diff --git a/Program.cs b/Program.cs
index 1af3eb2..5f675a5 100644
--- a/Program.cs
+++ b/Program.cs
@@ -1,241 +1,241 @@
-// amcli - command line interface for CAS AngouriMath
-// Copyright (C) 2022 Angouri
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-using AngouriMath;
-using AngouriMath.Extensions;
-var cliArgs = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
-var reader = new ArgReader(cliArgs);
-Entity expr;
-Entity.Variable v;
-string res;
-var cmd = reader.Next();
-switch (cmd)
- case "help" or "-h" or "--help":
- Console.WriteLine("""
- .d8b. .88b d88. .o88b. db d888888b
- d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 d8P Y8 88 `88'
- 88ooo88 88 88 88 8P 88 88
- 88~~~88 88 88 88 8b 88 88
- 88 88 88 88 88 Y8b d8 88booo. .88.
- YP YP YP YP YP `Y88P' Y88888P Y888888P
- amcli (c) 2022 Angouri
- This is free software. You're free to use, modify and redistribute it.
- GNU GPL v3 license. Made with AngouriMath (MIT Expat) and .NET (MIT Expat).
- Why use it?
- - Free and cross-platform
- - CLI interface for script automations
- - Piping for complex operations
- - Fast and small
- amcli eval - to evaluate into a single number, boolean, or a+bi format
- for complex numbers. Expects one argument.
- Example:
- $ amcli eval "1 / 2"
- 0.5
- $ amcli eval "e ^ pi > pi ^ e"
- true
- amcli diff - to differentiate the expression over the given variable
- (the first argument). Expects two arguments.
- Example:
- $ amcli diff "x" "sin(x)"
- cos(x)
- $ amcli diff "x" "1 + x^2"
- 2 * x
- $ echo "1 + x^2" | amcli diff "x"
- 2 * x
- amcli simplify - to simplify the expression. Expects one argument.
- Example:
- $ amcli simplify "sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2"
- 1
- amcli solve - to solve a *statement* over the given variable. A
- *statement* is an expression, otherwise evaluable to true or false
- (e. g. "x > 3" is a statement, but "x ^ 2" is not).
- When the solution set is a finite solution, all solutions are written
- line-by-line. Otherwise, it's written as one line.
- Example:
- $ amcli solve "x" "x2 - 1 = 0"
- 1
- -1
- $ amcli solve x "x2 > 1"
- (-oo; -1) \/ (1; +oo)
- amcli latex - to convert an expression into LaTeX format. Expects one
- argument.
- Example:
- $ amcli latex "1/2"
- \frac{1}{2}
- $ amcli latex "(sqrt(3) + x) / limit(sin(x) / x, x, 0)"
- \frac{\sqrt{3}+x}{\lim_{x\to 0} \left[\frac{\sin\left(x\right)}{x}\right]}
- amcli sub - to substitute an expression instead of a variable. Expects
- three arguments (variable to substitute, expression to be substituted
- instead of the variable, expression).
- Example:
- $ amcli sub x pi "sin(x / 3)"
- sin(pi / 3)
- $ amcli sub x "pi / 3" "sin(x)"
- sin(pi / 3)
- Any argument can be received either as a CLI argument or through
- standard input. For example,
- amcli eval "1 + 1"
- is equivalent to
- echo "1 + 1" | amcli eval
- This allows to pipe complex evaluations:
- echo "sin(x) * cos(y)" \ # 0. initial expression
- | amcli diff x \ # 1. differentiate over x
- | amcli sub x y \ # 2. substitute y instead of x
- | amcli diff y \ # 3. differentiate over y
- | amcli sub y "pi/3" \ # 4. substitute pi/3 instead of y
- | amcli simplify # 5. simplify
- Prints
- -1/2 * sqrt(3)
- Special symbol "_" (underscore) can be used to use stdinput instead
- of an argument. For instance, if you want to substitute the result of
- an operation into another expression:
- echo "e^x" \
- | amcli sub u _ "u / (1 + u)" \
- | amcli sub x 10 \
- | amcli eval
- Here the result of `echo` is substituted instead of the second argument
- of `amcli sub`, not the last one.
- You can bind amcli to @ using aliases. On Unix-like operating systems,
- add
- alias @=amcli
- (or specify the full path)
- """);
- break;
- case "eval":
- expr = reader.Next().ToEntity().Evaled;
- res = expr.ToString();
- if (expr is Entity.Number.Rational rat)
- res = rat.RealPart.EDecimal.ToString();
- Console.WriteLine(res);
- break;
- case "diff":
- v = (Entity.Variable)reader.Next();
- expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
- Console.WriteLine(expr.Differentiate(v));
- break;
- case "solve":
- v = (Entity.Variable)reader.Next();
- expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
- var sols = expr.Solve(v);
- if (sols is Entity.Set.FiniteSet fs)
- foreach (var sol in fs)
- Console.WriteLine(sol);
- else
- Console.WriteLine(sols);
- break;
- case "latex":
- expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
- Console.WriteLine(expr.Latexise());
- break;
- case "simplify":
- expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
- Console.WriteLine(expr.Simplify());
- break;
- case "fsimp":
- expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
- Console.WriteLine(expr.InnerSimplified);
- break;
- case "sub":
- v = (Entity.Variable)reader.Next();
- var withWhat = reader.Next().ToEntity();
- expr = reader.Next();
- Console.WriteLine(expr.Substitute(v, withWhat));
- break;
- default:
- Console.WriteLine($"Unrecognized command `{cmd}`");
- break;
-public sealed class ArgReader
- private readonly string[] args;
- private int curr = 1;
- public ArgReader(string[] args)
- => this.args = args;
- public string Next()
- {
- if (curr < args.Length)
- {
- var res = args[curr];
- if (res is "_")
- res = Console.ReadLine()!;
- curr++;
- return res;
- }
- return Console.ReadLine()!;
- }
+// amcli - command line interface for CAS AngouriMath
+// Copyright (C) 2022 Angouri
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+using AngouriMath;
+using AngouriMath.Extensions;
+var cliArgs = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
+var reader = new ArgReader(cliArgs);
+Entity expr;
+Entity.Variable v;
+string res;
+var cmd = reader.Next();
+switch (cmd)
+ case "help" or "-h" or "--help":
+ Console.WriteLine("""
+ .d8b. .88b d88. .o88b. db d888888b
+ d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 d8P Y8 88 `88'
+ 88ooo88 88 88 88 8P 88 88
+ 88~~~88 88 88 88 8b 88 88
+ 88 88 88 88 88 Y8b d8 88booo. .88.
+ YP YP YP YP YP `Y88P' Y88888P Y888888P
+ amcli (c) 2022 Angouri
+ This is free software. You're free to use, modify and redistribute it.
+ GNU GPL v3 license. Made with AngouriMath (MIT Expat) and .NET (MIT Expat).
+ Why use it?
+ - Free and cross-platform
+ - CLI interface for script automations
+ - Piping for complex operations
+ - Fast and small
+ amcli eval - to evaluate into a single number, boolean, or a+bi format
+ for complex numbers. Expects one argument.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli eval "1 / 2"
+ 0.5
+ $ amcli eval "e ^ pi > pi ^ e"
+ true
+ amcli diff - to differentiate the expression over the given variable
+ (the first argument). Expects two arguments.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli diff "x" "sin(x)"
+ cos(x)
+ $ amcli diff "x" "1 + x^2"
+ 2 * x
+ $ echo "1 + x^2" | amcli diff "x"
+ 2 * x
+ amcli simplify - to simplify the expression. Expects one argument.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli simplify "sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2"
+ 1
+ amcli solve - to solve a *statement* over the given variable. A
+ *statement* is an expression, otherwise evaluable to true or false
+ (e. g. "x > 3" is a statement, but "x ^ 2" is not).
+ When the solution set is a finite solution, all solutions are written
+ line-by-line. Otherwise, it's written as one line.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli solve "x" "x2 - 1 = 0"
+ 1
+ -1
+ $ amcli solve x "x2 > 1"
+ (-oo; -1) \/ (1; +oo)
+ amcli latex - to convert an expression into LaTeX format. Expects one
+ argument.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli latex "1/2"
+ \frac{1}{2}
+ $ amcli latex "(sqrt(3) + x) / limit(sin(x) / x, x, 0)"
+ \frac{\sqrt{3}+x}{\lim_{x\to 0} \left[\frac{\sin\left(x\right)}{x}\right]}
+ amcli sub - to substitute an expression instead of a variable. Expects
+ three arguments (variable to substitute, expression to be substituted
+ instead of the variable, expression).
+ Example:
+ $ amcli sub x pi "sin(x / 3)"
+ sin(pi / 3)
+ $ amcli sub x "pi / 3" "sin(x)"
+ sin(pi / 3)
+ Any argument can be received either as a CLI argument or through
+ standard input. For example,
+ amcli eval "1 + 1"
+ is equivalent to
+ echo "1 + 1" | amcli eval
+ This allows to pipe complex evaluations:
+ echo "sin(x) * cos(y)" \ # 0. initial expression
+ | amcli diff x \ # 1. differentiate over x
+ | amcli sub x y \ # 2. substitute y instead of x
+ | amcli diff y \ # 3. differentiate over y
+ | amcli sub y "pi/3" \ # 4. substitute pi/3 instead of y
+ | amcli simplify # 5. simplify
+ Prints
+ -1/2 * sqrt(3)
+ Special symbol "_" (underscore) can be used to use stdinput instead
+ of an argument. For instance, if you want to substitute the result of
+ an operation into another expression:
+ echo "e^x" \
+ | amcli sub u _ "u / (1 + u)" \
+ | amcli sub x 10 \
+ | amcli eval
+ Here the result of `echo` is substituted instead of the second argument
+ of `amcli sub`, not the last one.
+ You can bind amcli to @ using aliases. On Unix-like operating systems,
+ add
+ alias @=amcli
+ (or specify the full path)
+ """);
+ break;
+ case "eval":
+ expr = reader.Next().ToEntity().Evaled;
+ res = expr.ToString();
+ if (expr is Entity.Number.Rational rat)
+ res = rat.RealPart.EDecimal.ToString();
+ Console.WriteLine(res);
+ break;
+ case "diff":
+ v = (Entity.Variable)reader.Next();
+ expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
+ Console.WriteLine(expr.Differentiate(v));
+ break;
+ case "solve":
+ v = (Entity.Variable)reader.Next();
+ expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
+ var sols = expr.Solve(v);
+ if (sols is Entity.Set.FiniteSet fs)
+ foreach (var sol in fs)
+ Console.WriteLine(sol);
+ else
+ Console.WriteLine(sols);
+ break;
+ case "latex":
+ expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
+ Console.WriteLine(expr.Latexise());
+ break;
+ case "simplify":
+ expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
+ Console.WriteLine(expr.Simplify());
+ break;
+ case "fsimp":
+ expr = reader.Next().ToEntity();
+ Console.WriteLine(expr.InnerSimplified);
+ break;
+ case "sub":
+ v = (Entity.Variable)reader.Next();
+ var withWhat = reader.Next().ToEntity();
+ expr = reader.Next();
+ Console.WriteLine(expr.Substitute(v, withWhat));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Console.WriteLine($"Unrecognized command `{cmd}`");
+ break;
+public sealed class ArgReader
+ private readonly string[] args;
+ private int curr = 1;
+ public ArgReader(string[] args)
+ => this.args = args;
+ public string Next()
+ {
+ if (curr < args.Length)
+ {
+ var res = args[curr];
+ if (res is "_")
+ res = Console.ReadLine()!;
+ curr++;
+ return res;
+ }
+ return Console.ReadLine()!;
+ }
diff --git a/README b/README
index 2dd0265..91dc587 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
- .d8b. .88b d88. .o88b. db d888888b
- d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 d8P Y8 88 `88'
- 88ooo88 88 88 88 8P 88 88
- 88~~~88 88 88 88 8b 88 88
- 88 88 88 88 88 Y8b d8 88booo. .88.
- YP YP YP YP YP `Y88P' Y88888P Y888888P
-amcli (c) 2022 Angouri
-This is free software. You're free to use, modify and redistribute it.
-GNU GPL v3 license. Made with AngouriMath (MIT Expat) and .NET (MIT Expat).
-Why use it?
-- Free and cross-platform
-- CLI interface for script automations
-- Piping for complex operations
-- Fast and small
- amcli eval - to evaluate into a single number, boolean, or a+bi format
- for complex numbers. Expects one argument.
- Example:
- $ amcli eval "1 / 2"
- 0.5
- $ amcli eval "e ^ pi > pi ^ e"
- true
- amcli diff - to differentiate the expression over the given variable
- (the first argument). Expects two arguments.
- Example:
- $ amcli diff "x" "sin(x)"
- cos(x)
- $ amcli diff "x" "1 + x^2"
- 2 * x
- $ echo "1 + x^2" | amcli diff "x"
- 2 * x
- amcli simplify - to simplify the expression. Expects one argument.
- Example:
- $ amcli simplify "sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2"
- 1
- amcli solve - to solve a *statement* over the given variable. A
- *statement* is an expression, otherwise evaluable to true or false
- (e. g. "x > 3" is a statement, but "x ^ 2" is not).
- When the solution set is a finite solution, all solutions are written
- line-by-line. Otherwise, it's written as one line.
- Example:
- $ amcli solve "x" "x2 - 1 = 0"
- 1
- -1
- $ amcli solve x "x2 > 1"
- (-oo; -1) \/ (1; +oo)
- amcli latex - to convert an expression into LaTeX format. Expects one
- argument.
- Example:
- $ amcli latex "1/2"
- \frac{1}{2}
- $ amcli latex "(sqrt(3) + x) / limit(sin(x) / x, x, 0)"
- \frac{\sqrt{3}+x}{\lim_{x\to 0} \left[\frac{\sin\left(x\right)}{x}\right]}
- amcli sub - to substitute an expression instead of a variable. Expects
- three arguments (variable to substitute, expression to be substituted
- instead of the variable, expression).
- Example:
- $ amcli sub x pi "sin(x / 3)"
- sin(pi / 3)
- $ amcli sub x "pi / 3" "sin(x)"
- sin(pi / 3)
- Any argument can be received either as a CLI argument or through
- standard input. For example,
- amcli eval "1 + 1"
- is equivalent to
- echo "1 + 1" | amcli eval
- This allows to pipe complex evaluations:
- echo "sin(x) * cos(y)" \ # 0. initial expression
- | amcli diff x \ # 1. differentiate over x
- | amcli sub x y \ # 2. substitute y instead of x
- | amcli diff y \ # 3. differentiate over y
- | amcli sub y "pi/3" \ # 4. substitute pi/3 instead of y
- | amcli simplify # 5. simplify
- Prints
- -1/2 * sqrt(3)
- Special symbol "_" (underscore) can be used to use stdinput instead
- of an argument. For instance, if you want to substitute the result of
- an operation into another expression:
- echo "e^x" \
- | amcli sub u _ "u / (1 + u)" \
- | amcli sub x 10 \
- | amcli eval
- Here the result of `echo` is substituted instead of the second argument
- of `amcli sub`, not the last one.
- You can bind amcli to @ using aliases. On Unix-like operating systems,
- add
- alias @=amcli
+ .d8b. .88b d88. .o88b. db d888888b
+ d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 d8P Y8 88 `88'
+ 88ooo88 88 88 88 8P 88 88
+ 88~~~88 88 88 88 8b 88 88
+ 88 88 88 88 88 Y8b d8 88booo. .88.
+ YP YP YP YP YP `Y88P' Y88888P Y888888P
+amcli (c) 2022 Angouri
+This is free software. You're free to use, modify and redistribute it.
+GNU GPL v3 license. Made with AngouriMath (MIT Expat) and .NET (MIT Expat).
+Why use it?
+- Free and cross-platform
+- CLI interface for script automations
+- Piping for complex operations
+- Fast and small
+ amcli eval - to evaluate into a single number, boolean, or a+bi format
+ for complex numbers. Expects one argument.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli eval "1 / 2"
+ 0.5
+ $ amcli eval "e ^ pi > pi ^ e"
+ true
+ amcli diff - to differentiate the expression over the given variable
+ (the first argument). Expects two arguments.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli diff "x" "sin(x)"
+ cos(x)
+ $ amcli diff "x" "1 + x^2"
+ 2 * x
+ $ echo "1 + x^2" | amcli diff "x"
+ 2 * x
+ amcli simplify - to simplify the expression. Expects one argument.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli simplify "sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2"
+ 1
+ amcli solve - to solve a *statement* over the given variable. A
+ *statement* is an expression, otherwise evaluable to true or false
+ (e. g. "x > 3" is a statement, but "x ^ 2" is not).
+ When the solution set is a finite solution, all solutions are written
+ line-by-line. Otherwise, it's written as one line.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli solve "x" "x2 - 1 = 0"
+ 1
+ -1
+ $ amcli solve x "x2 > 1"
+ (-oo; -1) \/ (1; +oo)
+ amcli latex - to convert an expression into LaTeX format. Expects one
+ argument.
+ Example:
+ $ amcli latex "1/2"
+ \frac{1}{2}
+ $ amcli latex "(sqrt(3) + x) / limit(sin(x) / x, x, 0)"
+ \frac{\sqrt{3}+x}{\lim_{x\to 0} \left[\frac{\sin\left(x\right)}{x}\right]}
+ amcli sub - to substitute an expression instead of a variable. Expects
+ three arguments (variable to substitute, expression to be substituted
+ instead of the variable, expression).
+ Example:
+ $ amcli sub x pi "sin(x / 3)"
+ sin(pi / 3)
+ $ amcli sub x "pi / 3" "sin(x)"
+ sin(pi / 3)
+ Any argument can be received either as a CLI argument or through
+ standard input. For example,
+ amcli eval "1 + 1"
+ is equivalent to
+ echo "1 + 1" | amcli eval
+ This allows to pipe complex evaluations:
+ echo "sin(x) * cos(y)" \ # 0. initial expression
+ | amcli diff x \ # 1. differentiate over x
+ | amcli sub x y \ # 2. substitute y instead of x
+ | amcli diff y \ # 3. differentiate over y
+ | amcli sub y "pi/3" \ # 4. substitute pi/3 instead of y
+ | amcli simplify # 5. simplify
+ Prints
+ -1/2 * sqrt(3)
+ Special symbol "_" (underscore) can be used to use stdinput instead
+ of an argument. For instance, if you want to substitute the result of
+ an operation into another expression:
+ echo "e^x" \
+ | amcli sub u _ "u / (1 + u)" \
+ | amcli sub x 10 \
+ | amcli eval
+ Here the result of `echo` is substituted instead of the second argument
+ of `amcli sub`, not the last one.
+ You can bind amcli to @ using aliases. On Unix-like operating systems,
+ add
+ alias @=amcli
(or specify the full path)
index 5196004..865d977 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@