This project convert html to rtf format in the browser. It is based on the oziresrds/html-to-rtf awesome project. I looked into the 20+ forks to try get the best parts glued to in one place. This could be called html-to-rtf-frankenstein lol.
Highlight for the developers:
- Ozires for the base framework. Without him, we would not have this.
- Heron Silva for several improvements (as font-family support) (heronsilva / html-to-rtf)
- wodka for making it possible to use in browser (wodka/html-to-rtf).
- Leon Strauß for image support (MinePlay96/html-to-rtf).
If I missed some functionality in other forks, please let me know, or make a PR.
This project work in the browser (maybe it works on the server side, but this is not the main goal.
$ npm install html-to-rtf-browser
const HtmlToRtfBrowser = require('html-to-rtf-browser');
var htmlToRtf = new HtmlToRtfBrowser();
var html = `
<h1>Title <span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">with</span> tag h1<h1>
<p> start of an image (with width and height defined): </p>
<img style="width: 5cm; height: 300px" src="
<p> end of an image</p>
<p style="color:#333; margin:5px;" class="test" align="center">
text of paragraph <b>text with bold <i>text with italic and bold</i></b><i>text with italic</i>
<p style="color:rgb(255,0,0);" align="right">red paragraph => right with tag</p>
<p style="color:rgb(0,0,255); text-align:center;">blue paragraph => center with style</p>
<td><mark>column 1</mark></td>
<td>column 2</td>
<td><mark>column 3</mark></td>
<td>column 4</td>
<td>content 1</td>
<td>content 2<br></td>
<td>content 3<br></td>
<td>content 4<br></td>
const rtf = htmlToRtf.convertHtmlToRtf(html)
// from here on, works only on browser
const blob = new Blob([rtf], {type: "application/rtf;charset=utf-8"});
const link=window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
Now test in your preferred text editor (wordpad, word, libreoffice, ...).
You can't copy the output of terminal or console. Save the output at a file.rtf. See above for an example
<b>, <br>, <center>, <div>, <em>, <font>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>,
<h5>, <h6>, <i>, <li>, <mark>, <p>, <ol>, <s>, <span>, <sub>, <sup>,
<strong>, <table>, <td>, <th>, <tr>, <u>, <ul>, <a>, <img> (PNG and JPG in base64 - experimental support to BMP - fixed size)
color(Hex and Rgb), font-family, font-size(px/pt), text-align, text-indent (px/cm), margin-left (px/cm), padding-left (px/cm)
inside img tag: width and height (px/cm)
$ gulp tests
- antoniolucasnobar
This project is licensed under the MIT License