diff --git a/data_steward/analytics/cdr_ops/ad_hoc_analyses/search_sandbox_for_ids.py b/data_steward/analytics/cdr_ops/ad_hoc_analyses/search_sandbox_for_ids.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b0d59cf2..0000000000
--- a/data_steward/analytics/cdr_ops/ad_hoc_analyses/search_sandbox_for_ids.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# ---
-# jupyter:
-# jupytext:
-# text_representation:
-# extension: .py
-# format_name: light
-# format_version: '1.5'
-# jupytext_version: 1.7.1
-# kernelspec:
-# display_name: Python 3
-# language: python
-# name: python3
-# ---
-# Purpose: Use this notebook to search for ids in sandbox datasets
-# + tags=["parameters"]
-project_id = ''
-sandbox_dataset_id = '' # Sandbox dataset to search in for the problem ids
-search_field = '' # field in the sandbox tables expected to contain the ids. Example: observation_id
-run_as = ''
-# +
-from utils import auth
-import pandas as pd
-from gcloud.bq import BigQueryClient
-from common import JINJA_ENV
-from analytics.cdr_ops.notebook_utils import execute, IMPERSONATION_SCOPES, render_message
-pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
-# -
-impersonation_creds = auth.get_impersonation_credentials(
- run_as, target_scopes=IMPERSONATION_SCOPES)
-client = BigQueryClient(project_id, credentials=impersonation_creds)
-# # Create list of ids to search
-# Run the following cell to create a list of ids to search for. Recommend using a LIMIT if the list is quite large.
-# OR
-# Manually create a list of ids called ids_list
-# +
-tpl = JINJA_ENV.from_string('''
-query = tpl.render()
-ids = execute(client, query)
-ids_list = ids[search_field].to_list()
-# -
-# # Get the tables that contain the search_field, from the sandbox dataset
-# The query will return the sandbox tables in the order of their creation time. Earliest to latest.
-# +
-tpl = JINJA_ENV.from_string('''
- c.*, t.creation_time
- , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.creation_time) as run_order
- `{{project_id}}.{{sandbox_dataset_id}}.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS` AS c
- `{{project_id}}.{{sandbox_dataset_id}}.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES` AS t
- c.table_name = t.table_name
- c.column_name = '{{search_field}}'
- t.creation_time;
-query = tpl.render(sandbox_dataset_id=sandbox_dataset_id,
- project_id=project_id,
- search_field=search_field)
-tables_in_dataset = execute(client, query)
-tables_list = tables_in_dataset['table_name'].to_list()
-# -
-# # Search in each sandbox table and print results
-queries = []
-for table in tables_list:
- tpl = JINJA_ENV.from_string('''
- '{{table}}' as table,
- COUNT(*) AS n_{{search_field}}s_found
- `{{project_id}}.{{sandbox_dataset_id}}.{{table}}`
- WHERE {{search_field}} IN UNNEST ({{ids_list}})
- ''')
- query = tpl.render(sandbox_dataset_id=sandbox_dataset_id,
- project_id=project_id,
- table=table,
- ids_list=ids_list,
- search_field=search_field)
- queries.append(query)
-df = execute(client, '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(queries))
-# # Order and view the results
-# +
-# Define the run order
-df['run_order'] = pd.Categorical(df['table'],
- categories=tables_list,
- ordered=True)
-# Sort the results
-ordered_df = (
- df.sort_values(by='run_order')
- .iloc[:, :2]
- .reset_index(drop=True)
-# -