The standard train / dev / test splits are used for the corpus:
- GUM_academic_exposure
- GUM_academic_librarians
- GUM_bio_byron
- GUM_bio_emperor
- GUM_conversation_grounded
- GUM_conversation_risk
- GUM_court_loan
- GUM_essay_evolved
- GUM_fiction_beast
- GUM_fiction_lunre
- GUM_interview_cyclone
- GUM_interview_gaming
- GUM_letter_arendt
- GUM_news_homeopathic
- GUM_news_iodine
- GUM_podcast_wrestling
- GUM_reddit_macroeconomics
- GUM_reddit_pandas
- GUM_speech_impeachment
- GUM_speech_inauguration
- GUM_textbook_governments
- GUM_textbook_labor
- GUM_vlog_portland
- GUM_vlog_radiology
- GUM_voyage_athens
- GUM_voyage_coron
- GUM_whow_joke
- GUM_whow_overalls
- GUM_academic_discrimination
- GUM_academic_eegimaa
- GUM_bio_dvorak
- GUM_bio_jespersen
- GUM_conversation_lambada
- GUM_conversation_retirement
- GUM_court_mitigation
- GUM_essay_fear
- GUM_fiction_falling
- GUM_fiction_teeth
- GUM_interview_hill
- GUM_interview_libertarian
- GUM_letter_mandela
- GUM_news_nasa
- GUM_news_sensitive
- GUM_podcast_bezos
- GUM_reddit_escape
- GUM_reddit_monsters
- GUM_speech_austria
- GUM_speech_newzealand
- GUM_textbook_chemistry
- GUM_textbook_union
- GUM_vlog_london
- GUM_vlog_studying
- GUM_voyage_oakland
- GUM_voyage_vavau
- GUM_whow_cactus
- GUM_whow_mice
- GUM_academic_art
- GUM_academic_census
- GUM_academic_economics
- GUM_academic_enjambment
- GUM_academic_epistemic
- GUM_academic_games
- GUM_academic_huh
- GUM_academic_implicature
- GUM_academic_lighting
- GUM_academic_mutation
- GUM_academic_replication
- GUM_academic_salinity
- GUM_academic_theropod
- GUM_academic_thrones
- GUM_bio_bernoulli
- GUM_bio_chao
- GUM_bio_enfant
- GUM_bio_fillmore
- GUM_bio_galois
- GUM_bio_goode
- GUM_bio_gordon
- GUM_bio_hadid
- GUM_bio_higuchi
- GUM_bio_holt
- GUM_bio_jerome
- GUM_bio_marbles
- GUM_bio_moreau
- GUM_bio_nida
- GUM_bio_padalecki
- GUM_bio_theodorus
- GUM_conversation_atoms
- GUM_conversation_blacksmithing
- GUM_conversation_christmas
- GUM_conversation_erasmus
- GUM_conversation_family
- GUM_conversation_gossip
- GUM_conversation_scientist
- GUM_conversation_toys
- GUM_conversation_vet
- GUM_conversation_zero
- GUM_court_carpet
- GUM_court_equality
- GUM_court_fire
- GUM_court_prince
- GUM_essay_distraction
- GUM_essay_dividends
- GUM_essay_sexlife
- GUM_fiction_claus
- GUM_fiction_error
- GUM_fiction_frankenstein
- GUM_fiction_garden
- GUM_fiction_giants
- GUM_fiction_honour
- GUM_fiction_moon
- GUM_fiction_oversite
- GUM_fiction_pag
- GUM_fiction_pixies
- GUM_fiction_rose
- GUM_fiction_sneeze
- GUM_fiction_time
- GUM_fiction_veronique
- GUM_fiction_wedding
- GUM_interview_ants
- GUM_interview_brotherhood
- GUM_interview_chomsky
- GUM_interview_cocktail
- GUM_interview_daly
- GUM_interview_dungeon
- GUM_interview_herrick
- GUM_interview_licen
- GUM_interview_mcguire
- GUM_interview_mckenzie
- GUM_interview_messina
- GUM_interview_onion
- GUM_interview_peres
- GUM_interview_shalev
- GUM_interview_stardust
- GUM_letter_flood
- GUM_letter_gorbachev
- GUM_letter_roomers
- GUM_letter_zora
- GUM_news_afghan
- GUM_news_asylum
- GUM_news_clock
- GUM_news_crane
- GUM_news_defector
- GUM_news_election
- GUM_news_expo
- GUM_news_flag
- GUM_news_hackers
- GUM_news_ie9
- GUM_news_imprisoned
- GUM_news_korea
- GUM_news_lanterns
- GUM_news_soccer
- GUM_news_stampede
- GUM_news_taxes
- GUM_news_warhol
- GUM_news_warming
- GUM_news_worship
- GUM_podcast_addiction
- GUM_podcast_brave
- GUM_podcast_collaboration
- GUM_reddit_bobby
- GUM_reddit_callout
- GUM_reddit_card
- GUM_reddit_conspiracy
- GUM_reddit_gender
- GUM_reddit_introverts
- GUM_reddit_polygraph
- GUM_reddit_racial
- GUM_reddit_ring
- GUM_reddit_social
- GUM_reddit_space
- GUM_reddit_steak
- GUM_reddit_stroke
- GUM_reddit_superman
- GUM_speech_albania
- GUM_speech_data
- GUM_speech_destiny
- GUM_speech_floyd
- GUM_speech_humanitarian
- GUM_speech_maiden
- GUM_speech_nixon
- GUM_speech_remarks
- GUM_speech_school
- GUM_speech_telescope
- GUM_speech_trump
- GUM_textbook_alamo
- GUM_textbook_anthropology
- GUM_textbook_artwork
- GUM_textbook_cognition
- GUM_textbook_entrepreneurship
- GUM_textbook_evoethics
- GUM_textbook_grit
- GUM_textbook_history
- GUM_textbook_sociology
- GUM_textbook_spacetime
- GUM_textbook_stats
- GUM_vlog_appearance
- GUM_vlog_college
- GUM_vlog_covid
- GUM_vlog_exams
- GUM_vlog_hair
- GUM_vlog_hiking
- GUM_vlog_lipstick
- GUM_vlog_mermaid
- GUM_vlog_pizzeria
- GUM_vlog_pregnant
- GUM_vlog_wine
- GUM_voyage_chatham
- GUM_voyage_cleveland
- GUM_voyage_cuba
- GUM_voyage_fortlee
- GUM_voyage_guadeloupe
- GUM_voyage_isfahan
- GUM_voyage_lodz
- GUM_voyage_merida
- GUM_voyage_phoenix
- GUM_voyage_socotra
- GUM_voyage_sydfynske
- GUM_voyage_thailand
- GUM_voyage_tulsa
- GUM_voyage_york
- GUM_whow_arrogant
- GUM_whow_ballet
- GUM_whow_basil
- GUM_whow_chicken
- GUM_whow_cupcakes
- GUM_whow_elevator
- GUM_whow_flirt
- GUM_whow_glowstick
- GUM_whow_languages
- GUM_whow_packing
- GUM_whow_parachute
- GUM_whow_procrastinating
- GUM_whow_quidditch
- GUM_whow_quinoa
- GUM_whow_skittles