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This training will walk you through the development of a best-practices Common Workflow Language (CWL) workflow. At the conclusion of this training, you should have a grasp of the essential components of a workflow, and have a basis for learning more.
This training assumes some basic familiarity with editing text files, the Unix command line, and Unix shell scripts.
Specific knowledge of the biology of RNA-seq is not a prerequisite for these lessons. Although orignally developed to solve big data problems in genomics, CWL is not domain specific to bioinformatics, and is used in a number of other fields including medical imaging, astronomy, geospatial imaging, and machine learning. We hope that you will find this training useful regardless of your area of research.
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These lessons are based on Introduction to RNA-seq using high-performance computing (HPC) lessons developed by members of the teaching team at the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core (HBC). The original training, which includes additional lectures about the biology of RNA-seq, can be found at that link.
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