Customer Churn prediction is an important factor for business success, and is the focus of this project. The current library covers different steps to succeed on this task, including: pre-process data, training a ML model, predict labels for unknown data, evaluation, and model interpretability.
This project is part of the ML DevOps Engineer Nanodegree (Udacity).
In this work it is used a credit card customer dataset from Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sakshigoyal7/credit-card-customers). The dataset consist of 10000 customers with a set of 21 demographic features, such as age, salary, marital_status, gender, credit limit, etc. This dataset is highly imbalanced, with only 16% of customer churn.
The next table provides a description of the customer variables:
Feature | Description |
CLIENTNUM | Unique identifier for the customer holding the account |
Attrition_Flag | If the account is closed then Attrited Customer else Existing Customer |
Customer_Age | Customer's Age in Years |
Gender | M=Male, F=Female |
Dependent_count | Number of dependents |
Education_Level | Educational qualification of the account holder |
Marital_Status | Married, Single, Divorced, Unknown |
Income_Category | Annual income category of the account holder |
Card_Category | Type of Card (Blue, Silver, Gold, Platinum) |
Months_on_book | Period of relationship with bank |
Total_Relationship_Count | Total number of products held by the customer |
Months_Inactive_12_mon | Number of months inactive in the last 12 months |
Contacts_Count_12_mon | Number of contacts in the last 12 months |
Credit_Limit | Credit limit on the credit card |
Total_Revolving_Bal | Total revolving balance on the credit card |
Avg_Open_To_Buy | Open to buy credit line (Average of last 12 months) |
Total_Amt_Chng_Q4_Q1 | Change in transaction amount (Q4 over Q1) |
Total_Trans_Amt | Total transaction amount (Last 12 months) |
Total_Trans_Ct | Total transaction count (Last 12 months) |
Total_Ct_Chng_Q4_Q1 | Change in transaction count (Q4 over Q1) |
Avg_Utilization_Ratio | Average card utilization ratio |
Note: variable descriptions were taken from https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3026/paper17.pdf.
The Attrition_Flag tell us if a customer churns or not. In other words, this is the response variable to predict.
The library includes the following steps:
a) Import data
b) Exploratory data analysis
c) Feature engineering
d) Training models (Random forest, and Logistic regression)
e) Evaluation report
The project have the next tree structure:
- churn_library.py
- churn_script_logging_and_tests.py
- constant.py
- bank_data.csv
File | Description |
churn_library.py | Main file to run the ML pipeline |
churn_script_logging_and_tests.py | Perform a test run and log process for inspection |
constant.py | Configuration parameters and hyperparameters |
bank_data.csv | Customer churn dataset |
After running churn_library.py, new directories are created to save artifacts:
- <MODEL_NAME>.pkl
To inspect the process, you can make a test run (optional) with churn_script_logging_and_tests.py, and a log file is created:
- churn_library.log
- Create a conda environment:
conda create --name <ENV_NAME> python=3.6
- Change to conda environment:
conda activate <ENV_NAME>
Move to root folder of this project.
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Move to root folder.
Run code from the terminal:
python churn_library.py
As explained in the previous section (Files and data description), new files are created after running step 2.
Note: The config and training parameters can be modify directly in constant.py
Optional: If you want to inspect and log the process, enter:
python churn_script_logging_and_tests.py
The logs can be reviewed in logs/churn_library.log file.