Functional programming + static typing = Haskell
... Functional programming + static typing ... = Scala
Scala --> Haskell
- Referential Transparency |
- Composition over Imperativity |
- Effect Abstraction |
An expression can be replaced by its value (or anything with the same value) without changing the results of the program
val x = println("non RT")
f(x, x)
def x = println("RT")
f(x, x)
val x = Future(println("non-RT"))
@[4-5](But println
is still non RT where the equivalent in Haskell, putStrLn
, is due to lazyness)
@[7](The fundamental concurrency primitive is non RT)
- Reasonability |
- Testability |
- Express programs as in memory expression trees |
Code like this evince bad memories?
def pleaseFixMe(something: Int) = {
val a = performSomeSideEffectReturningA
val b = decodeABFromANotCatchingExceptions(a)
b.setFoo(new Foo(something)) // oh god
Haskell forbids such an imperative style but can be mimiced with:
test :: Int
test = let x = 2
y = x + 2
in x + y + z + a
where z = 2
a = z + 2
readIn :: IO ()
readIn = do
line <- getLine
let res = "you said: " ++ line
putStrLn res
@[2-4](let clause) @[5-6](where clause) @[8-12](monadic composition)
for {
x <- Some(5)
y <- Some(x + 3)
} yield y
@[1-4](That last Haskell example should look familiar to)
- Reasonability |
- Testability |
- Monadic context |
//: # (Anyway the benefit to modeling imperativity like this is that you have think of and compose things inside of an appropriate monadic context (for effects that would be IO
, for things that may throw exceptions Either
, for values that may or may not be there Option
(or Maybe
The trouble with Scala
val res: Array[Byte] = httpClient.get("")
@[1](This is perfectly legal)
Where Haskell requires you perform all effects in IO
. So we need a referentially transparent IO
(unlike Future
for example) for Scala
---?image=assets/cats-effect.png&position=center&size=auto 80%
val res: IO[Array[Byte]] = IO(httpClient.get(""))
We can take this further by programming against a typeclass API instead of a concrete impl
def getArticle[F[_]](implicit ev: Sync[F]): F[Array[Byte]] =
(IO.shift(ec) *> getArticle[IO]).runAsync{
case Right(_) => IO.unit
case Left(e) => IO(logger.error(s"GET article failed with: ${e.getMessage}"))
typeclass has a lazy delay
method to suspend an effect)
@[4](Perform effect)
typeclass has runAsync
method for composing an RT callback)
This pattern will serve as the foundation for:
- HTTP wrapper
- Cache wrapper
Lets start with our interface
abstract class EfJsonHttpClient[F[_]: Effect] {
def get[A: Decoder](
url: Url,
headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
): F[HttpResponse[Either[JsonErr, A]]]
def post[A: Encoder](
url: Url,
body: A,
headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
): F[HttpResponse[Unit]]
class JsonHttpClient[F[_]: Effect](
conf: HttpClientConf
)(implicit ev: SttpBackend[F, Nothing]) extends EfJsonHttpClient[F]{
private val client = sttp.sttp.readTimeout(conf.readTimeout)
override def get[A: Decoder](
url: Url,
headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
): F[HttpResponse[Either[JsonErr, A]]] = {
url.isHttps.fold("https", "http"),
.response({s =>
for {
json <- Json.parse(s).leftMap(err => JsonParseErr(err.message): JsonErr)
a <-[A].leftMap(err => JsonDecodeErr(err.message): JsonErr)
} yield a
override def post[A: Encoder](
url: Url,
body: A,
headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
): F[HttpResponse[Unit]] = {
url.isHttps.fold("https", "http"),
.map(r => r.copy(body = => ())))
@JsonCodec(decodeOnly = true)
case class Post(
userId: Int,
id: Int,
title: String,
body: String
implicit lazy val sttpBackend: SttpBackend[IO, Nothing] =
new IOHttpURLConnectionBackend
class IOHttpURLConnectionBackend extends SttpBackend[IO, Nothing] {
val client = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
override def send[T](request: Request[T, Nothing]): IO[Response[T]] =
override def close(): Unit = ()
/** Translates `cats.MonadError` to `com.softwaremill.sttp.MonadError[IO]` */
override def responseMonad: com.softwaremill.sttp.MonadError[IO] = new com.softwaremill.sttp.MonadError[IO] {
override def error[T](t: Throwable): IO[T] = IO.raiseError(t)
override def flatMap[T, T2](fa: IO[T])(f: T => IO[T2]): IO[T2] = fa.flatMap(f)
override def unit[T](t: T): IO[T] = IO(t)
override def map[T, T2](fa: IO[T])(f: T => T2): IO[T2] =
override def handleWrappedError[T](rt: IO[T])(h: PartialFunction[Throwable, IO[T]]): IO[T] = rt.recoverWith(h)
val client = new JsonHttpClient[IO](new HttpClientConf {
override val readTimeout: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds
val url = Url(
val res: HttpResponse[Either[JsonErr, Post]] =
@[1-29](sttp backend impl and our type) @[30-42](our call)
trait SerializableKV[In] {
type Out
def serialize(k: In): Out
object SerializableKV {
/** The `Aux` pattern creates a dependent type association between
* , in this case, an A and a B */
type Aux[A, B] = SerializableKV[A] { type Out = B }
def apply[A, B](implicit ev: Aux[A, B]): Aux[A, B] = ev
def instance[A, B](f: A => B): Aux[A, B] = new SerializableKV[A] {
type Out = B
override def serialize(k: A): B = f(k)
trait DeserializableV[Out] {
type In
def deserialize(k: Out): Either[AppFailure, In]
object DeserializableV {
type Aux[A, B] = DeserializableV[A] { type In = B }
def apply[A, B](implicit ev: Aux[A, B]): Aux[A, B] = ev
def instance[A, B](f: A => Either[AppFailure, B]): Aux[A, B] = new DeserializableV[A] {
type In = B
override def deserialize(k: A): Either[AppFailure, B] = f(k)
trait CacheableKVPair[K] {
type V
object CacheableKVPair {
type Aux[K, VV] = CacheableKVPair[K] { type V = VV }
def apply[K, V](implicit ev: Aux[K, V]): Aux[K, V] = ev
def instance[K, VV]: Aux[K, VV] = new CacheableKVPair[K] {
type V = VV
@[1-17](Typeclass for serializing a cache key or value In
to the underlying cache's key type Out
@[18-33](Typeclass for deserialzing the underlying cache value representation Out
to a type In
@[35-47](Typeclass used simply to create a compilation constraint ensuring that a key value pair K
may be cacheable)
trait EfCacheClient[F[_], KK, VV] {
def get[K, V](k: K)(implicit
ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
ev3: DeserializableV.Aux[VV, V]
): F[Option[Either[AppFailure, V]]]
def put[K, V](k: K, v: V)(implicit
ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
ev3: SerializableKV.Aux[V, VV]
): F[Unit]
abstract class EfBaseCacheClient[F[_]: Effect, KK, VV] extends EfCacheClient[F, KK, VV] {
override final def get[K, V](k: K)(implicit
ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
ev3: DeserializableV.Aux[VV, V]
): F[Option[Either[AppFailure, V]]] = {
override final def put[K, V](k: K, v: V)(implicit
ev1: CacheableKVPair.Aux[K, V],
ev2: SerializableKV.Aux[K, KK],
ev3: SerializableKV.Aux[V, VV]
): F[Unit] = {
put(ev2.serialize(k), ev3.serialize(v))
protected def get(k: KK): Option[VV]
protected def put(k: KK, v: VV): Unit
@[1-13](Interface for generic client) @[15-40](Base impl)
case class Foo(x: String, y: Int)
case class Bar(a: Double, b: Boolean)
implicit val serializableKVFoo: SerializableKV.Aux[Foo, String] =
SerializableKV.instance[Foo, String](foo => s"${foo.x},${foo.y}")
implicit val serializableKVBar: SerializableKV.Aux[Bar, Array[Byte]] =
SerializableKV.instance[Bar, Array[Byte]](
case object DeserializationFailure extends InternalComponent
implicit val deserializableV: DeserializableV.Aux[Array[Byte], Bar] =
DeserializableV.instance[Array[Byte], Bar](
ba => Codec[Bar].decode(BitVector(ba))
.leftMap(err => InternalFailure(err.message, DeserializationFailure))
implicit val cacheableKVPair: CacheableKVPair.Aux[Foo, Bar] = CacheableKVPair.instance
final class MemCacheClient[F[_]: Effect, KK, VV] extends EfBaseCacheClient[F, KK, VV] {
val cache = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[KK, VV]
override protected def get(k: KK): Option[VV] = cache.get(k)
override protected def put(k: KK, v: VV): Unit = cache.put(k, v)
val cacheClient = new MemCacheClient[Id, String, Array[Byte]]
property("should put and get, serializing and deserializing correctly") {
val foo = Foo("hello", 2)
cacheClient.put[Foo, Bar](foo, Bar(1.5d, true))
cacheClient.get[Foo, Bar](foo).asSome.asRight
- App Error Hierarchy
: functional wrapper around Mongo Casbah driver
: functional wrapper aroundjgeohash
Java geo library
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
UserFailure InternalFailure UpstreamFailure
/** For raising errors inside our effect monad */
final case class AppException(e: AppFailure) extends Exception(e.message, e.cause.orNull)
/** Top level failure type all concrete UpsFailures inherit from */
trait AppFailure {
def message: String
def cause: Option[Throwable]
final case class InternalFailure private(
desc: String,
component: InternalComponent,
cause: Option[Throwable] = None
) extends AppFailure {
override val message: String = s"${component.toString} failed with: $desc"
object InternalFailure {
def apply(message: String, component: InternalComponent) = {
new InternalFailure(message, component)
trait InternalComponent
case object Encryption extends InternalComponent
case object Decryption extends InternalComponent
case object ThreadPoolExhausted extends InternalComponent
@[1-14](What the type looks like) @[16-19](Your components)
/** Represents a failure in some upstream component like a db or service */
final case class UpstreamFailure private (
component: UpstreamComponent,
cause: Option[Throwable] = None
) extends AppFailure {
override val message: String = s"Upstream failure. Info: ${component.message}"
object UpstreamFailure {
def apply(component: UpstreamComponent): UpstreamFailure = {
new UpstreamFailure(component)
/** Extend this to add upstream components that may fail, like db ops for example */
trait UpstreamComponent {
def code: Int
def message: String
trait ServiceFailure extends UpstreamComponent {
def name: String
override val code = 503
/** Service returned a success, but payload could not be decoded */
case class ServiceInvalidPayload (
name: String,
payload: InvalidPayload
) extends ServiceFailure {
override val message: String = s"Invalid payload from $name. Info: ${payload.message}"
/** Service returned an error */
case class ServiceHttpError (
name: String,
respCode: Int,
body: String
) extends ServiceFailure {
override val message: String = s"$name call returned a $respCode. Body: $body"
/** Http client couldn't even reach the service */
case class ServiceUnreachable (
name: String,
url: Url,
ex: Throwable
) extends ServiceFailure {
override val message: String =
s"Error while contacting service: $name. URL: ${}. Info: ${ex.getMessage}"
@[1-14](Your type) @[16-52](Component example)
A more nuanced example of programming in terms of the cats-effect
typeclass API: Mongo driver wrapper
final class MongoCollectionWrapper(repr: MongoCollection) {
def insertOneF[A <: Product, F[_] : Effect](
a: A,
checkUniquenessWith: MongoDBObject = DBObject.empty
ev: BsonCodec.Aux[A, BsonDocument],
tt: TypeTag[A]
): F[Unit] = {
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
new AppException(
).attempt // F[Either[Throwable, Unit]]
.flatMap(either =>
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].fromEither[WriteResult]( => repr.insert(new BasicDBObject(ev.encode(a))))
) // F[WriteResult]
.handleErrorWith {
case dupErr: AppException =>
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](dupErr)
case ex =>
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](
new AppException(
}.flatMap {
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
new AppException(
UpstreamFailure(WriteFailure(s"${tt.tpe} write was not acknowledged by Mongo"))
def upsertOneF[A <: Product, F[_] : Effect](
a: A,
queryDbO: DBObject,
upsert: Boolean = true
ev: BsonCodec.Aux[A, BsonDocument],
tt: TypeTag[A]
): F[Boolean] = {
Effect[F].delay[F](repr.update(queryDbO, new BasicDBObject(ev.encode(a)), upsert))
.handleErrorWith {
case _: DuplicateKeyException =>
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](
new AppException(
case ex =>
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[WriteResult](
new AppException(
}.flatMap {
res => res.wasAcknowledged().fold(
(res.getN() == 1).fold(
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Boolean](
new AppException(
s"${upsert.fold("upsert failed", "update failed. Record likely not found.")}. Record queried with: ${queryDbO.asString}"
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Boolean](
new AppException(
UpstreamFailure(WriteFailure(s"${tt.tpe} write was not acknowledged by Mongo"))
def deleteOneF[F[_]: Effect](queryDbO: DBObject): F[Unit] = {
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
throw new AppException(
def deleteManyF[F[_]: Effect](queryDbO: DBObject): F[Unit] = {
ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].raiseError[Unit](
throw new AppException(
WriteFailure(s"${queryDbO.asString} deleteMany write was not acknowledged")
- Gitter: amilkov1
- Email: [email protected]