We offer a simple HTTPS REST-style service that anybody can use to check texts with LanguageTool. The only public endpoint is the following one - do not send your requests to any other endpoints you might find in the homepage's HTML code or elsewhere:
Example usage:
curl -d "text=This is an test." -d "language=auto" https://api.languagetool.org/v2/check
When using it, please keep the following rules in mind:
- Do not send automated requests. For that, set up your own instance of LanguageTool or get an account for Enterprise use.
- Only send POST requests, not GET requests.
- Access is currently limited to:
- 20 requests per IP per minute (this is supposed to be a peak value - don't constantly send this many requests or we would have to block you)
- 75KB text per IP per minute
- 20KB text per request
- Only up to 30 misspelled words will have suggestions.
- This is a free service, thus there are no guarantees about performance or availability. The limits may change anytime.
- The LanguageTool version installed may be the latest official release or some snapshot. We will simply deploy new versions, thus the behavior will change without any warning.
- Read our privacy policy to see how we handle your texts. You are responsible for giving your users information about how their data is handled.
- We expect you to add a link back to https://languagetool.org that's clearly visible.
See the JSON API.
- Java: LanguageTool comes with RemoteLanguageTool in the languagetool-http-client module
- Python: pyLanguagetool
- Rust: LanguageTool-Rust
- R: ggspell