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DevOps Project Setup with CI CD Pipeline

  1. Git Hub
  2. Maven
  3. SonarQube
  4. Nexus Repo
  5. Tomcat
  6. Jenkins

Step-0 : Create Jenkins Pipeline (Scripted)

node {


Step-1 : Add github stage to clone git repository

  1. Use Pipeline Syntax and Generate Script for Git Clone with Repo Details
  git credentialsId: 'GIT-Credentials', url: ''
  1. Add Generated Script in Pipeline as a stage
 stage('clone repo') {        
  git credentialsId: 'GIT-Credentials', url: ''

Step-2 : Create Maven Build Stage (Add maven in global tools)

  1. Configure Maven as Global Tool in Manage Jenkins

  2. Add Maven Build Stage in Pipeline

 stage ('Maven Build') {
       def mavenHome = tool name: "Maven-3.9.4", type: "maven"
       def mavenCMD = "${mavenHome}/bin/mvn"
       sh "${mavenCMD} clean package"

Step-3 : Add SonarQube stage

  1. Start Sonar Server

  2. Login into Sonar Server & Generate Sonar Token
    Ex: cedbc0b89e45c58f4a86e4687f2df2a2241e3369

  3. Add Sonar Token in 'Jenkins Credentials' as Secret Text
    -> Manager Jenkins
    -> Credentials
    -> Add Credentials
    -> Select Secret text
    -> Enter Sonar Token as secret text

  4. Install SonarQube Scanner Plugin
    -> Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available -> Sonar Qube Scanner Plugin -> Install it

  5. Configure SonarQube Server
    -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Sonar Qube Servers -> Add Sonar Qube Server - Name : Sonar-Server-7.8 - Server URL : (Give your sonar server url here) - Add Sonar Server Token

  6. Add SonarQube Stage in Jenkins Pipeline

stage('SonarQube analysis') {
	withSonarQubeEnv('Sonar-Server-7.8') {
	def mavenHome = tool name: "Maven-3.8.6", type: "maven"
	def mavenCMD = "${mavenHome}/bin/mvn"
	sh "${mavenCMD} sonar:sonar"

Step-4 : Create Nexus Stage

  1. Run nexus VM and create nexus repository
  2. Create Nexus Repository
  3. Install Nexus Repository Plugin using Manage Plugins ( Plugin Name : Nexus Artifact Uploader)
  4. Generate Nexus Pipeline Syntax
stage ('Nexus Upload'){
nexusArtifactUploader artifacts: [[artifactId: '01-Maven-Web-App', classifier: '', file: 'target/01-maven-web-app.war', type: 'war']], credentialsId: 'Nexus-Credentials', groupId: 'in.ashokit', nexusUrl: '', nexusVersion: 'nexus3', protocol: 'http', repository: 'ashokit-snapshot-repository', version: '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

Step-5 : Create Deploy Stage

  1. Start Tomcat Server
  2. Install SSH Agent plugin using Manage Plugins
  3. Generate SSH Agent and configure stage
  4. Add Tomcat Server as 'Uname with Secret Text'
stage ('Deploy'){ 
sshagent(['Tomcat-Server-Agent']) {
sh 'scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no target/01-maven-web-app.war [email protected]:/home/ec2-user/apache-tomcat-9.0.80/webapps'