This application contains a microservice with 2 APIs:
1) API to add a new Student record with first name, last name and department name.
2) API to retrieve all the student records.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data MongoDB
- MongoDB
- OpenAPI Docs / Swagger UI
- Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) - Used it for input validation.
- Lombok
- Java version: 11.0.16
- Apache Maven version: 3.8.6
- Docer Version: 20.10.21
- Docker Compose version: 1.25.0
./mvnw clean install
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- Open the swagger UI by accessing following URL http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html. It will show the documentation for all the Student APIs.
- Use the POST API to create student record(s)
- Use the GET API to retrieve all students created so far.
docker-compose down
- Add OAuth and JWT token to secure the APIs
- Paginated results for GET students API