If you want to write your own web/desktop/mobile client, you can do it through the following API.
Requisites: All data sent and received are in json format (utf-8 encoded)
Request method: POST
Request URL: api/user/signup
Request payload:
"email": "myusername@myserver",
"password": "secret"
Available response codes:
HTTP 200 - The user account has been successfully registered
HTTP 409 - The email is already registered in the system
HTTP 400 - Any of the required parameters sent by the client is missing or is incorrect
The following response is sent when the email parameter is not found
"invalidOrMissingParams": ["id", "email"]
The following response is sent when the password parameter is not found
"invalidOrMissingParams": ["password"]
HTTP 500 - For more information you must activate the debug in the configuration and check the log files for errors
Request method: POST
Request URL: api/user/signin
Request payload:
"email": "myusername@myserver",
"password": "secret"
Available response codes:
HTTP 200 - The user session started successfully
HTTP 404 - The entered email does not exist as a registered user in the system
HTTP 401 - The password entered is incorrect
HTTP 400 - Any of the required parameters sent by the client is missing or is incorrect
The following response is sent when the email parameter is not found
"invalidOrMissingParams": ["id", "email"]
The following response is sent when the password parameter is not found
"invalidOrMissingParams": ["password"]
HTTP 500 - For more information you must activate the debug in the configuration and check the log files for errors
Poll user session (request to keep the user logged since php server sessions expire due to inactivity)
Request method: GET
Request URL: api/user/poll