Deploy Buffer Server is started on all containers by default. The port and host where buffer server is running is sent to the master in heartbeat rpc. Application Master use this address to setup routing between operators deployed in different containers. The deploy request for downstream operator's input port contains buffer server address of upstream operator depending on how operator is partitioned.
Publish The publish request contains following information.
- identifier : The identifier as a stream. The identifier is constructed as
operatorId + "." + outputPortName + "." + streamCodecId
- operator Id is physical operator id
- outputPortName is name of the output port
- streamCodecId is id of the stream codec. The stream codec is appended because multiple input port could connect to an output port with different stream codec. If stream codec are different then a separate data channel is created for them as their serialization format and hashcode could be different.
Each publisher is represented by DataList. The list of all publishers to a buffer server is kept in
Subscribe This functionality is implemented through Server.handleSubscriberRequest The subscribe request contains following information.
- identifier - Input port identifier
- windowId - start windowId from where to start reading.
- streamType - No idea
- upstreamIdentifier - upstream stream identifier. topic to listen to.
- mask - for subscription mask
- partitions - for subscription partitions.
- bufferSize -
mask and partitions is used for routing of the user tuples. The subscribe request is sent during deployment of input ports of downstream operators in
. ABufferServerSubscriber
object is created to fetch data from upstream operators publish channel and attached to the operator's input port. -
adding tuple
- what happens when memory is full
stream codec/partitions keys
BufferServer publisher/Subscriber/Reservior