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andresriancho edited this page Feb 9, 2013 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the w3af wiki! Please view the index for this wiki in order to get a complete list of all available content.

The w3af project has grown substantially over the years and when migrating from the SVN server to GIT we decided to create different repositories to reduce the time required by users to get w3af by cloning the main repository and also to organize the development. These are all our repositories:

  • w3af the web application scanner source code
  • w3af-packages packages for installing w3af in different operating systems
  • w3af-webui a web UI for w3af
  • w3af-moth a set of vulnerable scripts to test w3af
  • w3af-qa QA related stuff
  • w3af-misc Misc files, performance tests, etc.

Report a bug

Bugs are reported by submitting an issue to the github tracker.


Build status

Our current build status is: [Build Status] (