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{"paragraphs":[{"text":"%spark.pyspark\nimport sys, re\nimport nltk","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","config":{"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[]},"apps":[],"jobName":"paragraph_1538668391629_1207922438","id":"20180910-005353_412387350","dateCreated":"2018-10-04T15:53:11+0000","dateStarted":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","dateFinished":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"focus":true,"$$hashKey":"object:5560"},{"text":"%spark.pyspark\n\ndf = sqlContext.read.json(\"/share_dir/small_earthquake.json\")\ndf.show()","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","config":{"tableHide":false,"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[{"type":"TEXT","data":"+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+\n| Sentences_t| Timestamp_s| URL_s|\n+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+\n| |20180919034730|https://www.yahoo...|\n|Find out what's h...|20180919035440|https://www.googl...|\n| |20180919034606|http://hisz.rsoe....|\n|A powerful 7.8-ma...|20180919035237|http://disaster.t...|\n|Therefore, they s...|20180919034545|http://www.emsc-c...|\n|Skip navigation S...|20180919035139|http://news.googl...|\n|The page you were...|20180919035101|http://www.waow.c...|\n|(V) in the epicen...|20180919035228|http://earthquake...|\n| |20180919034557|http://kjohnsonnz...|\n| |20180919034642|http://www.stuff....|\n|A P-3C Orion assi...|20180919034955|http://www.navy.m...|\n| |20180919034413|https://social.ne...|\n|Newsletters 07 Ma...|20180919035256|http://internatio...|\n| |20180919034728|http://freebeacon...|\n| |20180919034731|https://earthquak...|\n| |20180919035009|http://erbeben-ea...|\n|(Felt and logged ...|20180919035046|https://starcana....|\n| loading map data...|20180919034726|http://quakeapp.c...|\n| |20180919034852|http://www.stuff....|\n|Inc. is a 501(c)(...|20180919034851|https://flutracke...|\n+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+\nonly showing top 20 rows\n\n"}]},"runtimeInfos":{"jobUrl":{"propertyName":"jobUrl","label":"SPARK JOB","tooltip":"View in Spark web UI","group":"spark","values":["",""],"interpreterSettingId":"spark"}},"apps":[],"jobName":"paragraph_1538668391629_372078972","id":"20180826-163143_698248606","dateCreated":"2018-10-04T15:53:11+0000","dateStarted":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","dateFinished":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"$$hashKey":"object:5561"},{"text":"%spark.pyspark\nfrom pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id \n\ndf_index = df.select(\"*\").withColumn(\"doc_id\", monotonically_increasing_id())\ndf_index.show()","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","config":{"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[{"type":"TEXT","data":"+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+------+\n| Sentences_t| Timestamp_s| URL_s|doc_id|\n+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+------+\n| |20180919034730|https://www.yahoo...| 0|\n|Find out what's h...|20180919035440|https://www.googl...| 1|\n| |20180919034606|http://hisz.rsoe....| 2|\n|A powerful 7.8-ma...|20180919035237|http://disaster.t...| 3|\n|Therefore, they s...|20180919034545|http://www.emsc-c...| 4|\n|Skip navigation S...|20180919035139|http://news.googl...| 5|\n|The page you were...|20180919035101|http://www.waow.c...| 6|\n|(V) in the epicen...|20180919035228|http://earthquake...| 7|\n| |20180919034557|http://kjohnsonnz...| 8|\n| |20180919034642|http://www.stuff....| 9|\n|A P-3C Orion assi...|20180919034955|http://www.navy.m...| 10|\n| |20180919034413|https://social.ne...| 11|\n|Newsletters 07 Ma...|20180919035256|http://internatio...| 12|\n| |20180919034728|http://freebeacon...| 13|\n| |20180919034731|https://earthquak...| 14|\n| |20180919035009|http://erbeben-ea...| 15|\n|(Felt and logged ...|20180919035046|https://starcana....| 16|\n| loading map data...|20180919034726|http://quakeapp.c...| 17|\n| |20180919034852|http://www.stuff....| 18|\n|Inc. is a 501(c)(...|20180919034851|https://flutracke...| 19|\n+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+------+\nonly showing top 20 rows\n\n"}]},"runtimeInfos":{"jobUrl":{"propertyName":"jobUrl","label":"SPARK JOB","tooltip":"View in Spark web UI","group":"spark","values":[""],"interpreterSettingId":"spark"}},"apps":[],"jobName":"paragraph_1538668391630_-637265264","id":"20180913-142004_823300667","dateCreated":"2018-10-04T15:53:11+0000","dateStarted":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","dateFinished":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"$$hashKey":"object:5562"},{"text":"%spark.pyspark\n\nstop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')\n\n\ndef removeStopWords(sentences):\n # stop word removal\n stop_words = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')) # the subset of A\n\n result = [word.lower() for word in sentences if word.lower() not in stop_words]\n return result\n\n\ndf = (df_index.rdd.map(lambda x : (x.doc_id, removeStopWords(x.Sentences_t.split(\" \")))).toDF().withColumnRenamed(\"_1\",\"doc_id\").withColumnRenamed(\"_2\",\"Sentences_t\"))\n\nimport pyspark.sql.functions as F\ndf = df.withColumn(\"size\", F.size(F.col(\"Sentences_t\")))\ndf_filtered = df.filter(F.col(\"size\") > 1)\n\ndf_clean = (df_filtered.rdd.map(lambda x : (x.doc_id, x.Sentences_t)).toDF().withColumnRenamed(\"_1\",\"doc_id\").withColumnRenamed(\"_2\",\"Sentences_t\"))\ndf_clean.show()","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","config":{"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[{"type":"TEXT","data":"+------+--------------------+\n|doc_id| Sentences_t|\n+------+--------------------+\n| 1|[find, what's, ha...|\n| 3|[powerful, 7.8-ma...|\n| 4|[therefore,, show...|\n| 5|[skip, navigation...|\n| 6|[page, looking, w...|\n| 7|[(v), epicentral,...|\n| 10|[p-3c, orion, ass...|\n| 12|[newsletters, 07,...|\n| 16|[(felt, logged, i...|\n| 17|[loading, map, da...|\n| 19|[inc., 501(c)(3),...|\n| 21|[source:, 1, news...|\n| 23|[therefore,, show...|\n| 24|[defense, force, ...|\n| 25|[keep, abreast, s...|\n| 26|[skip, content, m...|\n| 28|[gtag('js',, new,...|\n| 29|[magnitude, 4, ea...|\n| 31|['script',, 'twit...|\n| 32|[earthquake, bigg...|\n+------+--------------------+\nonly showing top 20 rows\n\n"}]},"runtimeInfos":{"jobUrl":{"propertyName":"jobUrl","label":"SPARK JOB","tooltip":"View in Spark web UI","group":"spark","values":["","",""],"interpreterSettingId":"spark"}},"apps":[],"jobName":"paragraph_1538668391631_-1428146644","id":"20181004-153607_1551753211","dateCreated":"2018-10-04T15:53:11+0000","dateStarted":"2018-10-04T16:23:33+0000","dateFinished":"2018-10-04T16:23:36+0000","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"$$hashKey":"object:5563"},{"text":"%spark.pyspark\n\nfrom pyspark.ml.feature import Word2Vec\n\n# Learn a mapping from words to Vectors.\nword2Vec = Word2Vec(vectorSize=10, minCount=0, inputCol=\"Sentences_t\", outputCol=\"result\")\nmodel = word2Vec.fit(df_clean)\n\n# Transform each document into a feature vector\nresult = model.transform(df_clean)\n\ndoc_dict = {}\n\nfor row in result.collect():\n doc_id, text, vector = row\n doc_dict[doc_id] = vector.toArray()\n print(\"Text: [%s] => \\nVector: %s\\n\" % (\", \".join(text), str(vector)))","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:36+0000","config":{"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[{"type":"TEXT","data":"Text: [find, what's, happening, world, unfolds., dismissing, pinnedplayer, another, video, players, plays, video., watch:, new, zealand, earthquakes, caught, video, 00:42, story, highlights, two, people, died, series, earthquakes, small, tsunami, hits, country's, eastern, coast,, although, warning, since, lifted, (cnn)a, series, powerful, earthquakes, jolted, new, zealand's, south, island, monday,, triggering, tsunami, sending, aftershocks, across, country, left, least, two, dead,, officials, said., first, event,, 7.8-magnitude, quake,, struck, midnight, monday, near, coastal, community, kaikoura,, 93, kilometers, (55, miles), northeast, city, christchurch,, us, geological, survey, reported., triggered, waves, 2.49, meters, (8, feet), usual, tide, levels,, highest, seen, 38, years, new, zealand,, philip, duncan, weather, watch, new, zealand, said., 6.2-magnitude, quake, struck, around, 1:30, p.m., 39, kilometers, west-southwest, kaikoura,, north, christchurch., prime, minister, john, key, posted, short, video, youtube, surveying, damage., fissures, run, along, road, centre, port, wellington,, monday,, november, 14, 7.8, magnitude, earthquake, struck, new, zealand's, south, island, early, morning., aftershocks, least, 42, seismic, events, recorded, area, last, day,, according, united, states, geological, survey, (usgs)., id));, last, 48, hours, nz, 30, seconds., aftershocks, south, island, reverberated, way, wellington,, country's, capital, north, island,, residents, told, stay, indoors, monday., guests, amora, hotel, wellington, gather, carpark, fleeing, rooms., new, zealand, defense, force, posted, aerial, images, huge, landslide, northern, part, south, island,, blocked, road, christchurch, kaikoura., authorities, urged, residents, seek, higher, ground., id));, slip, dam, clarence, river, breached,, large, wall, water, heading, downstream., 'it's, going, long, night', christchurch,, memories, devastating, 6.3-magnitude, earthquake, 2011, still, fresh, many., quake, killed, 185, people, injured, thousands,, reduced, swaths, city's, historic, area, rubble., damage, wellington, street, quake., alright., scary., christchurch,, south, island's, eastern, coast,, population, 340,000, people,, recent, census, shows., id));, remember, drop,, cover, hold, quakes, -, aftershocks, continue., stay, safe., images, social, media, showed, shattered, windows,, toppled, grocery, items, floor, supermarket, water, sloshing, back, forth, swimming, pools, different, parts, country., mark, a'court,, owner, fresh, choice, nelson, city,, posted, security, video, footage, facebook, showing, wine, bottles, falling, shelves, store., photo, road, deep,, wide, crack, middle, served, sobering, evidence, temblor's, force., large, fissure, formed, kaikoura, road, north, christchurch., husband, home, whanganui, earthquake, struck., south, island, hit, flurry, aftershocks,, according, usgs, new, zealand's, geonet, service,, magnitude, 6.0., officials, island's, second-largest, town,, dunedin,, called, state, emergency, there., life, 'collision, zone', residents, around, epicenter, reported, shaking, minutes, sent, grocery, items, flying, shelves., usgs, initially, reported, quake's, magnitude, 7.4, depth, 10, kilometers, --, shallow, enough, cause, serious, destruction, immediate, surrounding, area., later, revised, quake, strength, 7.8,, changed, depth, 23, kilometers, (14.2, miles),, giving, buffer, epicenter, earth's, surface., id));, first, wave, may, largest., tsunami, activity, continue, several, hours., cnn's, samantha, beech,, sarah, faidell,, aliza, kassim, brandon, griggs, contributed, report., turner, broadcasting, system,, inc., rights, reserved., .d8888b.] => \nVector: [0.170740154195,0.0706805983099,-0.0251909033648,-0.0877077470785,0.156713759388,-0.00417603118547,-0.0283840334972,0.067988006697,-0.0712068065039,0.0500644759541]\n\nText: [powerful, 7.8-magnitude, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand's, south, island, sunday,, triggering, high, waves, tsunami, warning, people, fled, buildings, panic., quake, struck, around, 50, kilometers, (around, 30, miles), northeast, city, christchurch,, us, geological, survey, recorded,, waves, 2.49, meters, usual, tide, levels, measured, near, epicenter, pacific, tsunami, warning, center, (ptwc)., please, enable, javascript, view, comments, powered, disqus., numbers, expected, rise., privacy, policy, site, uses, cookies, track, user, behaviour, site,, without, linking, personally, identifiable, data., advertisers, may, also, use, cookies,, scope, nature, use, beyond, control.] => \nVector: [0.100923065545,-0.0410779855777,-0.102263175158,-0.0533907308536,0.179994686788,0.0397812463286,0.0329603556756,0.0876537308609,-0.0181565202692,0.123099583901]\n\nText: [therefore,, show, seismicity, 1964, earthquake, occurrence.] => \nVector: [0.108733149866,0.0151184511681,0.10986925972,-0.232606052111,0.215732067823,-0.118049068376,-0.0769443192209,0.178468191996,-0.0621119414767,0.0779000309606]\n\nText: [skip, navigation, sign, search, loading..., close, yeah,, keep, undo, close, video, unavailable., sorry, that., working..., thanks, 1, month, free, language:, english, location:, united, states, restricted, mode:, history, help, loading..., loading..., loading...] => \nVector: [-0.0428910653047,-0.0702565720966,-0.0276432616876,0.0306239835467,0.0430846935469,-0.00810313411808,0.00910327304906,0.0315673105051,0.0549452556973,-0.0689110956005]\n\nText: [page, looking, waow.com, could, found., navigate, menu, use, search, bar, try, again., fill, form, found, issue, need, fix., appreciate, feedback., rights, reserved., information, site,, please, read, privacy, policy,, terms, service,, ad, choices.] => \nVector: [-0.0641324264725,-0.105797944096,-0.113765758053,0.0171848345199,0.060482406785,0.0189132224259,0.0431284328661,0.0458316628647,0.0962105506987,-0.00678966312262]\n\nText: [(v), epicentral, area, (iii), northern, san, juan., also, felt, cordoba,, la, rioja,, rio, cuarto,, san, juan, san, miguel, de, tucuman., felt, (iv), copiapo, tierra, amarilla;, (iii), alto, del, carmen, la, higuera,, chile.] => \nVector: [0.0097640575259,0.0139362384798,-0.0114560420334,-0.00217714143218,0.0312935808288,0.00888674764428,-0.0184344819427,0.00443817908672,-0.00950778972037,-0.00438136875164]\n\nText: [p-3c, orion, assigned, patrol, squadron, (vp), 47, participating, exercise, mahi, tangaroa, part, new, zealand, international, naval, review, earthquake, occurred,, tasked, assessing, area, surrounding, kaikoura,, new, zealand., p-3c, currently, operating, royal, new, zealand, air, force, base, auckland, located, whenuapai,, new, zealand., ryan, c., cech,, commanding, officer, vp-47., vp-47, u.s., navy, p-3c, squadron, based, marine, corps, base, hawaii,, kaneohe, bay., p-3c, orion, four, engine,, turboprop, maritime, patrol, aircraft, endurance, ability, conduct, wide-area, maritime, search, operations,, give, aircraft, advantage, search, rescue, missions., u.s., navy, fully, supporting, recovery, efforts., addition, mpra, assets,, guided-missile, destroyer, uss, sampson, (ddg, 102),, embarked, two, mh-60r, seahawk, helicopters, currently, en, route, participate, new, zealand, international, naval, review, standing, assist,, needed., u.s., navy, royal, new, zealand, navy, regularly, operate, train, together, engagements, u.s.-led, biennial, rim, pacific, exercise, annual, pacific, partnership, disaster, response, preparedness, mission., news, u.s., pacific, fleet,, visit, www.cpf.navy.mil., vp-47, currently, deployed, u.s., 7th, fleet, area, responsibility, (aor), kadena, air, base,, okinawa,, japan,, u.s., 4th, fleet, aor, comalapa,, el, salvador.] => \nVector: [0.116713487257,0.0415364937797,0.0164208707258,-0.0522199166257,0.00293783692467,-0.0535160923602,-1.39302805483e-05,0.0220469439284,-0.0513318154544,-0.0276593727404]\n\nText: [newsletters, 07, march, 2017, insurance, new, zealand, introduction, class, actions, new, zealand, first, high, court, decision, second, high, court, decision, funding, expansion, claim, comment, introduction, september, 4, 2010, magnitude, 7.1, earthquake, struck, canterbury, region, new, zealand, lethal, magnitude, 6.3, aftershock, quake, killed, 185, people, struck, february, 22, 2011., caused, widespread, property, damage., six, seven, years, later,, many, thousands, unresolved, property, claims., judgment, note, followed, earlier, refusal, court, give, group, leave, proceed., second, hearing, also, finely, balanced, matter., insurer, filed, appeal., earthquake-related, class, action, compared, securities, product, liability, class, actions, recent, bank, fees, action, new, zealand, australia,, obvious, difficulty, claimants, houses, different,, physical, damage, different, resulting, claims, different., however,, may, bar, successful, class, action, cause, alleged, loss, imputed, defendant, treating, claim, policy, similar, identifiable, way., case, offers, opportunity, compare, unsuccessful, successful, applications, briefly, survey, landscape, actions., class, actions, new, zealand, class, action, legislation, new, zealand., bill, pipeline,, languishing, since, draft, class, actions, bill, rules, sent, consultation, 2008., courts, set, threshold, constitutes, common, interest, claim, particularly, high., leave, mandatory,, reality, defendants, seek, declaration, case, proceed, class, action., courts, overlaid, non-onerous, strictures, onto, rule, 4.24, defendant, deprived, defence, would, available, defend, claim, brought, individual, one, within, class, able, succeed, would, able, bring, individual, claim., notably,, time, second, hearing,, southern, response, submitted, longer, using, bulk, costings, using, market, rates., deciding, threshold, common, interest, reached,, mander, expressly, left, door, open, second, chance, declining, leave, proceed, without, prejudice, group, filing, amended, statement, claim., second, high, court, decision, although, detail, provided, amended, statement, claim,, wholesale, change, way, claim, pleaded., remains, seen, individual, claims, would, managed., funding, expansion, claim, time, first, high, court, judgment,, 46, claimants., time, second, judgment,, number, 41, original, named, representatives, (prestons), among, settled, since, first, judgment., class, numbers, 36., however,, group, given, opt-in, time, advertise, try, bring, policyholders., three-month, opt-in, date, directed, time, solicitors, plaintiff, group, communicate, unresolved, southern, response, claimants., litigation, funding, agreement, enquired, court, every, case, leave, representative, action, sought., comment, southern, response, established, sole, purpose, settling, claims, domestic, policyholders, insurer, ami, could, meet, liabilities., government, ownership, perhaps, less, relevant, observer, notion, run-off, claim, entities, may, different, incentive, ongoing, concerns,, renewing,, increasing, attracting, customers, agenda., part, group, plaintiff's, submission, second, hearing., first, ruling,, insurance, law, expert, rob, merkin, told, insurance, business, would, amazed, court, found, basis, representative, action., remains, seen, whether, court, appeal, similarly, concerned, whether, success, encourage, class, actions, either, arising, christchurch, recent, earthquake, affecting, small, town, kaikoura, capital, city,, wellington., jones, &, co, website, accessed, www.jonesandco.nz., materials, contained, website, general, information, purposes, subject, disclaimer., ilo, premium, online, legal, update, service, major, companies, law, firms, worldwide., in-house, corporate, counsel, users, legal, services,, well, law, firm, partners,, qualify, free, subscription., log, here., many, thanks., comment, sent.] => \nVector: [0.0583903537764,0.0266309275877,-0.012320180914,-0.0165587657152,0.0472229275331,-0.00230318041078,0.0164028585633,0.0149773537779,0.0105075230785,-0.0332527458808]\n\nText: [(felt, logged, incoming, intuitive, vibrations, less, 48, hours, ago., mother, earth, speaks,, quivers, shakes, trigger, inner, sensitivities., like, human, tuning, fork,, feel, energy, vibrations, 'pass, me', 'intuitive, tremors'., 'inner, weather, system', alerts, brewing, earth, storm..., log, experiences, data, here., vibrational, shifts, energetic, currents, sensed, pulsations, musical, tuning, fork;, allowing, experience, abrupt,, incoming, signals, change., enjoy, journey., follow, blog, via, email, enter, email, address, follow, blog, receive, notifications, new, posts, email., archives, archives, select, month, september, 2018, (13), august, 2018, (26), july, 2018, (21), june, 2018, (16), may, 2018, (17), april, 2018, (4), march, 2018, (4), february, 2018, (25), january, 2018, (16), december, 2017, (17), november, 2017, (27), october, 2017, (16), september, 2017, (18), august, 2017, (16), july, 2017, (17), june, 2017, (14), may, 2017, (16), april, 2017, (14), march, 2017, (11), february, 2017, (12), january, 2017, (18), december, 2016, (16), november, 2016, (11), october, 2016, (18), september, 2016, (16), august, 2016, (22), july, 2016, (11), june, 2016, (22), may, 2016, (21), april, 2016, (11), march, 2016, (4), february, 2016, (17), january, 2016, (3), july, 2015, (13), june, 2015, (19), may, 2015, (25), april, 2015, (16), march, 2015, (9), february, 2015, (16), january, 2015, (9), december, 2014, (16), november, 2014, (15), october, 2014, (1), september, 2014, (8), july, 2014, (3), june, 2014, (11), may, 2014, (25), april, 2014, (31), march, 2014, (8), february, 2014, (25), january, 2014, (23), december, 2013, (15), november, 2013, (27), october, 2013, (26), september, 2013, (18), august, 2013, (13), july, 2013, (20), june, 2013, (20), may, 2013, (26), april, 2013, (24), march, 2013, (16), february, 2013, (20), january, 2013, (8), december, 2012, (12), november, 2012, (13), october, 2012, (14), september, 2012, (10), august, 2012, (11), july, 2012, (11), june, 2012, (12), may, 2012, (8), february, 2011, (6), january, 2011, (26), december, 2010, (20), november, 2010, (16), october, 2010, (19), september, 2010, (13), august, 2010, (18), july, 2010, (19), june, 2010, (14), may, 2010, (38), april, 2010, (12), blog, wordpress.com., email, check, failed,, please, try, sorry,, blog, cannot, share, posts, email., privacy, &, cookies:, site, uses, cookies., continuing, use, website,, agree, use.] => \nVector: [0.0667069650155,-0.038189668938,0.00983334279285,-0.0093073267664,0.106193966264,-0.00287960278314,0.00939298930462,-0.00585159584156,-0.0439731844439,0.0182888289869]\n\nText: [loading, map, data...] => \nVector: [0.0019408489267,-0.0578751104573,-0.0136893416444,-0.0164266003606,0.0545529934267,-0.0225421957051,0.0795011048516,0.0731792449951,0.0220557420204,0.00432213240614]\n\nText: [inc., 501(c)(3), charity., search, titles, search, volcanos,, earthquakes,, glaciers,, fires,, hurricanes, advanced, search, search, sections, forums, blogs, articles, groups, latest, activity, mark, channels, read, home, forum, earth,, weather,, astronomy, &, environment, volcanos,, earthquakes,, glaciers,, fires,, hurricanes, first, visit,, sure, check, faq, clicking, link, above., may, register, post:, click, register, link, proceed., start, viewing, messages,, select, forum, want, visit, selection, below., announcement, collapse, announcement, yet., since, 1, local, time, christchurch, called,, simply, conveyed, good, wishes, got, phone., first, call, made, go, through., suspect, trouble, lines., best, wishes, everyone, affected, set, earthquakes., mohandas, gandhi, light, within., tall, 15,027, quakes, since, sept., 2010, worst, damage, much, widespread., north, east, coast, south, island, shaking, still, damages, roads, around, capitol, city, wellington, marlborough, sounds, land, slippage, 3, 4, meters, road, kaikoura, northwards., mohandas, gandhi, light, within., thousands, country's, east, coast, fled, warning, move, higher, ground., civil, defence, ministry, said, people, close, epicentre, could, see, waves, three, five, metres, high, quake,, measured, 7.5, magnitude., waves, 1.5, two, metres, already, hit, kaikoura, area,, according, new, zealand's, geonet, group., least, one, tunnel, collapsed., picton, main, passenger, freight, port, southern, island., mohandas, gandhi, light, within., bless, sally, graham, sharon, shiloh., mohandas, gandhi, light, within., people, asked, follow, advice, local, civil, defence, groups, stay, informed, media, social, media, reports., quakes, triggered, tsunami, warning, cancelled., longer, tsunami, threat, area, nz., however, coastal, areas, may, unusually, strong, coastal, currents, sea, level, fluctuations, time, continue, advise, people, take, extra, care, around, water., new, zealanders, shaken, coming, together, supporting, other., expect, aftershocks, remember, drop,, cover, hold., look, get, first, aid, necessary., help, others, can., building, assessments, done, buildings, opened, normal, use,, particularly, areas, experienced, strong, shaking, cbd, areas, wellington,, christchurch, blenheim., watch, fallen, power, lines, broken, gas, lines., stay, damaged, areas., listen, radio, updated, emergency, information, instructions., overload, phone, lines, non-emergency, calls., text, friends, family, see, ok., new, information, fault, ruptures,, initial, estimates, faults, involved., multiple, ruptures, rapid, field, reconnaissance, indicates, multiple, faults, ruptured:, kekerengu, fault, coast, -, appears, 10m, slip, newly, identified, fault, waipapa, bay, hope, fault, -, seaward, segment, -, minor, movement, hundalee, fault, simplest, case, earthquake, rupture, single, fault, plane., finding, new, zealand, quite, larger, earthquakes, involve, jumping, rupture, one, plane, another, complex, sequence., first, saw, darfield, sept, 2010, eq, multiple, segments, ruptured, together, single, earthquake., appear, seen, overnight., terms, might, happen, next:, scenarios, provide, overview, see, earthquake, sequence, evolving, next, days, one, month., web, page, best, information, hand, moment., science, information, flows, next, days, expect, information, may, evolve., shakemap, m7.5, kaikoura, earthquake., word, moon, people, raised, concerns, link, supermoon., large, groups, earthquakes, exhibit, slight, associations, lunar, cycles,, reliable, forecasting., two, tides, day, throughout, new, zealand, one, place, clear, association, location., occurrence, full, moon, around, globe, allow, us, say, big,, earthquake, might, be., long, term, earthquake, rates, large, earthquakes, period, several, decades, prior, 1950,, relatively, quiet, since, then., since, m7.8, july, 2009, fiordland,, quiet, period, appears, over., reason, tsunami, generated, earthquake, epicentre, onshore, deformation, fault, plane, offshore., wellington, area, wellington, area, faults, subduction, interface, beneath, wellington, captured, probability, table, scenarios, given, there., evidence, impending, large, earthquake, similar, size, wellington, stage, cannot, rule, out., cannot, make, calculation, predict, this,, chance, shock, wellington, area, increased, somewhat, since, kaikoura, earthquake., magnitudes, different, usgs:, magnitude, variability, currently, established, new, zealand, local, magnitude, earthquake, 7.5,, may, reviewed, time, detailed, research, undertaken., may, bring, closer, internationally-derived, value, (e.g., mw7.8, us, geological, survey)., tell, us, it., felt, detailed, report, earthquake, available., please, help, us, filling, report, help, long, term, research, programme., looking, forward, continuing, gather, information, earthquake, time., continue, keep, updating, information, learn, earthquake., hotline, (0800-777-846), great, resource, talk, anxieties, concerns, regarding, earthquakes., check, ministry, civil, defence, emergency, management's, website, information., map, aftershocks, associated, m7.5, kaikoura, earthquake., ..., two, deaths, linked, quake,, 20, people, injured., hmnzs, canterbury, sailing, kaikoura, overnight, auckland,, picking, supplies, way,, expected, arrive, tomorrow., rnz, told, many, 50, helicopters, expected, evacuate, tourists,, leaving, local, rugby, grounds., pressure, mounting, fuel, supplies, town,, remains, cut, sides., civil, defence, says, three, days, supply, fresh, water, remain., go, to..., help, contact, us, help, contact, us, go, top, disclaimers:, reader, responsible, discerning, validity,, factuality, implications, information, posted, here,, fictional, based, real, events., moderators, forum, make, every, effort, review, material, posted, site, however,, realistically, possible, staff, manually, review, post., content, posts, site,, including, limited, links, web, sites,, expressed, opinion, original, authors, posters, endorsed, by,, representative, opinions, of,, owners, administration, website., posts, website, opinion, specific, author, poster, construed, statements, advice, factual, information., posts, website, intended, truthful, factual, assertion, authors., posts, website, considered, factual, information, face, value, alone., users, encouraged, use, discernment, follow, research, reading, posting, website., inc., disclaims, liability, damages, incurred, directly, indirectly, result, post, website., assume, site, error-free, suitable, particular, purpose, mind, using, it., inc., liable, special,, incidental,, indirect, consequential, damages, kind,, damages, whatsoever,, including,, without, limitation,, resulting, loss, use,, data, profits,, whether, advised, possibility, damage,, theory, liability,, arising, connection, use, performance, site, documents, referenced, linked, site., inc., reserves, right, delete,, correct,, make, changes, post, website, without, notice, time, reason., fair, use, notice:, site, may, contain, copyrighted, material, use, always, specifically, authorized, copyright, owner., users, may, make, material, available, effort, advance, awareness, understanding, issues, relating, public, health,, civil, rights,, economics,, individual, rights,, international, affairs,, liberty,, science, &, technology,, etc., believe, constitutes, 'fair, use', copyrighted, material, provided, section, 107, us, copyright, law., accordance, title, 17, u.s.c.section, 107,, material, site, distributed, expressed, prior, interest, receiving, included, information, research, educational, purposes., please, remember, responsible, post, internet, could, sued, original, copyright, holder, honor, rules., accordance, section, 512, u.s., copyright, act, contact, information, registered, united, states, copyright, office., notice, given, alleged, copyright, violation, act, expeditiously, remove, disable, access, material(s), question., inc., makes, claim, copyright, material., please, aware, communications, sent, complaining, post, website, may, posted, publicly, discretion, administration., flutrackers, provide, medical, advice:, flutrackers,, inc., provide, medical, advice., information, web, site, collected, various, internet, resources,, flutrackers, board, directors, makes, warranty, safety,, efficacy,, correctness, completeness, information, posted, site, author, poster., inc.,, board, directors,, members,, authors, posters, effects, use, medication,, supplement,, vitamin, substance,, device,, intervention,, etc., mentioned, posts, website,, internet, venues, referenced, posts, website., inc., registered, central, florida,, usa., disclaimers, subject, change, anytime., rights, reserved., times, gmt-5., page, generated, 10:48, pm.] => \nVector: [0.0495407969715,-0.00575083185375,-0.0174110663331,-0.0243112955732,0.0749984693384,0.00644769785376,0.022247480289,0.0314671356553,0.0117254355571,-0.0131001271184]\n\nText: [source:, 1, news, graphic, showing, powerful, quake, struck, new, zealand, early, hours, november, 14., source:, 1, news, aerial, view, damage, kaikoura, area, following, magnitude, 7.5, earthquake, november, 14., source:, new, zealand, defence, force, main, quake, summary:, live, updates:, 3.40pm:, governor-general,, dame, patsy, reddy,, postponed, planned, trip, nelson-tasman, region, due, earthquakes., government, house, says, emergency, efforts, upper, south, island,, timing, right, regional, visit,, take, place, sometime, new, year., 3.30pm:, severe, 5.8, aftershock, 2.34pm, felt, around, 7000, people, around, country,, according, geonet,, 24, classing, extreme., 3.00pm:, several, hundred, people, gathered, kaikoura, earlier, afternoon, hear, authorities., say, priority, evacuate, tourists, hope, able, lead, convoy, kaikoura, via, inland, route, saturday, cleared, time., big, sigh, crowd., authotities, said, priority, restore, water, supply, everyone., 2.54pm:, cluster, aftershocks, felt, parliament., mps, grabbed, seats, building, rattled., 2.44pm:, there's, swarm, severe,, moderate, light, earthquakes, ranging, magnitude, 3.1, 5.3, seddon, area., also, moderate, 3.5, quake, 20km, east, taupo, light, 3.6, quake, 25km, west, timaru., 2.34pm:, severe, 5.8, quake,, 30km, northeast, kaikoura, depth, 21km,, 5.7, quake, 20km, southeast, seddon, five, minutes, later, 3.5, tremor, 15, km, southeast, seddon., 2.30pm:, twelve, patients, airlifted, kaikoura, christchurch, injuries, including, laceration,, broken, hip,, head, injury, pregnant, woman, needing, additional, care,, says, health, minister, jonathan, coleman., kaikoura,, minister, says, understands, five, patients, supplemental, oxygen, home, taken, town's, healthcare, facility, able, continue, functioning, generator., morning, hospital, seven, acute, patients, admitted, minor, injuries, well, 14, long, term, patients, four, spare, beds., gps, also, seen, 36, patients,, 18, medical, conditions, 18, minor, quake, related, injuries., community, nurses, teamed, local, four, wheel, drive, cliub, access, vulnerable, patients, two, transferred, christchurch, could, move, relatives., clinical, psychologist, flown, canterbury, help, support, community., 2.12pm, wellington's, westpac, stadium, cleared, major, structural, damage,, however, superficial, damage, need, repairs, meaning, weekend's, phoenix, football, game, melbourne, victory, postponed., burst, water, pipes,, concrete, cracking, spalling,, broken, windows, liquefaction, damage, stadium., 2.05pm, nzta, released, updated, list, current, conditions, south, island, highway, routes:, sh6, currently, closed, rai, valley, renwick, due, surface, flooding., transport, agency, working, urgently, kaikoura, district, council, open, inland, road, (route, 70), culverden, kaikoura., cheviot, christchurch, open., alternative, inland, state, highway, route, re-established, monday, afternoon, picton, christchurch,, via, murchison, lewis, pass,, re-establishing, access, local, communities, allowing, large, trucks, access, christchurch., state, highway, 7a,, giving, access, hanmer, springs, state, highway, 7,, re-opened, 7am, today, closed, overnight, due, risk, rockfalls., agency, urged, people, avoid, non-essential, travel, drive, extra, caution., nz, defence, force, says, 5000kg, aid, supplies,, including, food,, water, hygeine, products,, currently, christchurch, waiting, delivered, kaikoura., earlier, today, four, air, force, nh90, helicopters, deployed, evacuate, tourists, residents., 1:24pm, christchurch, couple, michael, shirley, carmody, feared, missing, kaikoura,, located, safe, well., 1:20pm, civil, defence, says, priority, kaikoura, evacuating, tourists, save, resources, community., say, shortage, water, major, concern., plans, place, send, remaining, people, vehicles, convoy, saturday;, aiming, use, inland, route., 1:02pm, transport, minister, simon, bridges, says, biggest, priority, getting, access, kaikoura., mr, bridges, says, light, heavy, vehicles, access, road, meaning, truck, supplies, able, get, town., good, news, regarding, state, highway, one, blocked, north, kaikoura., empty, helicopters, spotted, leaving, kaikoura., 11:40am, group, evacuees, stranded, kaikoura, landed, woodend,, north, canterbury, flown, nh90, nz, air, force, helicopter., 11:30am, labour, leader, andrew, little, cancelled, planned, visit, india, pakistan, wake, earthquakes., says, time, politics., 11:18am, new, world, kaikoura, opened., store, structurally, sound., customers, advised, shop, normal., 11:05am, john, key, said, americans, offered, uss, samson's, two, helicopters, assist, operations, kaikoura., also, add, p-3, orion, assist, surveillance., malaysia, also, offered, helicopter., us, navy, ship, new, zealand, nz, navy, commemorations., talking, media, today, mr, key, says, government's, looking, get, 140, high, priority, people, kaikoura, soon, possible., mr, key, says, government, looking, potentially, give, support, people, without, insurance, affected, quakes., 10:25am, red, cross, organising, system, prioritise, needs, elderly,, pregnant, woman, children, airlifting, out., 10:14am, nelson, bays, police, investigating, theft, several, firearms,, antique, pieces, taken, address, occupants, evacuated, tsunami, threat., taken, address, riwaka, 7.30am, yesterday, morning., police, keen, speak, male, eurpoean, mid, late, thirties, wearing, grey, hoodie, black, pants, riding, red, push, bike, area, time., anyone, information, encouraged, contact, nelson, bays, police, 03, 546, 3840., 9:41am, defence, force, organising, 16, flights, today, airlift, tourists, kaikoura., four, choppers, leaving, next, hour., red, cross, currently, organising, system, prioritise, needs, elderly,, pregnant, woman, children., flights, weather, dependent, continue, fine., 9:20am, christchurch, man, patrick, carmody, heard, elderly, parents,, kaikoura,, since, sunday, afternoon., father, michael, carmody,, 76,, mother, shirley, carmody,, 66., couple, staying, peketa, beach, holiday, park, kaikoura, earthquake, struck., 9:03am, ten, additional, police, officers, auckland, due, ground, kaikoura, morning, flight, turned, back, due, severe, winds, turbulence, last, night., additional, officers, provide, support, emergency, response, affected, areas,, well, assist, general, policing, duties, community, patrols., police, still, process, notifying, families, two, people, died, following, earthquakes, release, names, process, complete., police, say, major, issues, reported, overnight, regarding, damage, casualties, caused, aftershocks, weather., also, law, enforcement, issues, reported, kaikoura., 8:50am, two, ships, expected, arrive, kaikoura, tomorrow, morning, supplies,, civil, defence, canterbury, advises., engineering, staff, en-route, landslide, dam, site, clarence, river, morning, assess, residual, risk, remaining, dam, breach, yesterday, afternoon., 8:41am, bad, weather, preventing, defence, force, helicopters, flying, kaikoura., hoping, fly, around, 11am, midday, weather, forecast, get, better., evacuated, north, kaikoura, taken, ward., 8:36am, wellington, district, experiencing, inclement, weather, morning, causing, delays, commuters., surface, flooding, areas, around, lower, hutt, roads, may, inaccessible., grays, road, paekakariki, hill, road, porirua, state, highway, 58, haywards, hill, closed, notice., 8:15am, state, highway, 7a, officially, open,, giving, access, hanmer, springs, state, highway, 7., road, open, light, vehicles, only,, escort, contractors., nzta, reassess, route, day., cheviot, christchurch, open., 8:05am, power, cut, kaikoura., acting, civil, defence, minister, gerry, browlee, says, main, priorities, kaikoura, remain, water, supply,, food, supply, access., mr, brownlee, says, naval, ship, hms, canterbury, could, used, evacuated, 1200, foreign, tourists, stranded, town., 7:42am, good, news, kaikoura, -, 111, calls, ambulances, today., wellington, residents, urged, exercise, caution;, drive, slowly, aware, threat, broken, breaking, glass., 7:23am, speaking, tvnz's, breakfast, prime, minister, john, key, said, he's, concerned, impact, quake, new, zealand's, tourism, industry., 7:07am, 20, helicopters, deployed, kaikoura, start, ferrying, people, town, need, leave., prime, minister, john, key, said, tvnz's, breakfast, today, 600, people, welfare, centres, 1200, tourists, stranded, town., civil, defence, conducting, door-to-door, checks, kaikoura., last, night, chinese, government, chartered, helicopter, transport, chinese, nationals, town., 7:01am, clarifying, earlier, transport, update:, north, island, rail, services, back, running., south, island, main, line, remains, closed, picton, chirstchurch., everything, south, christchurch, running., 6:42am, slowly, getting, back, normal, wellington, today, civil, defence, advising, businesses, whether, open, today, gale, force, winds, forecast, capital, today., overnight, strong, winds, caused, instances, broken, glass., wellington, city, council, says, corner, lambton, quay, brandon, street, (harbour, city, centre), section, pipitea, street, facing, pipitea, house, cordoned, risk, falling, glass., building, inspection, cleaning, crews, attend, safe, daybreak., 6:14am, latest, updates, transport, roads, state, highway, 1, picton, blenheim, open,, cautions., sh7a, sh7, hanmer, springs, open, 7am, light, vehicles., sh1, ward, cheviot, closed., sh7, lewis, pass, re-opened., airports, airports, open., ferries, interislander:, sailings, resuming, vehicle, passengers, only., visit, interislander, facebook, page, information., bluebridge:, today's, 2:30am, sailing, wellington, cancelled., passengers, take, 8.45pm, departure, reschedule., ports, ports, except, wellington's, centreport, fully, operational., damage, wellington's, port, significant, likely, action, while., cruise, ship, dock, poor, condition,, strait, shipping's, wharf, inspected., railway, main, trunk, line, palmerston, north, wellington, closed., wellington, commuter, services, operational,, reduced, capacity, wairarapa, line., line, picton, christchurch, remains, closed., lines, south, christchurch, open., 5:30am, kaikoura,, critical, needs, water,, fuel, food,, says, civil, defence., immediate, supplies, provided., additional, needs, assessments, carried, yesterday, resources, relief, supplies, procured, transportation, kaikoura, hurunui., water, supplies, functional, kaikoura., water, bladders, available, go, morning., boil, water, notice, place, hurunui., enough, stored, water, two, days, drinking, water., 5:10am:, nzta, reopened, certain, parts, sh1, sh7, south, island, morning., sh1, blenheim, picton, open, (with, cautions)., sh7a, sh7, hanmer, springs, open, (with, cautions, closed, 1900, 0700)., sh1, ward, cheviot, closed., sh7, lewis, pass, re-opened., nzta, says, rate, progress, determined, degree, damage, risks, assosciated, them., 4:47am:, wellington, fire, police, communications, told, 1, news, earthquake, related, callouts, overnight, however, fire, crews, kept, busy, taranaki, high, winds, resulting, 30, callouts., severe, weather, warning, remains, place, morning, metservice., 4:20am:, wellington, city, council, says, emergency, operations, team, monitoring, things, night, getting, ready, action, morning., council, also, confirmed, power, restored, churton, park., 3:30am:, staggering, number, quakes, since, yesterday, morning's, 7.5, magnitude, shake, near, culverden, stands, 780,, geonet, reports., total, 251, since, 7pm, last, night., 2:50am:, severe, weather, warning, remains, place, wellington., aftershocks, continue, rattle, central, parts, new, zealand, sit, lower, 4.0, magnitude., 1:30am:, past, hour, seen, things, settle, (as, much, turbulent, time), moderate, quakes, registered., police, confirmed, extra, 10, officers, auckland, sent, kaikoura, aid, efforts, there., topics, new, zealand, natural, disasters, popular, stories, 1, 00:24, watch:, 'cantankerous, old', rescue, dog's, escape, bay, islands, thoroughfare, prompts, laughter, around, world, 2, read, story:, 'i, extremely, devastated', -, silver, ferns, star, maria, folau, apologises, 'insensitive', self-harm, comments, 3, read:, kiwibuild, apartments, redesigned, small, banks, lend, 4, kiwi, chocolatier, whittaker's, takes, leap, ice, cream, bars, 5, new, zealand's, refugee, quota, jumps, 1500, per, year, july, 2020,, government, announces, new, zealand, 01:42, farmers, fear, summer, el, nino, drought, spring, rains, wipe, lamb, stocks, clever, kea, using, tools, raid, traps, rising, gang, numbers, gore, part, 'planned, effort, mongrel, mob', -, council, 01:41, kiwibuild, apartments, redesigned, small, banks, lend, meet, transgender, wellington, school, caretaker, brightening, kids', days, 1, news, share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, wellington, transgender, caretaker, wellington, school, using, musical, talents, brighten, kids', days., molly, mason, born, michael,, soon, discovered, female, born, man's, body., molly, love, music, began, six., now,, role, caretaker, wellington, school,, uses, talent, good, effect, beat, boxing, kids, lunchtime., however,, woman, -, little, boy, michael,, fight, hands., molly, proud, transgender, says, stage, safe, place., performs, drag, alter, ego, called, bette, noir., source:, seven, sharp, topics, new, zealand, wellington, ministry, justice, union, members, strike,, launching, month, industrial, action, pay, 1, news, share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, employment, crime, justice, court, security, officers, family, court, coordinators, among, ministry, justice, employees, going, strike, two, hours, nationwide, today, start, four, weeks, industrial, action, pay., ministry, justice, members, public, service, association, strike, 10.30am, 12.30pm, today., psa, national, secretary, glenn, barclay, said, monday, eleventh, hour, meetings, held, psa, bargaining, team, ministry, justice, reach, resolution, movement, fundamental, pay, issues, offered., said, union, seeking, outcome, ensures, members, including, court, security, officers,, registry, officers,, victim, advisors,, court, reporters, family, court, coordinators, reasonably, paid., said, ministry, offered, third, lowest, average, salary, public, sector, last, year, psa, believes, worsened., kaitaia, district, court., share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, internet, scientist, entrepreneur, sir, ray, avery, go, district, court, wants, pursue, complaint, media, website, newsroom, further., sir, ray, complained, netsafe, harmful, digital, communications, act,, regarding, five, articles, newsroom, published, fundraising, lifepod, inventions,, past, products., said, articles, caused, severe, emotional, distress, amounted, harassment, digital, harm, act., newsroom, refused, take, articles, down., netsafe, director, martin, cocker, said, anything, netsafe, mediation., mediation, process, mandatory, first, step, act,, harmful, digital, communications, act, complaints, sorted, point., however, mr, cocker, said, main, thing, get, resolution,, advise, parties, likely, legal, ramifications, different, actions, might, take., case,, mr, cocker, said,, clarity, act, particular, cases, handled., mr, cocker, said, feel, could, progress, case,, advice, consider, taking, district, court., sir, ray, avery., source:, 1, news, topics, new, zealand, internet, come, across, kiwi, wild, 1, news, share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, animals, conservation, rare, daytime, encounter, kiwi, heaphy, track, got, tvnz1's, seven, sharp, thinking, -, come, across, native, bird, wild., department, conservation, (doc), says, pretty, unusual, nocturnal, birds, sunshine, hours., know, kiwi, fly, escaping, predators, pretty, tricky., average, 27, killed, every, week,, we've, got, pretty, careful, around, them., doc, gave, seven, sharp, important, tips, remember, encounter, one, unique, birds., firstly, stay, still, enjoy, rare, experience., stay, metres, away, worry, approach, you,, keep, still., second,, move, towards, bird, try, pick, -, offence, hold, kiwi, without, permission, doc., also,, weary, sharp, claws, -, they're, wild, animals, get, stroppy., lastly,, feel, free, take, photos, video,, low, light, conditions, use, flash, stun, birds.] => \nVector: [0.0835082734998,-0.0154300438172,-0.00592953720484,-0.0331283282998,0.0911228599717,-0.0259410281708,-0.00703641411447,0.0467819795697,-0.0124968018965,-0.00366194191692]\n\nText: [therefore,, show, seismicity, 1964, earthquake, occurrence.] => \nVector: [0.108733149866,0.0151184511681,0.10986925972,-0.232606052111,0.215732067823,-0.118049068376,-0.0769443192209,0.178468191996,-0.0621119414767,0.0779000309606]\n\nText: [defense, force, said, started, ferrying, people, military, helicopter, navy, ship, auckland, due, arrive, area, wednesday, morning., magnitude, 7.8, quake, struck, south, island, early, monday, left, two, people, dead, triggered, small, tsunami., also, brought, rocks, mud, swept, across, highways, cracked, apart, roads., dust, created, strong, aftershock, hangs, clarence, river, blocked, following, earthquake, north, kaikoura,, new, zealand,, monday,, nov., 14,, 2016., quake, knocked, water, supplies, sewer, systems, left, people, easy, way, out., webb, said, military, using, four, nh90, helicopters, could, transport, 18, people, time, town., said, ship, could, pick, hundreds, people, weather, conditions, allowed., said, operation, could, take, several, days, needed,, c-130, military, transport, plane, could, drop, fuel,, water,, food, supplies, town., said, five, metric, tons, supplies, ready, delivered, christchurch., sarah, stuart-black,, director, ministry, civil, defence, emergency, management,, said, priority, transporting, people, health, issues, international, flights, booked., said, 34, people, airlifted, noon, tuesday., said, community, rallying, help, tourists., elsewhere,, many, people, returned, work, capital,, wellington,, quake, shut, much, central, city, monday., buildings, remained, closed, heavy, rain, flooding, compounded, difficulties, others., strong, aftershocks, continued, shake, new, zealand,, rattling, nerves, exhausted, residents., police, said, one, person, died, kaikoura, another, mt., lyford,, nearby, ski, resort., several, people, suffered, minor, injuries, kaikoura,, police, spokeswoman, rachel, purdom, said., prime, minister, john, key, flew, kaikoura, helicopter, monday, aftershocks, kicked, dust, landslides, below., cars, could, seen, lying, sides, parts, road, clearly, impassable., police, stepped, patrols, receiving, several, reports, burglaries, homes, businesses, evacuated, due, quake., police, said, six, guns,, antiques,, stolen, home, near, town, nelson., three, cows, whose, predicament, captured, interest, people, around, world, became, stranded, small, island, grass, area, ripped, apart, quake, rescued., newshub, news, service, reported, farmer, helpers, dug, track, brought, out., earthquake, christchurch, five, years, ago, destroyed, thousands, homes, buildings, killed, 185, people., stranded, tourists, gather, park, kaikoura, following, earthquake, new, zealand,, monday,, nov., 14,, 2016., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., (newshub, via, ap), dust, created, strong, aftershock, hangs, clarence, river, blocked, following, earthquake, north, kaikoura,, new, zealand,, monday,, nov., 14,, 2016., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., powerful, earthquake, rocked, new, zealand, monday, triggered, landslides, small, tsunami,, cracked, apart, roads, homes, left, two, people, dead,, largely, spared, country, devastation, saw, five, years, ago, deadly, earthquake, struck, region., fans, sent, frenzy, spotting, creepy, man, crowd, emily, ratajkowski, sets, pulses, racing, teases, underboob, flashes, pert, posterior, racy, mirror, selfie, cheeky, abbey, clancy, looks, worse, wear, leads, bleary-eyed, brooklyn, beckham, paloma, faith, love, magazine's, tenth, anniversary, party, .] => \nVector: [0.349860540142,0.0941583379326,0.0382634812442,-0.079948801595,0.199618885986,0.0168536897213,-0.0337061814523,0.144462086234,-0.25412458896,0.176184500372]\n\nText: [keep, abreast, significant, corporate,, financial, political, developments, around, world., stay, informed, spot, emerging, risks, opportunities, independent, global, reporting,, expert, commentary, analysis, trust., financial, times, journalism, subject, self-regulation, regime, ft, editorial, code, practice.] => \nVector: [-0.0132174557111,-0.018562807425,-0.0376088026533,-0.0122782206527,0.0758443119412,0.00623906757392,0.0308459739099,-0.0105358820292,0.0900048102194,-0.0549487329117]\n\nText: [skip, content, maximize, travel., may, receive, compensation, click, links, products., explanation, advertising, policy,, visit, page., new, zealand,, instance,, powerful, 7.8-magnitude, quake, weekend,, which,, according, recent, article, cnn,, resulted, aftershocks, tourists, evacuated, hotels, middle, night., side, world,, italy, also, experienced, series, earthquakes, last, month,, including, 6.6-magnitude, tremor, cnn, calling, strongest, quake, rock, region, 30, years., travel, sign, smart, traveler, enrollment, program, (step)., pack, extra, cash, carry, you., check, weather, forecast., earthquake, remember, three, words:, drop,, cover, hold., drop, hands, knees, prevent, injuries, falls, shaking, makes, standing, difficult., hold, position, shaking, stops., contrary, popular, belief,, doorways, good, places, stand, earthquake., shaking, stops, inspect, surroundings, structural, damage., something, looks, unsafe,, get, out., always, follow, instructions, local, officials,, even, think, overly, cautious., realize, police, emergency, services, may, shifted, priorities, immediate, aftermath, earthquake,, getting, ahold, someone, unrelated, help, may, take, time., aware, tsunamis, may, occur, coastal, areas,, even, shaking, minor., best, beginner, points, miles, card, there., chase, sapphire, preferred, credit, card, great, travel, benefits,, 2x, points, travel, &, dining, 50,000, point, sign, bonus,, chase, sapphire, preferred, great, card, looking, get, points, miles, game., top, 5, reasons, wallet,, read, definitive, review, details., disclaimer:, responses, provided, commissioned, bank, advertiser., responses, reviewed,, approved, otherwise, endorsed, bank, advertiser., compensation, may, impact, products, appear, site, (including,, example,, order, appear)., site, include, credit, card, companies, available, credit, card, offers., please, view, advertising, policy, page, information., compensation, may, impact, products, appear, site, (including,, example,, order, appear)., site, include, credit, card, companies, available, credit, card, offers., please, view, advertising, policy, page, information.] => \nVector: [0.0197941129969,-0.0146195662281,-0.0333065766311,-0.0108254730931,0.0554893401194,0.00960807948482,0.0315782144363,0.0261232319069,0.0399466305211,-0.0305846103422]\n\nText: [gtag('js',, new, date());, gtag('config',, 'ua-60459295-1');, skip, content, droolin, dog, dot, net, news., even, stuff, that's, tough, chew, on., looks, like, nothing, found, location.] => \nVector: [0.037537753501,0.00257626926,-0.0175404646788,-0.0385088426486,0.141852078392,-0.0485820154174,0.0554328998956,0.032345470203,0.0846342464767,-0.133471665701]\n\nText: [magnitude, 4, earthquake, struck, canterbury, 9:10pm, sunday, night., quake, hit, 10km, east, christchurch, depth, 12km., 15, minutes,, 7600, people, reported, feeling, it., quake, hit, exactly, nine, years, 2009, 7.8, magnitude, dusky, sound, earthquake,, almost, minute., newshub.] => \nVector: [0.197342480817,0.146047899991,0.0204277821985,-0.0526080763278,0.194785449136,0.0275216087984,-0.060912684033,0.0567916369635,-0.0636140004628,0.0175272945522]\n\nText: ['script',, 'twitter-wjs');, business, insider, -, 2016-11-23, 12:59:15, raw, embed, video, shows, ruptured, kekerengu, fault,, near, coastal, town, kaikoura,, following, 7.8, magnitude, earthquake, hit, new, zealand's, south, island., quake, left, 10-metre, horizontal, displacement, around, 20, miles, length., spina, bifida, cause, physical, disabilities,, modern, medicine, significantly, improved, treatment, birth, utero., medical, professionals, report, that,, modern, tre, liveaction.org, heartbreaking:, infant, survived, abortion, cried, left, die, 21, weeks, pregnancy,, british, doctors, informed, sofia, khan, preborn, son, diagnosed, spina, bifida., spina, bifida, cause, physical, disabilities,, modern, medicine, significantly, improved, treatment, birth, utero., radio.com, read, news, break, mum, felt, something, snap, getting, baby, cot, -, whole, life, changed, trying, children, six, long, years,, amanda, shipp, husband, bennie,, finally, blessed, baby, girl., mirror, mum, felt, something, snap, getting, baby, cot, -, whole, life, changed, trying, children, six, long, years,, amanda, shipp, husband, bennie,, finally, blessed, baby, girl., mirror, read, news, break, flight, attendant, suspicious, man, teen., jumblejoy, flight, attendant, suspicious, man, teen., hornet.com, thanks, florida, mother,, man, drugged, raped, 16-year-old, son, custody, floridaman, victor, williams, sitting, jail, thanks, mother, tricked, confessing, torapingher, son., hornet.com, read, news, break, trump, releases, plan, replace, food, stamps,, here's, laid, critiquing, plan, unsure, much, money, government, save,, logistics, food, distribution,, lack, choice, presented, people, receiving, food, box., awm, trump, releases, plan, replace, food, stamps,, here's, laid, critiquing, plan, unsure, much, money, government, save,, logistics, food, distribution,, lack, choice, presented, people, receiving, food, box., awm, read, news, break, dad, wanted, police, forcing, toddler, climb, inside, prize, machine, steal, nintendos, police, currently, looking, man, filmed, putting, toddler, barber, cut, lite, cabinet, toretrieve, prizes, inside., dad, wanted, police, forcing, toddler, climb, inside, prize, machine, steal, nintendos, police, currently, looking, man, filmed, putting, toddler, barber, cut, lite, cabinet, toretrieve, prizes, inside., bet, read, news, break, 'please, shoot, me':, man, begs, life, gunned, teens., cops, discover, next, body, philadelphia, man, shot, killed, three, teens, cold, blood, going, walk,, cops, discover, man's, body,, made, heart-shattering, find, next, it.nbc, philadelphiareports, three, teens, playing, basketball, one, came, plan, rob, som, lovethispic.com, 'please, shoot, me':, man, begs, life, gunned, teens., will,, si, people, read, news, break, cat, refuses, let, owner, sleep,, decides, follow, him., discovers, terrifying, scene, janie, demartini, fostered, herbie, states, island, hope, animal, rescue., jumblejoy, cat, refuses, let, owner, sleep,, decides, follow, him., discovers, terrifying, scene, janie, demartini, fostered, herbie, states, island, hope, animal, rescue., years, ago,, roman, opened, diagnosed, diabetes., years, ago,, roman, opened, diagnosed, diabetes., melania, trump, takes, bigger, roles, mor, rwnofficial.com, read, news, break, teen, choice,, accepts, ride, home, stranger., life, gets, turned, upside-down, life, never, easy, 16-year-old, boy, named, chauncy, black., yes,, roof, head, together, mom,, eat, daily, basis, always, problem, them., jumblejoy, teen, choice,, accepts, ride, home, stranger., life, gets, turned, upside-down, life, never, easy, 16-year-old, boy, named, chauncy, black., yes,, roof, head, together, mom,, eat, daily, basis, always, problem, them., jumblejoy, read, news, break, news, break, intelligent, &, personalized, feed, helps, keep, interests.] => \nVector: [-0.00225878292646,0.00373779512302,-0.0382085242573,0.0171206758945,0.00504127880849,0.0301719428177,0.0634565529525,0.0118343483457,0.052913992441,-0.0533245782664]\n\nText: [earthquake, biggest, hit, north, island, new, zealand, since, 1995, magnitude, 7.2, quake, struck, similar, spot., full, us, geological, survey, map, credit:, epa, scientists, investigating, possibility, seismic, event, may, two, earthquakes,, according, news, website, stuff.co.nz., complexity, made, hard, estimate, deep, quake, was,, identify, whether, tsunami, risk, scientists, said., tsunami, threat, areas, marked, green, map., response, ministry, civil, defence, emergency, management, (mcdem),, took, 40, minutes, send, first, national, advisory, quake, hit, 20, minutes, issue, tsunami, alert,, reviewed, said, new, zealand, herald., first, tsunami, activity, arrived., wave, height, measuring, 30cm, measured, east, cape, short, time, ago., tsunami, warning, later, lifted., warning, covered, east, coast, north, island, upper, south, island., centred, 167, kilometres, (103, miles), nearest, main, town,, gisborne,, population, around, 45,000., shallow, tremor, estimated, depth, around, 30, kilometres, (18, miles), coast,, according, us, geological, survey, (usgs)., we're, getting, lots, aftershocks, morning., remember, drop,, cover, &, hold., apparent, sea, level, measurements, started, coming, something, needed, done., earthquakes, area, uncommon, one, f, seismically, active, areas, new, zealand,, gns, seismologist, john, ristau, told, new, zealand, herald., 2011, earthquake, south, island, city, christchurch, killed, 185, people, caused, extensive, damage., we've, noticed, adblocking., rely, advertising, help, fund, award-winning, journalism., urge, turn, ad, blocker, telegraph, website, continue, access, quality, content, future., thank, support.] => \nVector: [0.168128633196,0.0797468755131,-0.0140396475218,-0.0745055414017,0.120339834456,0.0237826502485,0.00016957455798,0.0550212777909,-0.0592853493615,0.0270731370364]\n\nText: [please, enable, javascript, view, comments, powered, disqus., privacy, policy, site, uses, cookies, track, user, behaviour, site,, without, linking, personally, identifiable, data., advertisers, may, also, use, cookies,, scope, nature, use, beyond, control.] => \nVector: [-0.142971813318,-0.29560731111,-0.245032012943,0.0248572578158,0.157488642486,0.0249214027858,0.174727150697,0.0838698051389,0.115647217878,0.178964379033]\n\nText: [2011, tohoku, earthquake, tsunami, japan, devastating, recent, example, this,, appears, much, media, attention, given, various, subduction, zones, around, world., here,, oceanic, hikurangi, plateau, sinking, beneath, continental, crust, indo-australian, plate., line, left, hikurangi, plateau, subduction, zone, question., initially,, suspected, southern, end, pretty, rigidly, stuck,, quake, changed, that., ruptures,, could, produce, powerful,, potentially, record-breaking, megathrust, earthquake., geographical, position, means, potential, generate, powerful, devastating, tsunami, too,, one, would, take, seven, minutes, reach, north, island,, little, longer, hit, northern, south, island., later, clarified, quakes, reaching, 8.0m, known, geological, record;, 9.0m, theoretically, possible., continuing, use, website, consent, cookies, accordance, cookie, policy.] => \nVector: [0.0593765861631,0.0298237066866,-0.0285392179532,-0.0312295971186,0.0816519034367,0.0322706807929,0.0276879057177,0.0418006729196,0.0104590702855,0.000290629405451]\n\nText: [please, use, supported, version, best, msn, experience., undersea, quake, hit, remote, southern, ocean, south, country, wednesday,, us, geological, survey, said., earthquake,, shallow, depth, 10, km, (6, miles),, recorded, 211, km, (140, miles), west, sub-antarctic, auckland, island,, new, zealand's, south, island,, usgs, said., tsunami, warnings, issued, immediately, quake., least, 138, people, died, powerful, 7.1, magnitude, quake, struck, tuesday,, toppling, buildings, heavily, populated, capital., thousands, ran, streets, panic,, millions, lost, electricity, quake, struck, around, lunchtime., rescuers, scoured, frantically, rubble, ruins, survivors., we'll, bringing, latest, updates,, pictures, video, breaking, news, story., get, big, headlines,, pictures,, analysis,, opinion, video, stories, matter, you., try, later., try, later.] => \nVector: [0.129527128897,0.0644771352938,-0.0181570886634,-0.0599876393372,0.129317542209,0.0130899781487,-0.0287920178517,0.0437647683487,-0.0337095833749,0.0307557635995]\n\nText: [felt, report, might, need, updated, later., saying, new, zealand, finished, shaking., ., ., writing, scripts, movies, day, northridge, quake, decided, day, need, funny, scripts,, figure, causes, earthquakes., powered, blogger.] => \nVector: [0.0902543841572,0.0377030998211,-0.0034704786075,-0.0288081420395,0.04982755953,-0.0239908961451,-0.00472235149736,0.00957034341991,-0.0252996868422,-0.044018085211]\n\nText: [newshub, news, service, reported, tuesday, two, cows, calf, rescued, farmer, helpers, dug, track, brought, out., newshub, first, filmed, cows, stuck, patch, grass, near, township, kaikoura, magnitude, 7.8, quake, triggered, landslides, around, them., farmer,, named, newshub,, said, cows, desperate, water, rescued., said, quake, fault, line, ran, right, beneath, farm,, relatively, flat, earthquake., understand, may, unsubscribe, communications, time., rights, reserved., unauthorized, distribution,, transmission, republication, strictly, prohibited.] => \nVector: [0.141785856329,0.00415962501211,-0.0837471472842,-0.0304023389326,0.15349060824,0.0714912421827,0.107164239791,0.109171543234,-0.0182594341277,0.0949692897993]\n\nText: [information, see, cookie, policy., local, broadcaster, tvnz, aired, footage, showing, damaged, store, wellington,, around, 440, km, christchurch., cracks, appeared, roads, around, centre, port,, wellington,, earthquake, based, around, cheviot, south, island, shook, new, zealand, capital., emergency, response, teams, dispatched, helicopter, region, epicentre, 7.8, magnitude, quake,, struck, midnight, monday, (11am, irish, time),, 91km, (57, miles), north-northeast, christchurch, south, island,, amid, reports, injuries, collapsed, buildings., prime, minister, john, key, told, dawn, news, conference, capital, wellington,, quake, also, felt, strongly,, two, people, killed., police, said, one, victims, found, house, coastal, tourist, town, kaikoura., emergency, officials, meeting, later, monday, morning,, added, mr, key., power, phone, lines, many, areas, country,, roads, blocked, landslips., rescue, personnel, st, john, ambulance, said, sending, helicopters, carrying, medical, rescue, personnel, kaikoura,, least, one, casualties, located., south, island, town,, popular, destination, whale, watching,, completely, cut, officials, said, reports, collapsed, building., richard, maclean,, spokesman, wellington, city, council,, said, structural, damage, several, buildings., residents, advised, stay, away, central, business, district, monday, train, network, closed, checks., wellington, international, airport,, however,, expected, open, usual, monday., christchurch,, tsunami, sirens, continued, intermittently,, three, evacuation, centres, accepting, residents., police, set, roadblocks, prevent, people, returning, lower-lying, coastal, areas., pictures, shared, social, media, showed, buckled, roads,, smashed, glass, goods, toppled, shelves, shops, wellington, upper, south, island., initial, confusion, emergency, services, first, said, tsunami, threat., christchurch, civil, defence, controller, john, mackie, said, earthquake, centred, inland,, fault, line, extended, offshore, considerable, distance., meant, seismic, activity, could, cause, movement, sea,, leading, tsunami., sign, invalid, email, password.] => \nVector: [0.184257440842,0.0610043050891,-0.048094653536,-0.0751208548361,0.169163738499,0.0229543671128,0.0150017513132,0.0973554835717,-0.0564574381995,0.0713074236419]\n\nText: [new, zealand, transport, agency, says, due, heavy, rain, kaikoura, district,, inland, route, 70, closed, mt, lyford, kaikoura., deteriorating, weathers, conditions, also, mean, state, highway, 1, north, south, kaikoura, close, 5pm, tonight., nzta, says, safety, needs, top, priority, road, users, region, advising, caution, given, likelihood, surface, flooding,, rockfalls, small, slips., update, road, conditions, provided, 9.30am, tomorrow, morning, crews, completed, full, inspection, network., heavy, rain, expected, continue, evening, kaikoura, tonight., road, users, asked, delay, travel,, possible,, road, conditions, known, morning, use, alternate, state, highway, 1, via, lewis, pass, travel, christchurch, picton., source:, 1, news, topics, new, zealand, weather, news, popular, stories, 1, 00:24, watch:, 'cantankerous, old', rescue, dog's, escape, bay, islands, thoroughfare, prompts, laughter, around, world, 2, read, story:, 'i, extremely, devastated', -, silver, ferns, star, maria, folau, apologises, 'insensitive', self-harm, comments, 3, read:, kiwibuild, apartments, redesigned, small, banks, lend, 4, kiwi, chocolatier, whittaker's, takes, leap, ice, cream, bars, 5, new, zealand's, refugee, quota, jumps, 1500, per, year, july, 2020,, government, announces, new, zealand, 00:24, watch:, john, campbell, gives, emotional, farewell, checkpoint, staff, final, show, host, 01:46, meridian, discards, 'prompt, payment, discounts', fairer, treatment, struggling, kiwis, 00:27, 1, news, political, reporter, katie, bradford, says, recent, scandals, 'not, good, look, government', elderly, woman, critical, condition, run, reversing, car, palmerston, north, one, man, dead, reported, street, fight, lower, hutt, 1, news, share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, crime, justice, one, person, died, lower, hutt, evening, reportedly, fight, broke, out., police, say, called, reports, fight, group, men, around, 7:45pm., arrived,, discovered, man, suffered, critical, injuries, died, shortly, scene., police, taken, one, person, custody, set, detour, macky, burcham, streets, scene, guard, expected, place, overnight., share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, politics, environment, anti-1080, activist, threatening, take, parliamentary, speaker, trevor, mallard, court, comments, dead, native, birds, laid, steps, parliament, part, protest, appeared, bludgeoned., press, conference, yesterday,, mr, mallard, said, received, expert, advice, birds, bludgeoned, death., but,, anti-1080, protester,, alan, gurden,, said, statement, ridiculous, said, would, suing, slander., mr, gurden, said, way, birds, bludgeoned., birds, roadkill,, others, picked, 1080, dropzone, 2014,, mr, gurden, said., however,, could, say, sure, died, result, 1080., written, statement, today,, advised, rnz, mr, gurden's, defamation, threat,, mr, mallard, said, going, bullied, would, make, comment., department, conservation, said, target, threats, violence, anti-1080, activists,, 16, incident, reports, lodged, staff, august, 2018., fletcher's, terrace, homes, provide, solution, kiwi, housing, demands, 1, news, share, share, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, facebook, twitter, google, plus, email, topics, new, zealand, property, fletcher, building, shown, row, five, terrace, homes, constructed, many, days, claim, could, remedy, country's, housing, demand., fletcher's, prefabricated, method, means, takes, around, one, four, days, weatherproof, home, compared, 50, days, standard, built, duplex, home., trial, proof, concept, construction, giant's, factory, open, next, year,, producing, around, 500, prefabricated, houses, annually., basic, modules, up,, homes, finished, six, weeks,, that's, interiors, exterior, claddings, personalised,, said, company., cost, construction, conventional, homes., we're, struggling, that., panelisation,, quicker., company, plans, set, factory, south, auckland,, first, panels, coming, line, mid, next, year., aim, build, around, 500, homes, year,, kiwibuild, market, mind., festival, decided, ban, moko, last, year,, following, complaints, incorrect, use., 2016, children, allowed, perform, temporary, moko,, last, year, rules, changed, schools, signed, agreement, children, wear, facial, tattoos., kapa, haka, leaders, told, 1, news, ban, followed, 30, complaints, moko, authentic,, questioning, blanket, ban., school, christchurch, primary, schools, festival, trust, want, comment,, said, they're, working, process, together.] => \nVector: [0.0447230764171,-0.0550989133464,0.0189996816069,-0.0467429559107,0.0548197721241,-0.0815225219328,-0.0725390436255,0.0109248904115,-0.00100739252076,-0.0321611162164]\n\nText: [home, search, latest, earthquakes, contacts, change, global, timezone, times, expressed, utc, format., website, may, use, first, party, third, party, cookies, propose, services, according, preferences., like, know, info, deny, consent, one, ore, cookies,, please, read, complete, disclosure., clicking, specific, button, element, underlying, page,, agree, use, cookies.] => \nVector: [-0.0466875460542,-0.195376116125,-0.149059062048,-0.0225834114839,0.166118769218,0.0377437074772,0.196270524586,0.0685813067326,0.0472300498539,0.154471803436]\n\nText: [click, find, more., image:, newshub, johnny, lieu2016-11-14, 05:58:27, utc, there's, plenty, gloom, wake, new, zealand's, massive, earthquakes, monday, affected, human, residents, south, island., cows, seen, stranded, following, landslides, happened, north, town, kaikoura,, according, newshub,, mini, miracle, came, unscathed., see, also:, new, zealanders, flee, tsunami, powerful, earthquake, news, outlet, captured, footage, appears, two, cows, calf, stuck, small, island, grass., poor, things., somebody, please, rescue, them., sure, is., technology., track, built, pick, shovel, farmer, help, people,, cows, safe., makes, new, zealand, great, country, know, damn, sure, they're, gonna, go, get, cows., aedt, added, update, cows', rescue., immoo-vable., powered, proprietary, technology,, mashable, go-to, source, tech,, digital, culture, entertainment, content, dedicated, influential, audience, around, globe., rights, reserved., mashable,, mashbash, mashable, house, among, federally, registered, trademarks, ziff, davis,, llc, may, used, third, parties, without, explicit, permission.] => \nVector: [0.110995720606,0.0049738657531,-0.0296533780736,-0.0698083299905,0.107102659445,-0.00856543036946,0.0465345390106,0.066813742159,-0.00395021116039,-0.00846035203733]\n\nText: [ap, november, 14,, 2016,, 10:19, pm, cows, stranded, island, grass, new, zealand, earthquake, rescued, image, made, video,, three, cows, stranded, island, grass, paddock, ripped, apart, following, earthquake, near, kaikoura,, new, zealand, monday,, nov., 14,, 2016., newshub,, ap, share, tweet, reddit, flipboard, email, wellington,, new, zealand, --, three, new, zealand, cows, whose, predicament, captured, interest, many, people, around, world, became, stranded, small, island, grass, following, powerful, earthquake, rescued., newshub, news, service, reported, tuesday, two, cows, calf, rescued, farmer, helpers, dug, track, brought, out., newshub, first, filmed, cows, stuck, patch, grass, near, township, kaikoura, magnitude, 7.8, quake, triggered, landslides, around, them., farmer,, named, newshub,, said, cows, desperate, water, rescued., said, quake, fault, line, ran, right, beneath, farm,, relatively, flat, earthquake., rights, reserved., material, may, published,, broadcast,, rewritten,, redistributed., rights, reserved.] => \nVector: [0.246774541571,0.0720697101001,-0.0224428345718,-0.109211638422,0.153813567854,-0.00698038861992,-0.00887057504542,0.0994944000777,-0.117708918828,0.086330766384]\n\nText: [alerts, status, messages, received, karnataka, state, natural, disaster, monitoring, centre., earthquake, struck, near, pacific, island, nation, new, caledonia, north, new, zealand, morning., earthquake, struck, near, pacific, island, nation, new, caledonia, north, new, zealand, morning., account., notify, new, posts, via, email., site, uses, akismet, reduce, spam., learn, comment, data, processed., 2018-07-13, 09:11:30, vk-ksndmc, vk-ksndmc, anekal-, iso,, 0,, 3,, 0;bengaluru, north-, iso,, 0,, 8,, 1;bengaluru, south-, neg,, 0,, 1,, 0;no, rain, 1, taluk;, 2018-07-13, 09:11:56, vk-ksndmc, vk-ksndmc, bidar-, fws,, 0,, 30,, 3.7;, yadgir-, ws,, 0,, 16,, 5;, chamarajanagara-, sct,, 0,, 12,, 1.9;, mysuru-, fws,, 0,, 23,, 3.7;, mandya-, iso,, 0,, 6,, 1;, hassan-, fws,, 0,, 128,, 12.8;, 2018-07-13, 09:13:30, vm-ksndmc, vm-ksndmc, chikkamagaluru-, ws,, 0,, 122,, 27.2;, kodagu-, ws,, 0,, 142,, 46.2;, dakshina, kannada-, ws,, 0,, 118,, 51.9;, udupi-, ws,, 15,, 195,, 57.1;, 13jul18, bountiful, monsoon, fills, cauvery, dams, bengaluru:, current, torrential, rains, cauvery, catchment, area, expected, fill, dams, early, break, 15-year-old, trend, dams, reaching, brim, august-end., look, data, past, 15, years,, year, rains, really, satisfactory., past,, cauvery, dams, used, get, filled, august-end, breaking, getting, filled, mid-july., rains, wayanad, kerala,, one, main, catchment, areas, cauvery, satisfactory, past, years,, well,, srinivas, said., going, rain, forecast, next, week,, sure, continue, cauvery, catchment, area, fill, remaining, krs, hemavathy, matter, another, five, days,, said., unlike, last, year,, monsoon, active, right, may, inflow, dams, generated, early., last, year,, till, june,, inflow, generated., level, krs, 115.20, feet, now,, last, year, time, 78.70, feet,, srinivas, pointed, out., went, say, going, hydrological, conditions,, shall, problem, supply, cauvery, water, bengaluru, sharing, tamil, nadu., rainfall, intense, catchment, area, cauvery, kabini, kodagu, district, received, 87.30, mm, rainfall, 24, hour, period, ending, 8.30, a.m., wednesday., mm, received, corresponding, period, last, year., kodagu, district, administration, declared, holiday, schools, colleges, wednesday, view, relentless, downpour, since, tuesday., according, karnataka, state, disaster, monitoring, centre, (ksndmc),, mysuru, district, received, 195.4, mm, rainfall, june, 1, district, average, 24, hour, period, ending, 8.30, a.m., wednesday,, 11, mm., adjoining, kodagu, district,, bhagamandala, received, 175.04, mm, period, srimangala, received, 109.40, mm,, napoklu, 101.20, mm,, shanthahalli, 185.20, mm, rainfall., result, inflow, harangi, reservoir, increased, 14,973, cusecs, outflow, dam, rate, 11,938, cusecs., reservoir, level, hovering, 2,857.45, feet, frl, 2,859, feet., increase, nflow, heavy, heavy, rains, mananthavady,, catchment, area, kabini,, also, led, increase, inflow, reservoir, h.d.kote, mysuru, district., rate, inflow, 49,800, cusecs, 6.30, a.m., wednesday, dam, almost, full,, outflow, stepped, 50,000, cusecs, maintain, reservoir, levels., caution, water, level, dam, hovering, 2,282.22, feet, full, reservoir, level, 2,284, feet., rains, expected, adjoining, kerala,, authorities, expect, outflow, dam, increased, cautioned, people, living, downstream, move, safer, places., consequent, heavy, discharge,, low-lying, areas, along, banks, river, downstream, suffered, partial, inundation., river, spate, nanjangud, bathing, ghats, flooded, hadinaru, kalu, mantapa, submerged., similarly,, chikkamma, chikkadevi, temple, inundated, water, level, almost, touching, hejjige, bridge, across, kabini, connects, temple, town, 16, villages, vicinity., temples, bounds, many, temples, river, banks, frequented, pilgrims, bounds, temples, partially, submerged, yet, cases, priests, wading, water, perform, daily, rituals, rushing, back, safety., water, level, chikkaianachatra, mallanamoole, mutt, inundated, bathing, ghats,, pilgrims, went, taking, dip, swollen, river., privacy, &, cookies:, site, uses, cookies., continuing, use, website,, agree, use.] => \nVector: [0.00469918473725,0.0238942166236,-0.00852742458617,-0.000234346527786,0.00263791625194,-0.012383614468,0.00929138693995,-0.00475738134424,0.0447920189557,-0.0638102542236]\n\nText: [loading, map, data...] => \nVector: [0.0019408489267,-0.0578751104573,-0.0136893416444,-0.0164266003606,0.0545529934267,-0.0225421957051,0.0795011048516,0.0731792449951,0.0220557420204,0.00432213240614]\n\nText: [us, geological, survey, said, quake, hit, south, island, 11.02am, gmt, (0.02am,, 14, november),, 57, miles, northeast, city., new, zealand's, prime, minister, john, key, confirmed, two, people, died,, reported, reuters, news, agency., new, zealand, civil, defence, issued, tsunami, warning, following, quake,, urging, nearby, residents, find, higher, ground,, first, tsunami, wave, reportedly, detected., yet, clear, scale, damage, quake, whether, injuries., social, media,, people, said, local, radio, reported, houses, near, epicentre, destroyed., internet, landlines, reportedly, too., said, original, earthquake, lasted, nearly, five, minutes, continued, feel, aftershocks, nearly, hour, after., quake, comes, us, secretary, state, john, kerry, met, new, zealand, prime, minister, john, key., kerry, key, discussing, ill-fated, trans, pacific, partnership, agreement,, though, future, jeopardised, election, donald, trump., earthquake, 2011, christchurch, killed, 185, people., earthquake., clock., mirror, photo, frame., rights, reserved.] => \nVector: [0.227666314633,0.12635541312,-0.0315866773237,-0.0732782900821,0.148069155388,-0.00212098582552,-0.0232326153475,0.0817679471692,-0.0856897001256,0.057110816475]\n\nText: [tags, amateur, creepy, earthquake, new, zeland, predicted, weatherman, previous, maybe, best, save, hockey, history, next, driver, gets, clocked, going, 107, mph.] => \nVector: [0.0517269907785,0.0579959285845,0.00854775184832,0.00498516165784,-0.0115520161621,-0.0355829882014,0.0342448034013,0.00151096135821,-0.00371617735142,-0.0456201305524]\n\nText: [key, concern, ensure, enough, storage, capacity, 2017, harvest, approaches., race, repair, harvest, businesses, cope, wine, loss, damage,, philip, gregan,, ceo, new, zealand, winegrowers,, says, industry, still, continue, market, growth, year., gregan, warns, that,, tank, repairs, already, started,, process, take, many, months., new, zealand, winegrowers, says, liaising, wineries,, tank, manufacturers,, engineers,, government, marlborough, district, council, ensure, repairs, replacements, made, soon, possible., marlborough, marlborough, region, 22,907, total, producing, hectares,, dominated, 17,725, hectares, sauvignon, blanc., pinor, noir,, chardonnay, pinot, gris, also, popular., wine, one, new, zealand's, fastest, growing, exports., roads, transport, links, affected, earthquake,, gregan, says, issues, affecting, exports.] => \nVector: [0.0823943407231,0.0484863375107,0.00744798623297,-0.0260817633292,0.00207759925009,-0.0206547256093,0.0262870772082,0.00757357073659,-0.0130167379248,-0.0545578796834]\n\nText: [410, gone, page, requested, longer, exists., let, know, broken, link., search, site,, start, home, page,, update, bookmark., still, can't, find, looking, for,, contact, us, assistance., also,, tell, us, clicked, link, another, website.] => \nVector: [0.00492996812682,-0.0873986202496,-0.0295921046927,0.00243428046088,0.0519489227008,0.00290399623918,0.00738287236163,0.0249855186266,0.0406048595923,-0.0435875211551]\n\nText: [find, what's, happening, world, unfolds., former, blacks, captain, richie, mccaw, professional, helicopter, pilot, christchurch,, nz., since, retiring, rugby, november, 2015,, mccaw, worked, christchurch, helicopters, earning, commercial, helicopter, license., called, action, earthquake's, epicenter, kaikoura, woken, early, hours, monday, morning., 'power', aftershocks, earthquake, continued, afflict, area, surrounding, kaikoura,, causing, landslides, fissures, north, new, zealand's, south, island., thousands, left, stranded, near, earthquake's, epicenter., dismissing, pinnedplayer, another, video, players, plays, video., cnn's, alex, thomas, reports., blacks, dominate, world, rugby, awards, 02:13, double, world, cup-winning, captain, witnessed, damage, first-hand, noted, impact, surrounding, landscape., going, pretty, isolated, while., photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, area, around, nine-story, office, building, wellington,, new, zealand,, cordoned, officials, determined, risk, collapse, tuesday,, november, 15., powerful, magnitude, 7.8, quake, caused, massive, infrastructure, damage, hit, midnight, monday, near, town, kaikoura, country's, south, island., hide, caption, 1, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, cracked, street, flooded, area, petone,, near, wellington,, severe, weather, impacted, region, aftermath, quake, november, 15., two, people, killed, quake,, followed, 1,000, aftershocks., hide, caption, 2, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, tourists, evacuated, kaikoura, arrive, helicopter, woodend, school, grounds, christchurch, november, 15., people, evacuated, kaikoura, air,, landslides, triggered, earthquake, cut, road, access, popular, tourist, destination., hide, caption, 3, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, tourists, visiting, kaikoura, disembark, military, helicopter, christchurch, november, 15., hide, caption, 4, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, new, zealand, defence, force, conducts, airlifts, evacuate, people, trapped, area, kaikoura, landslides, cut, roads, town., hide, caption, 5, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, member, new, zealand, defence, force, assists, family, aboard, helicopter, evacuations, kaikoura., popular, tourist, destination, south, island, home, 3,500, people., hide, caption, 6, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, landslide, cuts, state, highway, one, near, ohau, point, east, coast, south, island, monday,, november, 14., hide, caption, 7, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, extent, damage, state, highway, one, seen, near, ohau, november, 14., hide, caption, 8, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, emergency, services, inspect, bridge, crossing, waiau, river,, north, christchurch,, november, 14., hide, caption, 9, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, mary, kimber, surveys, damage, kitchen, quake, waiau, november, 14., hide, caption, 10, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, firefighters, respond, call, wellington,, new, zealand,, early, hours, november, 14., hide, caption, 11, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, people, wait, te, aro, park, evacuated, nearby, buildings., hide, caption, 12, 14, photos:, earthquake, shakes, new, zealand, road, sign, flashes, tsunami, warning, wellington, november, 14., waves, two, meters, high, hit, coast, following, earthquake., mccaw, captained, back-to-back, world, cup, victories, new, zealand, 2011, 2015, voted, world, player, year, three, times., 145, caps,, capped, international, rugby, player, time., dismissing, pinnedplayer, another, video, players, plays, video., world, rugby, ceo, reveals, global, ambition, 03:09, read:, ireland, stun, blacks, chicago, sunday,, new, zealand, standout, nation, world, rugby, awards., fly-half, beauden, barrett, voted, player, year, steve, hansen, coach, year, fourth, time, five, years., turner, broadcasting, system,, inc., rights, reserved., .d8888b.] => \nVector: [0.325388126677,0.132229598013,0.0636602703082,-0.14529035149,0.186494305917,-0.0315253147887,-0.0741034059988,0.0978077906482,-0.208750072453,0.0633670196447]\n\nText: [breaking, news., sun, clouds., cool., cool., mild., town, sunny., cool., two, girls, die, circumcisions, gambia, criminalises, female, genital, mutilation, egypt, doctor, female, genital, mutilation, trial, new, zimbabwean, president, rules, early, return, local, currency, 2018-09-18, 19:00, zimbabwe's, new, president, ruled, early, return, zimbabwean, dollar,, toning, remarks, finance, minister, backed, reintroducing, currency., critic, zambia, president, lungu, face, fraud, trial, zambia, arrests, editor,, journalist, anti-corruption, letter, zambia, drops, charges, top, prosecutor, libya, rivals, clash, south, capital,, causing, blackouts, 2018-09-18, 20:12, new, clashes, flared, rival, militias, south, libya's, capital, tripoli,, causing, widespread, power, outages,, national, electricity, firm, said., cameroon, vows, 'calm', election, despite, anglophone, violence, two, police, killed, restive, anglophone, cameroon, five, police, killed, strife-torn, anglophone, cameroon, algeria, take, back, citizens, illegally, germany, 2018-09-18, 17:38, algeria, take, back, citizens, illegally, residing, germany,, prime, minister, ahmed, ouyahia, pledged, visit, country's, chancellor, angela, merkel., merkel, meeting, algerian, leader, one-day, visit, france, admits, used, torture, algeria, war, hundreds, african, migrants, rescued, niger, desert, inside, news24, watch:, grenfell, tower, fire,, one, year, later, here's, students, dealing, loss., watch:, little, boy, beats, unbelievably, rare, condition, xander, 5, major, operations, since, born., next, plague, outbreak, madagascar, could, 'stronger':, deadly, plague, slowing, madagascar:, authorities, madagascar, plague, death, toll, climbs, 124, watch:, zimbabwe's, opposition, walks, president's, speech, 2018-09-18, 14:33, zimbabwe's, opposition, walked, parliament, president, emmerson, mnangagwa's, state, nation, address, politics, remain, tense, disputed, election., zim, leader, mnangagwa, wants, axed, zanu-pf, members, back, -, report, anger, social, media, mnangagwa, govt, charters, private, jet, ill, mugabe, wife, grace, zim, president, mnangagwa, 'is, man', zim, leader, mnangagwa, wants, axed, zanu-pf, members, back, -, report, 2018-09-18, 13:21, zimbabwean, president, emmerson, mnangagwa, reportedly, instructed, ruling, zanu-pf, party, mend, relations, former, party, stalwarts, axed, former, president, robert, mugabe, four, years, ago., least, 49, killed,, 20, missing, nigeria, floods, watch:, deadly, floods, hit, nigeria,, '8, family, members, feared, dead', watch:, welcome, one, africa's, biggest, slums, makoko, watch:, hospital, officials, suspended, infants', corpses, found, boxes, 2018-09-18, 11:11, top, management, hospital, nairobi,, kenya, reportedly, suspended, corpses, least, 12, infants, found, stuffed, boxes., (warning:, visuals, may, upset, sensitive, viewers)., britain, extradites, 'miracle, baby', pastor, kenya, mysterious, disease, kills, least, 23, babies, kenya, kenya, building, collapse:, rescuers, pull, mom,, 2, kids, rubble..., several, still, missing, watch:, red, flip, flops, become, green, boat, 2018-09-18, 10:01, washed, flip, flops, plastic, used, build, boats, clean, ocean, east, africa., anger, social, media, mnangagwa, govt, charters, private, jet, ill, mugabe, wife, grace, mugabe, son-in-law, investigated, new, zim, airline, deal:, report, ailing, mugabe,, wife, grace, flown, singapore, private, jet, chartered, cash-strapped, zim, govt, mauritania's, ruling, party, wins, majority, parliament, 2018-09-18, 06:02, mauritania's, election, commission, says, west, african, nation's, ruling, party, majority, seats, second, round, legislative,, municipal, regional, elections., mauritanian, ruling, party, boosts, majority,, ekes, municipal, vote, voters, mauritania, face, 2nd, round, legislative, elections, mauritania, ruling, party, pulls, ahead, vote:, electoral, commission, protests, paralyse, ethiopia, capital, violence, kills, 23, 2018-09-17, 21:13, demonstrators, flooded, ethiopian, capital, addis, ababa,, blocking, roads, shutting, businesses, explosion, anger, following, killing, 23, people, city's, outskirts, weekend., ethiopia,, eritrea, seek, bolster, truce, saudi, summit, least, 23, dead, weekend, ethnic, violence, ethiopia, leaders, ethiopia,, eritrea, sign, accord, saudi, arabia, senior, italy, official, egypt, leader:, resolve, regeni, case, 2018-09-17, 21:13, senior, italian, official, meeting, egypt's, president, raised, issue, italian, student, gruesomely, killed, cairo, 2016,, objecting, said, lack, progress, resolving, case., egypt,, italy, say, slain, researcher, seen, subway, video, egypt, hands, italy, documents, student, murder, probe, egypt, rejects, italy, request, killed, student's, phone, records, merkel, meeting, algerian, leader, one-day, visit, 2018-09-17, 18:25, german, chancellor, angela, merkel, visiting, algeria, promote, bilateral, ties, discuss, migration, situation, neighbouring, libya, france, admits, used, torture, algeria, war, hundreds, african, migrants, rescued, niger, desert, algeria, president, back, home, swiss, medical, tests, court, confirms, congolese, ex-vp, sentence, witness, bribes, 2018-09-17, 17:05, international, criminal, court, confirmed, one-year, sentence, congolese, ex-vice, president, jean-pierre, bemba, bribing, witnesses, earlier, trial,, saw, excluded, running, president., leaders, ethiopia,, eritrea, sign, accord, saudi, arabia, hundreds, thousands, ethiopia, welcome, once-banned, group, watch:, african, leaders, attend, kofi, annan's, funeral, ghana, icc, sentence, drc's, bemba, bribery, case, 2018-09-17, 11:24, former, congolese, vice, president, jean-pierre, bemba, set, sentenced, international, judges, bribing, witnesses, earlier, war, crimes, trial,, led, excluded, running, drc, president., leaders, ethiopia,, eritrea, sign, accord, saudi, arabia, hundreds, thousands, ethiopia, welcome, once-banned, group, watch:, man, laugh, hours, end, zimbabwe:, cholera, death, toll, climbs, 28..., govt, announces, new, antibiotics, 2018-09-16, 16:25, death, toll, zimbabwe's, cholera, outbreak, risen, 28,, state, media, says,, health, minister, announced, new, antibiotics, used, disease, strain, found, resistant, drugs., zim, cholera, outbreak, forces, university, cancel, graduation, ceremony, zim:, cholera, 'spreading, rapidly, capital, harare',, says, zimbabwe, cholera, deaths, 24,, drugs, resistant:, watch:, welcome, one, africa's, biggest, slums, makoko, 2018-09-16, 12:34, makoko, floating, community, nigeria, also, one, africa's, biggest, slums., population, 100, 000, resident,, makoko, community, migrants, immigrants., nigerians, hail, finance, minister's, ouster, forgery, claim, nigeria's, finance, minister, resigns, forged, document, boko, haram, jihadis, kill, eight, ne, nigeria:, militia, nigerians, hail, finance, minister's, ouster, forgery, claim, 2018-09-16, 07:22, nigerians, welcomed, resignation, finance, minister, kemi, adeosun,, accused, forging, document, avoid, compulsory, national, service,, opposition, called, prosecuted., nigeria's, finance, minister, resigns, forged, document, boko, haram, jihadis, kill, eight, ne, nigeria:, militia, nigeria, troops, repel, fresh, boko, haram, base, attack, israel, approve, immigration, 1, 000, ethiopian, jews, 2018-09-18, 16:01, israeli, government, agreed, absorb, 1, 000, ethiopian, jews, -, accepting, fraction, african, country's, 8, 000, remaining, jews, want, move, israel, ethiopian, jews, threaten, mass, hunger, strike, israel, move, ethiopian, immigration, hold, israeli, budget, passes, egypt, cleric, suspended,, faces, trial, non-muslim, remarks, portuguese, pm, arrives, ex-colony, angola, mend, fences, 2018-09-18, 14:33, portugal's, prime, minister, antonio, costa, touched, angola, monday, kicking, two-day, trip, designed, improve, ties, luanda, former, colonial, master., djibouti, hails, 'new, era', ties, foe, eritrea, china, would, consider, sending, troops, djibouti-eritrea, eritrea, says, qatar, silent, mediation, djibouti, spat, drc, state, tv, sacks, journalists, opposition, coverage, 2018-09-18, 12:18, democratic, republic, congo's, state-run, television, announced, monday, fired, two, reporters, covered, opposition, leader's, press, conference, defiance, editorial, policy., top, militia, chief, surrenders, drc's, kasai, region, court, confirms, congolese, ex-vp, sentence, witness, bribes, icc, sentence, drc's, bemba, bribery, case, libya, authorities, close, tripoli's, airport, safety, 2018-09-18, 11:11, libyan, authorities, closed, capital, tripoli's, functioning, airport,, diverting, traffic, another, one, nearby, militia-controlled, city, misrata., un, urges, better, atmosphere, libya, elections, un, renews, libya, mission, date, elections, libyan, officials, say, unknown, missiles, hit, tripoli, airport, zim's, new, sports, minister, kirsty, coventry, reveals, pregnant, 2018-09-18, 08:12, zimbabwe's, newly, appointed, youth,, sport,, arts, recreation, minister, kirsty, coventry,, 34,, says, expecting, child, next, year, husband, tyrone, seward., watch:, decorated, african, olympian, record, 7, medals, zim's, new, minister, sports, zimbabwe's, new, cabinet, ministers, picsview, mnangagwa, names, new, cabinet,, drops, mugabe-era, ministers, boko, haram, kills, kidnapped, midwife, 2018-09-18, 06:02, boko, haram, militants, killed, midwife, kidnapped, attack, remote, northeast, nigeria, six, months, ago,, red, cross, says., budget, travel:, tourists, find, silver, lining, midst, turkish, lira, crash, armed, men, attack, school, cameroon's, english-speaking, area, 2018-09-17, 21:13, armed, men, attacked, school, cameroon's, southwest, english-speaking, region,, wounding, 20, people,, government, official, said, cameroon, vows, 'calm', election, despite, anglophone, violence, two, police, killed, restive, anglophone, cameroon, five, police, killed, strife-torn, anglophone, cameroon, two, children, among, five, dead, angola, football, stampede, 2018-09-17, 20:09, two, children, three, adults, killed, stampede, weekend, football, match, angolan, capital, luanda,, sparking, investigation,, authorities, said., least, one, dead,, 37, injured, madagascar, stadium, stampede, sierra, leone, police, open, probe, inauguration, stampede, 1, killed,, 20, injured, stampede, leone, presidential, inauguration, top, militia, chief, surrenders, drc's, kasai, region, 2018-09-17, 18:25, top, chief, led, coalition, armed, militia, groups, surrendered, central, kasai, region, democratic, republic, congo, hundreds, youth, fighters,, according, local, authorities., drc, rebel, trial, icc, denies, involvement, atrocities, un, probe, accuses, drc, troops,, militia, 'crimes, humanity', 10, militia, killed, drc:, army, ethiopia,, eritrea, seek, bolster, truce, saudi, summit, 2018-09-17, 17:05, ethiopia, eritrea, signed, agreement, summit, saudi, arabia,, bolstering, historic, peace, accord, two, former, horn, africa, enemies,, officials, said., drc, former, warlord, says, would, back, opposition, candidate, 2018-09-17, 10:11, former, warlord, jean-pierre, bemba, says, would, willing, support, opposition, candidate, drc's, much-delayed, presidential, election,, banned, standing, in., drc, opposition, figure, bemba, warns, 'chaos', vote, fraud, banned, bemba, denounces, drc, vote, 'parody', top, drc, court, excludes, bemba, presidential, race, mauritanian, ruling, party, boosts, majority,, ekes, municipal, vote, 2018-09-17, 05:51, mauritania's, ruling, union, republic, party, scored, meagre, victory, municipal, elections, capital, nouakchott, sweeping, legislative, polls,, according, official, results., voters, mauritania, face, 2nd, round, legislative, elections, mauritania, ruling, party, pulls, ahead, vote:, electoral, commission, mauritanian, women, face, prosecution, reporting, rape:, ngo, tunisia, ruling, party, suspends, pm, rift, deepens, 2018-09-16, 18:26, tunisia's, ruling, party, suspended, prime, minister, youssef, chahed, latest, escalation, row, president's, son, paralysed, key, decisions, troubled, economy., tunisia, pm, sacks, energy, minister, facing, graft, probe, 8, bodies, found, tunisia, police,, migrants, clash, boat, one, dead, tunisia, security, forces, arrest, migrants, 'huge, challenge', halt, drc, ebola, outbreak, :, red, cross, 2018-09-16, 14:31, efforts, rein, ebola, outbreak, raging, eastern, democratic, republic, congo, complicated, geographical, spread, growing, suspicion, towards, outsiders, fighting, epidemic,, red, cross, says., democracy, taking, root, africa., mean, works, time, least, 3, african, countries, receive, funding, advance, community, based, media, protesters, demand, south, africa, intervene, upcoming, drc, elections, watch:, man, laugh, hours, end, 2018-09-15, 20:03, ethiopian, belachew, girma, laugh, literally, hours, time., thinks, everyone, laugh, want, lead, healthier,, happier, lives., e-mail, newsletters, choose, want, news24, android, get, latest, news24, android, device., sms, alerts, get, breaking, news, stories, via, sms., rights, reserved., new, stories, homepage., click, see, them., please, provide, username, profile, page:, username, must, unique,, cannot, edited, used, url, profile, page, across, entire, 24.com, network., please, try, later., log, facebook, comment, personalise, news,, weather, listings.] => \nVector: [0.00943755664624,0.0362684604207,-0.0180809744589,0.0110412213717,0.0198702404008,0.00605700709804,0.0413956830949,0.00406514471277,0.0549365071849,-0.0735788041605]\n\nText: [plate, boundary, region, earthquake, complex,, involving, transition, subduction, along, hikurangi, trough, east, north, island,, transform, faulting, south, island., shallow, crustal, region, southeast, hope, fault, primarily, involves, thin-skinned, shortening, fold, thrust, belt, tectonics., reverse-faulting, events, size, november, 13,, 2016, earthquake, typically, 120x50, km, (length, x, width)., modeling, event, implies, slip, occurred, area, 200x60, km, size., november, 13th, 7.8, earthquake, largest, event, region, since, 7.3, earthquake, 100, km, northwest, june, 1929., person, killed, kaikoura, one, person, died, heart, attack, mount, lyford., city, kaikoura, cut, road, due, landslides,, road, subsidence, damage, bridges, infrastructure., widespread, damage, buildings, docks, power, outages, occurred, wellington., tsunami, 4.1, runup, height, struck, little, pigeon, bay, banks, peninsula, damaging, one, house., tsunami, also, observed, christchurch, napier, recorded, following, wave, amplitudes, tide, gauges:, 97, cm, kaikoura,, 50, cm, wellington,, 18, cm, castle, point, 22, cm, chatham, island., roads, picton, waipara, waipara, springs, junction, experienced, faulting., preliminary, studies, gns, science,, new, zealand,, indicate, surface, faulting, observed, least, 12, faults,, maximum, uplift, 10, 110, km, coastal, uplift, observed, marlborough, northern, canterbury., felt, (viii), amberley,, (vii), blenheim, (vi), brightwater,, carterton,, kapiti,, lower, hutt,, lyttelton,, nelson,, porirua,, rangiora,, richmond,, wanganui, wellington.] => \nVector: [0.108948753806,0.0693654558241,-0.0127108243403,-0.0424225768619,0.1233986419,0.0231226436914,-0.0154848055224,0.040305546328,-0.0333261101204,0.0150477100572]\n\nText: [waiau, cut, road, almost, 36, hours., outside, waiau, lodge, hotel, waiau., waiau, river, road, bridge, patched, reopened., locals, feel, left, fend, critical, slow, official, response., search, rescue, teams, christchurch, arrived, help, massive, post-disaster, fallout., midday,, canterbury, civil, defence, emergency, management, (cdem), group, declared, local, state, emergency, canterbury., new, zealand, response, team, going, door-to-door, checking, residents, general, welfare., luke, hughes, (left), troy, simmonds, trapped, one, hour, waiau, house, demolished., troy, simmonds,, 18-year-old, student, friend, luke, hughes,, watching, youtube, videos, quake, hit, midnight, yesterday., clambered, table, ride, shaking., discovered, trapped,, door, windows, blocked., aerial, photo, slip, state, highway, 70, waiau., simmonds, family, received, offers, accommodation, nearby, rotherham., huge, water, tanker, parked, school, people, refresh, drink, bottles., delivery, portaloos, shown, dropped, street, corners., pam, stikkelman, lived, canterbury, earthquakes, 2010, 2011., stikkelman, helping, coordinate, volunteers, resources, school, refuge, centre, meeting, point, going, since, early, hours, yesterday., says, loss, many, homes, buildings, devastating, small, rural, community., stikkelman, says, fresh, water, sanitation, top, priorities, right, now., others, shoring, demolishing, damaged, chimneys,, covering, exposed, septic, tanks,, looking, fence, demolish, unstable, properties., editors, notes:, would, remind, blog, produced, free, public, good, welcome, republish, re-use, article, material, freely, anywhere, without, requesting, permission., news, &, views, welcome, always, published, long, bad, language, related, subject, matter., keep, online, information, secure,, experts, recommend, keeping, social, media, accounts, private,, changing, passwords, often,, never, answering, unsolicited, emails, phone, calls, asking, personal, information., hughes, (left), troy, simmonds, trapped, one, hour, waiau, house, demolished., photo, slip, state, highway, 70, waiau., &, views, welcome, always, published, long, bad, language, related, subject, matter., outside, waiau, lodge, hotel, waiau., luke, hughes, (left), troy, simmonds, trapped, one, hour, waiau, house, demolished., aerial, photo, slip, state, highway, 70, waiau., news, &, views, welcome, always, published, long, bad, language, related, subject, matter., myles, kennedy, &, conspirators), antidote, (feat., fetty, wap, &, cvbz), feels, great, (feat., love, mahalaxmi, outlet, beautiful, decor, racecourse, ., handful., dr., seuss, correct, (always,, even, might, said, one,, knows,, makes, smile)., hottest, fighting, negros,, making, trip, front, look, situation., tonytran2015, (melbourne,, australia)., email, check, failed,, please, try, sorry,, blog, cannot, share, posts, email., post, cancel, privacy, &, cookies:, site, uses, cookies., continuing, use, website,, agree, use., error, posting, comment.] => \nVector: [0.0333729331922,-0.0107372636561,-0.0261167235588,-0.0136469093987,0.0440523603032,0.010323655249,0.0300872639611,0.0224255038684,0.00326717980934,0.00503488929373]\n\nText: [skip, content, rgdsm, per, donal, maths., doc, brown., geonet, gns, say, cannot, predict, time, n, place, eqnz., god, looking, dials, dashboard, time, zones., choose, hh, mm, ss, mag, long., lat., may, send, nzdt., arith, progrssn., formula, 14.11.2016., monday, morng., 00, 02:56, 60, magnitude, 60, ., 14, 11, 2016, 00, 02, 56, 77., one, seventh, also, below., sec., age, 20., factor, occur, elsewhere, above., credit, card, 1234, 56, 789, 876, 65, 32., prime, factor, finder., smallish, factors., 277.., m.0277, 845-900., account., radionz, dompost., grind, nos., norway, iq, chart., ooh., 1718, 793, 115.full.pdf., factorise., privacy, &, cookies:, site, uses, cookies., continuing, use, website,, agree, use.] => "},{"type":"HTML","data":"<div class=\"result-alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\" aria-label=\"Close\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span></button><strong>Output is truncated</strong> to 102400 bytes. Learn more about <strong>ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_OUTPUT_LIMIT</strong></div>"}]},"runtimeInfos":{"jobUrl":{"propertyName":"jobUrl","label":"SPARK JOB","tooltip":"View in Spark web UI","group":"spark","values":["","",""],"interpreterSettingId":"spark"}},"apps":[],"jobName":"paragraph_1538668391631_1372541917","id":"20180913-150319_1560050004","dateCreated":"2018-10-04T15:53:11+0000","dateStarted":"2018-10-04T16:23:36+0000","dateFinished":"2018-10-04T16:23:40+0000","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"$$hashKey":"object:5564"},{"text":"%spark.pyspark\n\nfrom numpy import array\nfrom math import sqrt\n\nfrom pyspark.mllib.linalg import DenseVector\n\nfrom pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans\n\ndoc_vecs = sc.parallelize(doc_dict.values())\n\n# Build the model (cluster the data)\nclusters = KMeans.train(doc_vecs, 3, maxIterations=100, initializationMode=\"random\")\n\n# Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors\ndef error(point):\n center = clusters.centers[clusters.predict(point)]\n return sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in (point - center)]))\n\nWSSSE = doc_vecs.map(lambda point: error(point)).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)\nprint(\"Within Set Sum of Squared Error = \" + str(WSSSE))","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:40+0000","config":{"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[{"type":"TEXT","data":"Within Set Sum of Squared Error = 60.491187931\n"}]},"runtimeInfos":{"jobUrl":{"propertyName":"jobUrl","label":"SPARK JOB","tooltip":"View in Spark web UI","group":"spark","values":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"interpreterSettingId":"spark"}},"apps":[],"jobName":"paragraph_1538668391633_-1754039769","id":"20180915-213531_1131912519","dateCreated":"2018-10-04T15:53:11+0000","dateStarted":"2018-10-04T16:23:40+0000","dateFinished":"2018-10-04T16:23:42+0000","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"$$hashKey":"object:5565"},{"text":"%spark.pyspark\n\nfor i, center in enumerate(clusters.clusterCenters):\n print('cluster center: %d' % i),\n print(center)\n\nfor key in doc_dict.keys():\n print(\"doc_id: %d cluster_lable: %d\" % (key, clusters.predict(doc_dict[key])))","user":"anonymous","dateUpdated":"2018-10-04T16:23:43+0000","config":{"editorSetting":{"language":"python","editOnDblClick":false,"completionKey":"TAB","completionSupport":true},"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/python","fontSize":9,"results":{},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"results":{"code":"SUCCESS","msg":[{"type":"TEXT","data":"cluster center: 0 [-0.10253472 -0.06652619 -0.40179785 -0.02200479 0.19082729 0.07560524\n 0.13930178 0.08524222 0.17760153 0.14429297]\ncluster center: 1 [ 0.00732414 -0.04103472 -0.0263583 -0.00850201 0.05535413 -0.01212883\n 0.01797471 0.02095342 0.04228758 -0.0369219 ]\ncluster center: 2 [ 0.16529352 0.05849081 0.00300403 -0.09234757 0.13629497 -0.02635486\n -0.02674897 0.07757741 -0.07199155 0.04298858]\ndoc_id: 1 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 3 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 4 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 5 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 6 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 7 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 10 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 12 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 16 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 17 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 19 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 21 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 23 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 24 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 25 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 26 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 28 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 29 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 31 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 32 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 33 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 34 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 35 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 36 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 37 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 40 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 41 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 43 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 44 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 45 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 48 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 49 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 51 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 52 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 53 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 54 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 55 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 57 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 58 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 60 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 61 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 62 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 64 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 65 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 66 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 68 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 70 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 72 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 73 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 75 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 76 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 77 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 78 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 79 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 80 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 81 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 82 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 83 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 84 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 85 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 86 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 87 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 89 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 90 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 91 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 92 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 93 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 94 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 95 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 96 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 98 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 99 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 102 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 103 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 104 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 105 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 106 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 110 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 111 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 112 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 113 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 114 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 115 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 116 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 117 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 120 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 122 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 123 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 124 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 127 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 128 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 129 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 130 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 131 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 132 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 134 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 135 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 136 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 137 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 138 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 140 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 141 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 143 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 144 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 145 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 146 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 147 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 148 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 149 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 150 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 151 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 152 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 154 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 155 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 156 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 158 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 160 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 163 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 164 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 165 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 166 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 167 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 168 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 169 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 170 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 171 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 172 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 173 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 174 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 175 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 178 cluster_lable: 0\ndoc_id: 179 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 180 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 182 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 183 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 184 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 185 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 186 cluster_lable: 1\ndoc_id: 187 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 188 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 189 cluster_lable: 2\ndoc_id: 190 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