Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example enabling to reproduce issue with spark, serialization and classes generated from avro idl.
Repository contains source code as well as input data in order to reproduce error. The only thing you need is to download spark i.e 1.3 for hadoop 2.6 or later.
After preparing spark you can follow next steps:
- generate avro classes (
./sbt avro:generate
from project main dir) - create package (
./sbt assembly
from project main dir) - invoke command
$SPARK_HOME bin/spark-submit --class pl.example.spark.TestClass --master local[4] target/scala-2.10/spark-avro-issue-assembly-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file:///direct_path_to_project_main_dir/testData.avro file:///direct_path_to_output1 file:///direct_path_to_output1
As a result two directories will be created with results:
containing correct results for command withoutcache()
containing correct results for command withcache()