This is a repo for training reinforcement-learning agents is a gridworld, such that agents optimize for the shortest integrated Euclidean distance to rewards. Currently supported models:
- Tabular Q learning
- State-action Successor Representation
- Model-based tree search
NOTE: there are files in this repository corresponding to different models but these are not currently functional.
- Create a virtual environment and activate it:
conda create --name [YOUR_ENV_NAME] python=3.8
conda activate [YOUR_ENV_NAME]
- Prepare the repo with the following commands:
git clone
cd Euclidean_Gridworld
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
- Navigate to the experiments folder using:
cd rl_nav/experiments
- Modify the config files as needed:
- The base config file for each model can be found in experiments/suites/[MODEL_NAME]/config.yaml
- If you want to train a model using data from a file, add your own to the rl_nav/training_data folder or unzip to find a ready-to-use selection
- The "code" folder in the same directory contains Jupyter Notebooks that can be used to produce more random walk data files or process the real mouse data (condition_1.pkl)
- An additional file found under experiments/suites/config_changes.yaml can be used to run the simulation multiple times, changing condition (different gridworld training map) each time
- There are 4 main conditions, outlined in Shamash et al.'s 2023 paper:
- Simply uncomment the conditions in which you would like the simulations to run on
- The base config file for each model can be found in experiments/suites/[MODEL_NAME]/config.yaml
- Run an experiment, e.g. with the command
python --mode parallel --seeds 1 --config_path suites/[MODEL_NAME]/config.yaml --config_changes
- The results obtained from running the code will appear in a folder under experiments/results
- To visualise them, use the command:
python --results_folder results/[RESULTS_FOLDER_NAME] --plot_trajectories
- Plots will appear in the same folder