This is an example how most of the development in ansible-oracle is done.A Pull-Request is only accepted, when github-Actions are valid.
This chapter shows, how the development envionment could look like. You need an Ansible-Controller with an Editor or IDE of your own choice. |
github has a great documentation with details about creating a fork and branch to contribute to ansible-oracle
The github-Actions will automatically start, when the branchname starts with pr or in each Pull-Request.Please use a branch with 'pr'--prefix, when ansible-lint should be checked for each commit.
pre-commit is a nice tool for git. Each commit is locally checked against multiple rules, to prevent failures in github-Actions after pushing commits to github. This tool is recommended but not mandatory for contributing to ansible-oracle .
pip install --user pre-commit pre-commit install
pre-commit run
Don’t forget to set the working branch in requirements.yml .Remove/Disable devsec.hardening for faster installation of Ansible collection, when devsec should not be tested.
--- collections: # - name: devsec.hardening # version: 8.2.0 - name: type: git version: devbranch
ansible-galaxy collection install --force -r requirements.yml && ansible-playbook -i inventory/hasfd -e hostgroup='all' playbooks/single-instance-asm.yml --limit '*19c*'
The ansible-oracle project introduced antsibull-changelog
for managing the CHANGELOG.rst
based on fragments in changelogs/gragments
The ID should point to the PR and the filename describe the PR in short form. The fragments are part of the PR. If multiple PRs are open, the upper rule makes sure that no duplicate files are created during merge.
Each Pull-Requests needs a fragment from Release 3.0.0 onwards! |
<<<<<<< HEAD
== Create new Releases in ansible-oracle
This is only needed for creating new Releases in ansible-oracle - not for development!
== Create new Releases in ansible-oracle
This is only needed for creating new Releases in ansible-oracle - not for development!
>>>>>>> 2226b8a9fe5dec919cdb916059f233c63b914fc9 === Install antsibull-changelog
cd ansible-oracle/docker docker-compose run --rm -w /git/ansible-oracle/example/beginner/ansible ansible bash pip3 install antsibull-changelog
=== Working with antsibull-changelog
Changelogs for Collections:
=== Creating new releases
antsibull-changelog release
reads galaxy.yml
to get the release version automatically.
The execution is aborted, when a release with the version is existing in CHANGELOG.rst
The whole release process should be donw with a dedicated Pull-Request. |
antsibull-changelog release
== Update Vagrantbox on vagrantcloud for examples
This is only an example how to do it, when custom images should be used. |
=== Create new Box
git clone cd bento git checkout oc cd packer_templates/oraclelinux/ ./ oracle-7.9-x86_64.json
=== Upload new Version
Change the boxname to an account with write priviledges. |
boxname="Rendanic/oraclelinux-7.x" vagrantversion=$(date +%y%m%d) vagrant cloud version create ${boxname} "$vagrantversion" vagrant cloud provider create ${boxname} virtualbox "$vagrantversion" vagrant cloud provider upload ${boxname} virtualbox "$vagrantversion" ../../builds/ vagrant cloud publish --release ${boxname} "$vagrantversion" virtualbox