This set of PowerShell and Terraform scripts will deploy a fully configured Veeam environment onto a VMware vSphere platform. VMware Cloud on AWS can also be used as showcased at VMworld 2018 by Anthony Spiteri and Michael Cade (
This is an end to end solution and assumes everything to be in place by way of the requirements and pre-reqs
There are four modules
- Deploy and Install Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 4 components on a new VM from Template using Chef and Terraform
- Deploy and Configure AWS VPC for Veeam Linux Repo and Veeam PN Sitegateway using Terraform
- Deploy and Configure local Veeam Linux Repo
- Configure Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 4 using PowerShell and PowerCLI
Added support for Update 4 PowerShell command to mananage new Cloud Credentials
Added Scale Out Backup Repository Support with option for Capacity Tier
Merged BR-Condigure-Veeam code into main PowerShell and config.json (
Added better logic for processing Backup Repository selection for Default Job Creation
- Terraform 0.11.8+
- Windows Template with Windows Remote Management enabled and configured for Terraform and up to date VMware Tools
- Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 4 Console Installed on remote execution machine
- vSphere Details and Credentials (Or VMware Cloud on AWS Credentials)
- Current Veeam License File converted to BASE64 and saved in terraform.tfvars file as license_base64_encoded variable in \veeam_standalone_full directory (Example 30 Day NFR Key embedded)
- Linux Template for Local Linux Deployment
- Veeam PN Deployed and Configured with Hub (see
- Veeam PN Site Gateway XML Configuration File for AWS VPC Network (see
- AWS Credentials and pre generated key file for AWS Linux AMIs
- Amazon S3 Bucket Created
- Veeam Cloud Connect Provider Credentials
- Current Veeam License File converted to BASE64 and saved as license.json in \veeam_standalone_full directory
PARAMETER Runall - Runs all the functions with all features including Remote AWS Linux Repo, Veeam PN and SOBR with Capacity Tier
PARAMETER RunVBRConfigure - Runs all the functions to configure VBR Server
PARAMETER RunVBRDeployOnly - Runs the VBR deployment Terraform Module
PARAMETER RunAWSDeploy - Runs the AWS VeeamPN and Veeam Repo deployment Terraform Module
PARAMETER LocalLinuxRepoDeploy - When used in combination with Runall or RunVBRConfigure will Deploy local Linux Repo using Terraform Module
PARAMETER CloudConnectOnly - Used on it's own to configure a Cloud Connect Provider
PARAMETER CloudConnectNEA - When used with RunAll or RunVBRConfigure will deploy and configure the Cloud Connect Network Extension Appliance
PARAMETER NoCloudConnect - When used with RunAll or RunVBRConfigure or CloudConnectOnly will not configure the Cloud Connect component
PARAMETER NoLinuxRepo - When used with RunAll or RunVBRConfigure will not add and configure the Linux Repository
PARAMETER NoDefaultJobs - Will not configure Tags or Default Jobs when run with RunVBRConfigure
PARAMETER ConfigureSOBR - Will configure a SOBR with two extents when run with RunVBRConfigure with an AWS S3 Capacity Teir
PARAMETER NoCapacityTier - Will not configure an AWS S3 Based Object Storage Repo when used with ConfigureSOBR
PARAMETER ClearVBRConfig - Will clear all previously configured settings and return Veeam Backup & Replication Server to default install
EXAMPLE - PS C:\>deploy_veeam_sddc_release.ps1 -Runall
EXAMPLE - PS C:\>deploy_veeam_sddc_release.ps1 -Runall -LocalLinuxRepoDeploy
EXAMPLE - PS C:\>deploy_veeam_sddc_release.ps1 -RunVBRConfigure -NoLinuxRepo
EXAMPLE - PS C:\>deploy_veeam_sddc_release.ps1 -ClearVBRConfig
EXAMPLE - PS C:\>deploy_veeam_sddc_release.ps1 -RunVBRConfigure -ConfigureSOBR -NoCapacityTier
The Terraform templates included in this repository requires Terraform to be available locally on the machine running the templates. Before you begin, please verify that you have the following information:
- Download Terraform (minimum tested version 0.11.8) binary to your workstation.
- Gather the VMware credentials required to communicate to vCenter
- Save a copy of the file
- Update the variable values in the newly created
“winrm quickconfig -q
winrm set winrm/config/service ‘@{AllowUnencrypted=“true”}’
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth ‘@{Basic=“true”}’
Start-Service WinRM
set-service WinRM -StartupType Automatic
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled false”
All of the variables are configured in the config.json file. Nothing is required to be changed in the main depply script.
"Default": {
"SOBRRepo": {
"S3Folder": "ct03new",
"LinuxRepo": {
"Username": "centos",
"VCCProvider": {
"VBRCredentials": {
"VMCCredentials": {
"VBRJobDetails": {
"DefaultRepo1":"Default Backup Repository",