txt": "test"}}
+def write_output(mtype, private_key, sender_id, params):
+ filename = params["verification_file"]
+ f = open(filename, "wb")
+ pickle.dump(mtype, f)
+ pickle.dump(private_key, f)
+ pickle.dump(sender_id, f)
+ pickle.dump(params, f)
+ f.close()
+def assert_output(mtype, private_key, sender_id, params, timeout=None):
+ filename = params["verification_file"]
+ start = time.time()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+ rec_mtype = pickle.load(f)
+ rec_private_key = pickle.load(f)
+ rec_sender_id = pickle.load(f)
+ rec_params = pickle.load(f)
+ break
+ except (OSError, EOFError):
+ if timeout is not None and time.time() - start > timeout:
+ raise Exception(f"Timeout while waiting for file: {filename}")
+ assert rec_mtype == mtype
+ assert rec_private_key == private_key
+ assert rec_sender_id == sender_id
+ assert rec_params == params
+class Receiver:
+ def __init__(self, client):
+ self.client = client
+ def receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, mtype, params, extra):
+ write_output(mtype, private_key, sender_id, params)
+ def receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, mtype, params, extra):
+ # Here we need to make sure that we first reply, *then* write out the
+ # file, otherwise the tests see the file and move to the next call
+ # before waiting for the reply to be received.
+ self.client.reply(msg_id, TEST_REPLY)
+ self.receive_notification(private_key, sender_id, mtype, params, extra)
+ def receive_response(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, response):
+ pass
+def random_id(length=16):
+ return "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, length))
+def random_params(directory):
+ return {
+ "verification_file": os.path.join(directory, random_id()),
+ "parameter1": "abcde",
+ "parameter2": 1331,
+ }
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6ba57e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import time
+import pytest
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import conf
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub import SAMPHubServer
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+def test_SAMPHubServer():
+ """Test that SAMPHub can be instantiated"""
+ SAMPHubServer(web_profile=False, mode="multiple", pool_size=1)
+def test_SAMPHubServer_run():
+ """Test that SAMPHub can be run"""
+ hub = SAMPHubServer(web_profile=False, mode="multiple", pool_size=1)
+ hub.start()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ hub.stop()
+def test_SAMPHubServer_run_repeated():
+ """
+ Test that SAMPHub can be restarted after it has been stopped, including
+ when web profile support is enabled.
+ """
+ hub = SAMPHubServer(web_profile=True, mode="multiple", pool_size=1)
+ hub.start()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ hub.stop()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ hub.start()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ hub.stop()
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub_proxy.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d94afe7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import conf
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub import SAMPHubServer
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_proxy import SAMPHubProxy
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+class TestHubProxy:
+ def setup_method(self, method):
+ self.hub = SAMPHubServer(web_profile=False, mode="multiple", pool_size=1)
+ self.hub.start()
+ self.proxy = SAMPHubProxy()
+ self.proxy.connect(hub=self.hub, pool_size=1)
+ def teardown_method(self, method):
+ if self.proxy.is_connected:
+ self.proxy.disconnect()
+ self.hub.stop()
+ def test_is_connected(self):
+ assert self.proxy.is_connected
+ def test_disconnect(self):
+ self.proxy.disconnect()
+ def test_ping(self):
+ self.proxy.ping()
+ def test_registration(self):
+ result = self.proxy.register(self.proxy.lockfile["samp.secret"])
+ self.proxy.unregister(result["samp.private-key"])
+def test_custom_lockfile(tmp_path):
+ lockfile = str(tmp_path / ".samptest")
+ hub = SAMPHubServer(web_profile=False, lockfile=lockfile, pool_size=1)
+ hub.start()
+ proxy = SAMPHubProxy()
+ proxy.connect(hub=hub, pool_size=1)
+ hub.stop()
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub_script.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub_script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a5e73b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_hub_script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import sys
+import pytest
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import conf
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_script import hub_script
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+def setup_function(function):
+ function.sys_argv_orig = sys.argv
+ sys.argv = ["samp_hub"]
+def teardown_function(function):
+ sys.argv = function.sys_argv_orig
+def test_hub_script():
+ sys.argv.append("-m") # run in multiple mode
+ sys.argv.append("-w") # disable web profile
+ hub_script(timeout=3)
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_standard_profile.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_standard_profile.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..491fc6075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_standard_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+import pytest
+# By default, tests should not use the internet.
+from pyvo.astropy_samp import conf
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.errors import SAMPProxyError
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub import SAMPHubServer
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.integrated_client import SAMPIntegratedClient
+from astropy.tests.helper import CI
+from .test_helpers import TEST_REPLY, Receiver, assert_output, random_params
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+@pytest.mark.skipif(CI, reason="flaky in CI")
+class TestStandardProfile:
+ @property
+ def hub_init_kwargs(self):
+ return {}
+ @property
+ def client_init_kwargs(self):
+ return {}
+ @property
+ def client_connect_kwargs(self):
+ return {}
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def setup_method(self, tmp_path):
+ self.tmpdir = str(tmp_path)
+ self.hub = SAMPHubServer(
+ web_profile=False, mode="multiple", pool_size=1, **self.hub_init_kwargs
+ )
+ self.hub.start()
+ self.client1 = SAMPIntegratedClient(**self.client_init_kwargs)
+ self.client1.connect(hub=self.hub, pool_size=1, **self.client_connect_kwargs)
+ self.client2 = SAMPIntegratedClient(**self.client_init_kwargs)
+ self.client2.connect(hub=self.hub, pool_size=1, **self.client_connect_kwargs)
+ def teardown_method(self):
+ if self.client1.is_connected:
+ self.client1.disconnect()
+ if self.client2.is_connected:
+ self.client2.disconnect()
+ self.hub.stop()
+ def test_main(self):
+ self.client1_id = self.client1.get_public_id()
+ self.client2_id = self.client2.get_public_id()
+ self.metadata1 = {
+ "samp.name": "Client 1",
+ "samp.description.text": "Client 1 Description",
+ "client.version": "1.1",
+ }
+ self.metadata2 = {
+ "samp.name": "Client 2",
+ "samp.description.text": "Client 2 Description",
+ "client.version": "1.2",
+ }
+ # Check that the clients are connected
+ assert self.client1.is_connected
+ assert self.client2.is_connected
+ # Check that ping works
+ self.client1.ping()
+ self.client2.ping()
+ # Check that get_registered_clients works as expected.
+ assert self.client1_id not in self.client1.get_registered_clients()
+ assert self.client2_id in self.client1.get_registered_clients()
+ assert self.client1_id in self.client2.get_registered_clients()
+ assert self.client2_id not in self.client2.get_registered_clients()
+ # Check that get_metadata works as expected
+ assert self.client1.get_metadata(self.client1_id) == {}
+ assert self.client1.get_metadata(self.client2_id) == {}
+ assert self.client2.get_metadata(self.client1_id) == {}
+ assert self.client2.get_metadata(self.client2_id) == {}
+ self.client1.declare_metadata(self.metadata1)
+ assert self.client1.get_metadata(self.client1_id) == self.metadata1
+ assert self.client2.get_metadata(self.client1_id) == self.metadata1
+ assert self.client1.get_metadata(self.client2_id) == {}
+ assert self.client2.get_metadata(self.client2_id) == {}
+ self.client2.declare_metadata(self.metadata2)
+ assert self.client1.get_metadata(self.client1_id) == self.metadata1
+ assert self.client2.get_metadata(self.client1_id) == self.metadata1
+ assert self.client1.get_metadata(self.client2_id) == self.metadata2
+ assert self.client2.get_metadata(self.client2_id) == self.metadata2
+ # Check that, without subscriptions, sending a notification from one
+ # client to another raises an error.
+ message = {}
+ message["samp.mtype"] = "table.load.votable"
+ message["samp.params"] = {}
+ with pytest.raises(SAMPProxyError):
+ self.client1.notify(self.client2_id, message)
+ # Check that there are no currently active subscriptions
+ assert self.client1.get_subscribed_clients("table.load.votable") == {}
+ assert self.client2.get_subscribed_clients("table.load.votable") == {}
+ # We now test notifications and calls
+ rec1 = Receiver(self.client1)
+ rec2 = Receiver(self.client2)
+ self.client2.bind_receive_notification(
+ "table.load.votable", rec2.receive_notification
+ )
+ self.client2.bind_receive_call("table.load.votable", rec2.receive_call)
+ self.client1.bind_receive_response("test-tag", rec1.receive_response)
+ # Check resulting subscriptions
+ assert self.client1.get_subscribed_clients("table.load.votable") == {
+ self.client2_id: {}
+ }
+ assert self.client2.get_subscribed_clients("table.load.votable") == {}
+ assert "table.load.votable" in self.client1.get_subscriptions(self.client2_id)
+ assert "table.load.votable" in self.client2.get_subscriptions(self.client2_id)
+ # Once we have finished with the calls and notifications, we will
+ # check the data got across correctly.
+ # Test notify
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.notify(
+ self.client2.get_public_id(),
+ {"samp.mtype": "table.load.votable", "samp.params": params},
+ )
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.enotify(
+ self.client2.get_public_id(), "table.load.votable", **params
+ )
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ # Test notify_all
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.notify_all(
+ {"samp.mtype": "table.load.votable", "samp.params": params}
+ )
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.enotify_all("table.load.votable", **params)
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ # Test call
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.call(
+ self.client2.get_public_id(),
+ "test-tag",
+ {"samp.mtype": "table.load.votable", "samp.params": params},
+ )
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.ecall(
+ self.client2.get_public_id(), "test-tag", "table.load.votable", **params
+ )
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ # Test call_all
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.call_all(
+ "tag1", {"samp.mtype": "table.load.votable", "samp.params": params}
+ )
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ self.client1.ecall_all("tag2", "table.load.votable", **params)
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ # Test call_and_wait
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ result = self.client1.call_and_wait(
+ self.client2.get_public_id(),
+ {"samp.mtype": "table.load.votable", "samp.params": params},
+ timeout=5,
+ )
+ assert result == TEST_REPLY
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ params = random_params(self.tmpdir)
+ result = self.client1.ecall_and_wait(
+ self.client2.get_public_id(), "table.load.votable", timeout=5, **params
+ )
+ assert result == TEST_REPLY
+ assert_output(
+ "table.load.votable",
+ self.client2.get_private_key(),
+ self.client1_id,
+ params,
+ timeout=60,
+ )
+ # TODO: check that receive_response received the right data
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_web_profile.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_web_profile.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9277b6f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/test_web_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Test the web profile using Python classes that have been adapted to act like a
+web client. We can only put a single test here because only one hub can run
+with the web profile active, and the user might want to run the tests in
+import threading
+from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
+import pytest
+from astropy.samp import SAMPHubServer, SAMPIntegratedClient, conf
+from astropy.samp.web_profile import CLIENT_ACCESS_POLICY, CROSS_DOMAIN
+from astropy.tests.helper import CI
+from astropy.utils.data import get_readable_fileobj
+from .test_standard_profile import TestStandardProfile as BaseTestStandardProfile
+from .web_profile_test_helpers import (
+ AlwaysApproveWebProfileDialog,
+ SAMPIntegratedWebClient,
+def setup_module(module):
+ conf.use_internet = False
+@pytest.mark.skipif(CI, reason="flaky in CI")
+class TestWebProfile(BaseTestStandardProfile):
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def setup_method(self, tmp_path):
+ self.dialog = AlwaysApproveWebProfileDialog()
+ t = threading.Thread(target=self.dialog.poll)
+ t.start()
+ self.tmpdir = str(tmp_path)
+ lockfile = str(tmp_path / ".samp")
+ self.hub = SAMPHubServer(
+ web_profile_dialog=self.dialog, lockfile=lockfile, web_port=0, pool_size=1
+ )
+ self.hub.start()
+ self.client1 = SAMPIntegratedClient()
+ self.client1.connect(hub=self.hub, pool_size=1)
+ self.client1_id = self.client1.get_public_id()
+ self.client1_key = self.client1.get_private_key()
+ self.client2 = SAMPIntegratedWebClient()
+ self.client2.connect(web_port=self.hub._web_port, pool_size=2)
+ self.client2_id = self.client2.get_public_id()
+ self.client2_key = self.client2.get_private_key()
+ def teardown_method(self):
+ if self.client1.is_connected:
+ self.client1.disconnect()
+ if self.client2.is_connected:
+ self.client2.disconnect()
+ self.hub.stop()
+ self.dialog.stop()
+ # The full communication tests are run since TestWebProfile inherits
+ # test_main from TestStandardProfile
+ def test_web_profile(self):
+ # Check some additional queries to the server
+ with get_readable_fileobj(
+ f"http://localhost:{self.hub._web_port}/crossdomain.xml"
+ ) as f:
+ assert f.read() == CROSS_DOMAIN
+ with get_readable_fileobj(
+ f"http://localhost:{self.hub._web_port}/clientaccesspolicy.xml"
+ ) as f:
+ assert f.read() == CLIENT_ACCESS_POLICY
+ # Check headers
+ req = Request(f"http://localhost:{self.hub._web_port}/crossdomain.xml")
+ req.add_header("Origin", "test_web_profile")
+ resp = urlopen(req)
+ assert resp.getheader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin") == "test_web_profile"
+ assert resp.getheader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers") == "Content-Type"
+ assert resp.getheader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials") == "true"
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/web_profile_test_helpers.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/web_profile_test_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41ac945ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/tests/web_profile_test_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import threading
+import time
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.client import SAMPClient
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.errors import SAMPClientError, SAMPHubError
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub import WebProfileDialog
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_proxy import SAMPHubProxy
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.integrated_client import SAMPIntegratedClient
+from pyvo.astropy_samp.utils import ServerProxyPool
+class AlwaysApproveWebProfileDialog(WebProfileDialog):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.polling = True
+ WebProfileDialog.__init__(self)
+ def show_dialog(self, *args):
+ self.consent()
+ def poll(self):
+ while self.polling:
+ self.handle_queue()
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ def stop(self):
+ self.polling = False
+class SAMPWebHubProxy(SAMPHubProxy):
+ """
+ Proxy class to simplify the client interaction with a SAMP hub (via the web
+ profile).
+ In practice web clients should run from the browser, so this is provided as
+ a means of testing a hub's support for the web profile from Python.
+ """
+ def connect(self, pool_size=20, web_port=21012):
+ """
+ Connect to the current SAMP Hub on localhost:web_port.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pool_size : int, optional
+ The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the
+ Hub.
+ """
+ self._connected = False
+ try:
+ self.proxy = ServerProxyPool(
+ pool_size,
+ xmlrpc.ServerProxy,
+ f"{web_port}",
+ allow_none=1,
+ )
+ self.ping()
+ self._connected = True
+ except xmlrpc.ProtocolError as p:
+ raise SAMPHubError(f"Protocol Error {p.errcode}: {p.errmsg}")
+ @property
+ def _samp_hub(self):
+ """
+ Property to abstract away the path to the hub, which allows this class
+ to be used for both the standard and the web profile.
+ """
+ return self.proxy.samp.webhub
+ def set_xmlrpc_callback(self, private_key, xmlrpc_addr):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "set_xmlrpc_callback is not defined for the web profile"
+ )
+ def register(self, identity_info):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``register`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.register(identity_info)
+ def allow_reverse_callbacks(self, private_key, allow):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``allowReverseCallbacks`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.allowReverseCallbacks(private_key, allow)
+ def pull_callbacks(self, private_key, timeout):
+ """
+ Proxy to ``pullCallbacks`` SAMP Hub method.
+ """
+ return self._samp_hub.pullCallbacks(private_key, timeout)
+class SAMPWebClient(SAMPClient):
+ """
+ Utility class which provides facilities to create and manage a SAMP
+ compliant XML-RPC server that acts as SAMP callable web client application.
+ In practice web clients should run from the browser, so this is provided as
+ a means of testing a hub's support for the web profile from Python.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ hub : :class:`~pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_proxy.SAMPWebHubProxy`
+ An instance of :class:`~pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_proxy.SAMPWebHubProxy` to
+ be used for messaging with the SAMP Hub.
+ name : str, optional
+ Client name (corresponding to ``samp.name`` metadata keyword).
+ description : str, optional
+ Client description (corresponding to ``samp.description.text`` metadata
+ keyword).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Client application metadata in the standard SAMP format.
+ callable : bool, optional
+ Whether the client can receive calls and notifications. If set to
+ `False`, then the client can send notifications and calls, but can not
+ receive any.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hub, name=None, description=None, metadata=None, callable=True):
+ self._is_running = False
+ self._is_registered = False
+ if metadata is None:
+ metadata = {}
+ if name is not None:
+ metadata["samp.name"] = name
+ if description is not None:
+ metadata["samp.description.text"] = description
+ self._metadata = metadata
+ self._callable = callable
+ self.client = None
+ self._public_id = None
+ self._private_key = None
+ self._hub_id = None
+ self._notification_bindings = {}
+ self._call_bindings = {
+ "samp.app.ping": [self._ping, {}],
+ "client.env.get": [self._client_env_get, {}],
+ }
+ self._response_bindings = {}
+ self.hub = hub
+ self._registration_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._registered_event = threading.Event()
+ if self._callable:
+ self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._serve_forever)
+ self._thread.daemon = True
+ def _serve_forever(self):
+ while self.is_running:
+ # Wait until we are actually registered before trying to do
+ # anything, to avoid busy looping
+ # Watch for callbacks here
+ self._registered_event.wait()
+ with self._registration_lock:
+ if not self._is_registered:
+ return
+ results = self.hub.pull_callbacks(self.get_private_key(), 0)
+ for result in results:
+ if result["samp.methodName"] == "receiveNotification":
+ self.receive_notification(
+ self._private_key, *result["samp.params"]
+ )
+ elif result["samp.methodName"] == "receiveCall":
+ self.receive_call(self._private_key, *result["samp.params"])
+ elif result["samp.methodName"] == "receiveResponse":
+ self.receive_response(self._private_key, *result["samp.params"])
+ self.hub.disconnect()
+ def register(self):
+ """
+ Register the client to the SAMP Hub.
+ """
+ if self.hub.is_connected:
+ if self._private_key is not None:
+ raise SAMPClientError("Client already registered")
+ result = self.hub.register("Astropy SAMP Web Client")
+ if result["samp.self-id"] == "":
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Registration failed - samp.self-id was not set by the hub."
+ )
+ if result["samp.private-key"] == "":
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Registration failed - samp.private-key was not set by the hub."
+ )
+ self._public_id = result["samp.self-id"]
+ self._private_key = result["samp.private-key"]
+ self._hub_id = result["samp.hub-id"]
+ if self._callable:
+ self._declare_subscriptions()
+ self.hub.allow_reverse_callbacks(self._private_key, True)
+ if self._metadata != {}:
+ self.declare_metadata()
+ self._is_registered = True
+ # Let the client thread proceed
+ self._registered_event.set()
+ else:
+ raise SAMPClientError(
+ "Unable to register to the SAMP Hub. Hub proxy not connected."
+ )
+ def unregister(self):
+ # We have to hold the registration lock if the client is callable
+ # to avoid a race condition where the client queries the hub for
+ # pushCallbacks after it has already been unregistered from the hub
+ with self._registration_lock:
+ super().unregister()
+class SAMPIntegratedWebClient(SAMPIntegratedClient):
+ """
+ A Simple SAMP web client.
+ In practice web clients should run from the browser, so this is provided as
+ a means of testing a hub's support for the web profile from Python.
+ This class is meant to simplify the client usage providing a proxy class
+ that merges the :class:`~pyvo.astropy_samp.client.SAMPWebClient` and
+ :class:`~pyvo.astropy_samp.hub_proxy.SAMPWebHubProxy` functionalities in a
+ simplified API.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str, optional
+ Client name (corresponding to ``samp.name`` metadata keyword).
+ description : str, optional
+ Client description (corresponding to ``samp.description.text`` metadata
+ keyword).
+ metadata : dict, optional
+ Client application metadata in the standard SAMP format.
+ callable : bool, optional
+ Whether the client can receive calls and notifications. If set to
+ `False`, then the client can send notifications and calls, but can not
+ receive any.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name=None, description=None, metadata=None, callable=True):
+ self.hub = SAMPWebHubProxy()
+ self.client = SAMPWebClient(self.hub, name, description, metadata, callable)
+ def connect(self, pool_size=20, web_port=21012):
+ """
+ Connect with the current or specified SAMP Hub, start and register the
+ client.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pool_size : int, optional
+ The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the
+ Hub.
+ """
+ self.hub.connect(pool_size, web_port=web_port)
+ self.client.start()
+ self.client.register()
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/utils.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d695a9fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+Utility functions and classes.
+import inspect
+import queue
+import traceback
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc
+from io import StringIO
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from .constants import SAMP_STATUS_ERROR
+from .errors import SAMPProxyError
+def internet_on():
+ from . import conf
+ if not conf.use_internet:
+ return False
+ else:
+ try:
+ urlopen("http://google.com", timeout=1.0)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+__all__ = ["SAMPMsgReplierWrapper"]
+__doctest_skip__ = ["."]
+def getattr_recursive(variable, attribute):
+ """
+ Get attributes recursively.
+ """
+ if "." in attribute:
+ top, remaining = attribute.split(".", 1)
+ return getattr_recursive(getattr(variable, top), remaining)
+ else:
+ return getattr(variable, attribute)
+class _ServerProxyPoolMethod:
+ # some magic to bind an XML-RPC method to an RPC server.
+ # supports "nested" methods (e.g. examples.getStateName)
+ def __init__(self, proxies, name):
+ self.__proxies = proxies
+ self.__name = name
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return _ServerProxyPoolMethod(self.__proxies, f"{self.__name}.{name}")
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwrds):
+ proxy = self.__proxies.get()
+ function = getattr_recursive(proxy, self.__name)
+ try:
+ response = function(*args, **kwrds)
+ except xmlrpc.Fault as exc:
+ raise SAMPProxyError(exc.faultCode, exc.faultString)
+ finally:
+ self.__proxies.put(proxy)
+ return response
+class ServerProxyPool:
+ """
+ A thread-safe pool of `xmlrpc.ServerProxy` objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, size, proxy_class, *args, **keywords):
+ self._proxies = queue.Queue(size)
+ for i in range(size):
+ self._proxies.put(proxy_class(*args, **keywords))
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ # magic method dispatcher
+ return _ServerProxyPoolMethod(self._proxies, name)
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """Shut down the proxy pool by closing all active connections."""
+ while True:
+ try:
+ proxy = self._proxies.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ break
+ # An undocumented but apparently supported way to call methods on
+ # an ServerProxy that are not dispatched to the remote server
+ proxy("close")
+class SAMPMsgReplierWrapper:
+ """
+ Function decorator that allows to automatically grab errors and returned
+ maps (if any) from a function bound to a SAMP call (or notify).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ cli : :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPIntegratedClient` or :class:`~astropy.samp.SAMPClient`
+ SAMP client instance. Decorator initialization, accepting the instance
+ of the client that receives the call or notification.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cli):
+ self.cli = cli
+ def __call__(self, f):
+ def wrapped_f(*args):
+ if get_num_args(f) == 5 or args[2] is None: # notification
+ f(*args)
+ else: # call
+ try:
+ result = f(*args)
+ if result:
+ self.cli.hub.reply(
+ self.cli.get_private_key(),
+ args[2],
+ {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_ERROR, "samp.result": result},
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ err = StringIO()
+ traceback.print_exc(file=err)
+ txt = err.getvalue()
+ self.cli.hub.reply(
+ self.cli.get_private_key(),
+ args[2],
+ {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_ERROR, "samp.result": {"txt": txt}},
+ )
+ return wrapped_f
+class _HubAsClient:
+ def __init__(self, handler):
+ self._handler = handler
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ # magic method dispatcher
+ return _HubAsClientMethod(self._handler, name)
+class _HubAsClientMethod:
+ def __init__(self, send, name):
+ self.__send = send
+ self.__name = name
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return _HubAsClientMethod(self.__send, f"{self.__name}.{name}")
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ return self.__send(self.__name, args)
+def get_num_args(f):
+ """
+ Find the number of arguments a function or method takes (excluding ``self``).
+ """
+ if inspect.ismethod(f):
+ return f.__func__.__code__.co_argcount - 1
+ elif inspect.isfunction(f):
+ return f.__code__.co_argcount
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("f should be a function or a method")
diff --git a/pyvo/astropy_samp/web_profile.py b/pyvo/astropy_samp/web_profile.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47aa957d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvo/astropy_samp/web_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+from urllib.parse import parse_qs
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_contents
+from .standard_profile import SAMPSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, ThreadingXMLRPCServer
+__all__ = []
+CROSS_DOMAIN = get_pkg_data_contents("data/crossdomain.xml")
+CLIENT_ACCESS_POLICY = get_pkg_data_contents("data/clientaccesspolicy.xml")
+class WebProfileRequestHandler(SAMPSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
+ """
+ Handler of XMLRPC requests performed through the Web Profile.
+ """
+ def _send_CORS_header(self):
+ if self.headers.get("Origin") is not None:
+ method = self.headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Method")
+ if method and self.command == "OPTIONS":
+ # Preflight method
+ self.send_header("Content-Length", "0")
+ self.send_header(
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", self.headers.get("Origin")
+ )
+ self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", method)
+ self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
+ self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
+ else:
+ # Simple method
+ self.send_header(
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", self.headers.get("Origin")
+ )
+ self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
+ self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
+ def end_headers(self):
+ self._send_CORS_header()
+ SAMPSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.end_headers(self)
+ def _serve_cross_domain_xml(self):
+ cross_domain = False
+ if self.path == "/crossdomain.xml":
+ # Adobe standard
+ response = CROSS_DOMAIN
+ self.send_response(200, "OK")
+ self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/x-cross-domain-policy")
+ self.send_header("Content-Length", f"{len(response)}")
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(response.encode("utf-8"))
+ self.wfile.flush()
+ cross_domain = True
+ elif self.path == "/clientaccesspolicy.xml":
+ # Microsoft standard
+ self.send_response(200, "OK")
+ self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/xml")
+ self.send_header("Content-Length", f"{len(response)}")
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(response.encode("utf-8"))
+ self.wfile.flush()
+ cross_domain = True
+ return cross_domain
+ def do_POST(self):
+ if self._serve_cross_domain_xml():
+ return
+ return SAMPSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.do_POST(self)
+ def do_HEAD(self):
+ if not self.is_http_path_valid():
+ self.report_404()
+ return
+ if self._serve_cross_domain_xml():
+ return
+ def do_OPTIONS(self):
+ self.send_response(200, "OK")
+ self.end_headers()
+ def do_GET(self):
+ if not self.is_http_path_valid():
+ self.report_404()
+ return
+ split_path = self.path.split("?")
+ if split_path[0] in [f"/translator/{clid}" for clid in self.server.clients]:
+ # Request of a file proxying
+ urlpath = parse_qs(split_path[1])
+ try:
+ proxyfile = urlopen(urlpath["ref"][0])
+ self.send_response(200, "OK")
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(proxyfile.read())
+ proxyfile.close()
+ except OSError:
+ self.report_404()
+ return
+ if self._serve_cross_domain_xml():
+ return
+ def is_http_path_valid(self):
+ valid_paths = ["/clientaccesspolicy.xml", "/crossdomain.xml"] + [
+ f"/translator/{clid}" for clid in self.server.clients
+ ]
+ return self.path.split("?")[0] in valid_paths
+class WebProfileXMLRPCServer(ThreadingXMLRPCServer):
+ """
+ XMLRPC server supporting the SAMP Web Profile.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ addr,
+ log=None,
+ requestHandler=WebProfileRequestHandler,
+ logRequests=True,
+ allow_none=True,
+ encoding=None,
+ ):
+ self.clients = []
+ ThreadingXMLRPCServer.__init__(
+ self, addr, log, requestHandler, logRequests, allow_none, encoding
+ )
+ def add_client(self, client_id):
+ self.clients.append(client_id)
+ def remove_client(self, client_id):
+ try:
+ self.clients.remove(client_id)
+ except ValueError:
+ # No warning here because this method gets called for all clients,
+ # not just web clients, and we expect it to fail for non-web
+ # clients.
+ pass
+def web_profile_text_dialog(request, queue):
+ samp_name = "unknown"
+ if isinstance(request[0], str):
+ # To support the old protocol version
+ samp_name = request[0]
+ else:
+ samp_name = request[0]["samp.name"]
+ text = f"""A Web application which declares to be
+Name: {samp_name}
+Origin: {request[2]}
+is requesting to be registered with the SAMP Hub.
+Pay attention that if you permit its registration, such
+application will acquire all current user privileges, like
+file read/write.
+Do you give your consent? [yes|no]"""
+ print(text)
+ answer = input(">>> ")
+ queue.put(answer.lower() in ["yes", "y"])
diff --git a/pyvo/samp.py b/pyvo/samp.py
index 535f1a872..a46a43472 100644
--- a/pyvo/samp.py
+++ b/pyvo/samp.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import os
import tempfile
-from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
+from .astropy_samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
__all__ = [