This guide describes the syntax that the markdown files hosting the translations of Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy support.
<ol id="chapter-outline-structure">
<h1>{ heading }</h1>
<p>{ description }</p>
<h1>{ heading }</h1>
{ list element }
{ list element }
Text following #, ##, and ### tags render as uppercase text in the Lanapixel type, and their slugs are used to create the anchor links for the table of contents.
Text following a blank line renders as text in the Authentic Sans type.
Text following a - renders as a list item in the Authentic Sans type.
Text following the [link text](link url) pattern renders as a link in the Authentic Sans type.
<div class="centre-text">
<p>{ text }<p>
title: <title>
githubLink: <link to the file, hosted on GitHub>
dateStartedString: { day: <day>, month: <month>, year: <year> }
plurality: <plurality translation>,
subtitle: <subtitle translation>,
authorsLead: <translation of the sentence introducing the authors, including the names of the authors>,
translatorsLead: <translation of the text preceding the list of translators, i.e "Translated by">,
return: <translation of a word indicating "return to previous page">,
chapters: <translation of a word indicating "chapters">,
language: { en: <language in english>, iso6392B: <language in iso 639-2B>, locale: <language in language of translations> }
translators: [<translators, comma-delineated>]