Intro: APIs, air pollution & global health, and design. Github, Medium
Part 1: Building a responsive UI for any screen in Storyboard. Github, Medium
Part 1 - Bonus: Populating the UI with sample data, namespacing with enums and formatting the data with Swift Extensions. Github, Medium
Part 2 - Bonus: Refreshing the UI with loading state and mocking API requests with delay. Github, Medium
Part 3: Managing networking with RxMoya and handling errors with RxSwift’s retry and materialize. Github, Medium
Part 3 - Bonus: Combining network requests with RxSwift’s zip and switching tuples with Swift’s switch. Github, Medium
Part 4: Nested JSON Parsing with Decodable, CodingKeys and RxMoya’s filter and map. Github, Medium
Part 4 - Bonus: Smooth API error handling with Moya & RxSwift custom operators. Github, Medium
Part 5: Coming soon...