Major Changes from 3.0.1
Most important change:
- Use correct method to convert from the angle to momentum. (The original way was incorrect)
New feature
- Provide &
- Provide &
- Introduce Type annotation, which is major trend in the current python coding.
- Users are requested to know type of the object treated. Especially, the users should know the difference between xr.DataArray & xr.Dataset
- Introduce a new attrs, "energy_notation", which determines either "Kinetic" energy or "Binding" energy
- Add new method: S.switch_energy_notation(self, nonlinear_order=1)
- Dataset.S.spectra returns the list of the xr.DataArrays whose dims contains "eV". (See Add a new method S.swap_angle_unit() to change the angle unit (deg <-> radian)
- Coding guide line
Do not carelessly set default=None
Replace algorithms to make them simpler and more efficient
- analysis/
Many files/methods/class have been removed because of inconsistency, legacy style or useless. Here is just a short list the ones I remember now:
Remove arpes.all
- Certainly, this it is indeed a lazy and carefree approach, but it's too rough method that leads to a bugs and does not mathc the current pythonic style.
Remove utilities/
- The functions in this module have not been used and are unlikely to be used in the future.
modules that use the Bokeh.
There is a dependency problem among bokeh, tornard, and Jupyter, which I cannot fix because I'm haven't use Bokeh.
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
- arpes/plotting/
Remove MappableDict class
Remove overlapped_stack_dispersion_plot
- use stack_dispersion_plot with appropriate args
Remove G.extent in xarray_extensions, which is not so usuful
Remove scan_row property
Remove original_id method, as I cannot figure out the purpose.
Remove The original ModelResult.plot() is sufficiently useful, and no reason for keeping to maintain this patched version.
Remove condensed_attrs: We should not enfoce camelcase on attributes, while original version did. Rather, the snake_case would be better from the modern pythonic viewpoint.
arg for debugging. This technique may be sharp, but not so well fitted the current python trend; typing oriented. -
Remove the class and functions in corrections/ (HashableDict, reference_key, correction_from_reference_set), which have not used.
Remove shift_gamma from slice_along_path
Fix from 3.0.1
- bug of concatenating in broadcast_model
- Import error in BZ plotting example #7
Minor Changes from 3.0.1
- Remove beta arg from filters.curvature