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Publication Year Author Title Publication Title Url Report name Study name Bilingual Age (mo) TE? Discusses TEs? Method Metric C/P Study/Measurement Langs N #TE SD(#TE) %TE SD(%TE) #TCV SD(#TCV) #TV SD(#TV) #TE(calc) SD(#TE(calc)) #TCV(calc) SD(#TCV(calc)) %TE(calc) SD(%TE(calc)) %TE(either) SD(%TE(either)) Other effects Notes
2015 Bail, Amelie; Morini, Giovanna; Newman, Rochelle S. Look at the gato! Code-switching in speech to toddlers Journal of Child Language https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0305000914000695/type/journal_article Bail et al. (2015) Bail et al. (2015) 1 17–24 O 1 CDI vocab size P eng,spa 24 18 6.74 92.46 121.72 114.08 155.2 21.62 197.2379233 90.08 19.467878 214.8564446 6.74 214.8564446 TEs strongly correlated with TV (.971**) and TCV (.953**), and correlated with intra-sentential code-switching (.465*) Range(#TE): 0–133; Range(%TE): 0–23.6
2015 Bilson, Samuel; Yoshida, Hanako; Tran, Crystal D.; Woods, Elizabeth A.; Hills, Thomas T. Semantic facilitation in bilingual first language acquisition Cognition https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0010027715000633 Bilson et al. (2015) Bilson et al. (2015) 1 6–92 O 1 CDI vocab size P eng,spa,cmn,vie 181 178.92 74.72 TEs have higher associative indegree (t=17.42***) Bilinguals overproduce TEs compared to simulated means (<Z>=0.75***)
2005 Bird, Elizabeth Kay-Raining; Cleave, Patricia; Trudeau, Natacha; Thordardottir, Elin; Sutton, Ann; Thorpe, Amy The Language Abilities of Bilingual Children With Down Syndrome American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology http://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/1058-0360%282005/019%29 Bird et al. (2005) Bird et al. (2005) 1 26–45 O CDI vocab size P eng,fra 11 219.1 99.0 305.7 69.1 71.67157344 36.21085152 71.67157344 36.21085152
2014 Bosch, Laura; Ramon-Casas, Marta First translation equivalents in bilingual toddlers’ expressive vocabulary: Does form similarity matter? International Journal of Behavioral Development https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0165025414532559 Bosch & Ramon-Casas (2014) Bosch & Ramon-Casas (2014) 1 18 O 1 vocab test vocab size P spa,cat 24 19.73 10.26462371 75.4 56.5 51.4 57.42484219 38.38521401 47.30631284 38.38521401 47.30631284 Non-identical TEs could only be found in children with larger vocabularies (>45) (z=-2.3*)
2013 Byers-Heinlein, Krista; Werker, Janet F. Lexicon structure and the disambiguation of novel words: Evidence from bilingual infants Cognition https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0010027713001091 Byers-Heinlein & Werker (2013) Byers-Heinlein & Werker (2013) – Production 1 17–18 IO 1 CDI; LWL vocab size; disambiguation trial performance P Production eng,cmn,yue 20 26 17 53 40 61 47 8 61.7170965 41 15.09433962 117.003258 26 17 Smaller %TE = better performance on zero-shot disambiguation (r=-.55*) Range (%TE): 0–71
Byers-Heinlein & Werker (2013) Byers-Heinlein & Werker (2013) – Comprehension C Comprehension 20 46 14 260 68 341 112 81 131.0267148 321 31.15384615 51.04932632 46 14
2016 Crivello, Cristina; Kuzyk, Olivia; Rodrigues, Monyka; Friend, Margaret; Zesiger, Pascal; Poulin-Dubois, Diane The effects of bilingual growth on toddlers’ executive function Journal of experimental child psychology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4631405/ Crivello et al. (2016) Crivello et al. (2016) – Wave 1 1 24 I 1 EF tasks performance P Wave 1 eng,fra 39 92.79 100.19 46.89 19 262.87 162.22 35.29881691 43.89966905 46.89 19 TE explained improvement in conflict tasks (t=3.32**), but not gift delay (t=-1.68) or multilocation task (t=1.94°)
Crivello et al. (2016) Crivello et al. (2016) – Wave 2 31 P Wave 2 39 182.95 134.77 57.75 25.05 457.92 142.62 39.95239343 31.95328608 57.75 25.05
2008 David, Annabelle; Wei, Li Individual Differences in the Lexical Development of French–English Bilingual Children International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13670050802149200 David & Wei (2008) David & Wei (2008) 1 12–36 O 1 CDI vocab size P eng,fra 13 %TE increased with age, with large variability at any age TEs influenced by language exposure (r=-.198) Range (%TE): 0–82
2020 De Anda, Stephanie; Friend, Margaret Lexical-Semantic Development in Bilingual Toddlers at 18 and 24 Months Frontiers in Psychology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7773918/ De Anda & Friend (2020) De Anda & Friend (2020) – Test 1 1 17–21 I 1 LWL priming C Test 1 eng,spa 32 113.13 279.19 371.14 91.95 339.14 40.52079229 40.52079229 TEs predicted lexical-semantic processing; positively correlated with priming in within-language trials (F=4.82*)
De Anda & Friend (2020) De Anda & Friend (2020) – Test 2 23–27 C Test 2 25 162.10 366.59 511.5 144.91 486.5 44.21833656 44.21833656
2006 De Houwer, Annick; Bornstein, Marc H., De Coster, Sandrine Early understanding of two words for the same thing: A CDI study of lexical comprehension in infant bilinguals International Journal of Bilingualism https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13670069060100030401 De Houwer & Bornstein (2006) De Houwer & Bornstein (2006) 1 13 O 1 CDI vocab size C fra,nld 31 17.60 15.20 17.60 15.20
2012 Engel de Abreu, Pascale M. J.; Cruz-Santos, Anabela; Tourinho, Carlos J.; Martin, Romain; Bialystok, Ellen Bilingualism Enriches the Poor: Enhanced Cognitive Control in Low-Income Minority Children. Psychological science Engel de Abreu et al. (2012) Engel de Abreu et al. (2012) 1 99 O EOWPVT vocab size P por,ltz 40 27.3 4.3 40.9 7.930952024 13.6 9.021640649 0.9 49.81684982 33.96509111 49.81684982 33.96509111
2017 Gatt, Daniela Bilingual vocabulary production in young children receiving Maltese-dominant exposure: individual differences and the influence of demographic and language exposure factors International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13670050.2016.1179255 Gatt (2017) Gatt (2017) 1 23–27 IO CDI vocab size P eng,mlt 65 15.65 21.56 229.79 183.87 164.79 185.1297126 9.496935494 16.88204432 9.496935494 16.88204432
Gatt (2017) Gatt (2017) 30–34 P 65 30.81 32.42 330.91 183.24 265.91 186.085878 11.58662705 14.6421828 11.58662705 14.6421828
2008 Gatt, Daniela; Letts, Carolyn; Klee, Thomas Lexical mixing in the early productive vocabularies of Maltese children: Implications for intervention Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02699200801919018 Gatt et al. (2008) Gatt et al. (2008) 1 12–30 O CDI; production vocab size; occurrence P eng,mlt 10 138.90 167.11 144.20 175.51 5.30 242.3417261 134.20 3.815694744 174.5324683 3.815694744 174.5324683
2016 Goodrich, J Marc; Lonigan, Christopher L; Kleuver, Cherie G; Farver, Joann M Development and transfer of vocabulary knowledge in Spanish-speaking language minority preschool children Journal of Child Language https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-child-language/article/development-and-transfer-of-vocabulary-knowledge-in-spanishspeaking-language-minority-preschool-children/5F6B6D4A3D88ECF0937509C99A34F829 Goodrich et al. (2016) Goodrich et al. (2016) 1 54 O 1 vocab test vocab size P eng,spa Children readily acquired TEs (knowledge in L1/L2 at T1 predicted knowledge in L2/L1 at T2) Data not specific enough
2018 Goodrich, J. Marc; Lonigan, Christopher J. Language-Minority Children’s Sensitivity to the Semantic Relations between Words Journal of experimental child psychology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5750065/ Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) 1 75–108 I lexical decision; LWL priming C/P eng,spa 73 Data not available
2018 Goodrich, J. Marc; Lonigan, Christopher J. Development of First- and Second-Language Vocabulary Knowledge among Language-Minority Children: Evidence from Single Language and Conceptual Scores Journal of child language https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6939231/ Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) – T1 1 29–68 O TOPEL vocab size P T1 eng,spa 656 5.8 19 30.52631579 30.52631579
Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) – T2 38–77 P T2 656 11.6 25 46.4 46.4
Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) – T3 41–80 P T3 656 12.8 26 49.23076923 49.23076923
Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) Goodrich & Lonigan (2018) – T4 50–89 P T4 656 15.6 26 60 60
2018 Grasso, Stephanie M.; Peña, Elizabeth D.; Bedore, Lisa M.; Hixon, J. Gregory; Griffin, Zenzi M. Cross-Linguistic Cognate Production in Spanish–English Bilingual Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5963043/ Grasso et al. (2018) Grasso et al. (2018) 1 60–119 I 1 vocab test accuracy P eng,spa TE known predicts word knowledge (chi^2=88.66–433.16****); additional cognate advantage (chi^2=88.66–71.47****)
2019 Jardak, Amel; Byers-Heinlein, Krista Labels or Concepts? The Development of Semantic Networks in Bilingual Two‐Year‐Olds Child Development https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cdev.13050 Jardak & Byers-Heinlein (2019) Jardak & Byers-Heinlein (2019) – Study 2 1 23–25 O CDI vocab size C Study 2 eng,fra 16 81 92 204 152 285 242 81 285.7761362 269 258.8976632 39.70588235 53.93599965 39.70588235 53.93599965
Jardak & Byers-Heinlein (2019) Jardak & Byers-Heinlein (2019) – Study 3 29–31 C Study 3 16 109 104 343 193 475 255 132 319.8030644 459 275.3924472 31.77842566 35.20057576 31.77842566 35.20057576
2002 Junker, Dörte A.; Stockman, Ida J. Expressive Vocabulary of German-English Bilingual Toddlers American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology http://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/1058-0360%282002/042%29 Junker & Stockman (2002) Junker & Stockman (2002) 1 24–27 O 1 CDI vocab size P eng,deu 10 43.7 19.81 210.6 48.15 0 43.7 19.81
2017 Legacy, Jacqueline; Reider, Jessica; Crivello, Cristina; Kuzyk, Olivia; Friend, Margaret; Zesiger, Pascal; Poulin-Dubois, Diane Dog or Chien? Translation Equivalents in the Receptive and Expressive Vocabularies of Young French-English Bilinguals Journal of child language https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5531186/ Legacy et al. (2017) Legacy et al. (2017) – Expt 1 Wave 1 1 16–30 O 1 CDI exposure; vocab size P Expt 1 Wave 1 eng,fra 34 48.53 16 48.53 16 Relative language exposure & relative vocab correlated with %TEs More balanced rates of vocab growth -> more TEs
Legacy et al. (2017) Legacy et al. (2017) – Expt 1 Wave 2 P Expt 1 Wave 2 34 52.84 16 52.84 16
Legacy et al. (2017) Legacy et al. (2017) – Expt 1 Wave 3 P Expt 1 Wave 3 34 61.15 22 61.15 22
Legacy et al. (2017) Legacy et al. (2017) – Expt 2 Checklist CCT checklist C Expt 2 Checklist 20 52 24 52 24 Parents report more TEs than children had knowledge of
Legacy et al. (2017) Legacy et al. (2017) – Expt 2 Task CCT task C Expt 2 Task 20 68 27 68 27
2016 Legacy, Jacqueline; Zesiger, Pascal; Friend, Margaret; Poulin-Dubois, Diane Vocabulary size, translation equivalents, and efficiency in word recognition in very young bilinguals Journal of child language https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4670605/ Legacy et al. (2016) Legacy et al. (2016) 1 16–18 O 1 CDI vocab size C eng,fra 50 53.65 236.46 91.89 324.7 153.7 88.24 179.0739012 274.7 37.3170938 77.10711638 53.65 77.10711638 Range(%TE): 9.41–95.41 Prop(TE) correlated with L2 and TV, but not L1 Excluded (semi-)cognates
Legacy et al. (2016) Legacy et al. (2016) CCT task C 50 19.98 9.37 20.48 9.72 0.5 13.500937 -29.52 2.502502503 67.58244803 2.502502503 67.58244803
2011 Mancilla-Martinez, Jeannette; Pan, Barbara Alexander; Vagh, Shaher Banu Assessing the productive vocabulary of Spanish–English bilingual toddlers from low-income families Applied Psycholinguistics https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0142716410000433/type/journal_article Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) – 24mo 1 24 O CDI vocab size P 24mo eng,spa 13 21 21
Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) – 27mo 27 P 27mo 12 24 24
Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) – 30mo 30 P 30mo 25 25 25
Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) – 33mo 33 P 33mo 15 32 32
Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) Mancilla-Martinez et al. (2011) – 36mo 36 P 36mo 35 29 29
2013 Mancilla-Martinez, Jeannette; Vagh, Shaher Banu Growth in toddlers’ Spanish, English, and conceptual vocabulary knowledge Early Childhood Research Quarterly https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0885200613000318 Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) – 24mo 1 24 O CDI vocab size P 24mo eng,spa 16 25 187.06 125.42 225.25 141.8118028 38.19 189.3165703 209.25 20.41590933 102.1278424 25 102.1278424
Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) – 27mo 27 P 27mo 14 26 279.64 158.21 347.79 205.8770509 68.15 259.6454587 333.79 24.37061937 93.86806006 26 93.86806006
Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) – 30mo 30 P 30mo 27 27 305.30 167.10 385.96 211.5442081 80.66 269.5799733 358.96 26.41991484 89.4762434 27 89.4762434
Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) – 33mo 33 P 33mo 18 28 429.11 162.93 559.83 234.6324922 130.72 285.6546714 541.83 30.46305143 67.56649744 28 67.56649744
Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) Mancilla-Martinez & Vagh (2013) – 36mo 36 P 36mo 24 28 457.13 181.53 592.96 255.9819738 135.83 313.8150917 568.96 29.7136482 69.65566464 28 69.65566464
2010 Marchman, Virginia A.; Fernald, Anne; Hurtado, Nereyda How vocabulary size in two languages relates to efficiency in spoken word recognition by young Spanish–English bilinguals Journal of Child Language https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0305000909990055/type/journal_article Marchman et al. (2010) Marchman et al. (2010) 1 29–34 O CDI vocab size P eng,spa 26 461.8 166.9 553.2 242.0 91.4 293.9721245 527.2 19.7921178 64.05851677 19.7921178 64.05851677
2018 Nicoladis, Elena; Hui, Dorothea; Wiebe, Sandra A. Language Dominance and Cognitive Flexibility in French–English Bilingual Children Frontiers in Psychology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137273/ Nicoladis et al. (2018) Nicoladis et al. (2018) – Balanced 1 46–85 I CDI; EF task cognitive flexibiility C Balanced eng,fra 18 23.5 10.9 23.5 10.9 More balanced = more TEs No effect on A-DCCS (mixing or switching)
Nicoladis et al. (2018) Nicoladis et al. (2018) – Slight dominant C Slight dominant 18 15.6 12.6 15.6 12.6
Nicoladis et al. (2018) Nicoladis et al. (2018) – Very dominant C Very dominant 25 8.7 8.1 8.7 8.1
1994 Pearson, Barbara Zurer; Fernández, Sylvia C. Patterns of Interaction in the Lexical Growth in Two Languages of Bilingual Infants and Toddlers Language Learning https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-1770.1994.tb00633.x Pearson & Fernández (1994) Pearson & Fernández (1994) 1 10–30 O 1 CDI vocab size C/P eng,spa 18 2 of 18 showed a marked preference for acquiring TEs No avoidance Data somewhat less accessible (only graphical)
1995 Pearson, Barbara Zurer; Fernández, Sylvia; Oller, D. K. Cross-language synonyms in the lexicons of bilingual infants: one language or two? Journal of Child Language https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S030500090000982X/type/journal_article Pearson et al. (1995) Pearson et al. (1995) 1 8–30 O 1 CDI vocab size P eng,spa 27 29.11627907 18.25769153 29.11627907 18.25769153 1 of 18 showed a marked preference for acquiring TEs Higher proportion of TEs for balanced bilinguals No avoidance
2011 Pettenati, Paola; Vacchini, Daniela; Stefanini, Silvia; Caselli, Maria Cristina Parole e frasi nel primo vocabolario di bambini bilingui Italiano- Spagnolo Rivista di psicolinguistica applicata : XI, 1/2, 2011 https://doi.org/10.1400/169281 Pettenati et al. (2011) Pettenati et al. (2011) 1 24–37 O CDI vocab size P ita,spa 12 64.16666667 64.53728075 17.04696137 10.90510038 374.75 156.2254344 438.9166667 202.4129255 64.16666667 255.6900053 426.9166667 212.4524724 17.12252613 18.64212336 17.04696137 10.90510038
2013 Poulin-Dubois, Diane; Bialystok, Ellen; Blaye, Agnes; Polonia, Alexandra; Yott, Jessica Lexical access and vocabulary development in very young bilinguals The international journal of bilingualism : cross-disciplinary, cross-linguistic studies of language behavior https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3992973/ Poulin-Dubois et al. (2013) Poulin-Dubois et al. (2013) 1 23–26 I 1 CCT lexical access P eng,fra 25 37.4 21.2 37.4 21.2 TE ~ prop_voc(L2), exposure(L2) CCT 1/RT ~ #TE -> TE facilitates lexical access
2018 Poulin-Dubois, Diane; Kuzyk, Olivia; Legacy, Jacqueline; Zesiger, Pascal; Friend, Margaret Translation Equivalents Facilitate Lexical Access in Very Young Bilinguals Bilingualism (Cambridge, England) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8041066/ Poulin-Dubois et al. (2018) Poulin-Dubois et al. (2018) 1 22 I 1 CCT lexical access P eng,fra 36 46.88 18.61 46.88 18.61 CCT 1/RT ~ TE (by word) -> TE facilitates lexical access
2017 Rinker, Tanja; Budde-Spengler, Nora; Sachse, Steffi The relationship between first language (L1) and second language (L2) lexical development in young Turkish-German children International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13670050.2016.1179260 Rinker et al. (2017) Rinker et al. (2017) 1 24–36 O 1 CDI vocab size P tur,deu 19 46 38.6 366 196.5 412 219.2 46 294.3822175 393 222.5726848 12.56830601 12.52036486 12.56830601 12.52036486
2020 Smolak, Erin; de Anda, Stephanie; Enriquez, Bianka; Poulin-Dubois, Diane; Friend, Margaret Code-switching in young bilingual toddlers: A longitudinal, cross-language investigation Bilingualism (Cambridge, England) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7994944/ Smolak et al. (2020) Smolak et al. (2020) 1 31–39 I 1 production code-switching rate P eng,spa,fra 30 Code switching did not correlate with TEs Data not available (2 studies)
2012 Song, Lulu; Tamis-LeMonda, Catherine S.; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Kahana-Kalman, Ronit; Wu, Irene Language experiences and vocabulary development in Dominican and Mexican infants across the first 2 years. Developmental Psychology http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/a0026401 Song et al. (2012) Song et al. (2012) 1 14–24 O CDI vocab size C/P eng,spa 155 Small proportion of TEs Data somewhat less accessible (graphical only)
2010 Tare, Medha; Gelman, Susan A. Can you say it another way? Cognitive factors in bilingual children’s pragmatic language skills Journal of cognition and development : official journal of the Cognitive Development Society https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2895325/ Tare & Gelman (2010) Tare & Gelman (2010) – Younger 1 31–46 O 1 CDI vocab size P Younger eng,mar 14 203.21 97.89 572.57 142.1399001 558.57 172.5867993 36.38039995 20.82030614 36.38039995 20.82030614
Tare & Gelman (2010) Tare & Gelman (2010) – Older 49–59 P Older 14 284.14 53.30 726.29 54.26572491 712.29 76.06351885 39.89105561 8.610475519 39.89105561 8.610475519
2021 Tsui, Rachel K. Y.; Gonzalez-Barrero, Ana M.; Schott, Esther; Byers-Heinlein, Krista Are translation equivalents special? Evidence from simulations and empirical data from bilingual infants https://psyarxiv.com/h4jxe/ Tsui et al. (2021) Tsui et al. (2021) 1 18–33 O 1 CDI vocab size P eng,fra 200 67.7 85.1 295 254.6 95 268.4458418 71.26315789 220.3971277 71.26315789 220.3971277 TE correlated with TV and nondom_voc Preference -> neutral (age-wise)
1992 Umbel, Vivian M.; Pearson, Barbara Z.; Fernández, María C.; Oller, D. K. Measuring Bilingual Children's Receptive Vocabularies Child Development https://www.jstor.org/stable/1131250 Umbel et al. (1992) Umbel et al. (1992) 1 72–84 O 1 PPVT vocab size C eng,spa 105 Both langs at home -> more TE correct than only Spanish at home Cognates -> more likely to know TEs Data not available
2021 Weatherhead, Drew; Arredondo, Maria M.; Nácar Garcia, Loreto; Werker, Janet F. The Role of Audiovisual Speech in Fast-Mapping and Novel Word Retention in Monolingual and Bilingual 24-Month-Olds Brain Sciences https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7830540/ Weatherhead et al. (2021) Weatherhead et al. (2021) – Expt 1 1 24 I 1 novel word learning accuracy P Expt 1 eng 24 6 8 38 16 15.78947368 22.07740592 15.78947368 22.07740592 TEs did not predict performance on zero-shot disambiguation (but possibly due to underestimation due to "mark TE yourself")
Weatherhead et al. (2021) Weatherhead et al. (2021) – Expt 2 P Expt 2 24 4 4 54 16 7.407407407 7.725721723 7.407407407 7.725721723
Weatherhead et al. (2021) Weatherhead et al. (2021) – Expt 3 P Expt 3 24 12 13 42 21 28.57142857 34.09005015 28.57142857 34.09005015
2011 Yoshida, Hanako; Tran, Duc N.; Benitez, Viridiana; Kuwabara, Megumi Inhibition and Adjective Learning in Bilingual and Monolingual Children Frontiers in Psychology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3172728/ Yoshida et al. (2011) Yoshida et al. (2011) 1 36 I attentional control; novel word learning performance P eng,spa,urd 96.4 325.1 403.9 78.8 29.65241464 29.65241464 No SEs
2002 Holowka, S.; Brosseau-Lapré, F.; Petitto, L.A. Semantic and conceptual knowledge underlying bilingual babies’ first signs and words Language Learning Holowka et al. (2002) Holowka et al. (2002) 1 7–26 O 1 production recordings vocab size P eng,fra,fcs 6 28 7 28 7
2010 Houston-Price, C.; Caloghiris, Z.; Raviglione, E. Language experience shapes the development of the mutual exclusivity bias. Infancy Houston-Price et al. (2010) Houston-Price et al. (2010) 1 17–23 I 1 CDI; novel word learning accuracy C eng 19 84 58 219 84.59905437 200 102.571926 42 36.12445294 42 36.12445294 TEs did not predict performance on zero-shot disambiguation
2002 Frank, I.; Poulin-Dubois, D. Young monolingual and bilingual children’s responses to violation of the mutual exclusivity principle. International Journal of Bilingualism Frank & Poulin-Dubois (2002) Frank & Poulin-Dubois (2002) – Younger 1 26–28 I 1 CDI; novel word learning violation of ME P Younger eng,fra 26 47 22 47 22 TEs did not predict whether children violated ME (mapping two unfamiliar names to same unfamiliar object)
Frank & Poulin-Dubois (2002) Frank & Poulin-Dubois (2002) – Older 34–36 P Older 28 51 29 51 29