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Spring Boot based microservice with MongoDB backend


This application contains a microservice with 2 APIs:
1) API to add a new Student record with first name, last name and department name.
2) API to retrieve all the student records.

Technologies/Libraries Used

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • MongoDB
  • OpenAPI Docs / Swagger UI
  • Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) - Used it for input validation.
  • Lombok

Steps to build and run the application


  • Java version: 11.0.16
  • Apache Maven version: 3.8.6
  • Docer Version: 20.10.21
  • Docker Compose version: 1.25.0

Step-1: maven clean install to compile, run unit tests and create the application JAR file

./mvnw clean install

Step-2: docker compose build to build the docker images for the application and mongodb

docker-compose build

Step-3: docker compose up to run the MongoDB and the application containers

docker-compose up

Test the application

  1. Open the swagger UI by accessing following URL http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html. It will show the documentation for all the Student APIs.
  2. Use the POST API to create student record(s)
  3. Use the GET API to retrieve all students created so far.

Stop and remove the containers

docker-compose down

Further enhancements TODO

  • Add OAuth and JWT token to secure the APIs
  • Paginated results for GET students API