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131 lines (110 loc) · 6.65 KB


Important: This pipeline has been validated for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and CUDA 11.2. Other Linux distros or versions of Ubuntu, as well as versions of CUDA may not be compatible with this repo out of the box.

Instructions for Temporal Bone Dataset Use:

Step 0: Clone repo

git clone

Step 1: Set up scripting and nnUNet environments

Navigate to the environments folder:

cd <path to github>/tbone-seg-nnunet/environments

Make sure to modify the prefix in each of the environment .yml files. Replace /home/andyding/ with the path to your anaconda3 folder.

Create scripting and nnUNet environments:

conda env create -f scripting_environment.yml
conda env create -f nnUNet-cuda-11.2_environment.yml

For internal use, the scripting environment is named cis-ii and the nnUNet environment is named nnUNet-11.2. The scripting environment is used for setting up the file structure for nnUNet training while the nnUNet environment is used for nnUNet training, validation, and inference.

Environment names can be changed in the .yml files.

Step 1.1: Install custom nnUNet package

This repo contains a custom version of nnUNet with additional experimental loss functions and postprocessing methods. Navigate to the nnUNet folder and install in the nnUNet-11.2 environment:

cd <path to github>/tbone-seg-nnunet/nnUNet
conda activate nnUNet-11.2
pip install -e .

Running nnUNet will point to this folder, rather than conda/env/bin, allowing for easy customization in the future.

Step 2: Register data to some template

Image registration is done in the image_preprocessing folder:

cd <path to github>/tbone-seg-nnunet/scripts/image_preprocessing

Activate the scripting environment:

conda activate cis-ii

Images and their segmentations (labels) are in .nii.gz format. The naming convention for images is <LT/RT>_<ID>.nii.gz while the naming convention for segmentations is Segmentation_<LT/RT>_<ID>.

tbone-seg-nnunet/scripts/ is a subroutine that registers one target image and its segmentations to a designated template image. will create a .sh script that will iteratively call to co-register all target images to a designated template (currently hard-coded). Within, first set template to be the basename of the image file you would like to use as the template. Then run the following code:

python <path to nifti images dir> <path to nifti segmentations dir> <path to output dir>

For internal use, this works:

python ../../nii_images ../../nii_segmentations ../../registered_niftis

We highly recommend checking the last registered image, since data may not be completely written. If this is the case, run for just the last image.

Step 3: Create datasplit for training/testing. Validation will automatically be chosen

Navigate to the scripts folder:

cd <path to github>/tbone-seg-nnunet/scripts/

The datasplit file will be a .pkl file that will be referenced when creating the final file structure for nnUNet training.

For the general (default) dataset without deformation field SSM generation, this is done by:


For the deformation field SSM-generated dataset, this is done by:


Note that in order to create the SSM-generated datasplit, the general datasplit.pkl file needs to exist first. This is because the generated datasplit uses the same test set as the general split.

Step 4: Create file structure required for nnUNet

Create a base directory tbone-seg-nnunet/<BASE_DIR> that will serve as the root directory for the nnUNet training file structure.

In the scripts/ folder, run to copy training and test data over based on the datasplit .pkl generated in Step 3.

For the general temporal bone dataset:

python --dataset original --original_dataset_dir <registered original images> --output_dir <BASE_DIR> --pickle_path ./datasplit.pkl, --task_num <task num>

For the SSM generated datasplit, this is done by:

python --dataset generated --original_dataset_dir <registered original images dir> --generated_dataset_dir <generated dataset dir>--generated_label_dir <dir to SSM labels> --output_dir <BASE_DIR> --pickle_path ./datasplit_generated.pkl --task_num <task num>

Step 5: Setup bashrc

Edit your ~/.bashrc file with gedit ~/.bashrc or nano ~/.bashrc. At the end of the file, add the following lines:

export nnUNet_raw_data_base="<ABSOLUTE PATH TO BASE_DIR>/nnUnet/nnUNet_raw_data_base" 
export nnUNet_preprocessed="<ABSOLUTE PATH TO BASE_DIR>/nnUNet_preprocessed" 
export RESULTS_FOLDER="<ABSOLUTE PATH TO BASE_DIR>/nnUnet/nnUNet_trained_models"

After updating this you will need to source your ~/.bashrc file:

source ~/.bashrc

Step 6: Verify and preprocess data

Activate the nnUNet environment:

conda activate nnUNet-11.2

Run the nnUNet preprocessing script:

nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t <task_num> --verify_dataset_integrity

Note: You will freeze up if you don't have enough CPU! For MARCC usage, -n 12 in an interactive node is sufficient to complete in a reasonable amount of time:

interact -p shared -c 12 -t 3:0:0

Potential Error: You may need to edit the dataset.json file so that the labels are sequential. If you have at least 10 labels, then labels 10, 11, 12,... will be arranged before labels 2, 3, 4, .... Doing this in a text editor is completely fine!

Step 7: Begin Training

For vanilla training on a 3D nnUNet, run:

nnUNet_train 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2 Task<task_num>_TemporalBone Y --npz

Y refers to the number of folds for cross-validation. If Y is set to all then all of the data will be used for training.

--npz makes the models save the softmax outputs (uncompressed, large files) during the final validation. It should only be used if you are training multiple configurations, which requires nnUNet_find_best_configuration to find the best model. We omit this by default.

Variants of the nnUNetTrainerV2 class can be made and saved in tbone-seg-nnunet/nnUNet/nnunet/training/network_training. Refer to other variants in the network_training/nnUNet_variants folder for examples. Training with a custom nnUNetTrainerV2 variant can then be run as:

nnUNet_train 3d_fullres <nnUNetTrainerV2 Variant Name> Task<task_num>_TemporalBone Y --npz

Multiple variants can be trained on the same dataset.