- Add the block/face selection back, but make it look better this time maybe
- Add functionality to the extraction node/all the nodes
- Add an inventory/buffer node that is bound to a real container inventory that can be accessed from the imgui node
- Make a console dockable window with imgui for logging data to the user.
- evaluate the need for the properties window (do we want to keep properties soley on the node it's self or push certain things to the side pane)
- Create an auto crafter node that uses jei to search items.
- Add a redstone node that acts an enable/disable variable input for certain nodes like the TickNode
- Makes nodes group-able
- Make nodes copy/paste-able
- Add a way to check if the given pin is even able to connect to another pin. (a tick node output pin shouldn't be the input of a link node's input pin for example)
- Add a filter node
- Add comment node
- Add a player interaction node for in world automation (see cylic's item user for info)
- Unify the node style - uniform colors, and icons that make sense.
- Add more icon types/icon renderers.
- Add some introspection like if the player wanted to only execute x if y is true. For example the player may only want to export bones from an inventory until there's say 20 left.
- Figure out how to make the mod work 100% on macosx and linux.
- Create unit tests perhaps?
- Optimize more?