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Hiperion Bot

Portuguese README

Under Development

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This repository contains a Node application that implements a bot for managing WhatsApp groups using the whatsapp-web.js library. The bot supports the commands listed below and allows interaction in English and Portuguese.

Note: This bot will never have a feature to send bulk messages in private to users or groups. Warning: I am not responsible for the actions of anyone who uses it.


Make sure you have the following requirements installed in your environment:

  • Node.js 18 or higher
  • Separate phone number for exclusive use by the bot
  • Google Chrome
  • Docker


  1. Clone this repository to your local environment.

  2. Execute the following commands to set up the environment:

    • Install the dependencies using Yarn or another package manager (e.g., npm):

      yarn install
    • Configure the .env file with the necessary information:

      # SightEngine -
      # OPENAI -
      # ACRCLOUD -
      # DATABASE (mongodb)
      # REDIS (optional if using a local Redis)
    • Apply the database migrations using Prisma:

      yarn prisma db push
  3. If you prefer to use a Dockerfile, you can build and run the Docker container separately:

    • Build the Docker:

      docker compose up -d
    • Run the Docker container:

      docker compose start

    Note: See the bot log to scan qr code at the first time - docker compose logs bot -f.

  4. To build and start the application without Docker, use the following commands:

    • Build the application:

      yarn build
    • Start the application:

      yarn start

    Note: Go to startupConfig on src/config/startupConfig.ts and replace Chrome's path if necessary.

Bot Commands

The table below lists the available commands in the bot, their description, and if any API service is required.

Command Description API Key
!menu Shows bot's menu
!fs Converts an image, video, or GIF into a sticker
!off Turns off the bot
!about Show informations about bot
!link Retrieves the group invitation link
!ping Checks the bot's latency
!regras Shows the group rules
!promote Promotes a user in the group
!demote Demotes a user in the group
!join Joins the group from the invitation link
!leave Leaves the specified group
!add Adds a user to the group
!ban Removes the user from the group and adds them to all blacklists
!ld Enables/Disables the link detector in a group
!og Enables/Disables the one group in a group
!md Enables/Disables the malicious content detector in a group SightEngine
!pd Enables/Disables the profanity message/voice detector in a group OpenAI*
!td Enables/Disables WhatsApp-freezing message detector in a group
!bv Enables/Disables the welcome message when someone joins a group
!bl Add the user to the blacklist of all groups
!rbl Remove the user from the blacklist of the group
!rblall Remove the user from all blacklists in all groups
!asticker Enables/Disables automatic sticker creation in a group
!ainvite Enables/Disables automatic invitation in a group
!ginfo Shows information about a group
!dload Downloads content from various social media platforms
!totext Convert a audio message to text OpenAI
!clearchats Clear all chats
!recognize Identify a music ACRCloud
!pv Enables/Disables the private mode(allow to use command in bot's private) of the bot
!binfo Shows information about the bot

Note*: To detect profanity voice messages.


If you want to contribute to this project, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch for your contribution: git checkout -b sua-branch.
  3. Make the desired changes and add documentation if necessary.
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Your message".
  5. Push your changes: git push origin sua-branch.
  6. Open a pull request in this repository.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. For more details, see the LICENSE file.