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Angular Material Extensions - Swipe to refresh

Implementation of material design swipe to refresh for Angular Material.

swipe to refresh


  • Angular Material


bower install mde-swipe-to-refresh --save


Add script and style:

<script src="bower_components/mde-swipe-to-refresh/dist/mde-swipe-to-refresh.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/mde-swipe-to-refresh/dist/mde-swipe-to-refresh.min.css">

Add module dependency:

angular.module("yourApp", ['mde.swipeToRefresh'])

Use it:

<div mde-swipe-to-refresh mde-on-refresh="ctrl.refresh()"></div>

By default scrolling element is assumed to be body. If it's not the case, you can specify it with one of the following ways:

  • mde-scroll-host-selector attribute:
<div mde-swipe-to-refresh mde-scroll-host-selector=".container"></any>

It will look up for the first ancestor that matches the selector.

  • mde-swipe-to-refresh-scroll-host directive:
<div mde-swipe-to-refresh-scroll-host>
    <div mde-swipe-to-refresh></div>


  • mde-on-refresh: Optional expression to evaluate on refresh. If promise is returned, component will stay in spinning state until promise is resolved or rejected.
  • mde-on-cancel: Optional expression to evaluate on cancel.
  • mde-scroll-host-selector: String for determining scroll host from ancestors. It will be ignored if mde-swipe-to-refresh-scroll-host directive is used.
  • mde-threshold: Threshold in pixels. Defaults to mdeSwipeToRefreshConfig.threshold


  • Improve demo
  • fix bug when scroll host is not correctly set
  • add arrow according to spec