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prelude utils


Functional programming + static typing = Haskell

... Functional programming + static typing ... = Scala

Scala --> Haskell


  • Referential Transparency |
  • Composition over Imperativity |


  • Effect Abstraction |

Referential Transparency

An expression can be replaced by its value (or anything with the same value) without changing the results of the program

val x = println("non RT")
f(x, x)

def x = println("RT")
f(x, x)

val x = Future(println("non-RT"))

@[4-5](But println is still non RT where the equivalent in Haskell, putStrLn, is due to lazyness) @[7](The fundamental concurrency primitive is non RT)


  • Reasonability |
  • Testability |
  • Express programs as in memory expression trees |

Composition over Imperitivity

Code like this evince bad memories?

def pleaseFixMe(something: Int) = {
  val a = performSomeSideEffectReturningA
  val b = decodeABFromANotCatchingExceptions(a)
  b.setFoo(new Foo(something)) // oh god

Haskell forbids such an imperative style but can be mimiced with:

test :: Int
test = let x = 2
           y = x + 2
       in x + y + z + a
       where z = 2
             a = z + 2

readIn :: IO ()
readIn = do
  line <- getLine
  let res = "you said: " ++ line
  putStrLn res

@[2-4](let clause) @[5-6](where clause) @[8-12](monadic composition)

for {
  x <- Some(5)
  y <- Some(x + 3)
} yield y

@[1-4](That last Haskell example should look familiar to)


  • Reasonability |
  • Testability |
  • Monadic context |

//: # (Anyway the benefit to modeling imperativity like this is that you have think of and compose things inside of an appropriate monadic context (for effects that would be IO, for things that may throw exceptions Either, for values that may or may not be there Option (or Maybe)

So how can we apply composition and RT to side-effects?


The trouble with Scala

val res: Array[Byte] = httpClient.get("")

@[1](This is perfectly legal)

Where Haskell requires you perform all effects in IO. So we need a referentially transparent IO monad (unlike Future for example) for Scala

Enter cats-effect

---?image=assets/cats-effect.png&position=center&size=auto 80%

val res: IO[Array[Byte]] = IO(httpClient.get(""))

We can take this further by programming against a typeclass API instead of a concrete impl

def getArticle[F[_]](implicit ev: Sync[F]): F[Array[Byte]] =


(IO.shift(ec) *> getArticle[IO]).runAsync{
  case Right(_) => IO.unit
  case Left(e) => IO(logger.error(s"GET article failed with: ${e.getMessage}"))

@[1-3](Sync typeclass has a lazy delay method to suspend an effect) @[4](Perform effect) @[6-9](Async typeclass has runAsync method for composing an RT callback)


This pattern will serve as the foundation for:

  • HTTP wrapper
  • Cache wrapper

HTTP wrapper

Lets start with our interface

abstract class EfJsonHttpClient[F[_]: Effect] {

  def get[A: Decoder](
    url: Url,
    headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
  ): F[HttpResponse[Either[JsonErr, A]]]

  def post[A: Encoder](
    url: Url,
    body: A,
    headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
  ): F[HttpResponse[Unit]]

Wrap com.softwaremill.sttp

class JsonHttpClient[F[_]: Effect](
  conf: HttpClientConf
)(implicit ev: SttpBackend[F, Nothing]) extends EfJsonHttpClient[F]{

  private val client = sttp.sttp.readTimeout(conf.readTimeout)

  override def get[A: Decoder](
    url: Url,
    headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
  ): F[HttpResponse[Either[JsonErr, A]]] = {
        url.isHttps.fold("https", "http"),
      .response({s =>
        for {
          json <- Json.parse(s).leftMap(err => JsonParseErr(err.message): JsonErr)
          a <-[A].leftMap(err => JsonDecodeErr(err.message): JsonErr)
        } yield a

  override def post[A: Encoder](
    url: Url,
    body: A,
    headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
  ): F[HttpResponse[Unit]] = {
        url.isHttps.fold("https", "http"),
      .map(r => r.copy(body = => ())))

@5-29 @29-50


@JsonCodec(decodeOnly = true)
case class Post(
  userId: Int,
  id: Int,
  title: String,
  body: String

implicit lazy val sttpBackend: SttpBackend[IO, Nothing] =
  new IOHttpURLConnectionBackend

class IOHttpURLConnectionBackend extends SttpBackend[IO, Nothing] {

  val client = HttpURLConnectionBackend()

  override def send[T](request: Request[T, Nothing]): IO[Response[T]] =

  override def close(): Unit = ()

  /** Translates `cats.MonadError` to `com.softwaremill.sttp.MonadError[IO]` */
  override def responseMonad: com.softwaremill.sttp.MonadError[IO] = new com.softwaremill.sttp.MonadError[IO] {
    override def error[T](t: Throwable): IO[T] = IO.raiseError(t)
    override def flatMap[T, T2](fa: IO[T])(f: T => IO[T2]): IO[T2] = fa.flatMap(f)
    override def unit[T](t: T): IO[T] = IO(t)
    override def map[T, T2](fa: IO[T])(f: T => T2): IO[T2] =
    override def handleWrappedError[T](rt: IO[T])(h: PartialFunction[Throwable, IO[T]]): IO[T] = rt.recoverWith(h)

val client = new JsonHttpClient[IO](new HttpClientConf {
  override val readTimeout: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds

val url = Url(

val res: HttpResponse[Either[JsonErr, Post]] =

@[1-29](sttp backend impl and our type) @[30-42](our call)

Cache typeclasses

trait SerializableKV[In] {
  type Out
  def serialize(k: In): Out

object SerializableKV {
  /** The `Aux` pattern creates a dependent type association between
    * , in this case, an A and a B */
  type Aux[A, B] = SerializableKV[A] { type Out = B }

  def apply[A, B](implicit ev: Aux[A, B]): Aux[A, B] = ev

  def instance[A, B](f: A => B): Aux[A, B] = new SerializableKV[A] {
    type Out = B
    override def serialize(k: A): B = f(k)

trait DeserializableV[Out] {
  type In
  def deserialize(k: Out): Either[AppFailure, In]

object DeserializableV {
  type Aux[A, B] = DeserializableV[A] { type In = B }

  def apply[A, B](implicit ev: Aux[A, B]): Aux[A, B] = ev

  def instance[A, B](f: A => Either[AppFailure, B]): Aux[A, B] = new DeserializableV[A] {
    type In = B
    override def deserialize(k: A): Either[AppFailure, B] = f(k)

trait CacheableKVPair[K] {
  type V

object CacheableKVPair {
  type Aux[K, VV] = CacheableKVPair[K] { type V = VV }

  def apply[K, V](implicit ev: Aux[K, V]): Aux[K, V] = ev

  def instance[K, VV]: Aux[K, VV] = new CacheableKVPair[K] {
    type V = VV

@[1-17](Typeclass for serializing a cache key or value In to the underlying cache's key type Out) @[18-33](Typeclass for deserialzing the underlying cache value representation Out to a type In) @[35-47](Typeclass used simply to create a compilation constraint ensuring that a key value pair K V may be cacheable)

Cache wrapper

trait EfCacheClient[F[_], KK, VV] {
  def get[K, V](k: K)(implicit
    ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
    ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
    ev3: DeserializableV.Aux[VV, V]
  ): F[Option[Either[AppFailure, V]]]

  def put[K, V](k: K, v: V)(implicit
    ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
    ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
    ev3: SerializableKV.Aux[V, VV]
  ): F[Unit]

abstract class EfBaseCacheClient[F[_]: Effect, KK, VV] extends EfCacheClient[F, KK, VV] {

  override final def get[K, V](k: K)(implicit
    ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
    ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
    ev3: DeserializableV.Aux[VV, V]
  ): F[Option[Either[AppFailure, V]]] = {

  override final def put[K, V](k: K, v: V)(implicit
    ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
    ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
    ev3: SerializableKV.Aux[V, VV]
  ): F[Unit] = {
      put(ev2.serialize(k), ev3.serialize(v))

  protected def get(k: KK): Option[VV]

  protected def put(k: KK, v: VV): Unit

@[1-13](Interface for generic client) @[15-40](Base impl)


case class Foo(x: String, y: Int)
case class Bar(a: Double, b: Boolean)

implicit val serializableKVFoo: SerializableKV.Aux[Foo, String] =
  SerializableKV.instance[Foo, String](foo => s"${foo.x},${foo.y}")

implicit val serializableKVBar: SerializableKV.Aux[Bar, Array[Byte]] =
  SerializableKV.instance[Bar, Array[Byte]](

case object DeserializationFailure extends InternalComponent

implicit val deserializableV: DeserializableV.Aux[Array[Byte], Bar] =
  DeserializableV.instance[Array[Byte], Bar](
    ba => Codec[Bar].decode(BitVector(ba))
      .leftMap(err => InternalFailure(err.message, DeserializationFailure))

implicit val cacheableKVPair: CacheableKVPair.Aux[Foo, Bar] = CacheableKVPair.instance

final class MemCacheClient[F[_]: Effect, KK, VV] extends EfBaseCacheClient[F, KK, VV] {

  val cache  = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[KK, VV]

  override protected def get(k: KK): Option[VV] = cache.get(k)

  override protected def put(k: KK, v: VV): Unit = cache.put(k, v)

val cacheClient = new MemCacheClient[Id, String, Array[Byte]]

property("should put and get, serializing and deserializing correctly") {
  val foo = Foo("hello", 2)
  cacheClient.put[Foo, Bar](foo, Bar(1.5d, true))
  cacheClient.get[Foo, Bar](foo).asSome.asRight

Extraneous additional util features

  • App Error Hierarchy
  • prelude-mongo: functional wrapper around Mongo Casbah driver

Not discussed

  • prelude-geo: functional wrapper around jgeohash Java geo library

App Error Hierarchy

                                           /     |       \
                                         /       |        \
                                        /        |         \
                              UserFailure InternalFailure UpstreamFailure


/** For raising errors inside our effect monad */
final case class AppException(e: AppFailure) extends Exception(e.message, e.cause.orNull)

/** Top level failure type all concrete UpsFailures inherit from */
trait AppFailure {
  def message: String
  def cause: Option[Throwable]


final case class InternalFailure private(
  desc: String,
  component: InternalComponent,
  cause: Option[Throwable] = None
)  extends  AppFailure {

  override val message: String = s"${component.toString} failed with: $desc"

object InternalFailure {
  def apply(message: String, component: InternalComponent) = {
    new InternalFailure(message, component)

trait InternalComponent
case object Encryption extends InternalComponent
case object Decryption extends InternalComponent
case object ThreadPoolExhausted extends InternalComponent

@[1-14](What the type looks like) @[16-19](Your components)


/** Represents a failure in some upstream component like a db or service */
final case class UpstreamFailure private (
  component: UpstreamComponent,
  cause: Option[Throwable] = None
) extends AppFailure {

  override val message: String = s"Upstream failure. Info: ${component.message}"

object UpstreamFailure {
  def apply(component: UpstreamComponent): UpstreamFailure = {
    new UpstreamFailure(component)

/** Extend this to add upstream components that may fail, like db ops for example */
trait UpstreamComponent {
  def code: Int
  def message: String

trait ServiceFailure extends UpstreamComponent {
  def name: String
  override val code = 503

/** Service returned a success, but payload could not be decoded */
case class ServiceInvalidPayload (
  name: String,
  payload: InvalidPayload
) extends ServiceFailure {
  override val message: String = s"Invalid payload from $name. Info: ${payload.message}"

/** Service returned an error */
case class ServiceHttpError (
  name: String,
  respCode: Int,
  body: String
) extends ServiceFailure {
  override val message: String = s"$name call returned a $respCode. Body: $body"

/** Http client couldn't even reach the service */
case class ServiceUnreachable (
  name: String,
  url: Url,
  ex: Throwable
) extends ServiceFailure {
  override val message: String =
    s"Error while contacting service: $name. URL: ${}. Info: ${ex.getMessage}"

@[1-14](Your type) @[16-52](Component example)

A more nuanced example of programming in terms of the cats-effect typeclass API: Mongo driver wrapper

final class MongoCollectionWrapper(repr: MongoCollection) {


  def insertOneF[A <: Product, F[_] : Effect](
      a: A,
      checkUniquenessWith: MongoDBObject = DBObject.empty
    ev: BsonCodec.Aux[A, BsonDocument],
    tt: TypeTag[A]
  ): F[Unit] = {
        ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
          new AppException(
    ).attempt // F[Either[Throwable, Unit]]
      .flatMap(either =>
        ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].fromEither[WriteResult](
 => repr.insert(new BasicDBObject(ev.encode(a))))
      ) // F[WriteResult]
      .handleErrorWith {
        case dupErr: AppException =>
          ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](dupErr)
        case ex =>
          ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](
            new AppException(
      }.flatMap {
        ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
          new AppException(
            UpstreamFailure(WriteFailure(s"${tt.tpe} write was not acknowledged by Mongo"))

  def upsertOneF[A <: Product, F[_] : Effect](
    a: A,
    queryDbO: DBObject,
    upsert: Boolean = true
    ev: BsonCodec.Aux[A, BsonDocument],
    tt: TypeTag[A]
  ): F[Boolean] = {
    Effect[F].delay[F](repr.update(queryDbO, new BasicDBObject(ev.encode(a)), upsert))
      .handleErrorWith {
        case _: DuplicateKeyException =>
          ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](
            new AppException(
        case ex =>
          ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](
            new AppException(
      }.flatMap {
        res => res.wasAcknowledged().fold(
          (res.getN() == 1).fold(
            ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Boolean](
              new AppException(
                  s"${upsert.fold("upsert failed", "update failed. Record likely not found.")}. Record queried with: ${queryDbO.asString}"
          ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Boolean](
            new AppException(
              UpstreamFailure(WriteFailure(s"${tt.tpe} write was not acknowledged by Mongo"))

  def deleteOneF[F[_]: Effect](queryDbO: DBObject): F[Unit] = {
        ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
          throw new AppException(

  def deleteManyF[F[_]: Effect](queryDbO: DBObject): F[Unit] = {
        ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
          throw new AppException(
              WriteFailure(s"${queryDbO.asString} deleteMany write was not acknowledged")
