Function Reflection in Javascript With Support for ES2015+ Syntax
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
npm install js-function-reflector
const functionReflector = require('js-function-reflector');
const parsedFunction = functionReflector(yourFunction, scope);
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
const output = functionReflector(add);
/* output = {
name: "add",
_rawParameter: "a, b",
body: "return a + b;",
async: false,
params: [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "a"
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "b"
} */
const arrowFn = (a, b) => {
return a + b;
let output = functionReflector(arrowFn);
/* output = {
type: "ARROW",
name: null,
_rawParameter: "a, b",
body: "return a + b;",
async: false,
params: [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "a"
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "b"
} */
// inline arrow function automatically added return statement
const arrowWithoutParenthesisAndCurlyBrace = name => 'hello ' + name
output = functionReflector(arrowWithoutParenthesisAndCurlyBrace);
/* output = {
type: "ARROW",
name: null,
_rawParameter: "name",
body: "return 'hello ' + name",
async: false,
params: [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "name"
} */
const sleep = async function(time) {
return new Promise(resolve, setTimeout(resolve, time))
const output = functionReflector(sleep))
/* output = {
name: null,
_rawParameter: "time",
body: "return new Promise(resolve, setTimeout(resolve, time))",
async: true,
params: [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "time"
const generatorFn = function* (list) {
for (var item of list) {
yield item
const output = functionReflector(generatorFn))
/* output = {
type: "GENERATOR",
name: null,
_rawParameter: "list",
body: "for (var item of list) {\r\n yield item\r\n }",
async: false,
params: [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "list"
} */
const pow = function(n, power = 2) {
return Math.pow(n, power);
const output = functionReflector(pow).params
/* output = [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "n"
type: "DEFAULT",
name: "power",
value: 2
] */
const dummyFn = (a, b = 5, ...c) => c
const output = functionReflector(dummyFn).params
/* output = [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "a"
type: "DEFAULT",
name: "b",
value: 5
type: "REST",
name: "c"
] */
const destructuringFn = (a, {names: {firstNames, lastNames}, locations: [[country, city], ...restLocations],}) => {}
const output = functionReflector(destructuringFn).params
/* output = [
type: "SIMPLE",
name: "a"
value: {
type: "object",
keys: [
name: "names",
value: {
type: "object",
keys: [
type: "KEY",
name: "firstNames"
type: "KEY",
name: "lastNames"
name: "locations",
value: {
type: "array",
keys: [
value: {
type: "array",
keys: [
type: "KEY",
name: "country"
type: "KEY",
name: "city"
type: "REST",
name: "restLocations"
type: "REST",
name: "rest"
] */
When parameter's default value contains a variable, we need to pass that variable on the second parameter
const a = {
number: 1
const b = 2
const dummyFn = function(x = a.number, y = b) {}
const output = functionReflector(dummyFn, { a, b }).params
/* output = [
type: "DEFAULT",
name: "x",
value: 1
type: "DEFAULT",
name: "y",
value: 2
] */