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File metadata and controls

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snowbox Build Statuscodecov

Opinionated Redux abstractions for faster development.


Most of the time, for each type of entity in your redux store, you have to implement the same actions, reducers, and selectors, over and over again. The same story holds true when it comes to calling your remote server.


Snowbox is a small collection of tools that hide the repetitiveness in your code and lets you focus on writing code that is trully important for your app. They are built on top of redux, normalizr, reselect, and immer.

Table of Contents


npm install snowbox

Quick Start

  1. Add the snowbox reducer and middleware to your store. The key where the snowbox reducer is mounted must be snowbox.
// File: app-store.js

import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { snowboxReducer, snowboxMiddleware } from 'snowbox';

const store = createStore(
		snowbox: snowboxReducer,
		/* app reducers */
		/* app middlewares */
  1. Configure the api and provider services.
// File: app-provider.js

import { api, provider } from 'snowbox';

import store from './app-store';
import selectAuthToken from './app-selectors';

export const appApi = api({
	baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api',
	tokenHeader: 'auth-token',
	getAuthToken: () => selectAuthToken(store.getState()), // when your token is stored in the state

export const appProvider = provider(api);

export default appProvider;
  1. Define an entity
// File: entities/todo.js

import { entity } from 'snowbox';

import appProvider from '../app-provider';

export const todoProvider = appProvider({
	particle: 'todos',

export const todo = entity('todos', todoProvider);

export default todo;
  1. Build your awesome app
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { fetch, selectCollection } from 'snowbox';

import todo from 'entities/todo'; // Import the todo entity
import Todo from './Todo';

const todosSelector = selectCollection(todo); // Create the selector for todos

export default function MyTodos({ filter }) {
	const dispatch = useDispatch();
	const todos = useSelector(todosSelector); // Select your todos

	useEffect(() => {
		dispatch(fetch(todo)(filter)); // Request todos
	}, [dispatch, fetch, todo, filter]);

	return => <Todo key={} todo={item} />);



  • options: object
    • baseUrl: string required The base url where all the api requests go (e.g. https://my.awesome.server/api).
    • tokenHeader: string The name of the header for the authentication token. Must be string. required when getAuthToken is defined.
    • getAuthToken: function Returns the authentication token. required when tokenHeader si defined.

Api methods:

  • get(path, params)

    Makes a GET HTTP request and returns the response.


    • path: string required Together with options.baseUrl it forms the destination url.
    • params: object The query params of the request.


    • object Server response.
  • post(path, data = {}, params, contentType)

    Makes a POST HTTP request and returns the serverResponse.


    • path: string required Together with options.baseUrl it forms the destination url.
    • data: object The body of the request.
    • params: object The query params of the request.
    • contentType: string The content type of the request.


    • object Server response.
  • put(path, data = {}, params, contentType):

    Makes a PUT HTTP request and returns the response.


    • path: string required Together with options.baseUrl it forms the destination url.
    • data: object The body of the request.
    • params: object The query params of the request.
    • contentType: string The content type of the request.


    • object Server response.
  • patch(path, data = {}, params, contentType):

    Makes a PATCH HTTP request and returns the response.


    • path: string required Together with options.baseUrl it forms the destination url.
    • data: object The body of the request.
    • params: object The query params of the request.
    • contentType: string The content type of the request.


    • object Server response.
  • remove(path):

    Makes a DELETE HTTP request and returns the response.


    • path: string required Together with options.baseUrl it forms the destination url.


    • object Server response.
  • request(method, path, params, data, contentType):

    Makes a HTTP request and returns serverResponse. It is the function called by all the other api functions.


    • method: string required The HTTP method of the request.
    • path: string required Together with options.baseUrl it forms the destination url.
    • params: object The query params of the request.
    • data: object The body of the request.
    • contentType: string The content type of the request.


    • object Server response.


  • api: object required The api service that will make the HTTP requests.
  • options: object
    • particle: string required The resource name in a RESTful HTTP request (e.g. the todos in http://localhost:3000/api/todos/9).
    • idField: string The field where the unique ID for each of this entity can be found. Defaults to 'id'.
    • entityPath: string The path where the entity data is found in non fetch responses. Uses lodash.get behind the scenes. Defaults to 'data'.
    • entitiesPath: string The path where the entities data is found in the fetch responses. Uses lodash.get behind the scenes. Defaults to 'data'.
    • entitiesFieldName: string The field name for the entities in the result of fetch requests. Defaults to 'records'.
    • hasMeta: boolean Whether the fetch response has metadata or not. Defaults to false.
    • metaPath: string The path where the metadata is found in the fetch response. Uses lodash.get behind the scenes. Defaults to ''. If metaPath is a parent of entitiesPath, the entities will be removed from the metadata object.
    • metaFieldName: string The field name for the metadata in the result of fetch request. Defaults to 'meta'.
    • findPath(filter, options): function Returns the HTTP path for find requests. Defaults to /<particle>/<filter[idField]>. The function is called with:
      • filter: object The filter passed to find.
      • options: object The provider options.
    • findParams(filter, options): function Returns the query params for find requests. Defaults to everything in the filter object but without the <idField>. The function is called with:
      • filter: object The filter passed to find.
      • options: object The provider options.
    • fetchPath(filter, options): function Returns the HTTP path for fetch requests. Defaults to /<particle>. The function is called with:
      • filter: object The filter passed to fetch.
      • options: object The provider options.
    • fetchParams(filter, options): function Returns the query params for fetch requests. Defaults to everything in the filter object but the <idField>. The function is called with:
      • filter: object The filter passed to fetch.
      • options: object The provider options.
    • createMethod: string The HTTP method for create requests (when the <idField> is missing in the data sent to upsert). It can be post, put , or patch. Defaults to post.
    • updateMethod: string The HTTP method for update requests (when the <idField> is present in the data sent to upsert). It can be post, put , or patch. Defaults to put.
    • upsertContentType: string The content type of the create and update requests. Can be one of snowbox.contentTypes.JSON and snowbox.contentTypes.FORM_DATA. When the content type is FORM_DATA, the api will transform the data object sent to upsert into FormData. Defaults to JSON.
    • upsertPath(data, options): function Returns the HTTP path for upsert requests. Defaults to /<particle> for create and /<particle>/<data[idField]> for update. The function is called with:
      • data: object The data passed to upsert.
      • options: object The provider options.
    • upsertMethod: string The HTTP method for upsert requests. Defaults to options.createMethod for create and options.updateMethod for update.
    • removeMethod: sring The HTTP method for remove requests. It can be delete, post, put , or patch. Defaults to delete.
    • removePath(data, options): function Returns the HTTP path for remove requests. Defaults to /<particle>/<data[idField]>. The function is called with:
      • data: The data passed to remove.
      • options: object The provider options.

Provider methods:

  • find(filter):

    Calls [GET] <api.options.baseUrl/options.findPath?options.findParams and returns Response.


    • filter: object The filter for the requested resource.


    • Response
  • fetch(filter):

    Calls [GET] api.options.baseUrl/options.fetchPath?options.fetchParams and returns Response.


    • filter: object The filter for the requested resources.


    • Response
  • upsert(data, params):

    Calls [options.upsertMethod] api.options.baseUrl/options.upsertPath?params and returns Response.


    • data: object The body of the request.
    • params: object The HTTP query params.


    • Response
  • remove(data):

    Calls [options.removeMethod] api.options.baseUrl/options.removePath and returns Response.


    • data: object Usually the deleted resource.


    • Response

Response(response, options, isFetch)

  • response: object required The response object received from the server.
  • options: object
    • entityPath: string The path where the entity data is found in the find response. This will be the result of the find request. Uses lodash.get behind the scenes. Defaults to 'data'.
    • entitiesPath: string The path where the entities data is found in the fetch response. Uses lodash.get behind the scenes. Defaults to 'data'.
    • entitiesFieldName: string The field name for the entities in the result of fetch request. Defaults to 'records'.
    • hasMeta: boolean Whether the fetch response has metadata or not. Defaults to false.
    • metaPath: string The path where the metadata is found in the fetch response. Uses lodash.get behind the scenes. Defaults to ''. If metaPath is a parent of entitiesPath, the entities will be removed from the metadata object.
    • metaFieldName: string The field name for the metadata in the result of fetch request. Defaults to 'meta'.
  • isFetch: boolean Whether the response belongs to a fetch request. Defaults to false.

Instance fields

  • data: any serverResponse[options.entitiesPath] for fetch requests and serverResponse[options.entityPath] for everything else. When entitiesPath or entittPath is not defined it returns the serverResponse.
  • meta: any serverResponse[options.metaPath] for fetch requests where options.hasMeta == true and undefined for everything else.
  • original: object Returns the serverResponse.
  • converted: object When the request is not fetch it returns When the request is fetch it returns:
   <options.entitiesFieldName>: serverResponse[options.entitiesPath],
   <options.metaFieldName>: serverResponse[options.metaPath],

entity(key, provider, definition = {}, options = {})

  • key: string required The key name under which all entities of this type will be listed in the normalized response. See normalizr.
  • provider: object A provider object that will be used to make requests to a remote server. Defaults to undefined.
  • definition: object A definition of the nested entities found within this entity. Defaults to empty object. See normalizr.
  • options:
    • all the options available for the normalizr Entity.
    • staleTimeout: number Amount of milliseconds that the entity will be considered fresh. fetch and find actions won’t make remote calls to load entities resources unless fresh data is specifically requested. Defaults to undefined (i.e. all the requests are made).
    • singleton: boolean When true, it means that there is only one entity of that type (useful for the logged user). Defaults to false.


  • find(entity)(payload, meta = {}): Requests a resource from the remote server and populates the state with the result.
    • meta: object
      • refresh: boolean Force the request for fresh data even when the state is not stale. Defaults to false.
  • fetch(entity)(payload, meta = {}): Requests a collection from the remote server and populates the state with the result.
    • meta: object
      • refresh: boolean Force the request for fresh data even when the state is not stale. Defaults to false.
  • upsert(entity)(payload, meta = {}): Sends a create or update request to the remote server and populates the state with the result.
  • remove(entity)(payload, meta = {}): Sends a delete request to the remote server and populates the state with the result.
  • clearAll(payload): Clears the entire snowbox state. Useful when the user logs out.


  • selectOne(entity, hydrationLevels = 0, idField)(state, props): Selects the entity record that has the ID equal to props[idField || entity.idField].
    • entity: object required An entity.
    • hydrationLevels: number Defines how many levels of nested entities will be denormalized. Defauls to zero.
    • idField: string The unique ID field name of the entity. Usually, the default entity.fieldId should be used.
    • state: object required Redux state.
    • props: object required Component props.
  • selectCollection(entity, hydrationLevels = 0)(state, filter): Selects a collection that was requested with the fetch action. The filter passed here must match the payload of the fetch action.
    • entity: object required An entity.
    • hydrationLevels: number Defines how many levels of nested entities will be denormalized. Defauls to zero.
    • state: object required Redux state.
    • filter: object required The filter used for selecting the collection.
  • selectAll(entity, hydrationLevels = 0)(state): Selects all the records of the entity that have been loaded on the state.
    • entity: object required An entity.
    • hydrationLevels: number Defines how many levels of nested entities will be denormalized. Defauls to zero.
    • state: object required Redux state.
  • selectMeta(entity)(state, filter): Selects the meta object that was loaded with the fetch action. The filter passed here must match the payload of the fetch action.
    • entity: object required An entity.
    • state: object required Redux state.
    • filter: object required The filter used for selecting the collection.


  • useList(entity, initialFilters = {}):

    • entity: object required An Entity.
    • initialFilters: object The initial filters for the list. Defaults to {}.

    Returns: { items, meta, status, error, prevItems, prevMeta, setFilters, upsert, remove, }


  • contentTypes

    • JSON:
  • actions

    • FIND
    • FETCH
    • UPSERT
    • REMOVE
    • CLEAR
  • statuses

    • FAILED