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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。


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Daily English Dictation - P1

First: xxx,receive Nobel peace price behavior poor and die, Indina, she was 87 years old.

Second: xxx, who receive the Noble peace prize for her work behavior of poor and die Indina, she was 87 years old.

Third: Mother Trasa, who receive the Noble peace prize for her work behavior of poor xxx Indina, she was 87 years old.

Final: Mater Teresia, who received the Noble peace prize for her work on behavior of poor die in xxx India, she was 87 years old.

Note: 其实第二遍的时候大概知道意思是特蕾莎修女因为xxx获得诺贝尔和平奖,但是发现自己既不会翻译特蕾莎修女,也听不懂中间因为xxx,只能记录关键词,而且很多单词都不会拼。Final 其实听了十来遍,加上 google 了下特蕾莎修女的翻译才勉强写出来,感觉听力太差了,反正加油吧,今天就先只做一篇听力,把语法和指南看一下。

英语语法 - 从词性开始

Note: 死去的词性记忆开始攻击我。

A Programmer's Guide to English - 关于本指南


  • 了解了教程的目标人群:「想要花一些时间真正掌握英语的人,尤其适合英语渣」。
  • 在英语学习过程中,要注意查看符合自己水平的经验和教程,否则可能会走弯路。
  • 语言学习的周期都是以月或者年来计的,越早明白语言学习没有技巧,就会越少浪费时间和金钱在各种资料和经验上面,走越少的弯路。


Daily English Dictation - P2 Daily English Dictation - P3

Jerry, What time do u have. I have 5 o'clock.

First: There are three thing that never to do cause people xxx, relagion, polorpeace, free popcorn.

Second: There are three thing that never to discuss with people, relagion, polorpeace, and the great popcorn.

Third: There are three things that never to discuss with people, relagion, polorpeace, and the great popcorn.

Final: There are three things I have learned, never to discuss with people, religion, polities, and the Great Pumpkin.

Note: Jerry 那一句 So easy. 后面的听力只知道是三件不能讨论的事,但是 I have learned 完全听不出来,最后三个词也完全不会写,感觉词汇量倒退了十年。

A Programmer's Guide to English - 语言学习的本质浅析


  • 语言的学习,是学习双方都能理解的表达方式和表达思维
  • 语言的表达不能通过转换为自己熟悉的语言再转换


Daily English Dictation - P4

First: xx somebody tell you, you cant do some.

Second: If somebody tell you, you cant do some.

Third: Doerla somebody tell you, you can't do something.

Final: Don't even let somebody tell you, you can't do some.

Note: Don't even let 连读 don-ever-le,something 弱读 some.

A Programmer's Guide to English - 如何构建一个识别英语的程序


非常佩服作者用编写别英语的程序来作为例子,程序员就很好理解了。 口语听力相对于阅读写作更加困难,主要因为实时性的要求。你必须迅速反馈不经过思考,这要求你要无意识的去用英语表达,所以语言学习没有技巧,只有大量训练。


Daily English Dictation - P5

First: I have come here to xxx xxx,and all xxx

Second: I have come here to qiu babugan and kill kas, and all ard babugan

Third: I have come here to qiu babugan and kick ass, and I maout babugan

Final: I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum

Note: chew bubblegum 不会写, am all out of 连读 a-mal-lou-tof, 英语的连读是听力的关键,需要不断练习。

A Programmer's Guide to English - 我的训练方法


  • 做好 Benchmark 并设置目标
  • 抱着怀疑、认真严谨的态度




Daily English Dictation - P6

First: The scurity of life is just moment.

Second: The secret of life is just every moment.

Third: The secret of life is just in every moment.

Final: The secret of life is just to live every moment.

Note: 今天听力还是比较简单的,基本两遍就能听出大概。今天就听一课,明天学一天英语。


英语语法 - 八大句子成分 英语语法 - 一定要知道的5个句型 英语语法 - 形容词 和 名词 的关系 英语语法 - 花心的副词 英语语法 - 如何用介词in/on/at表示位置 英语语法 - 搞事的比较级

Note: 完成英语语法复习。

A Programmer's Guide to English - 扩充语料库的训练方法 A Programmer's Guide to English - 发音和听力训练方法 A Programmer's Guide to English - 英语思维训练 A Programmer's Guide to English - 资料、工具推荐和扩展阅读


  • 反复练习
  • 音标发音准确,善于使用工具
  • 能够用英语转述

Daily English Dictation - P7

First: The xxx trader xxx bank xxx million dollars.

Second: The xxx trader cause bank billions.

Third: Another xxx trader has cost bank billions.

Final: Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.

Note: 这个句子比较简单,主要是一个新词 rogue: 异常的, 行为失常的, 常制造麻烦的

Daily English Dictation - P8

First: Rolf Buchholz book the man the most piercing xx xxx xx xxx 53.

Second: Rolf Buchholz book the man the most piercing his gaf xx xxx 53.

Third: Rolf Buchholz is the man the most piercing this gaf for 153.

Final: German, Rolf Buchholz is the man with the most piercings, he's got 453.

Note: 这个句子其实挺简单的,但是记错人名了,Buchholz 一直没听出来,以为是一个新词,还在猜测是不是穿刺吉尼斯世界纪录。谁能救救我的听力,绝望。。。


Daily English Dictation - P9

First: xxx xx the space, 20 years ago, but nobody know where is xxx.

Second: xxx xx the space, 20 years ago, is about xxx xxx, but nobody know where is xxx.

Third: xxx xx the space, 20 years ago, is about xx fall Earth, but nobody know where is xxx will xx.

Final: A satellife that was carried to space aboard the shuttle discovery 20 years ago, is about to fall to Earth, but nobody know where the debris will hit.

Note: 完全听不出来。。。受到了打击, satellife/shuttle/debris 不会读写,场景太难了,脑中没有概念,猜句子都猜不出来




Daily English Dictation - P10

First: It's a lofty, probably impossible goal.

Second: It's a lofty, probably impossible goal.

Third: It's a lofty, probably impossible goal.

Final: It's a lofty, probably impossible goal.

Note: 一次就写对了,难得。

Daily English Dictation - P11

First: In your sweep xx way by xxx school in a dinner xxx wednesday.

Second: In your sweep day way by danty call for two school in a day nine double header wednesday.

Third: In your sweep day way by danty call for two school in the day night doubleheader wednesday.

Final: New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader wednesday。

Note: New York 居然没听出来,by identical x-y scores 是一个体育场景里常见的搭配, day-night doubleheader 是一个体育术语。


Daily English Dictation - P12

First: Jim Hansen, create th maple of xxx, is xxx

Second: Jim Hansen, create th maple herma far xxx, is born in green vendor xx

Third: Jim Hansen, creator of the xxx street, is born in green vendor xx

Final: Jim Hansen, creator of the Muppets - from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street, is born in Greenville, Mississippi.

Note: 地名太多了,这节又是劝退课。感觉课程难度不是循序渐进的,一会难一会简单。

听写笔记的方法和演示,以 为例,仅参考:

  1. 不看字幕,听写发音内容,不会的没关系,尽量写即可
  2. 反复听几遍,然后继续把内容进行完善,直到无法继续写出来

Mother terisa, who received a noble pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.

反复几遍直到听不出:Mother terisa, who received a Noble Pace Prize from her work on behalf of poor and dies of dia cacke in India, she was 87 years old.

  1. 到第二天或者查看答案,进行对比和完善总结,把不会的单词进行记录,跟读句子进行训练。

第二节答案:Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.


  • Teresa:人名,死记硬背
  • Nobel Peace Prize:诺贝尔和平奖。Pace 的发音跟 Peace 有区别,Pace 是步伐、速度的意思。
  • Calcutta:加尔各答,死记硬背