IoT-Ticket Typescript client
Clone the project by using command:
git clone
After cloning the project, open your terminal and navigate to the root of the project folder location.
Install all dependencies used:
Create a file named app.ts in the /src folder.
Follow Usage to create your own file before starting the client:
The application is using Jest for testing
NOTE: If you want to run all of the test cases, create a file named .env in root folder
and its contents like that:
USERNAME_TICKET = your_username
PASSWORD_TICKET = your_password
If you want to check how many percentages this test cases cover of the application, run:
const client = new Client ( "" , "username" , "password" ) ;
const newDevice = new Device ( ) ;
newDevice . setName ( "DeviceName" ) ;
newDevice . setManufacturer ( "Manufacturer" ) ;
newDevice . setType ( "DeviceType" ) ;
const d1 = new DeviceAttribute ( ) ;
d1 . setKey ( "OS" ) ;
d1 . setValue ( "Windows 7" ) ;
const d2 = new DeviceAttribute ( ) ;
d2 . setKey ( "Screensize" ) ;
d2 . setValue ( "1960*1800" ) ;
newDevice . setAttributes ( d1 , d2 ) ;
client . registerDevice ( newDevice ) ;
const device = await client . getDevice ( "device_id" ) ;
console . log ( device . toString ( ) ) ;
const listOfDevices = await client . getListDevices ( 100 , 0 ) ;
for ( let d of listOfDevices . getItems ( ) ) {
let deviceCastType = Object . assign ( new Device ( ) , d )
console . log ( deviceCastType . toString ( ) ) ;
const listOfDataNodes = await client . getDataNodeList ( "device_id" , 100 , 0 ) ;
for ( let dn of listOfDataNodes . getItems ( ) ) {
let dataNodeCastType = Object . assign ( new DataNode ( ) , dn )
console . log ( dataNodeCastType . toString ( ) ) ;
const quota = await client . getAllQuota ( ) ;
console . log ( quota . toString ( ) ) ;
const deviceQuota = await client . getDeviceQuota ( "device_id" ) ;
console . log ( deviceQuota . toString ( ) ) ;
client . deleteDevice ( "device_id" ) ;
const criteria = new StatisticalDataQueryCriteria ( ) ;
criteria . setDeviceId ( "device_id" )
criteria . setFromdate ( 1383228800000 )
criteria . setTodate ( 1550831791000 )
criteria . setGrouping ( Grouping . Year ) ;
criteria . setDatanodes ( [ "Temperature" , "sensor" ] ) ;
const statisticalData = await client . readStatisticalData ( criteria ) ;
for ( let statisticalDataRead of statisticalData . getDatanodeReads ( ) ) {
let statisticalDataReadCastType = Object . assign ( new StatisticalDataRead ( ) , statisticalDataRead )
console . log ( statisticalDataReadCastType . toString ( ) ) ;
for ( let value of statisticalDataReadCastType . getValues ( ) ) {
let valueCastType = Object . assign ( new StatisticalDataReadValue ( ) , value )
console . log ( valueCastType . toStringSDRV ( ) ) ;
const criteria = new DataQueryCriteria ( ) ;
criteria . setDeviceId ( "device_id" )
criteria . setFromdate ( 1383228800000 )
criteria . setTodate ( 1550831791000 )
criteria . setDatanodes ( [ "/MainEngine/Core/Temperature" ] ) ;
const processData = await client . readProcessData ( criteria ) ;
for ( let dataNodeRead of processData . getDatanodeReads ( ) ) {
let dataNodeReadCastType = Object . assign ( new DataNodeRead ( ) , dataNodeRead )
console . log ( dataNodeReadCastType . toString ( ) ) ;
for ( let value of dataNodeReadCastType . getValues ( ) ) {
let valueCastType = Object . assign ( new DataNodeReadValue ( ) , value )
console . log ( valueCastType . toStringDNRV ( ) ) ;
const dataArray = new Array < DataNodeWriteValue > ( ) ;
const d1 = new DataNodeWriteValue ( ) ;
d1 . setName ( "Temperature" ) ;
d1 . setPath ( "/MainEngine/Core" ) ;
d1 . setValue ( 70 ) ;
d1 . setTimestampMilliseconds ( 1414488510057 ) ;
d1 . setUnit ( "c" ) ;
const d2 = new DataNodeWriteValue ( ) ;
d2 . setName ( "Latitude" ) ;
d2 . setPath ( "/MainEngine/Core" ) ;
d2 . setValue ( 63 ) ;
d2 . setDataType ( DataType . LongType ) ;
dataArray . push ( d1 ) ;
dataArray . push ( d2 ) ;
client . writeProcessData ( "device_id" , dataArray )