From 8fa468f0f1d10cadf662a766da78eb1c2d26a894 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Katherine Silliman <> Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:44:16 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update Snakefile Revert snakefile prior to reftax.tsv edits --- Snakefile | 9 --------- 1 file changed, 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Snakefile b/Snakefile index a245588..a3adeca 100644 --- a/Snakefile +++ b/Snakefile @@ -347,9 +347,6 @@ rule check_inputs_params_pe: " echo 'OK: Reference sequences archive 01-imported/refseqs.qza found; reference sequences FASTA file 00-data/refseqs.fna not required.'; " " elif [ -r '00-data/refseqs.fna' ]; then " " echo 'OK: Reference sequences FASTA file 00-data/refseqs.fna found; it will be used to create reference sequences archive 01-imported/refseqs.qza.'; " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Sequence]' --input-path 00-data/refseqs.fna --output-path 01-imported/refseqs.qza; " - " if [ -r '00-data/reftax.tsv' ]; then " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Taxonomy]' --input-format HeaderlessTSVTaxonomyFormat --input-path 00-data/reftax.tsv --output-path 01-imported/reftax.qza; " " else echo 'Error: Reference sequences not found; either 01-imported/classifier.qza or 00-data/refseqs.fna or 01-imported/refseqs.qza is required.' && exit 1; " " fi; " "elif [ -r '01-imported/refseqs.qza' ]; then " @@ -363,7 +360,6 @@ rule check_inputs_params_pe: " echo 'OK: Reference taxonomy archive 01-imported/reftax.qza found; reference taxonomy file 00-data/reftax.tsv not required.'; " " elif [ -r '00-data/reftax.tsv' ]; then " " echo 'OK: Reference taxonomy file 00-data/reftax.tsv found; it will be used to create reference taxonomy archive 01-imported/reftax.qza.'; " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Taxonomy]' --input-format HeaderlessTSVTaxonomyFormat --input-path 00-data/reftax.tsv --output-path 01-imported/reftax.qza;" " else echo 'Error: Reference taxonomy not found; either 00-data/reftax.tsv or 01-imported/reftax.qza is required.' && exit 1; " " fi; " "fi; " @@ -397,16 +393,12 @@ rule check_inputs_params_se: " echo 'OK: Reference sequences archive 01-imported/refseqs.qza found; reference sequences FASTA file 00-data/refseqs.fna not required.'; " " elif [ -r '00-data/refseqs.fna' ]; then " " echo 'OK: Reference sequences FASTA file 00-data/refseqs.fna found; it will be used to create reference sequences archive 01-imported/refseqs.qza.'; " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Sequence]' --input-path 00-data/refseqs.fna --output-path 01-imported/refseqs.qza; " - " if [ -r '00-data/reftax.tsv' ]; then " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Taxonomy]' --input-format HeaderlessTSVTaxonomyFormat --input-path 00-data/reftax.tsv --output-path 01-imported/reftax.qza; " " else echo 'Error: Reference sequences not found; either 01-imported/classifier.qza or 00-data/refseqs.fna or 01-imported/refseqs.qza is required.' && exit 1; " " fi; " "elif [ -r '01-imported/refseqs.qza' ]; then " " echo 'OK: Reference sequences archive 01-imported/refseqs.qza found; reference sequences FASTA file 00-data/refseqs.fna not required.'; " "elif [ -r '00-data/refseqs.fna' ]; then " " echo 'OK: Reference sequences FASTA file 00-data/refseqs.fna found; it will be used to create reference sequences archive 01-imported/refseqs.qza.'; " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Sequence]' --input-path 00-data/refseqs.fna --output-path 01-imported/refseqs.qza; " "else echo 'Error: Reference sequences not found; either 00-data/refseqs.fna or 01-imported/refseqs.qza is required.' && exit 1; " "fi; " "if [ {params.classifymethod} != naive-bayes ]; then " @@ -414,7 +406,6 @@ rule check_inputs_params_se: " echo 'OK: Reference taxonomy archive 01-imported/reftax.qza found; reference taxonomy file 00-data/reftax.tsv not required.'; " " elif [ -r '00-data/reftax.tsv' ]; then " " echo 'OK: Reference taxonomy file 00-data/reftax.tsv found; it will be used to create reference taxonomy archive 01-imported/reftax.qza.'; " - " qiime tools import --type 'FeatureData[Taxonomy]' --input-format HeaderlessTSVTaxonomyFormat --input-path 00-data/reftax.tsv --output-path 01-imported/reftax.qza;" " else echo 'Error: Reference taxonomy not found; either 00-data/reftax.tsv or 01-imported/reftax.qza is required.' && exit 1; " " fi; " "fi; "