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Making your app's functionality available to Siri

Add assistant schemas to your app so Siri can complete requests, and integrate your app with Apple Intelligence, Spotlight, and other system experiences.


Using this sample app, people can keep track of photos and videos they capture with their device and can use Siri to access app functionality. To make its main functionality available to Siri, the app uses the App Intents framework.

Related sessions from WWDC24: Session 10133: Bring your app to Siri

Make app functionality available to Siri

This sample uses doc:app-intent-domains to make the AppEnum, AppEntity, and AppIntent implementations available to Siri as shown in the following example:

@AssistantEnum(schema: .photos.assetType)
enum AssetType: String, AppEnum {
    case photo
    case video

    static let caseDisplayRepresentations: [AssetType : DisplayRepresentation]  = [
        .photo: "Photo",
        .video: "Video"

Make data available in Spotlight

People can use Spotlight to search for data the sample contains. To enable this functionality, the sample defines an app entity that conforms to doc://

@AssistantEntity(schema: .photos.asset)
struct AssetEntity: IndexedEntity {

    // MARK: Static

    static let defaultQuery = AssetQuery()

    // MARK: Properties

    let id: String
    let asset: Asset

    @Property(title: "Title")
    var title: String?

    var creationDate: Date?
    var location: CLPlacemark?
    var assetType: AssetType?
    var isFavorite: Bool
    var isHidden: Bool
    var hasSuggestedEdits: Bool

    var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation {
            title: { "\($0)" } ?? "Unknown",
            subtitle: assetType?.localizedStringResource ?? "Photo"

Make app entities shareable

By adopting the doc:// protocol, this sample makes the data it describes as app entities more shareable and allows other apps to understand its data formats. For example, the sample's AssetEntity implements Transferable to make it easy to share a photo as a PNG image with Siri or the share sheet:

extension AssetEntity: Transferable {

    struct AssetQuery: EntityQuery {
        var library: MediaLibrary

        func entities(for identifiers: [AssetEntity.ID]) async throws -> [AssetEntity] {
            library.assets(for: identifiers).map(\.entity)

        func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [AssetEntity] {

    static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
        DataRepresentation(exportedContentType: .png) { entity in
            try await entity.asset.pngData()