This is a Dockerfile for GlassFish Open Source Edition for version 4.1. The purpose of this Docker container is to facilitate the setup of development and integration testing environments for developers.
The Dockerfiles contained in this project will build images based on the Oracle Linux 7.0 Base Docker Image. In order to easily install that, run the following script:
For more information and documentation, read the Docker Images from Oracle Linux page.
Clone the GitHub glassfish/dockerfiles repository
$ git clone [email protected]:glassfish/docker.git glassfish-docker
$ cd glassfish-docker
Download and drop the Oracle JDK 8u25 RPM 64bit file jdk-8u25-linux-x64.rpm in this folder
Linux x64 135.6 MB jdk-8u25-linux-x64.rpm
Execute the build script as root
$ sudo sh
The image and the default domain are built with the following credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: glassfish
Along with the Dockerfile, one script is also provided to help you run GlassFish easily. To boot GlassFish, execute
$ sudo sh
This script will automagically start default domain1 and bind ports 4848 and 8080 to the host server. Log will be supressed, and the container will be daemonized. If you want to run GlassFish with ports binded to host, with log files on STDOUT, run the following command:
$ sudo docker run -ti -p 4848:4848 \
-p 8080:8080 glassfish:4.1 \
/opt/glassfish/glassfish4/bin/asadmin \
start-domain --verbose=true
Because asadmin by default will exit after start-domain, make sure to add --verbose=true to keep the process running in foreground. This way, Docker will keep it running.
You can use the GlassFish Maven Plugin or the Web Console to deploy applications to the remote servers running on Docker containers.
All source is on the glassfish/docker GitHub repository.
If you find any issues, please report through the GitHub Issues page.
For the scripts and files hosted in the GitHub glassfish/dockerfiles repository required to build the Docker image are, unless otherwise noted, released under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.0 and GNU Public License 2.0 licenses.