diff --git a/docs/_data/navigation.yml b/docs/_data/navigation.yml
index abd8c0f..6bf082e 100644
--- a/docs/_data/navigation.yml
+++ b/docs/_data/navigation.yml
@@ -11,4 +11,7 @@ main:
blank: false
- title: "Examples"
url: /#examples
+ blank: false
+ - title: "Credits"
+ url: /#credits
blank: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_pages/index.md b/docs/_pages/index.md
index ed91891..6ee82ad 100644
--- a/docs/_pages/index.md
+++ b/docs/_pages/index.md
@@ -218,10 +218,11 @@ Set the running head, the page- and chapter prefix etc.
| **Name** | **Long Command** | **Short Command** | **Description** |
-| **Help** | `--help` | `-h`, `-?`, `?`| Displays a list of supported commands and their usage. Example: `pdfminion --help`|
-| **Version** | `--version` | `-v` | Displays the current version of PDFminion. Example: `pdfminion --version` |
-| **Defaults** | `--defaults` | | Prints all current default settings. Example: `pdfminion --defaults`. |
-| **Debug Mode** | `--debug` | | Enables debug mode for detailed logs. Example: `pdfminion --debug` |
+| **Help** | `--help` | `-h`, `-?`, `?`| Displays a list of supported commands and their usage. Example: `pdfminion --help`|
+| **Version** | `--version` | `-v` | Displays the current version of PDFminion. Example: `pdfminion --version` |
+| **Thanx** | `--thanx` | `-tx` | Gives credit to the maintainers of several OS libraries. Example: `pdfminion --thanx`. |
+| **Defaults** | `--defaults` | | Prints all current default settings. Example: `pdfminion --defaults`. |
+| **Debug Mode** | `--debug` | | Enables debug mode for detailed logs. Example: `pdfminion --debug` |
Multi-Language Support
@@ -267,13 +268,21 @@ After all files have been processed, you may merge them or create a table-of-con
> **Example 1**: Add page numbers and running headers to all PDF files in the `input` directory and save the processed files in the `output` directory. Requires the `output` to be empty!
-pdfminion --source ./input --target ./output
+$ pdfminion --source ./input --target ./output
> **Example 2**: Force overwrite of existing files in the `output` directory
-pdfminion --force --source ./input --target ./output
+$ pdfminion --force --source ./input --target ./output
+> **Example 41**: Gives credit to the maintainers of the open-source libraries used by PDFminion, e.g. [pdfcpu](https://pdfcpu.io/) and a few others..
+$ pdfminion --thanx
+PDFminion was created on the shoulder of giants...
@@ -282,3 +291,19 @@ pdfminion --force --source ./input --target ./output
+PDFminion uses numerous open-source libraries, and wish to thank the maintainers of the following projects:
+* Horst Rutter for [pdfcpu](https://pdfcpu.io/), all things related to PDF processing.
+* Hao Ding for [go-locale](https://github.com/Xuanwo/go-locale) to handle tricky locale settings.
+* and, of course, the [Go team](https://golang.org/) for creating the language that compiles to various operating systems,
+ and refrains from adding fancy features every 6 month (pun intended).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/init-sequence.puml b/documentation/init-sequence.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ae0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/init-sequence.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+actor User as user
+participant main
+participant config
+participant domain
+participant "github.com/spf13/viper" as viper
+participant "github.com/spf13/cobra" as cobra
+participant "golang.org/x/text/language" as language
+user -> main : Execute application
+main -> config : LoadConfig()
+activate config
+config -> domain : InitializeDefaults()
+activate domain
+domain --> config : Return default MinionConfig
+deactivate domain
+config -> cobra : Parse CLI flags (--file, --source, --language, etc.)
+activate cobra
+cobra --> config : CLI flag values
+deactivate cobra
+config -> config : Determine config file path\n(either --file or pdfminion.cfg)
+config -> viper : Read config file
+activate viper
+viper --> config : Parsed config values
+deactivate viper
+config -> language : Parse language tag (if applicable)
+activate language
+language --> config : Parsed language.Tag
+deactivate language
+config --> main : Final merged MinionConfig
+deactivate config
+main -> domain : Use MinionConfig for application logic