- Please follow the official instruction to download the dataset.
- We use the dataset provider in Implicitron for data loading. To speed up the loading, we cache the loaded meta data. Please run
cd scripts
python prepare_co3d.py --co3d_path [path to CO3D data]
to generate the cache. The cached data take ~4.1GB of space.
- Please follow the official instruction to download the dataset.
- We preprocess the Hypersim data for faster loading:
cd scripts
python prepare_hypersim.py --hypersim_path [path to Hypersim data]
The resulting data take ~19GB of space.
- We evaluate our method using the ground-truth meshes, which are available for purchase here. We borrow the dataloader from Omnidata for loading the meshes. To speed up dataloading, we preprocess the data by
python prepare_hypersim_mesh.py --omnidata_starter_dataset_path [path to omnidata starter dataset] --hypersim_path [path to Hypersim data]
The resulting data take ~5.5GB of space.