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220 lines (180 loc) · 9.29 KB

Write a custom zen profile

{% hint style="info" %} This article is work-in-progress. Please contact us if you want to get details on how to create a custom zen profile. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Note: you can not use Attributes and zen profiles on the same resource at the same time {% endhint %}

{% embed url="" %} Full syntax description and examples {% endembed %}

Validation modes supported with zen schemas

Zen schemas are used by Aidbox for validating resources e.g. in FHIR CRUD API. Such zen schemas must be tagged with either zen.fhir/base-schema or zen.fhir/profile-schema. Additionally they must have :zen.fhir/type and :zen.fhir/profileUri keys specified.


Schemas tagged with zen.fhir/base-schema are used to validate every resource of a specified type. When loaded into Aidbox they will be used in place of the default JSON schemas.

{% code title="zen.fhir/base-schema" %}

{:zen/tags #{zen/schema zen/tag}
  :zen/desc "This schema should be used to validate all resources of its type"
  :confirms #{structure-schema}
  :type     zen/map
  :require  #{:zen.fhir/type}}

{% endcode %}


Schemas tagged with zen.fhir/profile-schema are used to validate resources that mention their :zen.fhir/profileUri in the meta.profile attribute.

Those schemas must be tagged with zen.fhir/profile-schema, describe data structure in the Aidbox format and conform to the following schema:

{% code title="zen.fhir/profile-schema" %}

{:zen/tags #{zen/tag zen/schema}
 :type     zen/map
 :confirms #{zen.fhir/structure-schema}
 :keys     {:zen.fhir/type       {:type zen/string}
            :zen.fhir/profileUri {:type zen/string}}}

{% endcode %}

zen.fhir/profile-schema, by virtue of being a zen.fhir/nested-schema, must also conform to the following schema:

{% code title="zen.fhir/nested-schema" %}

{:zen/tags #{zen/schema}
 :type zen/map
 :keys {:fhir/flags {:type zen/set}
        :fhir/extensionUri {:type zen/string}
        :fhir/polymorphic {:type zen/boolean}
        :zen.fhir/reference {:type zen/map
                             :keys {:refers {:type zen/set
                                             :every {:type zen/symbol}}}}
        :zen.fhir/value-set {:type zen/map
                             :keys {:symbol {:type zen/symbol}
                                    :strength {:type zen/keyword
                                               :enum [{:value :required}
                                                      {:value :extensible}
                                                      {:value :preferred}
                                                      {:value :example}]}}}
        :keys {:type zen/map
               :values {:confirms #{nested-schema}}}
        :every {:confirms #{nested-schema}}}}

{% endcode %}

Description of various schema keys

key description
zen.fhir/type required Used to find schema by matching against resourceType of incoming data
zen.fhir/profileUri required Used to find schema by matching against meta.profile of incoming data
fhir/flags optional A set of keywords derived from FHIR ElementDefinition boolean attributes: isModifier (:?!), isSummary (:SU), mustSupport (:MS)
fhir/extensionUri optional Used in Aidbox->FHIR format transformations to create extension element with url described in this key
fhir/polymorphic optional Used in Aidbox->FHIR format transformations to detect whether the element is a choice type
zen.fhir/reference optional Used to specify resource types that can be referenced
zen.fhir/reference.refers optional set of symbols referring to other zen.fhir/profile-schemas or zen.fhir/base-schemas, used on reference validation
zen.fhir/value-set.symbol optional symbol referring to zen.fhir/value-set schema, used on validation to check data against a valueSet
zen.fhir/value-set.strength optional keyword specifying strength of binding



Patient.managingOrganization is a reference to an Organiazation resource:

{% code title="hl7-fhir-r4-core.Patient" %}

   {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.Reference/schema zen.fhir/Reference}
    :zen.fhir/reference {:refers #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.Organization/schema}}}}}

{% endcode %}


To enable value-set validation in zen concept resources with valueset attribute populated must be loaded into Aidbox.

:zen.fhir/value-set key must be a symbol tagged with zen.fhir/value-set

{% code title="hl7-fhir-r4-core.Patient" %}

    {:symbol hl7-fhir-r4-core.value-set.administrative-gender/value-set
     :strength :required}}}}

{% endcode %}

zen.fhir/value-set symbol definition must contain :uri and :fhir/code-systems attributes

:uri is a ValueSet.url, which must be mentioned in a Concept.valueset.*

:fhir/url is a CodeSystem.url, which must be a value of Concept.system
:zen.fhir/content can have a value :bundled , this means that a CodeSystem content is accessible as Aidbox Concept resources. Other option is :not-present, Aidbox will skip validation of such concept assuming that the CodeSystem content is not loaded into Aidbox

{% code title="hl7-fhir-r4-core.value-set.administrative-gender" %}

  {:zen/tags #{zen.fhir/value-set},
   :uri "",
   :fhir/code-systems #{{:fhir/url "",
                         :zen.fhir/content :bundled}}}

{% endcode %}


:slicing allows to validate a part of some array with a zen-schema. Such part is called a slice.
:slicing allows to reproduce FHIR profiling Slicing operation

Before applying :schema to a slice zen needs to determine elements of the array this slice consists of, this logic is described using :filter key.

:filter must specify an :engine. Currently there're two engines available :zen and :match

:zen engine matches elements against specified zen schema

:match engine is a pattern matching DSL:

  • primitive (e.g. string or a number): constant, i.e. literal match of a value
  • {} : objects validated with this match must contain and conform to every key from this pattern
  • #{} : at least one element of an array must conform each element of this pattern

From example below: :match {:code "29463-7", :system ""} means that elements with specified code and systems will be considered as a part of the slice.

:schema is a zen schema which will be applied to a slice.

Following example describes that in the code.coding array there is a slice called BodyWeightCode consisting of exactly one element with code="29463-7" and system="":

{% code title="hl7-fhir-r4-core.bodyweight" %}

   {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.CodeableConcept/schema}
    :type zen/map
     {:type zen/vector
      :every {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.Coding/schema}}
         {:engine :match
          :match {:code "29463-7", :system ""}}
         {:type zen/vector
          :minItems 1
          :maxItems 1
          {:type zen/map
           :require #{:system :code}}}}}}}}}}}

{% endcode %}

Slicing on Organization.identifier constraining max one element in both NPI and CLIA slices:

{% code title="" %}

   {:type  zen/vector
    :every {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.Identifier/schema}}
      {:schema {:type zen/vector, :maxItems 1}
       {:engine :match
        :match  {:system ""}}}
      {:schema {:type zen/vector, :maxItems 1}
       :filter {:engine :match
                :match  {:system "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.7"}}}}}}}}

{% endcode %}