To get started, create the following:
- AWS account
- API access keys
- SSH key pair
Packer is HashiCorp's open source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. The Terraform templates included in this repository reference a publicly available Amazon machine image (AMI) by default. The AMI is customized using the build configuration script and packer.pkr.hcl.
Note: Because this is an HCL job, Packer 1.5 or greater is required.
Use the following command to build the AMI:
$ packer build -var 'created_email="[email protected]"' -var 'created_name="Alice Baker"' packer.pkr.hcl
Is successful, the Packer builder will complete with a message similar to the following.
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created:
us-east-1: ami-062c25c24261931a1
Make note of your custom AMI ID. You will use it when provisioning your cluster with Terraform.
to an environment subdirectory:
$ cd env/us-east
Update terraform.tfvars
with your SSH key name and your AMI ID if you created
a custom AMI:
region = "us-east-1"
ami = "ami-0ab81575"
instance_type = "t2.medium"
key_name = "KEY_NAME"
server_count = "3"
client_count = "4"
Modify the region
, instance_type
, server_count
, and client_count
variables as appropriate. At least one client and one server are required. You
can optionally replace the Consul, Nomad, and Vault binaries at runtime by
providing a URL to a zip file containing the specific binary in the consul_binary
, and vault_binary
variables respectively like so:
region = "us-east-1"
ami = "ami-0ab81575"
instance_type = "t2.medium"
key_name = "KEY_NAME"
server_count = "3"
client_count = "4"
nomad_binary = ""
Provision the cluster:
$ terraform init
$ terraform get
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
SSH to one of the servers using its public IP:
$ ssh -i /path/to/private/key ubuntu@PUBLIC_IP
The infrastructure that is provisioned for this test environment is configured to allow all traffic over port 22. This is obviously not recommended for production deployments.
Click here for next steps.