This is a basic 'framework' for creating modals rather than a full solution. Made for myself for reuse on client projects, with the ability to customise and extend. Just need to give your 'triggers' a "data-modal" property matching the ID of your modals.
import "modalz";
Run the following from within your project root to copy and paste the base styles. You can then override this through the variables, or however you like.
cp node_modules/modalz/src/modalz.css path/to/your/projects/styles
<button data-modal="example">Example Modal</button>
<div class="modal__inner">
<button class="modal__close">
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<polyline points="3.5,3.5 12,12 20.5,20.5" />
<polyline points="20.5,3.5 12,12 3.5,20.5" />
<div class="modal__content">
<h2 class="modal__heading">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2>
Qui consectetur deserunt ipsum consectetur enim ex. Irure ipsum ipsum
proident elit sit proident sint mollit velit sit. Aute cillum qui elit
exercitation duis irure consectetur. Eu sunt sunt dolore velit ex
incididunt laboris. Eu sint ullamco dolor consectetur esse irure et
labore. Id pariatur non incididunt veniam.
By adding a data-timer attribute (value in milliseconds), you can have the modal automatically pop up after the specified time. A cookie is set when doing this, so the user doesn't get annoyed with the modal popping up on every visit. You can set a custom expiry on the cookie by passing in "data-expires" with the value in days. This defaults to one day.
You can add a 'data-next-modal' attribute to any modal, which will trigger the activation of another one on close.