diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/editions.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/editions.scss
index 2d419dc7c..0924abdd0 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/editions.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/editions.scss
@@ -8,3 +8,9 @@
@include govuk-responsive-padding(4, "top");
border-top: 1px solid $govuk-border-colour;
+.editions__admin__tab {
+ .govuk-link {
+ margin-top: govuk-spacing(3)
+ }
diff --git a/app/controllers/editions_controller.rb b/app/controllers/editions_controller.rb
index 7c7eb5a49..263251196 100644
--- a/app/controllers/editions_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/editions_controller.rb
@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ class EditionsController < InheritedResources::Base
before_action only: %i[unpublish confirm_unpublish process_unpublish] do
require_govuk_editor(redirect_path: edition_path(resource))
- before_action only: %i[progress admin update] do
+ before_action only: %i[progress admin update confirm_destroy] do
+ before_action only: %i[confirm_destroy destroy] do
+ destroyable_edition?
+ end
helper_method :locale_to_language
@@ -90,6 +93,19 @@ def progress
redirect_to edition_path(resource)
+ def confirm_destroy
+ render "secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_destroy"
+ end
+ def destroy
+ @resource.destroy!
+ flash[:success] = "Edition deleted"
+ redirect_to root_url
+ rescue StandardError
+ flash[:danger] = downstream_error_message(:deleted)
+ render "secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_destroy"
+ end
def setup_view_paths
@@ -108,12 +124,12 @@ def unpublish_edition(artefact)
def render_confirm_page_with_error
- @resource.errors.add(:unpublish, downstream_error_message)
+ @resource.errors.add(:unpublish, downstream_error_message(:unpublished))
render "secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_unpublish"
- def downstream_error_message
- "Due to a service problem, the edition couldn't be unpublished"
+ def downstream_error_message(action)
+ "Due to a service problem, the edition couldn't be #{action}"
def locale_to_language(locale)
@@ -153,4 +169,11 @@ def progress_action_param
def permitted_params
params.require(:edition).permit(%i[title overview in_beta body major_change change_note])
+ def destroyable_edition?
+ return if @resource.can_destroy?
+ flash[:danger] = "Cannot delete a #{description(@resource).downcase} that has ever been published."
+ redirect_to edition_path(@resource)
+ end
diff --git a/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/_admin.html.erb b/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/_admin.html.erb
index 882bfe213..c0755ffc4 100644
--- a/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/_admin.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/_admin.html.erb
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
<% @edition = @resource %>
<%= header_for("Admin") %>
- <% if @edition.fact_check? %>
- <%= form_for @edition, url: skip_fact_check_edition_path(@edition), method: "post" do %>
- <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/button", {
- text: "Skip fact check",
- } %>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
+ <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/list", {
+ items: [
+ ( primary_button_for(@edition, skip_fact_check_edition_path(@edition), "Skip fact check") if @edition.fact_check? ),
+ ( link_to("Delete edition #{@edition.version_number}", confirm_destroy_edition_path(@resource), class: "govuk-link gem-link--destructive") if @edition.can_destroy? ),
+ ],
+ } %>
diff --git a/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_destroy.html.erb b/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_destroy.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d843f4522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_destroy.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<% @edition = @resource %>
+<% content_for :title_context, @edition.title %>
+<% content_for :page_title, "Delete edition" %>
+<% content_for :title, "Delete edition" %>
+ <% unless @edition.errors.empty? %>
+ <% content_for :error_summary do %>
+ <%= render("govuk_publishing_components/components/error_summary", {
+ id: "error-summary",
+ title: "There is a problem",
+ items: @edition.errors.map do |error|
+ {
+ text: error.message,
+ href: "##{error.attribute.to_s}",
+ }
+ end,
+ }) %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/inset_text", {
+ text: "If you delete this edition it cannot be undone.",
+ } %>
+ <%= form_for @edition, url: admin_delete_edition_path(@edition), method: :delete do %>
Are you sure you want to delete this edition?
+ <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/button", {
+ text: "Delete edition",
+ destructive: true,
+ } %>
+ <%= link_to("Cancel", admin_edition_path, class: "govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state") %>
+ <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_unpublish.html.erb b/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_unpublish.html.erb
index 006172cb9..34a5bb9d7 100644
--- a/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_unpublish.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/editions/secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_unpublish.html.erb
@@ -36,4 +36,3 @@
<% end %>
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index d26998815..5dbc01734 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
get "unpublish"
get "unpublish/confirm-unpublish", to: "editions#confirm_unpublish", as: "confirm_unpublish"
post "process_unpublish"
+ get "admin/confirm-destroy", to: "editions#confirm_destroy", as: "confirm_destroy"
+ delete "admin/delete-edition", to: "editions#destroy", as: "admin_delete"
post "progress"
post "skip_fact_check",
to: "editions#progress",
diff --git a/test/functional/editions_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/editions_controller_test.rb
index 08ade38b8..e8c19677e 100644
--- a/test/functional/editions_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/functional/editions_controller_test.rb
@@ -168,28 +168,98 @@ class EditionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
context "#admin" do
- should "show the admin page for the edition" do
- get :admin, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ context "do not have required permissions" do
+ context "Welsh editors and non Welsh edition" do
+ setup do
+ login_as_welsh_editor
+ end
- assert_response :success
+ %i[admin confirm_destroy].each do |url_path|
+ should "show permission error and redirects to edition path for #{url_path} path" do
+ get url_path, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ assert_redirected_to edition_path(@edition)
+ assert_equal "You do not have correct editor permissions for this action.", flash[:danger]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "nor Welsh nor Govuk editors" do
+ setup do
+ user = FactoryBot.create(:user, name: "Stub User")
+ login_as(user)
+ end
+ %i[admin confirm_destroy].each do |url_path|
+ should "show permission error and redirects to edition path for #{url_path} path" do
+ get url_path, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ assert_redirected_to edition_path(@edition)
+ assert_equal "You do not have correct editor permissions for this action.", flash[:danger]
+ end
+ end
+ end
- context "Welsh editors" do
- setup do
- login_as_welsh_editor
+ context "has required permissions" do
+ context "Welsh editors and welsh edition" do
+ setup do
+ login_as_welsh_editor
+ end
+ %i[admin confirm_destroy].each do |url_path|
+ should "be able to navigate successfully to #{url_path} path" do
+ get url_path, params: { id: @welsh_edition.id }
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ end
- should "be able to see the admin page for Welsh editions" do
- get :admin, params: { id: @welsh_edition.id }
+ should "be able to navigate to the admin path" do
+ get :admin, params: { id: @edition.id }
assert_response :success
- should "not be able to see the admin page for non-Welsh editions" do
- get :admin, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ context "#confirm_destroy" do
+ should "be able to navigate to the confirm destroy path" do
+ get :confirm_destroy, params: { id: @edition.id }
- assert_redirected_to edition_path(@edition)
- assert_equal "You do not have correct editor permissions for this action.", flash[:danger]
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ should "delete the edition from the database and display success message with redirection to root" do
+ delete :destroy, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ assert_equal 0, Edition.where(id: @edition.id).count
+ assert_equal "Edition deleted", flash[:success]
+ assert_redirected_to root_path
+ end
+ %i[published scheduled_for_publishing archived].each do |edition_state|
+ context "edition with state '#{edition_state}' can not be deleted" do
+ setup do
+ @edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, state: edition_state, publish_at: Time.zone.now + 1.hour)
+ end
+ should "redirect to edition path with error message" do
+ delete :destroy, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ assert_redirected_to edition_path
+ assert_equal "Cannot delete a #{description(@edition)} that has ever been published.", flash[:danger]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ should "render confirm destroy page with error if deleting from database fails" do
+ Edition.any_instance.stubs(:destroy!).raises(Mongoid::Errors::MongoidError.new)
+ delete :destroy, params: { id: @edition.id }
+ assert_template "secondary_nav_tabs/confirm_destroy"
+ assert_equal "Due to a service problem, the edition couldn't be deleted", flash[:danger]
+ end
@@ -330,4 +400,10 @@ class EditionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ def description(edition)
+ edition.format.underscore.humanize.downcase
+ end
diff --git a/test/integration/edition_edit_test.rb b/test/integration/edition_edit_test.rb
index beb169331..f51a2ac75 100644
--- a/test/integration/edition_edit_test.rb
+++ b/test/integration/edition_edit_test.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
context "all tabs" do
setup do
- visit_edition_in_published
+ visit_published_edition
should "show all the tabs when user has required permission and edition is published" do
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
context "metadata tab" do
context "when state is 'draft'" do
setup do
- visit_edition_in_draft
+ visit_draft_edition
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
context "when state is not 'draft'" do
setup do
- visit_edition_in_published
+ visit_published_edition
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
context "do not have required permissions" do
setup do
login_as(FactoryBot.create(:user, name: "Stub User"))
- visit_edition_in_draft
+ visit_draft_edition
should "not show unpublish tab when user is not govuk editor" do
@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
context "has required permissions" do
setup do
login_as(FactoryBot.create(:user, :govuk_editor, name: "Stub User"))
- visit_edition_in_draft
+ visit_draft_edition
context "when state is 'published'" do
setup do
- visit_edition_in_published
+ visit_published_edition
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
context "do not have required permissions" do
setup do
login_as(FactoryBot.create(:user, name: "Stub User"))
- visit_edition_in_draft
+ visit_draft_edition
should "not show when user is not govuk editor or welsh editor" do
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
should "not show when user is welsh editor and edition is not welsh" do
login_as(FactoryBot.create(:user, :welsh_editor, name: "Stub User"))
- visit_edition_in_draft
+ visit_draft_edition
assert page.has_no_text?("Admin")
@@ -169,27 +169,53 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
login_as(FactoryBot.create(:user, :govuk_editor, name: "Stub User"))
- context "when state is not 'fact_check'" do
- setup do
- visit_edition_in_draft
- click_link("Admin")
+ %i[published archived scheduled_for_publishing].each do |state|
+ context "when state is '#{state}'" do
+ setup do
+ send "visit_#{state}_edition"
+ click_link("Admin")
+ end
+ should "show 'Admin' header and not show 'Skip fact check' button" do
+ within :css, ".gem-c-heading" do
+ assert page.has_text?("Admin")
+ end
+ assert page.has_no_button?("Skip fact check")
+ end
+ should "not show link to delete edition" do
+ assert page.has_no_link?("Delete edition")
+ end
+ end
- should "show 'Admin' header and not show 'Skip fact check' button" do
- within :css, ".gem-c-heading" do
- assert page.has_text?("Admin")
+ %i[draft amends_needed in_review fact_check_received ready].each do |state|
+ context "when state is '#{state}'" do
+ setup do
+ send "visit_#{state}_edition"
+ click_link("Admin")
+ end
+ should "show 'Admin' header and not show 'Skip fact check' button" do
+ within :css, ".gem-c-heading" do
+ assert page.has_text?("Admin")
+ end
+ assert page.has_no_button?("Skip fact check")
+ end
+ should "show link to delete edition" do
+ assert page.has_link?("Delete edition")
- assert page.has_no_button?("Skip fact check")
context "when state is 'fact_check'" do
setup do
- visit_edition_in_fact_check
+ visit_fact_check_edition
- should "show tab when user is welsh editor and edition is welsh edition" do
+ should "show 'Admin' tab when user is welsh editor and edition is welsh edition" do
login_as(FactoryBot.create(:user, :welsh_editor, name: "Stub User"))
welsh_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, :fact_check, :welsh)
visit edition_path(welsh_edition)
@@ -204,6 +230,10 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
assert page.has_button?("Skip fact check")
+ should "show link to delete edition" do
+ assert page.has_link?("Delete edition")
+ end
should "show success message when fact check skipped successfully" do
click_button("Skip fact check")
@@ -222,13 +252,49 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
assert page.has_text?("Could not skip fact check for this publication.")
+ context "confirm delete" do
+ setup do
+ visit_draft_edition
+ click_link("Admin")
+ click_link("Delete edition #{@draft_edition.version_number}")
+ end
+ should "show the delete edition confirmation page" do
+ assert page.has_text?(@draft_edition.title)
+ assert page.has_text?("Delete edition")
+ assert page.has_text?("If you delete this edition it cannot be undone.")
+ assert page.has_text?("Are you sure you want to delete this edition?")
+ assert page.has_link?("Cancel")
+ assert page.has_button?("Delete edition")
+ end
+ should "navigate to admin tab when 'Cancel' is clicked" do
+ click_link("Cancel")
+ assert_current_path admin_edition_path(@draft_edition.id)
+ end
+ should "navigate to root path when 'Delete edition' is clicked" do
+ click_button("Delete edition")
+ assert_current_path root_path
+ end
+ should "show success message when edition is successfully deleted" do
+ click_button("Delete edition")
+ assert_equal 0, Edition.where(id: @draft_edition.id).count
+ assert page.has_text?("Edition deleted")
+ end
+ end
context "edit tab" do
context "draft edition of a new publication" do
setup do
- visit_edition_in_draft
+ visit_draft_edition
should "show 'Metadata' header and an update button" do
@@ -300,40 +366,67 @@ class EditionEditTest < IntegrationTest
- def visit_edition_in_draft
- @draft_edition = FactoryBot.create(
- :answer_edition,
- title: "Edit page title",
- state: "draft",
- overview: "metatags",
- in_beta: 1,
- body: "The body",
- )
+ def visit_draft_edition
+ @draft_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "draft", overview: "metatags", in_beta: 1, body: "The body")
visit edition_path(@draft_edition)
- def visit_edition_in_published
- @published_edition = FactoryBot.create(
- :edition,
- title: "Edit page title",
- panopticon_id: FactoryBot.create(
- :artefact,
- slug: "can-i-get-a-driving-licence",
- ).id,
- state: "published",
- slug: "can-i-get-a-driving-licence",
- )
+ def visit_published_edition
+ create_published_edition
visit edition_path(@published_edition)
- def visit_edition_in_fact_check
+ def visit_fact_check_edition
@fact_check_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "fact_check")
visit edition_path(@fact_check_edition)
+ def visit_scheduled_for_publishing_edition
+ @scheduled_for_publishing_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "scheduled_for_publishing", publish_at: Time.zone.now + 1.hour)
+ visit edition_path(@scheduled_for_publishing_edition)
+ end
+ def visit_archived_edition
+ @archived_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "archived")
+ visit edition_path(@archived_edition)
+ end
+ def visit_in_review_edition
+ @in_review_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "in_review", review_requested_at: 1.hour.ago)
+ visit edition_path(@in_review_edition)
+ end
+ def visit_amends_needed_edition
+ @amends_needed_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "amends_needed")
+ visit edition_path(@amends_needed_edition)
+ end
+ def visit_fact_check_received_edition
+ @fact_check_received_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "fact_check_received")
+ visit edition_path(@fact_check_received_edition)
+ end
+ def visit_ready_edition
+ @ready_edition = FactoryBot.create(:edition, title: "Edit page title", state: "ready")
+ visit edition_path(@ready_edition)
+ end
def visit_new_edition_of_published_edition
- published_edition = FactoryBot.create(
+ create_published_edition
+ new_edition = FactoryBot.create(
+ panopticon_id: @published_edition.artefact.id,
+ state: "draft",
+ version_number: 2,
+ change_note: "The change note",
+ )
+ visit edition_path(new_edition)
+ end
+ def create_published_edition
+ @published_edition = FactoryBot.create(
+ :edition,
+ title: "Edit page title",
panopticon_id: FactoryBot.create(
slug: "can-i-get-a-driving-licence",
@@ -341,13 +434,5 @@ def visit_new_edition_of_published_edition
state: "published",
slug: "can-i-get-a-driving-licence",
- new_edition = FactoryBot.create(
- :answer_edition,
- panopticon_id: published_edition.artefact.id,
- state: "draft",
- version_number: 2,
- change_note: "The change note",
- )
- visit edition_path(new_edition)