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707 lines (574 loc) · 23.8 KB

File metadata and controls

707 lines (574 loc) · 23.8 KB


connectDatabase(server, options, callback)

Connects to the database on server. If called multiple times before disconnect is called, the subsequent calls are silently ignored.


  • server - The server that hosts the database. Port number can also be included.
  • options - Optional configuration options for the database. The following properties are supported. All of them are optional.
    • dbName - Name for the database. Defaults to dre.
    • supported_sections - Supported top level sections for health data. It is an array of section names and defaults to blue-button-meta supported_sections property.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when connection is established, or an error occurs.


var bbr = require('@amida-tech/blue-button-record');
var assert = require('assert');
var options = {
    dbName: 'test',
    supported_sections: ['allergies', 'procedures']

bbr.connectDatabase('localhost', options, function(err) {


Disconnects from the previously connected database using connectDatabase. If there is no existing connection the call is silently ignored.


  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when disconnection is succesfull, or an error occurs.


bbr.disconnect(function(err) {


Clears all data in the database. Included to assist testing infrastructures. If there is no existing connection the call is silently ignored.


  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when all data is removed, or an error occurs.


bbr.clearDatabase(function(err) {

saveSource(ptKey, content, sourceInfo, contentType, callback)

Saves a source of patient data. Currently only text files are supported.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • content - Content of the source. content is a javascript string that is 'utf8' encoded before being saved to the database.
  • sourceInfo- Additional information about the source. Following properties are supported
    • name- Name of the source.
    • type- MIME type of the source.
  • contentType - Content type of the source.
  • callback(err, id) - A callback which is called when source is saved, or an error occurs. id is the database assigned identifier for the saved source.


var fileId1;
bbr.saveSource('testPatient1', '<content value=1 />', {type: 'text/xml', name: 'expl1.xml'}, 'ccda', function(err, id) {
    fileId1 = id;
var fileId2;
bbr.saveSource('testPatient1', '<content value=2 />', {type: 'application/xml', name: 'expl2.xml'}, 'c32', function(err, id) {
    fileId2 = id;
var fileId3;
bbr.saveSource('testPatient1', 'content 3', {type: 'text/plain', name: 'expl3.xml'}, 'ccda', function(err, id) {
    fileId3 = id;
var fileId4;
bbr.saveSource('testPatient2', '<content value=4 />', {type: 'text/xml', name: 'expl4.xml'}, 'ccda', function(err, id) {
    fileId4 = id;

updateSource(ptKey, sourceId, update, callback)

Updates fields of source information.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • sourceId - Database identification string of the source.
  • update- JSON object for field and field values to be updated.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when source is updated, or an error occurs.


var updateInfo = {
  'metadata.parsed': new Date(),
  'metadata.archived': new Date()
bbr.updateSource('testPatient1', fileId1, updateInfo, function(err) {

getSourceList(ptKey, callback)

Gets all the sources of Master Health Record in the database.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • callback(err, sources) - A callback which is called when sources is retrieved, or an error occurs. sources is an array with each element containing the following information:
    • file_id - Database assigned identifier for the source.
    • file_name - Name of the source.
    • file_size - Size of the source.
    • file_mime_type - MIME type of the source.
    • file_upload_date - Upload instance of the source.
    • file_class - Content type of the source.


bbr.getSourceList('testPatient1', function(err, sources) {
    assert.equal(sources.length, 3);
    var names = {return source.file_name;});
    var index = names.indexOf('expl1.xml');
    assert.equal(sources[index].file_mime_type, 'text/xml');
    assert.equal(sources[index].file_class, 'ccda');

getSource(ptKey, sourceId, callback)

Gets name and content of the Master Health Record source.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • sourceId - Database identification string of the source.
  • callback(err, name, content) - A callback which is called when name and content are retrieved, or an error occurs.


bbr.getSource('testPatient1', fileId1, function(err, name, content) {
    assert.equal(name, 'expl1.xml');
    assert.equal(content, '<content value=1 />');

sourceCount(ptKey, callback)

Gets the number of sources in the database for the patient.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • callback(err, count) - A callback which is called when source count is retrieved, or an error occurs.


bbr.sourceCount('testPatient1', function(err, count) {
    assert.equal(count, 3);

saveSection(secName, ptKey, inputSection, sourceId, callback)

Saves section entries in Master Health Record.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • inputSection - An array of entries with schema as specified in connectDatabase.
  • sourceId - Id for the source where the inputSection is located.
  • callback(err, ids) - A callback which is called when saving entries is succesfull, or an error occurs. ids are database assigned identifier for each entry in inputSection order.


var inputSection = [{
    name: 'allergy1',
    severity: 'severity1',
    value: {
        code: 'code1', 
        display: 'display1'
}, {
    name: 'allergy2',
    severity: 'severity2',
    value: {
        code: 'code2', 
        display: 'display2'

var aid1;
var aid2;
bbr.saveSection('allergies', 'testPatient1', inputSection, fileId1, function(err, ids) {
    aid1 = ids[0];
    aid2 = ids[1];

getSection(secName, ptKey, callback)

Gets section entries in Master Health Record


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • callback(err, entries) - A callback which is called when entries are retrieved, or an error occurs. Each entry in entries array contains the data specified in section schema. In addition the following properties exists:
    • _id - Database assigned identifier for the entry.
    • metadata.attribution - This is an array that keeps track of Merge History.
      • merged - The instant of the change to the entry.
      • merge_reason - This is the reason of the change. Can be 'new', 'duplicate', or 'update'.
      • record._id - Source identifier.
      • record.filename - Name of the source file.


bbr.getSection('allergies', 'testPatient1', function(err, entries) {
    var i = [entries[0].name, entries[1].name].indexOf('allergy1');            
    assert.equal(entries[i].value.code, 'code1');
    var attr = entries[i].metadata.attribution[0];
    assert.equal(attr.merge_reason, 'new');
    assert.equal(attr.record.filename, 'expl1.xml');

saveAllSections(ptKey, ptRecord, sourceId, callback)

Saves multiple sections in Master Health Record.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • ptRecord - Multiple sections keyed with section names and an array of entries with schema as specified in connectDatabase.
  • sourceId - Id for the source where the ptRecord is located.
  • callback(err, ids) - A callback which is called when saving sections is succesfull, or an error occurs. ids are array of arrays of database assigned identifier for each section and entries in the section. Section order is in section name alphabetical.


var ptRecord = {
  allergies = [
      name: 'allergy1',
      severity: 'severity1',
    }, {
      name: 'allergy2',
      severity: 'severity2',
  procedures = [
      name: 'procedure1',
      proc_type: 'proc_type1',
bbr.saveAllSections('allergies', 'testPatient2', ptRecord, fileId, function(err, ids) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('error saving the patient data.');
  } else {
    console.log(ids[0][0]);  // Id for allergy named 'allergy1'.
    console.log(ids[0][1]);  // Id for allergy named 'allergy2'.
    console.log(ids[1][0]);  // Id for procedure named 'procedure1'.

getAllSections(ptKey, callback)

Gets the whole Master Patient Record.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • callback(err, ptRecord) - A callback which is called when Master Health Record is retrieved, or an error occurs. For each section entries are identical to getSection in content.


bbr.getAllSections('testPatient2', function(err, ptRecord) {
    var names = {return;});
    var i = names.indexOf('allergy1');
    assert.equal(ptRecord.allergies[i].severity, 'severity1');
    assert.equal(ptRecord.procedures[0].name, 'procedure1');
    assert.equal(ptRecord.procedures[0].proc_type, 'proc_type1');
    var attr = ptRecord.procedures[0].metadata.attribution[0];
    assert.equal(attr.merge_reason, 'new');
    assert.equal(attr.record.filename, 'expl4.xml');


Removes all non blue-button data (currently _id and metadata) from each entry.


  • input - Section entries.


bbr.getSection('procedures', 'testPatient2', function(err, entries) {
    var expectedCleanEntries = [{name: 'procedure1', proc_type: 'proc_type1',}];
    assert.notDeepEqual(entries, expectedCleanEntries);
    var cleanEntries = bbr.cleanSection(entries);
    assert.deepEqual(cleanEntries, expectedCleanEntries);

getEntry(secName, ptKey, id, callback)

Gets an entry of a section secName from Master Health Record.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • id - Database identifier for the entry.
  • callback(err, entry) - A callback which is called when entry is retrieved, or an error occurs. entry fields are identical to getSection in content.


bbr.getEntry('allergies', 'testPatient1', aid2, function(err, entry) {
    assert.equal(, 'allergy2');
    assert.equal(entry.value.display, 'display2');
    var attr = entry.metadata.attribution[0];
    assert.equal(attr.merge_reason, 'new');
    assert.equal(attr.record.filename, 'expl1.xml');

duplicateEntry(secName, ptKey, id, sourceId, callback)

Registers source sourceId to include the duplicate of an existing entry id.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • id - Database identifier for the entry.
  • sourceId - Id for the source.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when duplication information is saved, or an error occurs.


bbr.duplicateEntry('allergies', 'testPatient1', aid1, fileId2, function(err) {
    bbr.getEntry('allergies', 'testPatient1', aid1, function(err, entry) {
        var attr = entry.metadata.attribution;
        assert.equal(attr.length, 2);
        assert.equal(attr[0].merge_reason, 'new');
        assert.equal(attr[0].record.filename, 'expl1.xml');
        assert.equal(attr[1].merge_reason, 'duplicate');
        assert.equal(attr[1].record.filename, 'expl2.xml');

updateEntry(secName, ptKey, id, sourceId, updateObject, callback)

Updates entry with the fields in updateObject.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • id - Database identifier for the entry.
  • sourceId - Id for the source.
  • updateObject - JSON object with keys and values to update.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when update is successful, or an error occurs.


bbr.updateEntry('allergies', 'testPatient1', aid1, fileId3, {severity: 'updatedSev'}, function(err) {
    bbr.getEntry('allergies', 'testPatient1', aid1, function(err, entry) {
        assert.equal(entry.severity, 'updatedSev');
        var attr = entry.metadata.attribution;
        assert.equal(attr.length, 3);
        assert.equal(attr[0].merge_reason, 'new');
        assert.equal(attr[0].record.filename, 'expl1.xml');
        assert.equal(attr[1].merge_reason, 'duplicate');
        assert.equal(attr[1].record.filename, 'expl2.xml');
        assert.equal(attr[2].merge_reason, 'update');
        assert.equal(attr[2].record.filename, 'expl3.xml');

getMerges(secName, ptKey, entryFields, recordFields, callback)

Retrieves Merge History for a particular patient and section.


  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • entryFields - Fields for entries to be returned.
  • recordFields - Fields for sources to be returned.
  • callback(err, result) - A callback which is called when Merge History is retrieved, or an error occurs. result is an array with the following properties:
    • merged - Instance when the change information is merged.
    • merge_reason - Reason how the entry changed. 'new' for when the entry is first created, 'duplicate' for when a source is registered to include a duplicate, and 'update' when entry is updated through updateEntry.
    • entry - Contains all the fields specified by entryFields.
    • record - Contains all the fields specified by recordFields.


bbr.getMerges('allergies', 'testPatient1', 'name severity', 'filename', function(err, result) {
    assert.equal(result.length, 4);
    result.sort(function(a, b) {
        var r =;
        if (r === 0) {
            var c = {'new': -1, 'duplicate': 0, 'update': 1};
            return c[a.merge_reason] - c[b.merge_reason];
        return r;
    assert.equal(result[0].entry.severity, 'updatedSev');
    assert.equal(result[0].record.filename, 'expl1.xml');
    assert.equal(result[0].merge_reason, 'new');
    assert.equal(result[1].entry.severity, 'updatedSev');
    assert.equal(result[1].record.filename, 'expl2.xml');
    assert.equal(result[1].merge_reason, 'duplicate');
    assert.equal(result[2].entry.severity, 'updatedSev');
    assert.equal(result[2].record.filename, 'expl3.xml');
    assert.equal(result[2].merge_reason, 'update');
    assert.equal(result[3].entry.severity, 'severity2');
    assert.equal(result[3].record.filename, 'expl1.xml');
    assert.equal(result[3].merge_reason, 'new');

mergeCount(secName, ptKey, conditions, callback)

Number of records in Merge History.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • conditions - Condition specification.
  • callback(err, count) - A callback when count is retrieved, or an error occurs.


bbr.mergeCount('allergies', 'testPatient1', {}, function(err, count) {
    assert.equal(count, 4);

bbr.mergeCount('allergies', 'testPatient1', {merge_reason: 'duplicate'}, function(err, count) {
    assert.equal(count, 1);

saveMatches(secName, ptKey, inputSection, sourceId, callback)

Saves Match List entries for a section.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • inputSection - An array of Match List entries and match information. Each element in the array has three top level properties:
    • partial_entry - Section entry. The fields are expected to be identical to the section entries in Master Health Record.
    • partial_match - Match information. This information is save to database as is without any validation.
    • match_entry_id - Id of the existing section entry which partial_entry matches.
  • sourceId - Id for the source where the inputSection is located.
  • callback(err, ids) - A callback which is called when saving partial entries is succesfull, or an error occurs. ids are database assigned identifiers for entries specified in partial_entry in the same order as in inputSection.


var inputSection = [{
            partial_entry: {
                name: 'allergy1',
                severity: 'severity3',
                value: {
                    code: 'code1',
                    display: 'display1'
            partial_matches: [{
                match_entry: aid1,
                match_object: {
                    percent: 80,
                    subelements: ['severity']
        }, {
            partial_entry: {
                name: 'allergy2',
                severity: 'severity2',
                value: {
                    code: 'code5',
                    display: 'display2'
            partial_matches: [{
                match_entry: aid2,
                match_object: {
                    percent: 90,
                    subelements: ['value.code']
        bbr.saveMatches('allergies', 'testPatient1', inputSection, fileId4, function (err, ids) {
            paid1 = ids[0];
            paid2 = ids[1];

getMatches(secName, ptKey, fields, callback)

Gets a list of all section entries in Match List


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • fields - Fields of entries to be retrieved.
  • callback(err, partialEntries) - A callback which is called when entries and match information are retrieved, or an error occurs. Each element in partialEntries array contains fields for match_entry and entry and match information.


bbr.getMatches('allergies', 'testPatient1', 'name severity value.code', function (err, entries) {
            var i = [entries[0], entries[1]].indexOf('allergy1');

            assert.equal(entries[i].matches[0].match_entry.severity, 'updatedSev');
            assert.equal(entries[i].entry.severity, 'severity3');
            assert.equal(entries[i].matches[0].match_object.percent, 80);
            assert.deepEqual(entries[i].matches[0].match_object.subelements, ['severity']);
            assert.equal(entries[(i + 1) % 2].matches[0].match_entry.value.code, 'code2');
            assert.equal(entries[(i + 1) % 2].entry.value.code, 'code5');
            assert.equal(entries[(i + 1) % 2].matches[0].match_object.percent, 90);
            assert.deepEqual(entries[(i + 1) % 2].matches[0].match_object.subelements, ['value.code']);

getMatch(secName, ptKey, id, callback)

Gets all the details of a Match List entry, the matching entry in Master Health Record, and match information.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • id - Id of the match.
  • callback(err, matchInfo) - A callback which is called when match information is retrieved, or an error occurs. match_entry and entry contain full blue-button data for Match List and Master Health Record entries.


bbr.getMatch('allergies', 'testPatient1', paid1, function(err, matchInfo) {
    assert.equal(matchInfo.entry.severity, 'updatedSev');
    assert.equal(matchInfo.match_entry.severity, 'severity3');
    assert.equal(matchInfo.percent, 80);
    assert.deepEqual(matchInfo.subelements, ['severity']);

matchCount(secName, ptKey, conditions, callback)

Gets number of section entries in Match List.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • conditions - Conditions for the count. Only field names from match information are supported.
  • callback(err, count) - A callback which is called when count is retrieved, or an error occurs.


bbr.matchCount('allergies', 'testPatient1', {}, function(err, count) {
    assert.equal(count, 2);

bbr.matchCount('allergies', 'testPatient1', {percent: 80}, function(err, count) {
    assert.equal(count, 1);

acceptMatch(secName, ptKey, id, reason, callback)

Moves the Match List entry to Master Health Record.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • id - Id of the match.
  • reason - Reason for acceptance.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when acceptance is achieved, or an error occurs.


bbr.acceptMatch('allergies', 'testPatient1', paid1, 'added', function(err) {
    bbr.getSection('allergies', 'testPatient1', function(err, entries) {
        assert.equal(entries.length, 3); // added to Master Health Record
        bbr.matchCount('allergies', 'testPatient1', {}, function(err, count) {
            assert.equal(count, 1);     // removed from Partial Health Record 

cancelMatch(secName, ptKey, id, reason, callback)

Removes the entry from Match List.


  • secName - Section name.
  • ptKey - Identification string for the patient.
  • id - Id of the match.
  • reason - Reason for cancellation.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when canceling is achieved, or an error occurs.


bbr.cancelMatch('allergies', 'testPatient1', paid2, 'ignored', function(err) {
    bbr.getSection('allergies', 'testPatient1', function(ierr, entries) {
        assert.equal(entries.length, 3); // not added to Master Health Record
        bbr.matchCount('allergies', 'testPatient1', {}, function(err, count) {
            assert.equal(count, 0);      // removed from Partial Health Record 