This module consists on a function that receives a pattern and a value and returns this value formatted according to the pattern. It doesn't work with every pattern, but it works with a lot of use cases, especially if you build functions on top of this module.
yarn add format-string-by-pattern
npm i format-string-by-pattern
<script src=""></script>
const formatStringByPattern = require('format-string-by-pattern');
formatStringByPattern('YYYY-MM-DD', '20180508');
// '2018-05-08'
formatStringByPattern('2018-05-08', '20151217');
// '2015-12-17'
const formatOnlyNumbers = (anyString) => {
const onlyNumbers = anyString.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');
return formatStringByPattern('999-999-9999', onlyNumbers);
// '123-456-789'
// It works with curry too
const someFormat = formatStringByPattern('00.00');
// 12.34
NOTE: The returned value will be sliced to the size of the pattern.
This library is pretty useful with forms, where you need to parse the input values. See the usage with the react-final-form library here.
Returns a string
Type: string
A string where anything that is not a number or letter will be treated as a separator.
Type: string
or number
A value to be formatted.
MIT © Arthur Denner