LeetCode Kotlin solutions
- Two sum
- Contains duplicate
- Max profit
- Valid anagram
- Product of array except self
- Maximum subarray
- Three sum
- Merge intervals
- Group anagrams
- Maximum product subarray
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Reverse LinkedList
- LinkedList cycle
- Container with most water
- Find minimum in rotated sorted array
- Longest repeating character replacement
- Longest Substring without repeating characters
- Minimum Window Substring
- Number of islands
- Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Palindromic substrings
- Pacific Atlantic water flow
- Validate BST
- Invert Binary Tree
- Non overlapping intervals
- Serialize and deserialize Binary Tree
- Construct Binary Tree from preorder and inorder traversal
- Top k frequent elements
- Clone graph
- Course schedule
- Binary Tree maximum path sum
- Maximum depth of Binary Tree
- Same tree
- Binary Tree level order traversal
- Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)