#Installation instructions
First please consult the README to check that you have a new enough version of Perl.
(N.B. the rest of this document looks a great deal more complicated than it actually is, mainly because I'm trying to encourage people to do the Right Things by using CPANPLUS instead of CPAN, and Module::Build instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker.)
Installation from either of the recommended installers can be performed at the command line, with either of the two following commands:
$ perl -MCPANPLUS -e 'install MySQL::Diff'
$ perl -MCPAN -e 'install MySQL::Diff'
Although CPAN.pm is the default installer for many, with the release of Perl 5.10, CPANPLUS.pm is now also available in core. However, if you use an earlier version of Perl, you can install CPANPLUS from the CPAN with the following command:
$ perl -MCPAN -e 'install CPANPLUS'
First ensure you have File::Slurp
installed. Install also
cpanm install Dist::Zilla
Install dependencies with
dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
And then
dzil listdeps --missing | cpanm
Build and test
dzil build
dzil test
Please bear in mind that this module needs a working Mysql installation; those tests needing it will be skipped if it is not present.
And if everything is OK,
dzil install
Note that the test suite will not run properly unless you have a MySQL server which it can connect to.